Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


205 ILCS 205/Art. 1

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 1 heading)
ARTICLE 1. General Provisions

205 ILCS 205/1001

    (205 ILCS 205/1001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-1)
    Sec. 1001. This Act may be cited as the Savings Bank Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1001.5

    (205 ILCS 205/1001.5)
    Sec. 1001.5. References to Office or Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate. On and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly, unless the context requires otherwise:
        (1) References in this Act to the Office of Banks and
Real Estate or "the Office" mean the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
        (2) References in this Act to the Commissioner of
Banks and Real Estate or "the Commissioner" mean the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation.
(Source: P.A. 94-833, eff. 6-6-06.)

205 ILCS 205/1002

    (205 ILCS 205/1002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-2)
    Sec. 1002. Policy and purpose. The purpose of this Act is to provide for the chartering, regulation, and corporate governance of savings banks. The policy of this Act is to encourage growth of the personal savings base of the citizens of Illinois; to provide a healthy savings bank industry with safe and sound methods of investment so that this savings base will be retained in Illinois for Illinois' growth; to counter the flight of capital from Illinois; to build a strong new system of financial institutions in Illinois which will, by their strength, be controlled and owned by Illinois citizens and corporations and shall be the nucleus for a geographically expansive industry.
    To further its purpose and policies, this Act shall be liberally construed except for those provisions that relate to safety and soundness of operations, investments, and management. In those areas, the General Assembly decrees that this Act shall be strictly construed and that each savings bank shall apply the prudent person rule. The Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate shall interpret those Sections of this Act in keeping with that standard.
(Source: P.A. 89-508, eff. 7-3-96.)

205 ILCS 205/1003

    (205 ILCS 205/1003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-3)
    Sec. 1003. Administration. This Act shall be administered by the Commissioner as provided in the Division of Banking Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/1004

    (205 ILCS 205/1004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-4)
    Sec. 1004. Applicability.
    (a) This Act shall apply to all financial institutions no matter how named or chartered, if they comply with the provisions of this Act and with the rules of the Commissioner promulgated pursuant to this Act.
    (b) No person or group of persons, except a savings bank duly organized or authorized under this Act, a predecessor Act, or a federal Act may transact business within the scope of this Act or do business under any name or title or circulate or use any advertising or make any representations or give any information to anyone using any media, including electronic media, that indicates or implies the operation of a business within the scope of this Act. Nothing herein shall prohibit the continued use of the name or title "savings bank" by any bank or savings and loan association if the use of that name or title was in effect before January 1, 1990.
    (c) Except as otherwise expressly permitted by law or with the written consent of the savings bank, no person or group of persons may use the name of or a name similar to the name of an existing savings bank when marketing or soliciting business from customers or prospective customers if the name or similar name is used in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to believe that the marketing material or solicitation originated from or is endorsed by the existing savings bank or that the existing savings bank is in any other way responsible for the marketing material or solicitation.
    (d) Any person who violates subsection (b) of this Section commits a business offense and shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $5,000.
    (e) In addition to any other available remedies, any existing savings bank may report an alleged violation of any provision of this Section to the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation. If the Secretary finds that any person or group of persons is in violation of any provision of this Section, then the Secretary may direct that person or group of persons to cease and desist from that violation. If the Secretary issues a cease and desist order against any person or group of persons for violation of subsection (c), then the order must require that person or group of persons to cease and desist from using the offending marketing material or solicitation in Illinois.
    If the person or group of persons against whom the Secretary issued the cease and desist order persists in the violation, then the Secretary may impose a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for each violation. Each day that a person or group of persons is in violation of this Section constitutes a separate violation of this Section and each instance in which marketing material or a solicitation is sent in violation of subsection (c) constitutes a separate violation of this Section.
    (f) The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation may adopt rules to administer the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 94-833, eff. 6-6-06.)

205 ILCS 205/1005

    (205 ILCS 205/1005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-5)
    Sec. 1005. Insurance of accounts. Each savings bank operating under this Act must secure insurance of its deposit accounts backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government prior to commencing business and may, subject to the Commissioner's regulation, secure or participate in efforts to obtain insurance of those deposits that are in excess of the amount eligible for federal insurance of accounts. The insurance shall be known as "excess insurance".
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1006

    (205 ILCS 205/1006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-6)
    Sec. 1006. Parity.
    (a) Subject to the regulation of the Commissioner and in addition to the powers granted by this Act, each savings bank operating under this Act shall possess those powers granted by regulation promulgated under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act for state savings banks.
    (b) A savings bank may establish branches or offices at which savings or investments are regularly received or loans approved as follows:
        (1) to the extent branch powers and offices are
granted to State banks under the Illinois Banking Act;
        (2) within the geographic area defined in Article 2
of this Act and subject to the provisions of Article 2 of this Act;
        (3) within the same geographic areas or states as
those states from which a holding company is permitted to acquire an Illinois savings bank or an Illinois savings bank holding company;
        (4) to the same extent that holding companies and
savings and loan associations headquartered outside the State of Illinois are allowed to operate in Illinois by virtue of Articles 1A and 2B of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985;
        (5) as the result of mergers, consolidations, or bulk
sales of facilities in the case of relocations; and
        (6) to the extent an out-of-state savings bank has
its main banking premises in a state that is reciprocal with Illinois and would be eligible to establish a branch pursuant to Section 1006.05 of this Act.
    (c) The Commissioner may adopt regulations that provide for the establishment of branches as defined by the Commissioner.
    (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a savings bank that purchases or assumes all or any part of the assets or liabilities of a bank, savings bank, or savings and loan association or merges or consolidates with a bank, savings bank, or savings and loan association may retain and maintain the main premises or branches of the former bank, savings bank, or savings and loan association as branches of the purchasing, merging, or consolidating savings bank, provided it assumes the deposit liabilities of the bank, savings bank, or savings and loan association maintained at the main premises or branches.
    (e) A savings bank has any power reasonably incident, convenient, or useful to the accomplishment of the powers conferred upon the savings bank by this Act.
(Source: P.A. 93-965, eff. 8-20-04.)

205 ILCS 205/1006.05

    (205 ILCS 205/1006.05)
    Sec. 1006.05. Out-of-state savings banks establishing branches.
    (a) No out-of-state savings bank whose main banking premises is located in a state other than Illinois shall establish a branch in this State, other than a branch authorized pursuant to any other provision of this Act, unless:
        (1) the laws of the state in which such out-of-state
savings bank has its main banking premises permit the out-of-state savings bank to establish a branch in this State;
        (2) the out-of-state savings bank has its main
banking premises in a state that permits an Illinois State savings bank to establish a branch in that state pursuant to terms and conditions that are deemed to be reciprocal with the provisions of this Act; and
        (3) the out-of-state savings bank obtains a
certificate of authority from, or provides notice to, the Commissioner as provided in subsection (b) of this Section.
    (b) Before the out-of-state savings bank may establish a branch in this State, the out-of-state savings bank must obtain a certificate of authority from the Commissioner. The out-of-state savings bank must file an application for a certificate of authority on a form prescribed by the Commissioner.
    The application for a certificate of authority shall not be required if the state in which the out-of-state savings bank is chartered permits an Illinois State savings bank to establish a branch in that state without filing an application. An out-of-state savings bank chartered in such a state may establish a branch in this State pursuant to this Section after providing the Commissioner with written notice. The Commissioner may prescribe the form of such notice and may accept a copy of a notice or application provided by the out-of-state savings bank to its chartering authority.
    (c) The determination of whether the laws of the state in which the out-of-state savings bank has its main banking premises are reciprocal with the provisions of this Act shall be made in writing by the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall not make a finding of reciprocity unless the Commissioner determines that the laws of the other state permit an Illinois State savings bank to establish a branch in the other state under terms and conditions that are substantially similar to the provisions of this Section. The Commissioner shall consider, at a minimum, whether the laws of the other state discriminate in any way against an Illinois State savings bank and whether the laws of the other state impose administrative or regulatory burdens that are substantially more restrictive than those imposed by this Act on an out-of-state savings bank seeking to establish a branch in this State.
    (d) After the out-of-state savings bank lawfully establishes a branch in this State pursuant to the provisions of this Section, the out-of-state savings bank may establish and maintain additional branches in this State to the same extent as an Illinois State savings bank. An out-of-state savings bank shall provide written notice to the Commissioner of its intent to establish an additional branch or additional branches in this State within 30 days after receiving approval from its chartering authority or other appropriate regulatory agency to establish the branch or branches. The form of the notice shall be specified by the Commissioner.
    (e) A branch of an out-of-state savings bank may not conduct any activity that is not authorized for an Illinois State savings bank.
(Source: P.A. 93-965, eff. 8-20-04.)

205 ILCS 205/1006.10

    (205 ILCS 205/1006.10)
    Sec. 1006.10. Prohibition against establishment of offices or branches on or adjacent to the premises of certain affiliates.
    (a) For purposes of this Section:
    "Affiliate" has the meaning ascribed to that term in item (1) of subsection (b) of Section 35.2 of the Illinois Banking Act, except that for purposes of this Section, the provisions in item (1) of subsection (b) of Section 35.2 shall apply to all savings banks.
    "Savings bank" means a savings bank operating under this Act, an out-of-state savings bank as defined under this Act, or a savings association defined in the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
    "Savings bank holding company" has the meaning ascribed in this Act.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other law of this State, no savings bank may establish or maintain a branch that accepts deposits on or adjacent to the premises of an affiliate of the savings bank if the affiliate engages in any commercial activity that could not lawfully be conducted by a savings bank holding company or a subsidiary of the savings bank holding company pursuant to federal law.
    (c) This Section shall not apply to an affiliate that operates solely for the purpose of owning or leasing the real estate on which the branch that accepts deposits is located.
    (d) This Section shall not be construed to prohibit the maintenance of a branch that was established prior to May 10, 2007, or the conduct of any transactions that were lawfully being conducted at the branch prior to May 10, 2007.
    (e) The Commissioner may make and enforce such reasonable rules, regulations, directions, orders, decisions, and findings as the execution and enforcement of the provisions of this Section require.
(Source: P.A. 95-526, eff. 8-28-07.)

205 ILCS 205/1007

    (205 ILCS 205/1007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7)
    Sec. 1007. Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, as used in this Act, the terms defined in the Sections following this Section and preceding Section 1008 shall have the meanings therein given.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.05

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.05) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.05)
    Sec. 1007.05. "Affiliate" means any company that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a savings bank operating under this Act.
    The term "affiliated person of a savings bank or insured institution" means the following:
        (1) a director, officer, or controlling person of a
savings bank or insured institution;
        (2) a spouse of a director, officer, or controlling
person of a savings bank or institution;
        (3) member of the immediate family of a director,
officer, or controlling person of a savings bank or insured institution, who has the same home as that person, or who is a director or officer of any subsidiary of the savings bank or insured institution or of any holding company affiliate of the savings bank or insured institution;
        (4) any corporation or organization (other than the
savings bank or insured institution or a corporation or organization through which the savings bank or insured institution operates) of which a director, officer or controlling person of the savings bank or insured institution:
            (A) is chief executive officer, chief financial
officer, or a person performing similar functions;
            (B) is a general partner;
            (C) is a limited partner who directly or
indirectly either alone or with his spouse and the members of his immediate family who are also affiliated persons of the institution, owns an interest of 10% or more in the partnership (based on the value of his contribution) or who, directly or indirectly with other directors, officers, and controlling persons of the institution and their spouses and their immediate family members who are also affiliated persons of the institution, owns an interest of 25% or more in the partnership; or
            (D) directly or indirectly either alone or with
his spouse and the members of his immediate family who are also affiliated persons of the institution, owns or controls 10% or more of any class of equity securities or owns or controls, with other directors, officers, and controlling persons of the savings bank or insured institution and their spouses and their immediate family members who are also affiliated persons of the savings bank or insured institution, 25% or more of any class of equity securities.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.10

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.10) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.10)
    Sec. 1007.10. "Appraisal" means a professionally derived written conclusion of the value of the present worth of specified interests or rights in a specific piece of real property, which conclusion is supported by stipulated market conditions and explicitly stated assumptions as of a particular point in time and made for a specified party.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.15

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.15) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.15)
    Sec. 1007.15. "Bank" means a commercial bank chartered by the Comptroller of the Currency or by the Illinois Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate under the Illinois Banking Act.
(Source: P.A. 89-508, eff. 7-3-96.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.20

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.20) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.20)
    Sec. 1007.20. "Branch" or "branch office" includes any location established by a savings bank where deposits are received, loans are made, or checks are paid, but shall not include any place where only records thereof are made, posted, or kept. A place where the savings bank's business is conducted only through an automatic teller machine or an affiliate facility shall not be deemed a branch.
(Source: P.A. 90-301, eff. 8-1-97.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.25

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.25) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.25)
    Sec. 1007.25. "Capital" includes net worth, paid-in-surplus, capital stock equity, undivided profits, and earnings, as further defined in Section 5002.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.30

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.30) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.30)
    Sec. 1007.30. "Commissioner" means the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation or a person authorized by the Secretary, the Division of Banking Act, or this Act to act in the Secretary's stead.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.35

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.35) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.35)
    Sec. 1007.35. "Control", unless specified otherwise in this Act, shall mean:
        (1) the ability of any person, entity, persons, or
entities acting alone or in concert with one or more persons or entities, to own, hold, or direct with power to vote, or to hold proxies representing, 10% or more of the voting shares or rights of capital stock of a savings bank, savings bank subsidiary, savings bank affiliate, or savings bank holding company or 10% or more of the members shares of a mutual savings bank or mutual savings bank holding company;
        (2) the ability to achieve in any manner the election
or appointment of a majority of the directors of a savings bank; or
        (3) the power to direct or exercise significant
influence over the management or policies of the savings bank or savings bank affiliate.
    "Control" does not include the voting of proxies obtained from depositors if the proxies are voted as directed by a majority of the board of directors of the savings bank or of a committee of directors when the committee's composition and powers may be revoked by a majority vote of the board of directors.
(Source: P.A. 96-585, eff. 8-18-09.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.40

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.40) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.40)
    Sec. 1007.40. "Default" and "in danger of default" shall have the respective meanings ascribed to these terms in the Illinois Banking Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.45

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.45) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.45)
    Sec. 1007.45. "Deposit insurance corporation" means the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other instrumentality of or corporation chartered by the United States that is supported by the "Full faith and credit of the United States government" as stated in a congressional resolution.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.50

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.50) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.50)
    Sec. 1007.50. "Depository institution", as used in this Act, shall mean an insured depository institution as defined by Section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813), as amended, or an insured credit union as defined by Section 101(7) of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1752(7)), as amended.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.55

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.55) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.55)
    Sec. 1007.55. "Director" means any director, trustee, or other person performing similar functions with respect to any organization whether incorporated or unincorporated. In the case of a manager-managed limited liability company, however, "director" means a manager of the savings bank, and in the case of a member-managed limited liability company, "director" means a member of the savings bank. The term "director" does not include an advisory director, honorary director, director emeritus, or similar person, unless the person is otherwise performing functions similar to those of a director.
(Source: P.A. 93-561, eff. 1-1-04.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.57

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.57)
    Sec. 1007.57. Division. "Division" means the Division of Banking within the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.60

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.60) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.60)
    Sec. 1007.60. "Eligible insured bank" means an insured bank, having its main banking premises in Illinois, that is in default or in danger of default as those terms are defined in this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.65

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.65) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.65)
    Sec. 1007.65. "Fiduciary" means a trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, agent, receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, assignee for creditors, or any holder of a similar position of trust. It also describes the relationship of a director to a savings bank as stipulated in Section 4010 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.70

