Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Daniel Didech (D), 59th District - 98th General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from Daniel Didech.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB54Daniel DidechFOID-DENIAL & REVOC-STALKINGHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB55Daniel DidechPROBATE-REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01097/23/2021
HB56Daniel DidechCOUNTIES-OFFICER STIPENDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-00487/9/2021
HB57Daniel DidechELECTIONS-NAME CHANGESHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB58Daniel DidechRECORDERS-UNLAWFUL COVENANTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01107/23/2021
HB122Daniel DidechEARLY CANCELLATION FEES-DEATHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01127/23/2021
HB157Daniel DidechSCH CD-FINANCIAL LITERACYHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB160Daniel DidechSCH CD-RELIGIOUS FASTING-P.E.HPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-04058/19/2021
HB167Daniel DidechSCH CD-SECURITY GRANTS-SROHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB168Daniel DidechANIMALS-FORFEITUREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01147/23/2021
HB169Daniel DidechSCH CD-EXCUSED ABSENCE-HOLIDAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-04068/19/2021
HB371Daniel DidechDEED RESTRICTIONS-SOLAR PANELSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB372Daniel DidechSOLAR POWER-LIMIT HOME RULEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB373Daniel DidechPROP TX-SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB619Daniel DidechCANNABIS-LICENSE-RELOCATIONHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB644Daniel DidechDEED RESTRICTIONS-SOLAR PANELSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01617/27/2021
HB707Daniel DidechTELEHEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB1749Daniel DidechCOMM DATE-LINCOLN BIRTHDAYHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB1774Daniel DidechELEC CD-TOWNSHIP CAUCUSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB1775Daniel DidechTWP CD-TWP CONSOLIDATIONHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB1827Daniel DidechWILDLIFE-REPEAL BOBCAT TAKINGHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2421Daniel DidechSCH CD-AWARD OF CONTRACTSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2422Daniel DidechSCH CD-THIRD PARTY SERVICESHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2500Daniel DidechCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2501Daniel DidechLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2503Daniel DidechHEALTH-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2504Daniel DidechELECTIONS-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2505Daniel DidechCOURTS-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2506Daniel DidechGAMING-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2507Daniel DidechTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2508Daniel DidechTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2509Daniel DidechLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2510Daniel DidechPUBLIC AID-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2511Daniel Didech$ABRAHAM LINCOLN PRESIDENTIALHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2512Daniel DidechLIQUOR-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2513Daniel DidechLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2514Daniel DidechGOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2515Daniel DidechREVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2516Daniel DidechEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2517Daniel DidechLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2518Daniel DidechLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2519Daniel DidechGOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2850Daniel DidechBRIBERY-PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2851Daniel DidechFAITHFUL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2852Daniel DidechELECTIONS-SENATE VACANCY-PARTYHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB2897Daniel DidechNONWOVEN DISPOSAL PRODUCTSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3082Daniel DidechCANNABIS-PACKAGING & LABELINGHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3083Daniel DidechCANNABIS-SELF-EXCLUSIONHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3367Daniel DidechSCHOOL DISTRICT TECH EXCHANGEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3368Daniel DidechSCH CD-STATE ASSESSMENTSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3369Daniel DidechCHILD MENTAL HEALTH SCREENINGHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3370Daniel DidechPESTICIDES-GLYPHOSATE BANHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3371Daniel DidechVEH CD-GRADUATED LICENSEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3372Daniel DidechFLAG DISPLAY-HALF STAFFHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-068012/10/2021
