State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Senate Amendment 001 ][ Senate Amendment 003 ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 333

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill  333  on  page  2,
 3    line  10,  by  changing  "entity"  to  "entity,  other than a
 4    financial institution as defined  in  Section  1402  of  this
 5    Code,"; and

 6    on  page  2  by  replacing  lines  15,  16,  and  17 with the
 7    following:
 8    "or  by  providing  such  information  to  others,   without,
 9    separate from the general agency"; and

10    on page 2 by deleting lines 24 through 28; and

11    on  page  4  by  inserting  immediately  below  line  10  the
12    following:
13        "(e)  Nothing   in  this  Section  prevents  a  financial
14    institution, as defined in Section 1402 of  this  Code,  from
15    obtaining  from  the  insured, the insurer, or the registered
16    firm the expiration dates of an insurance  policy  placed  on
17    collateral or otherwise used as security in connection with a
18    loan  made  or serviced by the financial institution when the
19    financial  institution  requires  the  expiration  dates  for
20    evidence of insurance.
21        (f)  For   purposes   of   this    Section,    "financial
22    institution"   does   not   include   an  insurance  company,
                            -2-            LRB9200974JSpcam06
 1    registered  firm,  managing  general  agent,  surplus   lines
 2    broker,  wholesale  broker, group self-funded insurance fund,
 3    or third-party administrator."; and

 4    on page 4, line 11, by changing "(e)" to "(g)"; and

 5    on page 4, line 13, by changing "(f)" to "(h)".

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