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.70) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.70)
    Sec. 1007.70. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.75

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.75) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.75)
    Sec. 1007.75. "Insured savings bank" means a savings bank the accounts of which are insured wholly or in part by a deposit insurance corporation.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.80

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.80) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.80)
    Sec. 1007.80. "Investment" means loans, both residential and commercial, as well as purchases of corporate debentures, securities, bonds, joint venture shares, and purchases of mutual fund shares subject to regulation of the Commissioner.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.85

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.85) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.85)
    Sec. 1007.85. "Marketable investment securities" means investment grade marketable obligations evidencing indebtedness of any person in the form of bonds, notes, or debentures, commonly known as investment securities, of a type customarily sold on recognized exchanges or traded over the counter, but does not include stocks.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.90

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.90) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.90)
    Sec. 1007.90. "Person" means an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, estate, or unincorporated association.
(Source: P.A. 91-929, eff. 12-15-00.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.95

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.95) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.95)
    Sec. 1007.95. "Prudent person rule" means that in all activities connected with savings banks operating under this Act, all officers, directors, employees, and agents of any kind of a savings bank must exercise the judgment and care under circumstances then prevailing that persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of their capital.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.100

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.100) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.100)
    Sec. 1007.100. "Published" means the publishing of the notice referred to, in a newspaper of general circulation in the community in which the subject savings bank is located. Publishing shall be at the expense of the savings bank if it is required to publish. Where publishing is required, the savings bank shall submit to the Commissioner evidence of the publication as the Commissioner shall deem appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.105

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.105) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.105)
    Sec. 1007.105. "Service corporation" means any corporation or limited liability company that is 51% or more owned by one or more savings banks, or by savings banks and other depository institutions, whose purposes are reasonably incident to the accomplishment of the powers conferred upon savings banks by this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-97, eff. 7-9-99; 91-929, eff. 12-15-00.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.110

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.110) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-7.110)
    Sec. 1007.110. "Value" means the present worth of all rights to future benefits arising from ownership.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.115

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.115)
    Sec. 1007.115. Federal association. "Federal association" means a savings and loan association or savings bank incorporated under the federal Home Owners Loan Act of 1993, as now or hereafter amended, whose principal business office is located within this State.
(Source: P.A. 90-270, eff. 7-30-97; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.120

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.120)
    Sec. 1007.120. Affiliate facility. "Affiliate facility" of a savings bank means a depository institution main office or branch office of an affiliate depository institution. The depository institution main office or branch office may be an affiliate facility with respect to one or more affiliated savings banks.
(Source: P.A. 90-301, eff. 8-1-97; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.125

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.125)
    Sec. 1007.125. "Bylaws" means the bylaws of a savings bank that are adopted by the savings bank's board of directors or shareholders for the regulation and management of the savings bank's affairs. If the savings bank operates as a limited liability company, however, "bylaws" means the operating agreement of the savings bank.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.130

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.130)
    Sec. 1007.130. Out-of-state savings bank. "Out-of-state savings bank" means a savings bank or an association chartered under the laws of a state other than Illinois, a territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia.
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.135

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.135)
    Sec. 1007.135. Secretary of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, or a person authorized by the Secretary or by this Act to act in the Secretary's stead.
(Source: P.A. 95-1047, eff. 4-6-09.)

205 ILCS 205/1007.150

    (205 ILCS 205/1007.150)
    Sec. 1007.150. Applicability of other Acts. Whenever the term "savings and loan", "building and loan", "mutual building loan and homestead", or "building loan and homestead" or other similar name is used with reference to an association organized for the purposes of associations incorporated under the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 or a similar Act, such reference shall be applicable to a savings bank operating under this Act. Whenever in any Act the term "members", "shareholders", or "investors" is used in connection with such associations, however named, the same shall refer to members and holders of capital of savings banks operating under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/1008

    (205 ILCS 205/1008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-8)
    Sec. 1008. General corporate powers.
    (a) A savings bank operating under this Act shall be a body corporate and politic and shall have all of the powers conferred by this Act including, but not limited to, the following powers:
        (1) To sue and be sued, complain, and defend in its
corporate name and to have a common seal, which it may alter or renew at pleasure.
        (2) To obtain and maintain insurance by a deposit
insurance corporation as defined in this Act.
        (3) To act as a fiscal agent for the United States,
the State of Illinois or any department, branch, arm, or agency of the State or any unit of local government or school district in the State, when duly designated for that purpose, and as agent to perform reasonable functions as may be required of it.
        (4) To become a member of or deal with any
corporation or agency of the United States or the State of Illinois, to the extent that the agency assists in furthering or facilitating its purposes or powers and to that end to purchase stock or securities thereof or deposit money therewith, and to comply with any other conditions of membership or credit.
        (5) To make donations in reasonable amounts for the
public welfare or for charitable, scientific, religious, or educational purposes.
        (6) To adopt and operate reasonable insurance, bonus,
profit sharing, and retirement plans for officers and employees and for directors including, but not limited to, advisory, honorary, and emeritus directors, who are not officers or employees.
        (7) To reject any application for membership; to
retire deposit accounts by enforced retirement as provided in this Act and the bylaws; and to limit the issuance of, or payments on, deposit accounts, subject, however, to contractual obligations.
        (8) To purchase stock or membership interests in
service corporations and to invest in any form of indebtedness of any service corporation as defined in this Act, subject to regulations of the Secretary.
        (9) To purchase stock of a corporation whose
principal purpose is to operate a safe deposit company or escrow service company.
        (10) To exercise all the powers necessary to qualify
as a trustee or custodian under federal or State law, provided that the authority to accept and execute trusts is subject to the provisions of the Corporate Fiduciary Act and to the supervision of those activities by the Secretary.
        (11) (Blank).
        (12) To establish, maintain, and operate terminals as
authorized by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.
        (13) To pledge its assets:
            (A) to enable it to act as agent for the sale of
obligations of the United States;
            (B) to secure deposits;
            (C) to secure deposits of money whenever required
by the National Bankruptcy Act;
            (D) (blank); and
            (E) to secure trust funds commingled with the
savings bank's funds, whether deposited by the savings bank or an affiliate of the savings bank, as required under Section 2-8 of the Corporate Fiduciary Act.
        (14) To accept for payment at a future date not to
exceed one year from the date of acceptance, drafts drawn upon it by its customers; and to issue, advise, or confirm letters of credit authorizing holders thereof to draw drafts upon it or its correspondents.
        (15) Subject to the regulations of the Secretary, to
own and lease personal property acquired by the savings bank at the request of a prospective lessee and, upon the agreement of that person, to lease the personal property.
        (16) To establish temporary service booths at any
International Fair in this State that is approved by the United States Department of Commerce for the duration of the international fair for the purpose of providing a convenient place for foreign trade customers to exchange their home countries' currency into United States currency or the converse. To provide temporary periodic service to persons residing in a bona fide nursing home, senior citizens' retirement home, or long-term care facility. These powers shall not be construed as establishing a new place or change of location for the savings bank providing the service booth.
        (17) To indemnify its officers, directors, employees,
and agents, as authorized for corporations under Section 8.75 of the Business Corporation Act of 1983.
        (18) To provide data processing services to others on
a for-profit basis.
        (19) To utilize any electronic technology to provide
customers with home banking services.
        (20) Subject to the regulations of the Secretary, to
enter into an agreement to act as a surety.
        (21) Subject to the regulations of the Secretary, to
issue credit cards, extend credit therewith, and otherwise engage in or participate in credit card operations.
        (22) To purchase for its own account shares of stock
of a bankers' bank, described in Section 13(b)(1) of the Illinois Banking Act, on the same terms and conditions as a bank may purchase such shares. In no event shall the total amount of such stock held by a savings bank in such bankers' bank exceed 10% of its capital and surplus (including undivided profits) and in no event shall a savings bank acquire more than 5% of any class of voting securities of such bankers' bank.
        (23) With respect to affiliate facilities:
            (A) to conduct at affiliate facilities any of the
following transactions for and on behalf of any affiliated depository institution, if so authorized by the affiliate or affiliates: receiving deposits; renewing deposits; cashing and issuing checks, drafts, money orders, travelers checks, or similar instruments; changing money; receiving payments on existing indebtedness; and conducting ministerial functions with respect to loan applications, servicing loans, and providing loan account information; and
            (B) to authorize an affiliated depository
institution to conduct for and on behalf of it, any of the transactions listed in this subsection at one or more affiliate facilities.
        A savings bank intending to conduct or to authorize
an affiliated depository institution to conduct at an affiliate facility any of the transactions specified in this subsection shall give written notice to the Secretary at least 30 days before any such transaction is conducted at an affiliate facility. All conduct under this subsection shall be on terms consistent with safe and sound banking practices and applicable law.
        (24) Subject to Article XLIV of the Illinois
Insurance Code, to act as the agent for any fire, life, or other insurance company authorized by the State of Illinois, by soliciting and selling insurance and collecting premiums on policies issued by such company; and may receive for services so rendered such fees or commissions as may be agreed upon between the said savings bank and the insurance company for which it may act as agent; provided, however, that no such savings bank shall in any case assume or guarantee the payment of any premium on insurance policies issued through its agency by its principal; and provided further, that the savings bank shall not guarantee the truth of any statement made by an assured in filing his application for insurance.
        (25) To become a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank
and to have the powers granted to a savings association organized under the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 or the laws of the United States, subject to regulations of the Secretary.
        (26) To offer any product or service that is at the
time authorized or permitted to a bank by applicable law, but subject always to the same limitations and restrictions that are applicable to the bank for the product or service by such applicable law and subject to the applicable provisions of the Financial Institutions Insurance Sales Law and rules of the Secretary.
    (b) If this Act or the regulations adopted under this Act fail to provide specific guidance in matters of corporate governance, the provisions of the Business Corporation Act of 1983 may be used, or if the savings bank is a limited liability company, the provisions of the Limited Liability Company Act shall be used.
    (c) A savings bank may be organized as a limited liability company, may convert to a limited liability company, or may merge with and into a limited liability company, under the applicable laws of this State and of the United States, including any rules promulgated thereunder. A savings bank organized as a limited liability company shall be subject to the provisions of the Limited Liability Company Act in addition to this Act, provided that if a provision of the Limited Liability Company Act conflicts with a provision of this Act or with any rule of the Secretary, the provision of this Act or the rule of the Secretary shall apply.
    Any filing required to be made under the Limited Liability Company Act shall be made exclusively with the Secretary, and the Secretary shall possess the exclusive authority to regulate the savings bank as provided in this Act.
    Any organization as, conversion to, and merger with or into a limited liability company shall be subject to the prior approval of the Secretary.
    A savings bank that is a limited liability company shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Act in the same manner as a savings bank that is organized in stock form.
    The Secretary may promulgate rules to ensure that a savings bank that is a limited liability company (i) is operating in a safe and sound manner and (ii) is subject to the Secretary's authority in the same manner as a savings bank that is organized in stock form.
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

205 ILCS 205/1008.05

    (205 ILCS 205/1008.05)
    Sec. 1008.05. Non-English language transactions. A savings bank may conduct transactions in a language other than English through an employee or agent acting as interpreter or through an interpreter provided by the customer.
(Source: P.A. 92-578, eff. 6-26-02.)

205 ILCS 205/1009

    (205 ILCS 205/1009) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-9)
    Sec. 1009. Status as IRS qualified thrift lender. All savings banks operating under this Act must qualify for either the 60% asset test of Section 7701 (a)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and any amendments thereto or an asset test as prescribed by regulations of the Commissioner.
(Source: P.A. 90-301, eff. 8-1-97.)

205 ILCS 205/1010

    (205 ILCS 205/1010)
    Sec. 1010. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 92-577, eff. 6-26-02. Repealed by P.A. 99-331, eff. 1-1-16.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 2

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 2 heading)
ARTICLE 2. Holding Companies

205 ILCS 205/2001

    (205 ILCS 205/2001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-1)
    Sec. 2001. Unless the context otherwise requires, as used in this Article, the terms defined in the Sections following this Section and preceding Section 2002 shall have the meanings therein given.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2001.05

    (205 ILCS 205/2001.05) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-1.05)
    Sec. 2001.05. "Savings bank holding company" means any company that directly or indirectly or acting in concert with one or more other persons or through one or more subsidiaries, owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, or holds proxies representing more than 25% of the voting shares or rights of any savings bank or savings bank holding company or controls in any manner whether by holding of proxies or otherwise, the election of a majority of the directors of any savings bank or savings bank holding company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no company shall be deemed to have control of or over a savings bank or holding company by virtue of the following:
        (1) its ownership or control of shares in a fiduciary
capacity arising in the ordinary course of its business;
        (2) its ownership or control of shares acquired by it
in connection with its underwriting of securities that are held only for that period of time as will permit the sale thereof upon a reasonable basis;
        (3) its holding any shares as collateral taken in the
ordinary course of securing a debt or other obligation;
        (4) its ownership or control of shares acquired in
the ordinary course of collecting a debt or other obligation previously contracted in good faith, until 5 years after the date acquired;
        (5) its voting rights with respect to shares of any
savings bank or holding company acquired in the course of a proxy solicitation in the case of a company formed and operated for the sole purpose of participating in a proxy solicitation.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2001.10

    (205 ILCS 205/2001.10) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-1.10)
    Sec. 2001.10. An "Illinois savings bank holding company" means a savings bank holding company whose principal place of business is in Illinois and that is not controlled, directly or indirectly, by another savings bank holding company whose principal place of business is outside Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2001.15

    (205 ILCS 205/2001.15) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-1.15)
    Sec. 2001.15. An "out-of-state savings bank holding company" means a savings bank holding company whose principal place of business is in a state other than Illinois and that is not controlled, directly or indirectly, by another savings bank holding company whose principal place of business is outside of the Geographic Area.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2001.20

    (205 ILCS 205/2001.20) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-1.20)
    Sec. 2001.20. "Geographic Area" means those states in which a savings bank holding company is permitted to acquire an Illinois savings bank or an Illinois savings bank holding company.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2001.25

    (205 ILCS 205/2001.25) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-1.25)
    Sec. 2001.25. "Principal place of business" of a savings bank holding company means the state in which the total deposits of all offices of all subsidiaries are the largest as shown by the most recent reports of condition filed with state or federal regulatory authorities.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2001.30

    (205 ILCS 205/2001.30) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-1.30)
    Sec. 2001.30. "Subsidiary of an individual or company" is any company that is controlled by a person or by a company that is a subsidiary of a person by virtue of this Article.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2001.35

    (205 ILCS 205/2001.35) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-1.35)
    Sec. 2001.35. (a) "Control" shall mean either ownership of stock, or the power to vote and dispose of stock in a manner that directly or indirectly causes changes in savings bank management, ownership, structure, or policies. Any change in ownership of stock, or of rights related to stock, that would result in direct or indirect ownership of 20%, or of a lesser amount that would entitle the holder to elect one director shall be presumed to be a change of control. Any change in ownership must be approved by the Commissioner.
    (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the Commissioner may define "control" by rule and regulation, in a manner to ensure uniformity with federal law, regulation, and usage.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2001.40

    (205 ILCS 205/2001.40)
    Sec. 2001.40. Company. "Company" means any corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, estate, association, or unincorporated association.
(Source: P.A. 96-585, eff. 8-18-09.)

