State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1571

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 1571 on page 1, in
 3    line 5, by changing "4.7 and 4.11" to "4.7, 4.11, and  9.6a";
 4    and

 5    on page 5, below line 2, by inserting the following:

 6        "(70 ILCS 2605/9.6a) (from Ch. 42, par. 328.6a)
 7        Sec.  9.6a.   The  corporate  authorities  of  a sanitary
 8    district,  in  order  to  provide  funds  required  for   the
 9    replacing, remodeling, completing, altering, constructing and
10    enlarging   of   sewage  treatment  works  or  flood  control
11    facilities,  and  additions   therefor,   pumping   stations,
12    tunnels,  conduits,  intercepting  sewers  and outlet sewers,
13    together  with  the  equipment,   including   air   pollution
14    equipment,  and  appurtenances  thereto, to acquire property,
15    real, personal or mixed, necessary  for  said  purposes,  for
16    costs  and  expenses  for  the  acquisition  of the sites and
17    rights-of-way necessary thereto, and for engineering expenses
18    for designing and supervising the construction of such works,
19    may issue on or before December 31, 2016 2006, in addition to
20    all other obligations heretofore or herein authorized, bonds,
21    notes or other evidences of indebtedness for such purposes in
22    an aggregate amount at any one time outstanding not to exceed
                            -2-            LRB9212592EGfgam02
 1    3.35% of the equalized  assessed  valuation  of  all  taxable
 2    property  within  the sanitary district, to be ascertained by
 3    the last assessment for State and local taxes previous to the
 4    issuance of any such obligations.  Such obligations shall  be
 5    issued  without  submitting  the question of such issuance to
 6    the legal voters of such sanitary district for approval.
 7        The corporate authorities may sell  such  obligations  at
 8    private  or  public  sale  and  enter  into  any  contract or
 9    agreement  necessary,  appropriate  or  incidental   to   the
10    exercise  of  the  powers  granted  by  this  Act, including,
11    without limitation, contracts or agreements for the sale  and
12    purchase  of  such  obligations  and the payment of costs and
13    expenses incident thereto.  The corporate authorities may pay
14    such costs and expenses,  in  whole  or  in  part,  from  the
15    corporate fund.
16        Such  obligations  shall be issued from time to time only
17    in amounts as may be  required  for  such  purposes  but  the
18    amount  of such obligations issued during any one budget year
19    shall  not  exceed  $100,000,000  plus  the  amount  of   any
20    obligations  authorized by this Act to be issued during the 3
21    budget years next preceding the year of  issuance  but  which
22    were  not  issued,  provided,  however,  that this limitation
23    shall not be applicable to the  issuance  of  obligations  to
24    refund  bonds,  notes or other evidences of indebtedness, nor
25    to obligations issued to provide for the repayment  of  money
26    received  from the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund for
27    the construction or repair  of  wastewater  treatment  works.
28    Each  ordinance  authorizing  the issuance of the obligations
29    shall state the general purpose or purposes  for  which  they
30    are  to  be  issued, and the corporate authorities may at any
31    time thereafter pass supplemental  appropriations  ordinances
32    appropriating  the proceeds from the sale of such obligations
33    for such purposes.
34        The corporate authorities may issue bonds, notes or other
                            -3-            LRB9212592EGfgam02
 1    evidences of indebtedness in an amount necessary  to  provide
 2    funds  to  refund  outstanding obligations issued pursuant to
 3    this  Section,  including  interest  accrued  or  to   accrue
 4    thereon.
 5    (Source: P.A. 90-510, eff. 1-1-98.)".

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