HB3373Daniel DidechPUBLIC SAFETY HEALTH INSURANCEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3374Daniel DidechVEH CD-SCHOOL BUS-SEAT BELTSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3505Daniel Didech$ILLINOIS PREPAID TUITIONHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3781Daniel DidechPROP TX-OBJECTIONSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB3782Daniel DidechPROP TX-TAX DISTRICTS OBJECTHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4122Daniel DidechANIMAL WELFARE-RENEWAL NOTICEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4124Daniel DidechOPEN MEETINGS-CHILDCAREHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4147Daniel DidechFORESTRY DEV COUNCIL-MEMBERSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4207Daniel DidechCOUNTY CANNABIS TX-FOREST DISTHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4210Daniel DidechDOM VIOLENCE-COERCIVE CONTROLHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4211Daniel DidechCRIM CD-AGG INTIM-SPORTS WAGERHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4220Daniel DidechNOT-FOR-PROFIT-TWP FOOD PANTRYHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4351Daniel DidechMENTAL HLTH-SCHOOL STANDARDSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4352Daniel DidechMUNI NONPARTISAN LIST/DEFENSEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4365Daniel DidechSCHCD-SPEC ED/PRIVATE FACILITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-07034/22/2022
HB4374Daniel DidechVACANCY FRAUD ACTHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4393Daniel DidechLOCAL GOV-BEST VALUE BIDDINGHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4425Daniel DidechDHS-CRISIS INTERVENTION-POLICEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4444Daniel DidechNAME CHANGE-PUBLICATION NOTICEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4452Daniel DidechCOUNTIES-WIND ENERGY FACILITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-09355/27/2022
HB4673Daniel DidechPROPERTY TAX RELIEF FUNDHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4793Daniel DidechRES REAL PROP-DISCLOSURE-FLOODHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB4831Daniel DidechADULT GUARDIAN-MEDICAL REPORTHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5373Daniel DidechSOLID WASTE-FOOD RESIDUALHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5374Daniel DidechFIREARMS RESTRAINING ORDERHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5375Daniel DidechSCH CD-CONTRCT AWARD-INFLATIONHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5376Daniel DidechSPORTS WAGERING-UNIVERSITIESHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5377Daniel DidechTHEFT-COMPANION ANIMALHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5378Daniel DidechRESTRICTED USE PESTICIDEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5379Daniel DidechELECTRONIC MAIL-UNSUBSCRIBEHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HB5758Daniel DidechVICTIMS SAFETY-ELECTRONICSHSession Sine Die1/10/2023
HR37Daniel DidechCOMMENDS-LIFE OF BETTY FRIEDANHResolution Adopted2/10/2021
HR120Daniel DidechMEMORIAL-JACOB HARRIS GROSSMANHResolution Adopted3/18/2021
HR123Daniel DidechMEMORIAL-DIANNE PATRICE DURHAMHResolution Adopted3/18/2021
HR196Daniel DidechWHOLE CHILD MONTHHResolution Adopted5/6/2021
HR233Daniel DidechCOMMENDS-ADAM BROADHResolution Adopted4/22/2021
HR521Daniel DidechCONGRATS-FRANK GIANNAMOREHResolution Adopted10/26/2021
HR568Daniel DidechSEWA DIWALI FOOD DRIVEHResolution Adopted1/5/2022
HR583Daniel DidechCONGRATS-PHIL PRITZKERHResolution Adopted1/5/2022
HR606Daniel DidechCOMMENDS-HHS YOGATHONHResolution Adopted2/15/2022
HR667Daniel DidechMEMORIAL-MICHAEL C. LANGENDORFHResolution Adopted2/15/2022
HR678Daniel DidechCOMMEND-ROGER ADDELSONHResolution Adopted2/22/2022
HR771Daniel DidechOMNI YOUTH SERVICES DAYHResolution Adopted4/6/2022
HR910Daniel DidechMEMORIAL-NANCY NOZICKAHResolution Adopted11/15/2022
HJR6Daniel DidechROUTE 53 TASK FORCEHAdopted Both Houses6/1/2021
SB71David KoehlerINSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-00717/9/2021
SB153Linda HolmesCRIM PRO-SPECIAL ADVOCATESSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB294Cristina CastroWIPES LABELING ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-02868/6/2021
SB295Cristina CastroCOMMISSION ON POVERTY-MEMBERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-00907/9/2021
SB730Rachelle CroweELECTRONIC WILL/REMOTE WITNESSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-01677/26/2021
SB1730Emil Jones, IIICORPORATIONS LGBTQ DIRECTORSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-02237/30/2021
SB1795Robert F. MartwickLLC ACT-FIDUCIARY DUTIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-02307/30/2021
SB1941Donald P. DeWitteHOMEOWNERS ENERGY POLICYSSession Sine Die1/10/2023
SB3433Adriane JohnsonWEEDS-ALLOW BUCKTHORN REMOVALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-08405/13/2022
SB3467Adriane JohnsonPARK DIST/PUB UTIL LIABILITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-10846/10/2022
SB3867Adriane JohnsonSCH CD-LUNCH-VETERAN CHILDRENSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 102-10325/27/2022