205 ILCS 205/2002

    (205 ILCS 205/2002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-2)
    Sec. 2002. Each savings bank holding company and each subsidiary thereof shall register with the Commissioner within 180 days after the effective date of this Act or within 90 days after becoming a savings bank holding company, whichever is later. Each savings bank holding company and each subsidiary thereof shall register on those forms as may be prescribed by the Commissioner which shall include information with respect to the financial conditions, ownership, management, and intercompany relations of the holding company and its subsidiaries and related matters as the Commissioner may deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2003

    (205 ILCS 205/2003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-3)
    Sec. 2003. With respect to each savings bank holding company and each subsidiary thereof the following shall apply:
    (1) Each savings bank holding company and each subsidiary thereof shall file with the Commissioner reports as required by the Commissioner. The form of the reports shall be prescribed by the Commissioner and may require whatever information he deems necessary concerning the operations of each savings bank holding company and subsidiary.
    (2) Each savings bank holding company shall maintain those books and records as may be prescribed by the Commissioner.
    (3) Each savings bank holding company and each subsidiary thereof shall be subject to examination as the Commissioner shall prescribe.
    (4) Each savings bank holding company under this Article may engage in activities prescribed by the Commissioner by regulation.
    (5) Each savings bank holding company operating under this Act shall be assessed fees and charges by the Commissioner as necessary to cover the cost of its examination and supervision under this Act. The holding company shall pay these fees and charges promptly. The Commissioner is empowered to issue rules and regulations to establish fees to support registration, examination and supervision under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2004

    (205 ILCS 205/2004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-4)
    Sec. 2004. Subject to the regulation of the Commissioner, a savings bank holding company may acquire control of a subsidiary savings bank or any holding company upon application to and with the prior written approval of the Commissioner. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the Commissioner and contain information as will enable the Commissioner to determine whether the acquisition is consistent with the interest of maintaining a sound financial system and whether the proposed acquisition does not afford a basis for supervisory objection.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2005

    (205 ILCS 205/2005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-5)
    Sec. 2005. No savings bank holding company, other than an Illinois savings bank holding company, may control or own more than 5% of the voting shares or rights of any Illinois savings bank or Illinois savings bank holding company unless the holding company is an out-of-state savings bank holding company and the laws of the state that is the principal place of business of the out-of-state savings bank holding company expressly authorize an Illinois savings bank holding company to acquire a savings bank or savings bank holding company in that state under qualifications and conditions that are not unduly restrictive when compared to those imposed by the laws of Illinois, as determined by the Commissioner.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2006

    (205 ILCS 205/2006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-6)
    Sec. 2006. An Illinois savings bank holding company may control or own more than 5% of the voting shares or rights of a savings bank or savings bank holding company only if the principal place of business of the savings bank or savings bank holding company is located in the same Geographic Area, as defined in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/2007

    (205 ILCS 205/2007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7302-7)
    Sec. 2007. (a) A savings bank, including a mutual savings bank operating under this Act, may reorganize so as to become a holding company by:
        (1) chartering one or more subsidiary savings banks,
the ownership of which shall be evidenced by stock shares, to be owned by the chartering parent savings bank; and
        (2) either of the following:
            (i) transferring the substantial portion of its
assets and all of its insured deposits and part or all of its other liabilities to one or more subsidiary savings banks; or
            (ii) reorganizing in any other manner as approved
by the Secretary.
    (b) In order to effect reorganization under subsection (a), the board of directors of the original savings bank must approve a plan providing for the reorganization that shall be submitted for approval by a majority of the voting members of the savings bank. Approval must occur in accordance with the savings bank's articles of incorporation and bylaws at a meeting called by the board of directors. The Secretary may promulgate rules to regulate the formation of and the ongoing business of the subsidiaries and the holding company, including the rights of members, levels of investment in holding company subsidiaries, and stock sales.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 3

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 3 heading)
ARTICLE 3. Incorporation and Organization

205 ILCS 205/3001

    (205 ILCS 205/3001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7303-1)
    Sec. 3001. Application for permit to organize.
    (a) Not fewer than 5 nor more than 20 persons may organize a savings bank under this Act.
    (b) The Secretary shall determine the minimum required capital which shall be at least the minimum required to obtain insurance of accounts as required by this Act and shall include additional amounts as the Secretary may find necessary.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/3002

    (205 ILCS 205/3002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7303-2)
    Sec. 3002. Contents of application for permit to organize. The application for a permit to organize shall be on forms required by the Secretary, shall include all information as he deems necessary but must include at least the following:
        (1) The name, address, social security number, date
of birth, business address, home address, place of birth, and occupation of each organizer.
        (2) The name of the proposed savings bank.
        (3) The address of the headquarters, main business
office, and branches, if known, of the proposed savings bank. Information must include any real estate interests of the organizers that may be involved with any of these locations.
        (4) The anticipated duration of the proposed savings
bank, which may be perpetual.
        (5) An audited financial statement of any corporation
or partnership that is one of the organizers or that shall be either a controlling interest in the proposed savings bank, a lender to the proposed savings bank, or a lender for purposes of acquiring an interest in the proposed savings bank to any of the controlling interests. The Secretary may define by regulation the terms "controlling interest" and "lender".
        (6) The proposed articles of incorporation and
        (7) The number of shares of capital stock; the number
of shares and classes of preferred stock, if any; the par value of each type of stock which may not be less than $1; the number of shares to be sold and the per share initial offering price of each share.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/3003

    (205 ILCS 205/3003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7303-3)
    Sec. 3003. Contents of articles of incorporation.
    (a) The articles of incorporation shall set forth:
        (1) The name of the savings bank.
        (2) The initial location of the business office.
        (3) The duration of existence, which shall be
perpetual unless otherwise specified.
        (4) The initial number of directors, not less than 5.
        (5) The authorization, if any, to issue deposit
accounts, the aggregate amount of which may be unlimited.
        (6) The authorization, if any, to issue stock, the
aggregate number of shares and the par value per share, which shall not be less than $1.
        (7) The quorum required for action of members if a
quorum other than that specified in this Act is desired.
        (8) Any other provision, not inconsistent with law,
which the subscribers or members may desire, for the internal regulation of the affairs of the savings bank.
    (b) A savings bank may include in its original articles of incorporation or amended articles a requirement that proposed amendments to the articles of incorporation shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the total number of votes entitled to be cast.
    (c) The articles of incorporation need not set forth any of the powers that this Act confers.
(Source: P.A. 89-74, eff. 6-30-95.)

205 ILCS 205/3004

    (205 ILCS 205/3004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7303-4)
    Sec. 3004. Contents of bylaws.
    (a) The bylaws of the savings bank shall provide for the following matters consistent with any applicable provisions of this Act:
        (1) The number of directors and the minimum frequency
of directors' meetings, which shall be at least monthly, except that less frequent meetings may be allowed with prior written authorization of the Commissioner.
        (2) The titles and duties of the officers.
        (3) The officers authorized, or who may be
authorized, by the directors to execute instruments.
        (4) A description of the corporate seal.
        (5) The fiscal year of the savings bank.
        (6) The location of the business office.
        (7) The date of the annual meeting of the members,
which may be not more than 120 days after the close of the savings bank's fiscal year.
    (b) The bylaws may provide also for any or all of the following matters, among others, consistent with any applicable provisions of this Act:
        (1) The method of calling special meetings of the
members, requirements for giving notice of meetings of members in addition to the notice prescribed by this Act, methods of nominating directors and other voting and election procedures.
        (2) The method of determining the record date for
voting, dividend, and other purposes.
        (3) The procedure for the transfer of ownership of
capital and for the enforcement of charges and liens.
        (4) The plan or plans under which deposit accounts
are to be issued; the classes into which they may be divided; and the characteristics of each class as to time of issuance, times and amounts of payments to be made, classification for payment of interest, and other terms as are permitted by this Act.
        (5) The method by which the directors may enforce
retirement of unpledged deposit accounts.
        (6) The frequency with which profits of the savings
bank shall be apportioned and the methods of apportionment.
        (7) Provision for establishment of executive, loan,
investment, and appraisal committees, other special or standing committees as may be desirable, and for an overall business plan for the savings bank.
    (c) The Commissioner may publish one or more standard forms of bylaws conforming to the provisions of this Act which may be adopted by savings banks.
(Source: P.A. 89-320, eff. 1-1-96; 90-301, eff. 8-1-97.)

205 ILCS 205/3005

    (205 ILCS 205/3005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7303-5)
    Sec. 3005. Permit to organize.
    (a) The Commissioner may require additional information and conduct whatever investigation necessary to determine whether to issue a permit to organize, including the subpoenaing of books and records, taking of public testimony, and conducting hearings. The applicants shall share jointly and severally the expense of the investigations.
    (b) The Commissioner must find and declare, based on the record of application and his investigation that:
        (1) The proposed management, business plan, and
capitalization promise to meet regulatory requirements.
        (2) The application information is not in dispute.
        (3) The proposed name is not deceptively similar to
that of other financial institutions within an area defined by regulation of the Commissioner.
        (4) The proposed business plan and capitalization
promise to serve the needs of the community and its residents.
        (5) Insurance of accounts shall be effective prior to
issuance of a charter.
    (c) The Commissioner may promulgate rules to implement and administer this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/3006

    (205 ILCS 205/3006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7303-6)
    Sec. 3006. Temporary organization and capital subscriptions.
    (a) Each applicant shall become a member of the organization committee and shall elect officers and directors of the savings bank in organization.
    (b) The officers and directors shall secure subscriptions for capital in the form of pledges to purchase stock.
    (c) The officers and directors shall prepare articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other items as required by regulation of the Commissioner.
    (d) The directors shall apply for insurance of accounts and advise the Commissioner of each filing, conference, and all correspondence accompanying and required by a filing.
    (e) The officers and directors shall take any other actions necessary to complete organization.
    (f) The officers and directors shall furnish the Commissioner with the names and addresses of all investors who have subscribed to purchase stock.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/3007

    (205 ILCS 205/3007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7303-7)
    Sec. 3007. Completion of organization. When all of the requirements of this Act are completed, the Commissioner may require additional assurances, information, capital, or agreements from the officers or directors of the organization. When requirements of this Act, federal law, the Commissioner's requests, and the Commissioner's regulations are completed, the Commissioner shall issue a certificate of complete organization. The certificate of complete organization shall be replaced by the issuance of a charter once the savings bank obtains federally sponsored insurance of its accounts.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 4

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 4 heading)
ARTICLE 4. Membership

205 ILCS 205/4001

    (205 ILCS 205/4001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-1)
    Sec. 4001. Members.
    (a) The membership of a mutual savings bank shall consist solely of every depositor or holder of a deposit account issued by the savings bank.
    (b) The members of a stock savings bank shall be only the owners of its capital stock. Jointly owned stock shall constitute one membership.
    (c) Any savings bank that had legal existence under another statute prior to the date of this Act and which, if it was a mutual, included borrowers as members or, if its ownership was evidenced by stock, included borrowers and depositors as members, or as non-voting members, may retain that membership structure by resolution of its board of directors to be included in its application for a savings bank charter under this Act. Otherwise, borrowers may not be members of a savings bank operating under this Act, and only mutual savings banks may include depositors as members.
    (d) Joint ownership of an account constitutes one membership.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213; 87-498.)

205 ILCS 205/4002

    (205 ILCS 205/4002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-2)
    Sec. 4002. Annual and special meetings. Dates of annual meetings of members or stockholders shall be specified in the bylaws. Failure to hold an annual meeting shall not cause a forfeiture or dissolution of the savings bank. Special meetings may be called by the board of directors, the holders of not less than 25% of the outstanding capital stock shares, or by any other person as the bylaws may designate. The Commissioner may also call a special meeting with not less than 12 hours written or oral notice. Every annual or special meeting shall be held at the business office of the savings bank or, if the space is inadequate, in another place within the same county as shall be specifically designated in the notice of the meeting.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/4003

    (205 ILCS 205/4003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-3)
    Sec. 4003. Notice of meetings.
    (a) Notice of an annual meeting shall be published once not fewer than 10 days nor more than 40 days before the date of the meeting. The notice shall also be displayed at the place of business of the savings bank in a manner to be prescribed by the Commissioner. The notice must state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.
    (b) For any special meeting or for any annual meeting that is to consider any proposition that requires an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members or stockholders or any proposition to amend the articles of incorporation of the savings bank, the notice must be by mail, postmarked between 10 and 40 days before the date of the meeting, and must also be posted at the savings bank's offices as if for an annual meeting, beginning on the date notice is given. All notices must state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.
(Source: P.A. 89-74, eff. 6-30-95.)

205 ILCS 205/4004

    (205 ILCS 205/4004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-4)
    Sec. 4004. Quorum of annual or special meetings. The articles of incorporation may specify a quorum requirement, but it may not be less than one-third of the total number of votes entitled to be voted at a meeting. Any meeting, including one at which a quorum is not present, may be adjourned to a specified date without future notice.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/4005

    (205 ILCS 205/4005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-5)
    Sec. 4005. Voting.
    (a) Voting at a meeting may be either in person or by proxy executed in writing by the member or stockholder or by his duly authorized attorney-in-fact.
    (b) In the determination of all questions requiring ascertainment of who is entitled to vote and of the number of outstanding shares, the following rules shall apply:
        (1) The date of determination shall be the record
date for voting provided in this Act.
        (2) Each person holding one or more withdrawable
accounts in a mutual savings bank shall have the vote of one share for each $100 of the aggregate withdrawal value of the accounts and shall have the vote of one share for any fraction of $100; however, subject to regulation of the Commissioner, a mutual savings bank may in its by-laws limit the number of votes a person may cast to 1,000 votes. A mutual savings bank may adopt a different voting arrangement if the Commissioner finds that the arrangement would not be inequitable to members and if the members approve the arrangement by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast, however, the voting arrangement need not obtain the foregoing member approval if such voting arrangement is otherwise approved as part of a corporate change under this Act.
        (3) Each holder of capital stock held shall have one
vote for each share held.
        (4) Shares owned by the savings bank shall not be
counted or voted.
        (5) A savings bank authorized to issue stock shall
provide in its articles of incorporation that voting rights shall be vested exclusively in stockholders.
(Source: P.A. 91-97, eff. 7-9-99; 92-483, eff. 8-23-01.)

205 ILCS 205/4006

    (205 ILCS 205/4006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-6)
    Sec. 4006. Record date for voting, dividend, and other purposes.
    (a) For the purposes of determining the holders of stock, capital accounts, and membership entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of the members or in order to make a determination of the members, holders, or other persons for any other proper purpose, the bylaws may provide for a record date, not fewer than 10 days nor more than 40 days before the meeting or other event or transaction with regard to which the determination is to be made. This determination shall be made as of the close of business on the record date.
    (b) If the bylaws do not provide for a record date, the board of directors may fix a record date for each determination to be made, within the time limits set forth in subsection (a). If the board of directors fails to fix a record date, the record date for a meeting shall be the date on which the first notice of meeting is given.
    (c) Shares of stock or deposit accounts withdrawn or retired after the record date shall not be voted or counted in determining the number of shares outstanding. This Section shall be applicable to the dividend payments on capital stock, but dividends on deposit accounts shall be governed by Section 5008 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/4007

    (205 ILCS 205/4007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-7)
    Sec. 4007. Proxies.
    (a) Voting at a meeting may be either in person or by proxy executed in writing by the member or shareholder or by his duly authorized attorney-in-fact. The forms and wording of all proxies must receive prior approval of the Commissioner.
    (b) No proxy shall be valid:
        (1) After 11 months from the date of its execution,
unless otherwise provided in the proxy.
        (2) Unless executed in an instrument separate from
other forms or documents relating to the member's accounts.
        (3) For any meeting at which the member who gave it
is present, provided that notice is given by the member in writing, prior to the taking of any vote, to an official whom the savings bank shall identify at the meeting as having responsibility for the matter.
        (4) Unless the member giving the proxy is told by the
person to whom it is given that the proxy is optional and that the voting rights it represents can be exercised by the member himself.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/4008

    (205 ILCS 205/4008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-8)
    Sec. 4008. Directors. The business and affairs of the savings bank shall be exercised by its elected board of directors. The board of directors shall consist of the number of directors fixed by the bylaws, but shall not be fewer than 5. No more than 40% of the directors shall be salaried employees of the savings bank, except that a higher percentage may be allowed with the prior written approval of the Commissioner.
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/4009

    (205 ILCS 205/4009) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-9)
    Sec. 4009. Bonds of officers and directors.
    (a) Every person appointed or elected to any position requiring the receipt, payment, management, or use of money belonging to a savings bank or whose duties permit or require access to or custody of any of the savings bank's money or securities or whose duties permit the regular making of entries in the books or other records of the savings bank shall become bonded in some trust or company authorized to issue bonds in this State or in a fidelity insurance company licensed to do business in this State before assuming any duties. Each bond shall be on a form or forms as the Commissioner shall require and in the amount as the board of directors shall fix and approve. Each bond, payable to the savings bank, shall be an indemnity for any loss the savings bank may sustain in money or other property through any dishonest or criminal act or omission by any person required to be bonded, committed either alone or in concert with others. The bond shall be in the form and amount prescribed by the Commissioner, who may at any time require one or more additional bonds. Each bond shall provide that a cancellation thereof either by the surety or by the insured shall not become effective unless and until 30 days notice in writing first shall have been given to the Commissioner, unless he shall have approved the cancellation earlier.
    (b) Nothing contained in this Section shall preclude the Commissioner from proceeding against a savings bank as provided in this Act should he believe that it is being conducted in an unsafe manner in that the form or amount of bonds so fixed and approved by the board of directors is inadequate to give reasonable protection to the savings bank.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/4010

    (205 ILCS 205/4010) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-10)
    Sec. 4010. Conduct of directors and officers.
    (a) Directors and officers occupy a fiduciary relationship to the savings bank of which they are directors or officers, and a director or officer shall not engage or participate, directly or indirectly, in any business or transaction conducted on behalf of or involving the savings bank that would result in a conflict of their own personal interests with those of the savings bank which they serve, unless: (i) the business or transactions are conducted in good faith and are honest, fair, and reasonable to the savings bank; (ii) a full disclosure of the business or transaction and the nature of the director's or officer's interest is made to the board of directors; and (iii) the business or transaction is approved in good faith by the board of directors with any interested director abstaining. The approval of the business or transaction shall be recorded in the minutes. Any profits inuring to the officer or director shall not be at the expense of the savings bank. The business or transaction shall not represent a breach of the officer's or director's fiduciary duty and shall not be fraudulent or illegal. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section, the Commissioner may require the disclosure by directors, officers, and employees of their personal interest, directly or indirectly, in any business or transaction on behalf of or involving the savings bank and of their control of or active participation in enterprises having activities related to the business of the savings bank. The following restrictions governing the conduct of directors and officers expressly are specified, but that specification does not excuse those persons from the observance of any other aspect of the general fiduciary duty owed by them to the savings bank which they serve:
        (1) An officer or director of a mutual savings bank
shall not hold office or status as a director or officer of another mutual savings bank subject to this Act.
        (2) A director shall receive as remuneration only
reasonable fees for services as a director or for service as a member of a committee of directors. A director who is also an officer or employee of the savings bank may receive compensation for service as an officer or employee.
        (3) A director or officer shall not have any
interest, direct or indirect, in the purchase at less than its face value of any evidence of a savings account, deposit, or other indebtedness issued by the savings bank.
        (4) A savings bank or director or officer thereof
shall not directly or indirectly require, as a condition to the granting of any loan or the extension of any other service by the savings bank or its affiliates that the borrower or any other person undertake a contract of insurance or any other agreement or understanding with respect to the direct or indirect furnishing of any other goods or services with any specific company, agency, or individual.
        (5) An officer or director acting as proxy for a
member of a mutual savings bank shall not exercise, transfer, or delegate that right in any consideration of a private benefit or advantage, direct or indirect, accruing to himself nor surrender control or pass his office to any other for any consideration of a private benefit or advantage, direct or indirect. The voting rights of members shall not be the subject of sale or similar transaction, either directly or indirectly. Any officer or director who violates the provisions of this subsection shall be held accountable to the savings bank for any increment.
        (6) A director or officer shall not solicit, accept,
or agree to accept, directly or indirectly, from any person other than the savings bank any gratuity, compensation, or other personal benefit for any action taken by the savings bank or for endeavoring to procure any action by the savings bank.
        (7) Subject to the approval of the Commissioner, a
savings bank's bylaws may provide for reasonable indemnification to its officers, directors, and employees in connection with the faithful performance of their duties for the savings bank. The Commissioner may promulgate model indemnification provisions and may consider provisions available under the Business Corporation Act of 1983, the Illinois Banking Act, and those available to national banks.
    (b) The bylaws of a savings bank may contain a provision providing that a director is not personally liable to the savings bank or its shareholders for monetary damages for a breach of the director's fiduciary duty; provided, however, that such provision may not eliminate or limit the liability of a director for any of the following:
        (1) An act or omission that is grossly negligent.
        (2) A breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the
savings bank or its shareholders.
        (3) Acts or omissions not in good faith or that
involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law.
        (4) A transaction from which the director derived an
improper personal benefit.
        (5) An act or omission occurring before the effective
date of the provision in the bylaws authorized by this subsection.
(Source: P.A. 89-320, eff. 1-1-96.)

205 ILCS 205/4011

    (205 ILCS 205/4011) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-11)
    Sec. 4011. Right to dissent.
    (a) A shareholder of a savings bank is entitled to dissent from and obtain payment for his shares in the event of any of the following actions:
        (1) Consummation of a plan of merger or consolidation
or a plan of share exchange to which the savings bank is a party if (i) shareholder authorization for the merger or consolidation or the share exchange is required by this Act or the articles of incorporation, or (ii) the savings bank is a subsidiary that is merged with its parent or another subsidiary.
        (2) Consummation of a sale, lease, or exchange of all
or substantially all of the property and assets of the savings bank other than in the usual and regular course of business.
        (3) An amendment of the articles of incorporation
that materially and adversely affects rights in respect of a dissenter's shares because it:
            (A) alters or abolishes a preferential right of
            (B) alters or abolishes a right in respect of
redemption, including a provision respecting a sinking fund for the redemption or repurchase, of shares;
            (C) limits or eliminates cumulative voting rights
with respect to shares.
        (4) Any other action taken pursuant to a shareholder
vote if the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or a resolution of the board of directors provide that shareholders are entitled to dissent and obtain payment for their shares in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Act or as may be otherwise provided in the articles, bylaws, or resolution.
    (b) A shareholder entitled to dissent and obtain payment for his shares under this Section may not challenge the corporate action creating his entitlement unless the action is fraudulent with respect to the shareholder or the corporation or constitutes a breach of a fiduciary duty owed to the shareholder.
    (c) A record owner of shares may assert dissenters' rights as to fewer than all the shares recorded in the person's name only if the person dissents with respect to all shares beneficially owned by any one person and notifies the savings bank in writing of the name and address of each person on whose behalf the record owner asserts dissenters' rights. The rights of a partial dissenter are determined as if the shares as to which dissent is made and the other shares were recorded in the names of different shareholders. A beneficial owner of shares who is not the record owner may assert dissenters' rights as to shares held on that person's behalf only if the beneficial owner submits to the savings bank the record owner's written consent to the dissent before or at the same time the beneficial owner asserts dissenters' rights.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/4012

    (205 ILCS 205/4012) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-12)
    Sec. 4012. Procedure to dissent.
    (a) If the action giving rise to the right to dissent is to be approved at a meeting of shareholders, the notice of meeting shall inform the shareholders of their right to dissent and the procedure to dissent. Prior to the meeting, the savings bank shall furnish to the shareholders material information with respect to the transaction that will enable a shareholder to objectively vote on the transaction and to determine whether or not to exercise dissenters' rights. A shareholder may assert dissenters' rights only if the shareholder delivers to the savings bank, before the vote is taken, a written demand for payment for his shares if the proposed action is consummated and the shareholder does not vote in favor of the proposed action.
    (b) If the action giving rise to the right to dissent is not to be approved at a meeting of shareholders, the notice to shareholders describing the action taken shall inform the shareholders of their right to dissent and the procedure to dissent. Prior to, or concurrently with, the notice the savings bank shall furnish to the shareholders material information with respect to the transaction that will enable a shareholder to objectively determine whether or not to exercise dissenters' rights. A shareholder may assert dissenters' rights only if he delivers to the savings bank within 30 days from the date of mailing the notice a written demand for payment for his shares.
    (c) The Secretary may promulgate rules to govern the procedure to be used by savings banks and dissenters in arriving at a value and price for dissenters' shares, as well as how distribution shall be made. In no case shall the rules be more restrictive than the provisions applicable to ordinary corporations under the Business Corporation Act of 1983.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/4013

    (205 ILCS 205/4013) (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-13)
    Sec. 4013. Access to books and records; communication with members and shareholders.
    (a) Every member or shareholder shall have the right to inspect books and records of the savings bank that pertain to his accounts. Otherwise, the right of inspection and examination of the books and records shall be limited as provided in this Act, and no other person shall have access to the books and records nor shall be entitled to a list of the members or shareholders.
    (b) For the purpose of this Section, the term "financial records" means any original, any copy, or any summary of (1) a document granting signature authority over a deposit or account; (2) a statement, ledger card, or other record on any deposit or account that shows each transaction in or with respect to that account; (3) a check, draft, or money order drawn on a savings bank or issued and payable by a savings bank; or (4) any other item containing information pertaining to any relationship established in the ordinary course of a savings bank's business between a savings bank and its customer, including financial statements or other financial information provided by the member or shareholder.
    (c) This Section does not prohibit:
        (1) The preparation, examination, handling, or
maintenance of any financial records by any officer, employee, or agent of a savings bank having custody of records or examination of records by a certified public accountant engaged by the savings bank to perform an independent audit.
        (2) The examination of any financial records by, or
the furnishing of financial records by a savings bank to, any officer, employee, or agent of the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate or the federal depository institution regulator for use solely in the exercise of his duties as an officer, employee, or agent.
        (3) The publication of data furnished from financial
records relating to members or holders of capital where the data cannot be identified to any particular member, shareholder, or account.
        (4) The making of reports or returns required under
Chapter 61 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
        (5) Furnishing information concerning the dishonor of
any negotiable instrument permitted to be disclosed under the Uniform Commercial Code.
        (6) The exchange in the regular course of business of
(i) credit information between a savings bank and other savings banks or financial institutions or commercial enterprises, directly or through a consumer reporting agency or (ii) financial records or information derived from financial records between a savings bank and other savings banks or financial institutions or commercial enterprises for the purpose of conducting due diligence pursuant to a purchase or sale involving the savings bank or assets or liabilities of the savings bank.
        (7) The furnishing of information to the appropriate
law enforcement authorities where the savings bank reasonably believes it has been the victim of a crime.
        (8) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
        (9) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
Illinois Income Tax Act and the Illinois Estate and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.
        (10) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
federal Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act, (Title 31, United States Code, Section 1051 et seq.).
        (11) The furnishing of information pursuant to any
other statute which by its terms or by regulations promulgated thereunder requires the disclosure of financial records other than by subpoena, summons, warrant, or court order.
        (12) The furnishing of information in accordance with
the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Any savings bank governed by this Act shall enter into an agreement for data exchanges with a State agency provided the State agency pays to the savings bank a reasonable fee not to exceed its actual cost incurred. A savings bank providing information in accordance with this item shall not be liable to any account holder or other person for any disclosure of information to a State agency, for encumbering or surrendering any assets held by the savings bank in response to a lien or order to withhold and deliver issued by a State agency, or for any other action taken pursuant to this item, including individual or mechanical errors, provided the action does not constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct. A savings bank shall have no obligation to hold, encumber, or surrender assets until it has been served with a subpoena, summons, warrant, court or administrative order, lien, or levy.
        (13) The furnishing of information to law enforcement
authorities, the Illinois Department on Aging and its regional administrative and provider agencies, the Department of Human Services Office of Inspector General, or public guardians: (i) upon subpoena by the investigatory entity or the guardian, or (ii) if there is suspicion by the savings bank that a customer who is an elderly person or person with a disability has been or may become the victim of financial exploitation. For the purposes of this item (13), the term: (i) "elderly person" means a person who is 60 or more years of age, (ii) "person with a disability" means a person who has or reasonably appears to the savings bank to have a physical or mental disability that impairs his or her ability to seek or obtain protection from or prevent financial exploitation, and (iii) "financial exploitation" means tortious or illegal use of the assets or resources of an elderly person or person with a disability, and includes, without limitation, misappropriation of the assets or resources of the elderly person or person with a disability by undue influence, breach of fiduciary relationship, intimidation, fraud, deception, extortion, or the use of assets or resources in any manner contrary to law. A savings bank or person furnishing information pursuant to this item (13) shall be entitled to the same rights and protections as a person furnishing information under the Adult Protective Services Act and the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
        (14) The disclosure of financial records or
information as necessary to effect, administer, or enforce a transaction requested or authorized by the member or holder of capital, or in connection with:
            (A) servicing or processing a financial product
or service requested or authorized by the member or holder of capital;
            (B) maintaining or servicing an account of a
member or holder of capital with the savings bank; or
            (C) a proposed or actual securitization or
secondary market sale (including sales of servicing rights) related to a transaction of a member or holder of capital.
        Nothing in this item (14), however, authorizes the
sale of the financial records or information of a member or holder of capital without the consent of the member or holder of capital.
        (15) The exchange in the regular course of business
of information between a savings bank and any commonly owned affiliate of the savings bank, subject to the provisions of the Financial Institutions Insurance Sales Law.
        (16) The disclosure of financial records or
information as necessary to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims, or other liability.
        (17)(a) The disclosure of financial records or
information related to a private label credit program between a financial institution and a private label party in connection with that private label credit program. Such information is limited to outstanding balance, available credit, payment and performance and account history, product references, purchase information, and information related to the identity of the customer.
        (b)(1) For purposes of this paragraph (17) of
subsection (c) of Section 4013, a "private label credit program" means a credit program involving a financial institution and a private label party that is used by a customer of the financial institution and the private label party primarily for payment for goods or services sold, manufactured, or distributed by a private label party.
        (2) For purposes of this paragraph (17) of subsection
(c) of Section 4013, a "private label party" means, with respect to a private label credit program, any of the following: a retailer, a merchant, a manufacturer, a trade group, or any such person's affiliate, subsidiary, member, agent, or service provider.
        (18)(a) The furnishing of financial records of a
customer to the Department to aid the Department's initial determination or subsequent re-determination of the customer's eligibility for Medicaid and Medicaid long-term care benefits for long-term care services, provided that the savings bank receives the written consent and authorization of the customer, which shall:
            (1) have the customer's signature notarized;
            (2) be signed by at least one witness who
certifies that he or she believes the customer to be of sound mind and memory;
            (3) be tendered to the savings bank at the
earliest practicable time following its execution, certification, and notarization;
            (4) specifically limit the disclosure of the
customer's financial records to the Department; and
            (5) be in substantially the following form:

I, ........................................, hereby authorize 
       (Name of Customer) 
(Name of Financial Institution)
(Address of Financial Institution)
to disclose the following financial records:
any and all information concerning my deposit, savings, money market, certificate of deposit, individual retirement, retirement plan, 401(k) plan, incentive plan, employee benefit plan, mutual fund and loan accounts (including, but not limited to, any indebtedness or obligation for which I am a co-borrower, co-obligor, guarantor, or surety), and any and all other accounts in which I have an interest and any other information regarding me in the possession of the Financial Institution,
to the Illinois Department of Human Services or the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or both ("the Department"), for the following purpose(s):
to aid in the initial determination or re-determination by the State of Illinois of my eligibility for Medicaid long-term care benefits, pursuant to applicable law.
I understand that this Consent and Authorization may be revoked by me in writing at any time before my financial records, as described above, are disclosed, and that this Consent and Authorization is valid until the Financial Institution receives my written revocation. This Consent and Authorization shall constitute valid authorization for the Department identified above to inspect all such financial records set forth above, and to request and receive copies of such financial records from the Financial Institution (subject to such records search and reproduction reimbursement policies as the Financial Institution may have in place). An executed copy of this Consent and Authorization shall be sufficient and as good as the original and permission is hereby granted to honor a photostatic or electronic copy of this Consent and Authorization. Disclosure is strictly limited to the Department identified above and no other person or entity shall receive my financial records pursuant to this Consent and Authorization. By signing this form, I agree to indemnify and hold the Financial Institution harmless from any and all claims, demands, and losses, including reasonable attorneys fees and expenses, arising from or incurred in its reliance on this Consent and Authorization. As used herein, "Customer" shall mean "Member" if the Financial Institution is a credit union.
....................... ...................... 
(Date)                  (Signature of Customer)             
                         (Address of Customer) 
                         (Customer's birth date) 
The undersigned witness certifies that ................., known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed as the customer to the foregoing Consent and Authorization, appeared before me and the notary public and acknowledged signing and delivering the instrument as his or her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. I believe him or her to be of sound mind and memory. The undersigned witness also certifies that the witness is not an owner, operator, or relative of an owner or operator of a long-term care facility in which the customer is a patient or resident.
Dated: ................. ...................... 
                         (Signature of Witness) 
                         (Print Name of Witness) 
                         (Address of Witness) 
State of Illinois)
                 ) ss.
County of .......)
The undersigned, a notary public in and for the above county and state, certifies that .........., known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed as the customer to the foregoing Consent and Authorization, appeared before me together with the witness, .........., in person and acknowledged signing and delivering the instrument as the free and voluntary act of the customer for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
Notary Public:................................................
My commission expires:........................................
        (b) In no event shall the savings bank distribute
the customer's financial records to the long-term care facility from which the customer seeks initial or continuing residency or long-term care services.
        (c) A savings bank providing financial records of a
customer in good faith relying on a consent and authorization executed and tendered in accordance with this paragraph (18) shall not be liable to the customer or any other person in relation to the savings bank's disclosure of the customer's financial records to the Department. The customer signing the consent and authorization shall indemnify and hold the savings bank harmless that relies in good faith upon the consent and authorization and incurs a loss because of such reliance. The savings bank recovering under this indemnification provision shall also be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and the expenses of recovery.
        (d) A savings bank shall be reimbursed by the
customer for all costs reasonably necessary and directly incurred in searching for, reproducing, and disclosing a customer's financial records required or requested to be produced pursuant to any consent and authorization executed under this paragraph (18). The requested financial records shall be delivered to the Department within 10 days after receiving a properly executed consent and authorization or at the earliest practicable time thereafter if the requested records cannot be delivered within 10 days, but delivery may be delayed until the final reimbursement of all costs is received by the savings bank. The savings bank may honor a photostatic or electronic copy of a properly executed consent and authorization.
        (e) Nothing in this paragraph (18) shall impair,
abridge, or abrogate the right of a customer to:
            (1) directly disclose his or her financial
records to the Department or any other person; or
            (2) authorize his or her attorney or duly
appointed agent to request and obtain the customer's financial records and disclose those financial records to the Department.
        (f) For purposes of this paragraph (18),
"Department" means the Department of Human Services and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services or any successor administrative agency of either agency.
    (d) A savings bank may not disclose to any person, except to the member or holder of capital or his duly authorized agent, any financial records relating to that member or shareholder of the savings bank unless:
        (1) the member or shareholder has authorized
disclosure to the person; or
        (2) the financial records are disclosed in response
to a lawful subpoena, summons, warrant, citation to discover assets, or court order that meets the requirements of subsection (e) of this Section.
    (e) A savings bank shall disclose financial records under subsection (d) of this Section pursuant to a lawful subpoena, summons, warrant, citation to discover assets, or court order only after the savings bank sends a copy of the subpoena, summons, warrant, citation to discover assets, or court order to the person establishing the relationship with the savings bank, if living, and otherwise, the person's personal representative, if known, at the person's last known address by first class mail, postage prepaid, through a third-party commercial carrier or courier with delivery charge fully prepaid, by hand delivery, or by electronic delivery at an email address on file with the savings bank (if the person establishing the relationship with the savings bank has consented to receive electronic delivery and, if the person establishing the relationship with the savings bank is a consumer, the person has consented under the consumer consent provisions set forth in Section 7001 of Title 15 of the United States Code), unless the savings bank is specifically prohibited from notifying the person by order of court.
    (f) Any officer or employee of a savings bank who knowingly and willfully furnishes financial records in violation of this Section is guilty of a business offense and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $1,000.
    (g) Any person who knowingly and willfully induces or attempts to induce any officer or employee of a savings bank to disclose financial records in violation of this Section is guilty of a business offense and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $1,000.
    (h) If any member or shareholder desires to communicate with the other members or shareholders of the savings bank with reference to any question pending or to be presented at an annual or special meeting, the savings bank shall give that person, upon request, a statement of the approximate number of members or shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting and an estimate of the cost of preparing and mailing the communication. The requesting member shall submit the communication to the Commissioner who, upon finding it to be appropriate and truthful, shall direct that it be prepared and mailed to the members upon the requesting member's or shareholder's payment or adequate provision for payment of the expenses of preparation and mailing.
    (i) A savings bank shall be reimbursed for costs that are necessary and that have been directly incurred in searching for, reproducing, or transporting books, papers, records, or other data of a customer required to be reproduced pursuant to a lawful subpoena, warrant, citation to discover assets, or court order.
    (j) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, a savings bank may sell or otherwise make use of lists of customers' names and addresses. All other information regarding a customer's account is subject to the disclosure provisions of this Section. At the request of any customer, that customer's name and address shall be deleted from any list that is to be sold or used in any other manner beyond identification of the customer's accounts.
(Source: P.A. 102-873, eff. 5-13-22.)

205 ILCS 205/4014

    (205 ILCS 205/4014)
    Sec. 4014. Waiver of notice. Whenever any notice whatsoever is required to be given under this Act or under the provisions of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of a savings bank, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the person entitled to the notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of the notice. Attendance at any meeting shall constitute waiver of notice thereof unless the person at the meeting objects to the holding of the meeting because proper notice was not given.
(Source: P.A. 91-97, eff. 7-9-99.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 5

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 5 heading)
ARTICLE 5. Capital

205 ILCS 205/5001

    (205 ILCS 205/5001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-1)
    Sec. 5001. Minimum capital.
    (a) A savings bank may be organized to exercise the powers conferred by this Act with minimum capital, surplus, and reserves for operating expenses as determined by the Commissioner. In no case may the Commissioner establish requirements for insured savings banks at a level less than that required for insurance of accounts. For any savings bank other than those resulting from conversion from an existing financial institution to one operating under this Act, the Commissioner must establish capital requirements no less stringent than those required of banks chartered under the Illinois Banking Act.
    (b) No savings bank may commence business until it has capital as required by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
    (c) Each depository institution converting to a savings bank, before declaration of a dividend on its capital stock, must maintain the minimum capital standards as required by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

205 ILCS 205/5002

    (205 ILCS 205/5002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-2)
    Sec. 5002. Types of capital; personal property.
    (a) The capital of a stock savings bank shall be represented by capital stock and noncumulative perpetual preferred stock as authorized by the articles of incorporation, related paid-in surplus, retained earnings, and other forms of capital deemed to be qualifying capital by the insurance corporation providing insurance of the savings bank's deposits.
    (b) The capital of a mutual savings bank shall be represented by retained earnings and other forms of capital deemed to be qualifying capital by the insurance corporation providing insurance of the savings bank's deposits.
    (c) All shares and capital accounts shall be personal property and transferable as provided in this Act and the bylaws of the savings bank.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/5003

    (205 ILCS 205/5003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-3)
    Sec. 5003. Capital stock; nature. Capital stock shall constitute a secondary reserve out of which losses shall be paid after all other available reserves have been exhausted and shall have a par value of $1 each or a greater amount as the articles of incorporation may prescribe. The shares shall be:
        (1) Nonwithdrawable, except as provided in Section
5005, until all liabilities of the savings bank have been satisfied in full, including payment of the withdrawal value of all deposit accounts.
        (2) Entitled to dividends only as provided in Section
        (3) Issued only upon cash payment of not less than
the par value thereof; in connection with a merger, sale of all assets, or conversion; or as stock dividends as provided in Section 5008.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/5004

    (205 ILCS 205/5004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-4)
    Sec. 5004. Capital stock; authorization of issuance. A savings bank may provide for the issuance of capital stock, either by its original articles of incorporation or by an amendment thereto in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Commissioner.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/5005

    (205 ILCS 205/5005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-5)
    Sec. 5005. Retirement or reduction of capital stock.
    (a) The board of directors of a savings bank operating with capital stock may propose an amendment to the articles of incorporation providing for the retirement of all of the capital stock and a detailed plan for effectuating the amendment. The resulting capital of the savings bank shall be not less than the minimum initial capital that the savings bank, if it were being organized, would be required to have by the Commissioner under this Act. The proposal shall be submitted to the Commissioner for his approval.
    (b) If the Commissioner approves the proposal, the savings bank's board of directors may request in writing an appraisal of the value of the capital stock, and the Commissioner then shall cause an appraisal to be made at the expense of the savings bank.
    (c) The proposal then shall be submitted to the shareholders at an annual or special meeting. It shall be adopted upon receiving in the affirmative the votes of the holders of two-thirds or more of the outstanding shares of capital stock. The proposal takes effect upon completion of the procedure provided in this Act for the amendment of articles of incorporation.
    (d) A savings bank may amend its articles of incorporation in accordance with the procedure provided in this Act for those amendments to reduce its capital stock, but in no event to an amount that is less than the minimum capital stock that the savings bank would be required by this Act to issue if it were newly authorized to issue capital stock.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/5006

    (205 ILCS 205/5006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-6)
    Sec. 5006. Who may hold capital. Capital stock of a savings bank may be held:
        (1) By any individual in his own right, regardless of
age or marital status, or by 2 or more individuals.
        (2) By a fiduciary when authorized by law.
        (3) By a government or governmental instrumentality
when authorized by law.
        (4) By any corporation or other person when not
prohibited by law.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/5007

    (205 ILCS 205/5007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-7)
    Sec. 5007. Capital Maintenance.
    (a) Each savings bank shall maintain total capital of not less than 3% of total assets. This standard is the minimum acceptable for a savings bank whose overall financial condition is fundamentally sound and that is well managed. When the Commissioner determines that the financial condition or history, management, or earnings prospects are not adequate, the Commissioner may determine that a higher minimum capital level is required for the savings bank.
    (b) A savings bank shall maintain total capital necessary to ensure the continuation of insurance of its deposit accounts by the insurance corporation.
    (c) The board of directors may establish and maintain special reserves, as they may deem advisable, to provide for losses or liabilities. Losses may be charged to those reserves as the board of directors may determine.
    (d) Any savings bank with total capital less than 3% of total assets shall be deemed to be operating in an unsafe and unsound condition and shall be subject to the imposition of restrictions, sanctions, or penalties as provided for under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/5008

    (205 ILCS 205/5008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-8)
    Sec. 5008. Dividends.
    (a) Subject to the restrictions set forth in this Section and the savings bank's bylaws, the board of directors from time to time may declare dividends on capital stock subject to the following restrictions:
        (1) No dividends may be declared when the total
capital of the savings bank is less than that required by Section 5007 of this Act.
        (2) The board of directors may quarterly,
semiannually, or annually declare a dividend on capital stock of so much of the net profits of the savings bank that they shall determine expedient, except that until the paid-in surplus of the savings bank shall equal its capital stock, no dividend shall be declared unless there has been transferred to paid-in surplus not less than 10% of the net profits of the preceding half year in the case of quarterly or semiannual dividends, or not less than 10% of the net profits for the preceding 2 half year periods in the case of annual dividends. A stock dividend may be declared out of retained earnings at any time.
    (b) The written approval of the Commissioner shall be required by a savings bank having total capital of less than 6% of total assets before any dividends on capital stock that exceed 50% of the savings bank's net profits of that year may be declared by a savings bank in any year. A savings bank may not declare dividends in excess of the savings bank's net profits in any year without the approval of the Commissioner.
    (c) For the purpose of this Article the term "net profit" means the remainder of all earnings from current operations plus actual recoveries on loans, investments, and other assets after deducting all current expenses, including dividends or interest on deposit accounts, additions to reserves as required by the Commissioner, actual losses, accrued dividends on preferred stock, if any, and all State and federal taxes.
(Source: P.A. 89-74, eff. 6-30-95; 89-320, eff. 1-1-96.)

205 ILCS 205/5009

    (205 ILCS 205/5009) (from Ch. 17, par. 7305-9)
    Sec. 5009. Loans or discounts on capital stock. A savings bank may not make a loan or discount on the security of or be the purchaser or holder of the shares of its own capital stock or preferred stock or on the security of its own debentures or evidences of its debt that are convertible to capital stock or are junior or subordinate in rights of payment to deposit or other liabilities of the savings bank, unless the security or purchase shall be necessary to prevent loss on a debt previously contracted in good faith; and the stock or evidence of indebtedness acquired or purchased shall, within 6 months from the time of its acquisition, be sold or disposed of at public or private sale.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 6

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 6 heading)
ARTICLE 6. Investments

205 ILCS 205/6001

    (205 ILCS 205/6001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-1)
    Sec. 6001. General provisions.
    (a) No savings bank shall make any loan or investment authorized by this Article unless the savings bank first has determined that the type, amount, purpose, and repayment provisions of the loan or investment in relation to the borrower's or issuer's resources and credit standing support the reasonable belief that the loan or investment will be financially sound and will be repaid according to its terms and that the loan or investment is not otherwise unlawful.
    (b) Each loan or investment that a savings bank makes or purchases, whether wholly or in part, must be adequately underwritten, reviewed periodically, and reserved against as necessary in accordance with its payment performance, all in accordance with the regulations and directives of the Commissioner.
    (c) Every appraisal or reappraisal of property that a savings bank is required to make shall be made as follows:
        (1) By an independent qualified appraiser, designated
by the board of directors, who is properly licensed or certified by the entity authorized to govern his licensure or certification and who meets the requirements of the Appraisal Subcommittee and of the Federal Act.
        (2) In the case of an insured or guaranteed loan, by
any appraiser appointed by any lending, insuring, or guaranteeing agency of the United States or the State of Illinois that insures or guarantees the loan, wholly or in part.
        (3) Each appraisal shall be in writing prepared at
the request of the lender for the lender's use; disclose the market value of the security offered; contain sufficient information and data concerning the appraised property to substantiate the market value thereof; be certified and signed by the appraiser or appraisers; and state that the appraiser or appraisers have personally examined the described property. The appraisal shall be filed and preserved by the savings bank. In addition, the appraisal shall be prepared and reported in accordance with the Standards of Professional Practice and the ethical rules of the Appraisal Foundation as adopted and promulgated by the Appraisal Subcommittee.
    (d) If appraisals of real estate securing a savings bank's loans are obtained as part of an examination by the Commissioner, the cost of those appraisals shall promptly be paid by the savings bank directly to the appraiser or appraisers.
    (e) Any violation of this Article shall constitute an unsafe or unsound practice. Any person who knowingly violates any provision of this Article shall be subject to enforcement action or civil money penalties as provided for in this Act.
    (f) For purposes of this Article, "underwriting" shall mean the process of compiling information to support a determination as to whether an investment or extension of credit shall be made by a savings bank. It shall include, but not be limited to, evaluating a borrower's creditworthiness, determination of the value of the underlying collateral, market factors, and the appropriateness of the investment or loan for the savings bank. Underwriting as used herein does not include the agreement to purchase unsold portions of public offerings of stocks or bonds as commonly used in corporate securities issuances and sales.
    (g) For purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:
        (1) "Federal Act" means Title XI of the Financial
Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
        (2) "Appraisal Subcommittee" means the designee of
the heads of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.).
        (3) "Appraisal Foundation" means the Appraisal
Foundation that was incorporated as an Illinois not-for-profit corporation on November 30, 1987.
(Source: P.A. 102-687, eff. 12-17-21.)

205 ILCS 205/6002

    (205 ILCS 205/6002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-2)
    Sec. 6002. Investment in loans.
    (a) Subject to the regulations of the Commissioner, a savings bank may loan funds as follows:
        (1) On the security of deposit accounts, but no such
loan shall exceed the withdrawal value of the pledged account.
        (2) On the security of real estate:
            (A) of a value, determined in accordance with
this Act, sufficient to provide good and ample security for the loan;
            (B) with a fee simple title or a leasehold title;
            (C) with the title established by evidence of
title as is consistent with sound lending practices in the locality;
            (D) with the security interest in the real estate
evidenced by an appropriate written instrument and the loan evidenced by a note, bond, or similar written instrument; a loan on the security of the whole of the beneficial interest in a land trust satisfies the requirements of this paragraph if the title to the land is held by a corporate trustee and if the real estate held in the land trust meets the other requirements of this subsection;
            (E) with a mortgage loan not to exceed 40 years.
        (3) For the purpose of repair, improvement,
rehabilitation, furnishing, or equipment of real estate.
        (4) For the purpose of financing or refinancing an
existing ownership interest in certificates of stock, certificates of beneficial interest, other evidence of an ownership interest in, or a proprietary lease from a corporation, trust, or partnership formed for the purpose of the cooperative ownership of real estate, secured by the assignment or transfer of certificates or other evidence of ownership of the borrower.
        (5) Through the purchase of loans that, at the time
of purchase, the savings bank could make in accordance with this Section and the bylaws.
        (6) Through the purchase of installment contracts for
the sale of real estate and title thereto that is subject to the contracts, but in each instance only if the savings bank, at the time of purchase, could make a mortgage loan of the same amount and for the same length of time on the security of the real estate.
        (7) Through loans guaranteed or insured, wholly or in
part, by the United States or any of its instrumentalities.
        (8) Subject to regulations adopted by the
Commissioner, through secured or unsecured loans for business, corporate, commercial, or agricultural purposes; provided that the total of all loans granted under this paragraph shall not exceed 15% of the savings bank's total assets unless a greater amount is authorized in writing by the Commissioner.
        (9) For the purpose of manufactured home financing
subject, however, to the regulation of the Commissioner. As used in this Section, "manufactured home" means a manufactured home as defined in subdivision (53) of Section 9-102 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
        (10) Through loans secured by the cash surrender
value of any life insurance policy or any collateral that would be a legal investment under the terms of this Act if made by the savings bank.
        (11) Any provision of this Act or any other law,
except for paragraph (18) of Section 6003, to the contrary notwithstanding, but subject to the Financial Institutions Insurance Sales Law and subject to the Commissioner's regulations, any savings bank may make any loan or investment or engage in any activity that it could make or engage in if it were organized under State law as a savings and loan association or under federal law as a federal savings and loan association or federal savings bank.
        (12) A savings bank may issue letters of credit or
other similar arrangements only as provided for by regulation of the Commissioner with regard to aggregate amounts permitted, take out commitments for stand-by letters of credit, underlying documentation and underwriting, legal limitations on loans of the savings bank, control and subsidiary records, and other procedures deemed necessary by the Commissioner.
        (13) For the purpose of automobile financing, subject
to the regulation of the Commissioner.
        (14) For the purpose of financing primary, secondary,
undergraduate, or postgraduate education.
        (15) Through revolving lines of credit on the
security of a first or junior lien on the borrower's personal residence, based primarily on the borrower's equity, the proceeds of which may be used for any purpose; those loans being commonly referred to as home equity loans.
        (16) As secured or unsecured credit to cover the
payment of checks, drafts, or other funds transfer orders in excess of the available balance of an account on which they are drawn, subject to the regulations of the Commissioner.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, "real estate" includes a manufactured home as defined in subdivision (53) of Section 9-102 of the Uniform Commercial Code which is real property as defined in Section 5-35 of the Conveyance and Encumbrance of Manufactured Homes as Real Property and Severance Act.
(Source: P.A. 98-749, eff. 7-16-14.)

205 ILCS 205/6003

    (205 ILCS 205/6003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-3)
    Sec. 6003. Other investments. A savings bank may invest funds as provided in this Section:
        (1) In demand, time, or savings deposits or accounts,
withdrawable accounts, or other insured obligations of any financial institution the accounts of which are insured by a federal agency.
        (2) In participating interests in loans of a type
that the savings bank would be authorized to make, but only if the other participants are (A) savings banks organized under this Act, (B) savings and loan associations, banks, credit unions, and licensees under the Consumer Installment Loan Act or the Sales Finance Agency Act, organized under the laws of this State, (C) associations or corporations insured by an instrumentality of the United States, (D) instrumentalities of or corporations owned wholly or in part by the United States or this State, or, (E) subject to regulations of the Commissioner, service corporations of a savings bank organized under this Act or subsidiaries of a savings and loan association, bank, or credit union organized under the laws of this State or the United States.
        (3) In obligations of, or obligations that are fully
guaranteed by the United States and in stocks or obligations of any Federal Reserve Bank, Federal Home Loan Bank, the Student Loan Market Association, the Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal National Mortgage Association, The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or any other agency of the United States.
        (4) In bonds or other direct obligations of, or
guaranteed as to principal and interest by, this State.
        (5) In obligations that by the laws of this State are
made legal investments for savings banks.
        (6) In bonds or other evidences of indebtedness that
are direct general obligations of any unit of local government of this State or in bonds or other evidences of indebtedness that are payable from revenues or earnings specifically pledged therefor of a unit of local government, but in no event shall the total amount of the securities of any one maker or obligor exceed 15% of the savings bank's total capital, nor shall the aggregate amount of investments under this paragraph exceed 15% of the savings bank's total assets.
        (7) Equity investments in real estate. With the
prior written consent of the Commissioner, a savings bank may invest in the initial purchase and development, or the purchase or commitment to purchase after completion, of home sites and housing for sale or rental, including, but not limited to, projects for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, or rebuilding of residential properties to meet the minimum standards of health and occupancy prescribed by appropriate local authorities, the provision of accommodations for retail stores, shops, and other community services that are reasonably incident to that housing or in the shares of a corporation that owns one or more of those projects and that is wholly owned by one or more financial institutions whose investments are regulated by the laws of this State or of the United States. In no event shall the total investment in any one project exceed 15% of the savings bank's total capital, nor shall the aggregate investment under this paragraph exceed 50% of its total capital. No savings bank may make an investment of this type unless it is in compliance with the capital requirements of this Act and with the capital maintenance requirements of its insurer of deposit accounts. The Commissioner shall approve the investment only if the savings bank shows:
            (A) that the savings bank has adequate assets
available for the investment;
            (B) that the proposed investment does not exceed
the reasonable market value of the property or interest therein as determined in accordance with the appraisal requirements of this Act; and
            (C) that all other requirements of this Section
have been met.
        Nothing contained in this paragraph prohibits a
savings bank from developing or building on land acquired by it under any other provision of this Act nor from completing the construction of buildings in accordance with any construction loan contract where the borrower has failed to comply with the terms of the contract.
        (8) In obligations of the State of Israel or
obligations fully guaranteed by the State of Israel as to payment of principal and interest, but in no event shall the total amount of that investment exceed 15% of the savings bank's total capital.
        (9) In stocks or obligations of business development
corporations chartered by this State or by the United States or an agency thereof, but in no event shall the aggregate amount of stock exceed 2.5% of the savings bank's total capital or $250,000, whichever is greater.
        (10) In obligations of urban renewal investment
corporations chartered under the laws of this State, or the United States, or in certificates of beneficial interest of urban renewal investment trusts, but in no event shall the aggregate amount of the stock, obligations or beneficial interest certificates of any one maker exceed 2.5% of the savings bank's total capital, nor shall the aggregate amount of investments under this paragraph exceed 15% of its total capital.
        (11) Subject to the regulations of the Commissioner,
in loans deemed sufficiently secured by the board of directors of the savings bank. However, if the security is stock or equity securities of any kind other than those of a financial institution, the stock or securities must be listed on a national exchange or actively traded and quoted on an over-the-counter market or their value must be ascertainable in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Commissioner.
        (12) In commercial paper. As used in this Section,
the term "commercial paper" means short term obligations having a maturity ranging from 2 to 270 days issued by banks, corporations, or other borrowers. Investments in commercial paper under this Section must be in securities rated in one of the 4 highest categories by a nationally recognized rating service.
        (13) Purchase of stock in insurance companies.
Notwithstanding any provision of this Act to the contrary, a savings bank may purchase shares of, or otherwise acquire equity interests in, insurance companies and insurance holding companies organized to provide insurance for savings institutions and corporations and individuals affiliated with savings institutions, provided ownership of equity interests is a prerequisite to obtaining directors and officers' and blanket bond insurance through the company or companies. The Commissioner may promulgate regulations concerning the size of each savings bank's investment and manner of holding those investments.
        (14) Subject to the regulation of the Commissioner,
in equity or debt securities or instruments of a service corporation subsidiary of the savings bank.
        (15) Through advances of federal funds to designated
depositories, provided that the advances are made on the condition that they be repaid on the next business day following the date on which the advance is made. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "federal funds" means funds that a savings bank has on deposit at a depository that are exchangeable for funds on deposit at a federal reserve bank; the term "business day" means any day on which the savings bank, the depository, and the federal reserve bank where the funds are on deposit are all open for general business.
        (16) In financial futures or options transactions
subject to the regulations of the Commissioner.
        (17) In a subsidiary chartered for the purpose of
exercising all powers necessary to act as a corporate fiduciary under the Corporate Fiduciary Act.
        (18) In marketable investment securities, but in no
event shall the total amount of those securities of any one maker or obligor exceed 15% of the savings bank's total capital nor shall the aggregate amount of investments under this Section exceed 15% of total assets. As used in this Section, the term "marketable investment securities" does not include stocks, but means investment grade marketable obligations evidencing indebtedness of any person in the form of bonds, notes, or debentures commonly known as investment securities, and of a type customarily sold on recognized exchanges or traded over the counter and investment grade marketable obligations of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, or the International Finance Corporation. As used in this Section, the term "investment grade" means being rated in one of the 4 highest categories by at least one nationally recognized rating service.
        (19) In investment grade marketable obligations of
any other state, territory, or possession or political subdivision thereof to the same extent that it may invest in marketable investment securities under paragraph (18) of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 89-317, eff. 8-11-95; 90-665, eff. 7-30-98.)

205 ILCS 205/6004

    (205 ILCS 205/6004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-4)
    Sec. 6004. Calculation of interest; postpayments and prepayments.
    (a) In any contract or loan that is secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, or conveyance in the nature of a mortgage for the purpose of purchase or refinance of residential real estate, the interest that is computed, calculated, charged, or collected pursuant to the contract or loan, or pursuant to any regulation or rule promulgated under this Act, may not be computed, calculated, charged or collected for any period of time occurring after the date on which the total indebtedness, with the exception of late payment penalties, is paid in full.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, a prepayment means the payment of the total indebtedness, with the exception of late payment penalties if incurred or charged, on any date before the date specified in the contract or loan agreement on which the total indebtedness shall be paid in full, or before the date on which all payments, if timely made, shall have been made. In the event of a prepayment of the indebtedness that is made on a date after the date on which interest on the indebtedness was last computed, calculated, charged, or collected but before the next date on which interest on the indebtedness was to be calculated, computed, charged, or collected, the lender may calculate, charge, and collect interest on the indebtedness for the period that elapsed between the date on which the prepayment is made and the date on which interest on the indebtedness was last computed, calculated, charged, or collected at a rate equal to 1/360 of the annual rate for each day which so elapsed, which rate shall be applied to the indebtedness outstanding as of the date of prepayment. The lender shall refund to the borrower any interest charged or collected that exceeds that which the lender may charge or collect under this subsection.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/6005

    (205 ILCS 205/6005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-5)
    Sec. 6005. General loan contract provisions. Each loan and any agreement for securing the loan shall be evidenced by one or more written instruments, consistent with sound lending practices in the locality. Whenever recordation of an instrument is necessary to establish priority over the claim of any third party, the instrument shall be recorded.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/6006

    (205 ILCS 205/6006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-6)
    Sec. 6006. Modification agreements. A savings bank, at any time, may enter into a written agreement with a borrower to modify, in any manner not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, the terms of a loan as to the amount, time or method of the payments to be made, the interest rate, and any other provision of the loan contract, and the loan contract and the security instrument shall not be prejudiced by the making of any modification, even if a modification was not provided for in the loan contract.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/6007

    (205 ILCS 205/6007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-7)
    Sec. 6007. Sale, assignment, and servicing of loans and contracts.
    (a) Any savings bank may sell any loan or a participating interest in a loan at any time in the usual and regular course of business. Loans sold may be sold with or without recourse except as may otherwise be provided by regulations of the Secretary. The Secretary may, by regulation, adopt limitations upon the sale of loans. The provisions of this subsection (a) do not apply to the sale of loans to agencies of the United States, the State of Illinois, or other government sponsored agencies as may be approved by the Secretary.
    (b) A savings bank may contract to service a loan or a participating interest in a loan, but a contract therefor shall conform to any pertinent regulations prescribed by the Secretary and shall require sufficient compensation to reimburse the savings bank for all expenses incurred under the contract.
    (c) A savings bank may sell and assign, with or without recourse, any master's certificate of sale, defaulted loan, or defaulted real estate contract to any person eligible to purchase it for an amount not less than the fair cash market value thereof.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/6008

    (205 ILCS 205/6008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-8)
    Sec. 6008. Purchase of real estate at forced sale. A savings bank may purchase at any sheriff's or other judicial sale, either public or private, any real estate upon which the savings bank has any mortgage, lien or other encumbrance, or in which the savings bank has any other interest. The savings bank thereafter may repair, insure, improve, sell, convey, lease, preserve, mortgage, exchange, or otherwise dispose of real estate so acquired in the best interests of the savings bank. For purposes of this Section, "real estate" includes a manufactured home as defined in subdivision (53) of Section 9-102 of the Uniform Commercial Code which is real property as defined in Section 5-35 of the Conveyance and Encumbrance of Manufactured Homes as Real Property and Severance Act.
(Source: P.A. 98-749, eff. 7-16-14.)

205 ILCS 205/6009

    (205 ILCS 205/6009) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-9)
    Sec. 6009. Purchase of real estate for office and rental purposes.
    (a) A savings bank may acquire and hold real estate in fee simple or leaseholds on which a building or buildings exist or are to be erected suitable for the transaction of the savings bank's business, and from portions of which not required for the savings bank's own use, revenue may be derived; or may own all or part of the capital stock, shares, or interest in any corporation, limited liability company, association, or trust engaged solely in holding all or part of that real estate. However, the amount so invested under this Section and item (7) of Section 6003 may not exceed a savings bank's total capital unless the Secretary, upon a proper showing, approves a larger amount consistent with the needs of the savings bank's business and its immediate future expansion.
    (b) Unless prior written approval of the Secretary is obtained, no savings bank may purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire a site for an office building or interest in real estate from any officer, director, employee, or stockholder holding more than 10% of the aggregate capital stock of the savings bank, or any firm, corporation, entity, or family in which any officer, director, employee, or stockholder holding more than 10% of the aggregate capital stock of a savings bank has any direct or indirect interest.
    (c) An acquisition prohibited by this Section includes the purchase, lease, or acquisition of property in which any of the persons described in this Section held any interest for a period of 10 years preceding the purchase, lease, or acquisition, but does not include the acquisition of an option for a site or real estate where the option is assignable and exercised by the savings bank in its own name and for its own benefit.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/6010

    (205 ILCS 205/6010) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-10)
    Sec. 6010. Prohibited loans. No savings bank may make a loan to any person owning 10% or more of its capital stock, any affiliated person, agent, or attorney of the savings bank, either individually or as an agent or partner of another, except in accordance with laws and regulations applicable to similar transactions to which banks are subject.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/6011

    (205 ILCS 205/6011) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-11)
    Sec. 6011. Effect of unauthorized investments.
    (a) Every loan or other investment made in violation of this Act shall be due and payable according to its terms, and the obligation thereof shall not be impaired.
    (b) Every director or officer of a savings bank who shall knowingly participate in or assent to, or who shall knowingly permit any of the officers or agents of the savings bank to make, investments not authorized by this Act shall be liable individually for all damage that the savings bank may sustain in consequence of the investments, in addition to any criminal penalties prescribed by this Act.
    (c) The Commissioner may require every director or officer of a savings bank who shall knowingly participate in or assent to, or who shall knowingly permit any of the officers or agents of the savings bank to make, investments not authorized by this Act to deposit with the savings bank an indemnity bond, insurance, or collateral of a kind and amount sufficient to indemnify the savings bank against damages that the savings bank may sustain in consequence of the investments. The amount considered sufficient to indemnify the savings bank shall, in the case of an unauthorized investment, be the difference between the book value and the market value of the investment at the time the Commissioner makes his determination that the investment is unauthorized. The amount considered sufficient to indemnify the savings bank, in the case of an unauthorized loan, shall be the difference between the book value of the loan and the amount that could have been made under the provisions of this Act. Whenever an unauthorized investment has been sold or disposed of without recourse, the Commissioner shall release all or part of the indemnity after deducting any loss. Whenever the balance of an unauthorized loan has been reduced to an amount that would permit the loan to be made under the provisions of this Act, the indemnity shall be released, provided that the Commissioner in making the determination may require an independent appraisal of the security.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/6012

    (205 ILCS 205/6012) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-12)
    Sec. 6012. Acknowledgments. No acknowledgment of a deed, mortgage, or other instrument shall be invalid because the acknowledgment was taken before an officer authorized by the laws of this State to acknowledge conveyances who is also a member, director, employee, or officer of a savings bank that is a party to the deed, mortgage, or other instrument.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/6013

    (205 ILCS 205/6013) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-13)
    Sec. 6013. Loans to one borrower.
    (a) Except as provided in subsection (c), the total loans and extensions of credit, both direct and indirect, by a savings bank to any person, other than a municipal corporation for money borrowed, outstanding at one time shall not exceed 25% of the savings bank's total capital plus general loan loss reserves.
    (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), the total loans and extensions of credit, both direct and indirect, by a savings bank to any person outstanding at one time and at least 100% secured by readily marketable collateral having a market value, as determined by reliable and continuously available price quotations, shall not exceed 10% of the savings bank's total capital plus general loan loss reserves. This limitation shall be separate from and in addition to the limitation contained in subsection (a).
    (c) If the limit under subsection (a) or (b) on total loans to one borrower is less than $500,000, a savings bank that meets its minimum capital requirement under this Act may have loan and extensions of credit, both direct and indirect, outstanding to any person at one time not to exceed $500,000. With the prior written approval of the Commissioner, a savings bank that has capital in excess of 6% of assets may make loans and extensions of credit to one borrower for the development of residential housing properties, located or to be located in this State, not to exceed 30% of the savings bank's total capital plus general loan loss reserves.
    (d) For purposes of this Section, the term "person" shall be deemed to include an individual, firm, corporation, business trust, partnership, trust, estate, association, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship, unincorporated association, any political subdivision, or any similar entity or organization.
    (e) For the purposes of this Section any loan or extension of credit granted to one person, the proceeds of which are used for the direct benefit of a second person, shall be deemed a loan or extension of credit to the second person as well as the first person. In addition, a loan or extension of credit to one person shall be deemed a loan or extension of credit to others when a common enterprise exists between the first person and such other persons.
    (f) For the purposes of this Section, the total liabilities of a firm, partnership, pool, syndicate, or joint venture shall include the liabilities of the members of the entity.
    (g) For the purposes of this Section, the term "readily marketable collateral" means financial instruments or bullion that are salable under ordinary circumstances with reasonable promptness at a fair market value on an auction or a similarly available daily bid-and-ask price market. "Financial instruments" include stocks, bonds, notes, debentures traded on a national exchange or over the counter, commercial paper, negotiable certificates of deposit, bankers' acceptances, and shares in money market or mutual funds.
    (h) Each savings bank shall institute adequate procedures to ensure that collateral fully secures the outstanding loan or extension of credit at all times.
    (i) If collateral values fall below 100% of the outstanding loan or extension of credit to the extent that the loan or extension of credit no longer is in conformance with subsection (b) and exceeds the 25% limitation of subsection (a), the loan must be brought into conformance with this Section within 5 business days except where judicial proceedings or other similar extraordinary occurrences prevent the savings bank from taking action.
    (j) This Section shall not apply to loans or extensions of credit to the United States of America or its agencies or this State or its agencies or to any loan, investment, or extension of credit made pursuant to Section 6003 of this Act.
    (k) This Section does not apply to the obligations as endorser, whether with or without recourse, or as guarantor, whether conditional or unconditional, of negotiable or nonnegotiable installment consumer paper of the person transferring the same if the bank's files or the knowledge of its officers of the financial condition of each maker of those obligations is reasonably adequate and if an officer of the bank, designated for that purpose by the board of directors of the bank, certifies that the responsibility of each maker of the obligations has been evaluated and that the bank is relying primarily upon each maker for the payment of the obligations. The certification shall be in writing and shall be retained as part of the records of the bank.
    (l) The Commissioner may prescribe rules to carry out the purposes of this Section and to establish limits or requirements other than those specified in this Section for particular types of loans and extensions of credit.
(Source: P.A. 92-483, eff. 8-23-01; 92-700, eff. 7-19-02.)

205 ILCS 205/6014

    (205 ILCS 205/6014) (from Ch. 17, par. 7306-14)
    Sec. 6014. Commissioner's regulations.
    (a) The Commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations to determine permissible levels of investment and permissible concentrations of assets for savings banks applicable to all lending and investment authority granted by this Article 6. The rules and regulations shall give due regard to capital adequacy, operating income, underwriting standards, risk inherent in the investment or loan, and competitive parity with other financial institutions.
    (b) Violations of any of the provisions of this Article 6 shall constitute an unsafe and unsound practice and may subject the savings bank, its directors, officers, or agents to enforcement actions, civil money penalties, or other sanctions as provided in this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 7

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 7 heading)
ARTICLE 7. Deposit Accounts

205 ILCS 205/7001

    (205 ILCS 205/7001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7307-1)
    Sec. 7001. Definitions. As used in this Article, the following terms have the following meanings.
    "Deposit accounts" means certificates of deposit, withdrawable deposits, savings accounts, demand deposit accounts, checking accounts, or any other term or terms appropriate.
    "Interest" paid on deposit accounts pursuant to this Act means dividends, earnings, interest, return, or rate of return.
    The use of any term permitted by this Section shall not affect any right, duty, privilege, or liability that the savings bank or any depositor would otherwise have.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/7002

    (205 ILCS 205/7002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7307-2)
    Sec. 7002. Deposit accounts. All savings banks subject to this Act may receive deposits of funds subject to withdrawals or that are to be paid upon the checks of the depositor. All deposits of that type shall be payable on demand, without notice, except when the contract of deposit shall otherwise provide.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/7003

    (205 ILCS 205/7003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7307-3)
    Sec. 7003. Deposit accounts subject to liens. Every deposit account shall be subject to a lien for the payment of charges as lawfully may accrue thereon under the provisions of this Act, and the bylaws may prescribe the manner of enforcing the lien; but no deposit account shall be assessable for any debts or losses of the savings bank.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/7004

    (205 ILCS 205/7004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7307-4)
    Sec. 7004. Payment of interest.
    (a) The board of directors shall determine the rate and amount of interest to be paid on deposit accounts and, for that purpose, may establish reasonable classifications of accounts based on: types of classes of accounts; the length of time accounts are continued in effect; size of initial payments on accounts; minimum balances of accounts required for payment of interest; frequency and extent of the activity of accounts; or other classifications as the Commissioner may approve.
    (b) The board of directors shall determine by resolution the method of calculating the amount of any interest on deposit accounts and the date on which it is to be paid or credited.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/7005

    (205 ILCS 205/7005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7307-5)
    Sec. 7005. Holders of deposit accounts.
    Deposit accounts of a savings bank may be held as follows:
        (1) by any individual in his own right, regardless of
age or marital status, or by 2 or more individuals;
        (2) by a fiduciary when authorized by law;
        (3) by a government or governmental instrumentality
when authorized by law; and
        (4) by any corporation or other person when not
prohibited by law.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/7006

    (205 ILCS 205/7006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7307-6)
    Sec. 7006. Prohibited activities.
    (a) No savings bank shall participate, directly or indirectly, in the sale or transfer of any equity or debt security or instrument of any affiliate of the savings bank or the parent holding company of the savings bank or its affiliates.
    (b) No shareholder, director, officer, employee, or agent of the savings bank may participate, directly or indirectly, in any sale or transfer described in subsection (a), nor shall they allow any other person to do so on the premises of the savings bank, any of its branch or facility offices, agency offices, or any office of the savings bank's subsidiaries or service corporations.
    (c) Violation of this Section shall subject the person or persons committing the violation to assessment of civil money penalties as provided for in this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/7007

    (205 ILCS 205/7007)
    Sec. 7007. Enforcement of child support.
    (a) Any savings bank governed by this Act shall encumber or surrender accounts or assets held by the savings bank on behalf of any responsible relative who is subject to a child support lien, upon notice of the lien or levy of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Illinois Department of Public Aid) or its successor agency pursuant to Section 10-25.5 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, or upon notice of interstate lien or levy from any other state's agency responsible for implementing the child support enforcement program set forth in Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act.
    (b) Within 90 days after receiving notice from the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) that the Department has adopted a child support enforcement debit authorization form as required under the Illinois Public Aid Code, each savings bank governed by this Act shall take all appropriate steps to implement the use of the form in relation to accounts held by the savings bank. Upon receiving from the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) a copy of a child support enforcement debit authorization form signed by an obligor, a savings bank holding an account on behalf of the obligor shall debit the account and transfer the debited amounts to the State Disbursement Unit according to the instructions in the child support enforcement debit authorization form.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)

205 ILCS 205/7008

    (205 ILCS 205/7008)
    Sec. 7008. Savings promotion raffle.
    (a) As used in this Section, "savings promotion raffle" has the same meaning as that term is given in Section 4 of the Home Owners' Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1463).
    (b) If authorized by its board of directors, a savings bank may conduct a savings promotion raffle. The savings promotion raffle shall be conducted so that each token or ticket representing an entry in the savings promotion raffle has an equal chance of being drawn. A savings bank shall not conduct a savings promotion raffle in a manner that jeopardizes the savings bank's safety and soundness or misleads its customers.
    (c) The Secretary may examine the conduct of a savings promotion raffle and may issue a cease and desist order for a violation of this Section.
    (d) A savings bank shall maintain records sufficient to facilitate an audit of the savings promotion raffle.
(Source: P.A. 99-149, eff. 1-1-16.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 8

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 8 heading)
ARTICLE 8. Voluntary Corporate Changes

205 ILCS 205/8001

    (205 ILCS 205/8001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-1)
    Sec. 8001. Amendment of articles and bylaws. A savings bank may amend its articles of incorporation or bylaws in accordance with the procedure set forth in this Article, but those articles and bylaws shall conform to all legal requirements pertaining to savings banks. No amended article or bylaw shall affect any existing cause of action or pending action to which the savings bank may be a party or existing rights of persons other than the members or stockholders of the savings bank. Any number of amendments may be submitted and voted upon at any one meeting of the members, stockholders, or board of directors.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/8002

    (205 ILCS 205/8002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-2)
    Sec. 8002. Procedure to amend articles.
    (a) The procedure to effect an amendment of articles of incorporation shall be as follows:
        (1) The board of directors shall adopt a resolution
setting forth the proposed amendment and direct that it be submitted to a vote at an annual or special meeting of the members or stockholders.
        (2) The proposed amendment shall be set forth in the
notice of meeting mailed as prescribed in Section 4003 of this Act.
        (3) The proposed amendment shall be adopted upon
receiving the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast, unless the articles of incorporation set forth a requirement that amendments of the articles of incorporation shall be adopted by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the total number of votes entitled to be cast.
    (b) A report of proceedings, including the notice given, the time of mailing, the amendment adopted, the vote thereon, and the total number of votes entitled to be cast, verified by the president, vice president, or managing officer and attested to by the secretary of the savings bank, shall be filed with the Secretary within 5 business days after the vote.
    (c) Each adopted amendment shall be subject to the same inquiry as the corresponding provision in the original articles. If the Secretary approves an amendment he shall issue to the savings bank a certificate setting forth the amendment and his approval thereof. The amendment shall become effective upon issuance of the certificate.
    (d) An amendment of the articles of incorporation approved by the board of directors, the Secretary, and members as part of merger, sale of substantially all assets, change in control, holding company reorganization, or mutual to stock form conversion need not be approved under this Section.
    (e) No amendment of articles of incorporation shall affect any existing cause of action either in favor of or against the savings bank or any pending action in which the savings bank shall be a party or the existing rights of persons other than members of the savings bank.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8002.1

    (205 ILCS 205/8002.1)
    Sec. 8002.1. Procedure to amend articles of incorporation for name change.
    (a) Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 8002 of this Act, a savings bank, after commencing business, may amend its articles of incorporation solely for purposes of changing the name of the savings bank, upon satisfactory completion of the following requirements:
        (1) Submission by the board of directors of a
certified resolution approving the proposed name change and approving a plan for notifying all parties who may be affected by the change, including, but not limited to members, account holders, borrowers, creditors, and parties to whom or with whom commitments of any type are pending.
        (2) The new name, as determined by the Secretary,
meets the requirements for names under this Act or rules established by the Secretary.
    On satisfactory completion of these requirements, the Secretary shall issue an approved amendment to the articles of incorporation as provided for in subsection (c) of Section 8002 of this Act.
    (b) No amendment of the articles of incorporation to change the name of a savings bank shall affect any existing cause of action either in favor of or against the savings bank or any pending action in which the savings bank shall be a party, nor shall it affect the existing rights of persons other than members of the savings bank. No action brought by or against the savings bank under its former name shall be abated by reason of the change.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8003

    (205 ILCS 205/8003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-3)
    Sec. 8003. Effect upon existing articles and bylaws. Any adopted or amended articles that contain provisions contrary to the savings bank's bylaws shall serve to repeal the particular bylaws without further action by the board.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8004

    (205 ILCS 205/8004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-4)
    Sec. 8004. Merger; adoption of plan.
    (a) Any depository institution may merge into a savings bank operating under this Act, and a savings bank operating under this Act may merge into a depository institution. The board of directors of each merging depository institution, by resolution adopted by a majority vote of all members of the board, must approve the plan of merger.
    (b) The plan of merger must include the following:
        (1) The name of each of the merging depository
institutions, the name of the continuing savings bank or resulting depository institution, the location of the business office, and the location of the branch offices.
        (2) With respect to the resulting savings bank or
resulting depository institution, the amount of capital, surplus, and reserve for operating expenses; the classes and the number of shares of stock and the par value of each share; the charter and bylaws of the resulting depository institution or savings bank; and a detailed financial Statement showing the assets and liabilities after the proposed merger.
        (3) Provisions stating the method, terms, and
conditions of carrying the merger into effect, including the manner of converting the shares of the merging depository institutions into the cash, shares of stock, or other securities or properties Stated in the merger agreement to be received by the stockholders of each merging depository institution.
        (4) Provisions governing the manner of disposing of
any shares of stock of the resulting savings bank or resulting depository institution that are not taken by the dissenting stockholders of each merging depository institution.
        (5) Other provisions that appear necessary or
desirable or that the Secretary may reasonably require to enable him to discharge his duties with respect to the merger.
    (c) After approval by the board of directors of each depository institution, the merger agreement shall be submitted to the Secretary for approval, together with the certified copies of the authorizing resolutions of each board of directors showing approval by a majority of the entire board of each merging depository institution. After receipt of the items specified herein, the Secretary may make or cause to be made an examination of the affairs of each of the merging depository institutions and their affiliates and subsidiaries, the expense of which is to be paid by the merging depository institutions.
    (d) The Secretary may then approve or disapprove the proposed merger agreement. The Secretary shall not approve a merger agreement unless he finds that:
        (1) The resulting savings bank meets the requirements
of this Act for the formation of a new savings bank at the proposed main office of the resulting savings bank.
        (2) The same conditions exist with respect to the
resulting savings bank that would be required under this Act for the organization of a new savings bank.
        (3) The merger agreement is fair to all persons
        (4) The resulting savings bank will be operated in a
safe and sound manner.
    (e) If the Secretary disapproves of the proposed merger, he shall State his objections in writing and give the merging depository institutions a Stated period of time in which to amend the plan of merger to address the objections.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8005

    (205 ILCS 205/8005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-5)
    Sec. 8005. Merger; vote of approval. If approved by the Secretary, the plan of merger shall be submitted to the stockholders of the savings bank or depository institution for approval. The Secretary may require that the plan of merger be submitted to members of a mutual savings bank. Each meeting of the members or stockholders of a savings bank operating under this Act shall be called and held in accordance with Section 4002. The plan is approved if it receives the affirmative vote of two-thirds or more of the total votes entitled to be cast.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8006

    (205 ILCS 205/8006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-6)
    Sec. 8006. Merger; Secretary's certificate. The executed merger agreement together with copies of the resolutions of the members or stockholders of each merging depository institution approving it, certified by the president or vice president, and attested to by the secretary of the savings bank, shall be filed with the Secretary. The Secretary shall then issue to the continuing savings bank a certificate of merger, setting forth the name of each merging depository institution, the name of the continuing savings bank, and the articles of incorporation of the continuing savings bank. The merger takes effect upon the issuance of the certificate of merger.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12; 98-44, eff. 6-28-13.)

205 ILCS 205/8007

    (205 ILCS 205/8007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-7)
    Sec. 8007. Effect of merger. The continuing savings bank or resulting depository institution shall be considered the same business and corporate entity as each merging depository institution, with all the property, rights, duties, and obligations of each merging depository institution, except as otherwise provided by the articles of incorporation of the continuing savings bank or resulting depository institution. All liabilities of each of the merging institutions shall be liabilities of the continuing savings bank or resulting depository institution; and all of the rights, franchises, and interests of each of the merging depository institutions in and to every kind of property, real, personal, or mixed shall vest automatically in the continuing savings bank or resulting depository institution without any deed or other transfer. Any reference to a merging depository institution in any writing, whether executed or effective before or after the merger, shall be deemed a reference to the continuing savings bank or resulting depository institution if not inconsistent with the other provisions of the writing. No pending action or other judicial proceeding to which any merging depository institution is a party shall be abated or dismissed by reason of the merger, but shall be prosecuted to final judgment in the same manner as if the merger had not occurred.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8008

    (205 ILCS 205/8008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-8)
    Sec. 8008. Merger; Secretary's expenses. The expenses of any examination made by or at the direction of the Secretary in connection with a proposed merger shall be paid for by the merging savings banks or depository institutions.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8009

    (205 ILCS 205/8009) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-9)
    Sec. 8009. Sale of assets. Subject to regulations of the Secretary, a savings bank, in one transaction not in the usual course of business, may sell all or substantially all of its assets, with or without its name and goodwill, to another savings bank or depository institution, in consideration of money, capital, or obligations of the purchasing institution. A savings bank may sell any office or facility and equipment in conformity with the regulations of the Secretary.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8010

    (205 ILCS 205/8010) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-10)
    Sec. 8010. Procedure to effect sale of all assets.
    (a) The procedure to effect a sale authorized by Section 8009 of this Act shall be as follows:
        (1) The board of directors shall adopt a resolution
setting forth the terms of the proposed sale and shall submit the plan to the Secretary for his preliminary approval. Upon receipt of approval by the Secretary, the plan shall be submitted to a vote of the members at a special or annual meeting.
        (2) The terms shall be set forth in the notice of the
meeting as prescribed in subsection (b) of Section 4003 of this Act.
        (3) The proposed sale will be approved by the members
or stockholders upon receiving in the affirmative two-thirds or more of the total number of votes that all members or stockholders of the savings bank are entitled to cast. A proposal for the voluntary liquidation of the savings bank may be submitted to the members or stockholders at the same meeting or at any later meeting called for that purpose in accordance with Article 4 of this Act. A report of proceedings, certified by the president or vice president and attested by the secretary of the savings bank, setting forth the terms of the proposed sale, the notice given and the time of its mailing, the vote on the proposal, and the total number of votes that all members or stockholders of the savings bank are entitled to cast, shall be filed with the Secretary.
    (b) If the Secretary finds that the proposed sale is fair to all holders of capital, creditors, and other persons concerned and provision has been made for the disposition of the remaining assets, if any, of the savings bank, as provided in this Act for voluntary liquidation, he shall issue to the savings bank a certificate of authorization for the sale with a copy of the filed report of proceedings attached to the certificate.
    (c) When the Secretary's certificate is issued, the savings bank may complete the sale so authorized; except that the savings bank must also have the approval of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
    (d) If the sale includes the name of the savings bank, the purchaser shall have the exclusive right to that name for a period of 5 years.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8011

    (205 ILCS 205/8011) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-11)
    Sec. 8011. Authority to form a bridge charter.
    (a) Any savings bank operating in Illinois under this Act may form a bridge, vehicle, or other interim charter as a means to effect a corporate restructuring, a voluntary corporate change, or other transformation that does not in reality create an additional new depository institution, but that shall move insured liabilities from one depository institution to another pursuant to a change in control, change in method of ownership, merger, or other charter change that results in no new net insurable deposits. That charter or institution shall be known as an interim, vehicle, bridge, or pass-through charter or institution and may become or receive the continuing or surviving depository institution or may be a conduit through which an existing depository institution's assets, liabilities, fixtures, personnel, rights, and property of every type are passed in order to effect a desirable corporate change. In connection with the formation of that type of institution, an existing depository institution may amend, modify, or add to its articles of incorporation and bylaws to remove any depository function and to remove any deposits that would require insurance of accounts under Section 1005 of this Act.
    (b) Application to form an entity under authority of this Section shall be made on forms to be prescribed by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may issue rules and regulations to govern the formation of, and the standards and supervisory considerations to be applied to, the charters.
    (c) If a savings bank operating under this Act desires to apply for a permit to organize a new depository institution in order to facilitate or effect a corporate restructuring, to alter or relocate the depository institution's ownership, to effect a merger, sale or purchase of assets or in order to facilitate conversion to another charter, the Commissioner shall require the filing of an application to create a transitional charter.
    (d) The application shall contain the following:
        (1) The names and addresses of the organizers with
information as required by Article 3.
        (2) Any accompanying filings required by other
regulatory authorities.
        (3) A statement from the applicant's certified public
accountant describing and analyzing the method to effect the transaction.
        (4) A 5-year plan for the resulting depository
institution and for any corporate remnant of the original depository institution regarding the disposition, acquisition, or expansion of assets; capital enhancement; disposition of earnings and profits; and geographic or other expansion or contraction.
        (5) The purpose of the new entity with documentation
as required by the Commissioner.
        (6) Whether the core base deposits will be expanded
in a manner that would require increased insurance of accounts together with details for the appropriate filings.
        (7) Ownership structure including any contemplated
sales of stock of subsidiaries, affiliates, or parent companies, as well as of the savings bank.
        (8) Articles of incorporation and bylaws of the
original, interim, and resulting institutions.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/8012

    (205 ILCS 205/8012) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-12)
    Sec. 8012. Conversion of an existing depository institution to a savings bank.
    (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), an existing depository institution may become an Illinois savings bank by:
        (1) Applying to the Commissioner of Banks and Real
Estate for an Illinois savings bank charter.
        (2) Obtaining insurance of accounts from a deposit
insurance corporation.
        (3) Complying with the provisions of this Act and the
rules and regulations of the Commissioner, except that any requirements of publication, notice, and public hearing are hereby waived.
        (4) Paying all outstanding bills for supervisory
fees, examination fees, membership fees, other fees, penalties, and assessments associated with its original charter.
        (5) Recording a savings bank charter in the county of
its company headquarters.
        (6) Giving notice to its original chartering
authority and surrendering its charter to its chartering authority upon approval of the Commissioner.
    (b) A federal association required by a law of the United States to convert to a national bank or to a depository institution chartered under the laws of the State of Illinois that elects to become a savings bank may apply for an expedited process under this subsection. Upon filing with the Commissioner a certified copy of the conversion registration statement filed with the appropriate federal regulatory agency and a certificate issued by that federal regulatory agency showing that the federal association has complied with the provisions of federal law, the Commissioner shall issue a savings bank charter to the converting federal association, provided the converting federal association:
        (i) furnishes evidence of insurance of accounts from
a deposit insurance corporation;
        (ii) complies with the provisions of this Act and the
rules of the Commissioner, except that any requirements of publication notice and public hearing are waived; and
        (iii) records the savings bank charter in the county
of its principal place of business.
    (c) A federal savings association that converts to a savings bank under subsection (b) of this Section shall not be required to pay any application fees in connection with the conversion.
(Source: P.A. 89-508, eff. 7-3-96; 90-270, eff. 7-30-97.)

205 ILCS 205/8013

    (205 ILCS 205/8013) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-13)
    Sec. 8013. Emergency merger. With the prior approval of the Secretary, which approval shall state that the proposed merger is in his opinion necessary for the protection of the depositors and other creditors, any savings bank that is an eligible depository institution, as defined in the Illinois Banking Act, may, by a vote of a majority of its board of directors and without a vote of its members or stockholders, merge with another savings bank or depository institution, with the other savings bank or depository institution being the resulting or continuing savings bank or depository institution.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8014

    (205 ILCS 205/8014) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-14)
    Sec. 8014. Emergency sale of assets.
    (a) With the approval in writing of the Secretary, which approval shall state that the proposed sale is, in his opinion, necessary for the protection of the depositors and other creditors, any savings bank that is an eligible depository institution, as defined in Section 2 of the Illinois Banking Act may, by a vote of a majority of its board of directors and without a vote of its members or stockholders, sell all or any part of its assets to another savings bank or depository institution or to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, provided that a savings bank or depository institution assumes in writing all of the liabilities of the selling savings bank.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, a savings bank may sell to any savings bank or depository institution an insubstantial portion of its total deposits. The sale of an insubstantial portion of a savings bank's deposits may be by vote of a majority of the board of directors, and, with approval of the Secretary, without a vote of its members or stockholders.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8015

    (205 ILCS 205/8015) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-15)
    Sec. 8015. Change in control.
    (a) No person, whether acting directly or indirectly or through or in concert with one or more persons, may acquire control of a savings bank operating under this Act without prior approval of the Secretary. The provisions of this Section do not apply to an established holding company acquiring control of a State savings bank if the transaction is subject to approval under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, the federal Home Owners' Loan Act, or Section 3 of the federal Bank Holding Company Act.
    (b) Any person seeking to acquire control of a savings bank or subsidiary of a savings bank operating under this Act shall submit an application in the form required by the Secretary.
    (c) The Secretary may examine the books and records of the applicant and related persons, investigate any matter relevant to the application, and require the applicant to submit additional information and documents.
    (d) The Secretary shall not approve an acquisition of control unless the application and related examination and investigation permit the Secretary to find positively on all of the following matters:
        (1) The applicant has filed a complete application,
has cooperated with all examinations and investigations of the Secretary, and has submitted all information and documents requested by the Secretary.
        (2) The applicant and proposed management have the
necessary competence, experience, integrity, and financial ability.
        (3) The business plans of the applicant are
consistent with the safe and sound operation of the savings bank and the purposes of this Act.
        (4) The acquisition of control would not be
inequitable to members, borrowers or creditors of the savings bank.
        (5) The applicant and proposed management have
complied with subsection (f) of this Section.
        (6) The future prospects of the institution will
not jeopardize the financial stability of the savings bank or prejudice the interests of the members of the savings bank.
    (e) Shares of stock or mutual members shares acquired in violation of subsection (a) of this Section shall not be voted and shall not be counted in calculating the total number of shares eligible to vote. In addition to any other action authorized under this Act, the Secretary may require divestment of shares of stock acquired in violation of this Section and may require retirement of the withdrawal value of accounts providing mutual member voting shares acquired in violation of this Section, in which case the savings bank shall pay accrued interest on the retired withdrawal value and shall not assess any penalty for early withdrawal.
    (f) An individual, whether acting directly or indirectly or through or in concert with one or more persons, shall file written notice to the Secretary within 10 days of the occurrence of either of the following events:
        (1) becoming, directly or indirectly, the beneficial
owner of more than five percent of the voting shares of a savings bank or savings bank holding company; or
        (2) obtaining, directly or indirectly, the power to
cast more than five percent of the member votes of a savings bank or savings bank holding company.
    The requirements of this subsection (f) are separate and in addition to the requirements of subsection (a) of this Section.
    (g) The Secretary may promulgate rules to implement this provision, including definitions, form and content of application or notice, procedures, exemptions, and requirements for approval.
    (h) As used in this Section, a person is acting in concert if that person is acting in concert under federal laws or regulations.
(Source: P.A. 100-888, eff. 8-14-18.)

205 ILCS 205/8016

    (205 ILCS 205/8016) (from Ch. 17, par. 7308-16)
    Sec. 8016. Procedure for conversion from a savings bank charter.
    (a) Any savings bank operating under this Act may convert to any other depository institution chartered under the laws and regulations of this State or under the laws and regulations of the United States in accordance with the following requirements:
        (1) The converting savings bank shall notify the
Secretary of its intent to convert. Notice should be submitted when the savings bank first submits a request to convert to the appropriate State or federal authorities, but in no case less than 30 days before the conversion. Approval of the conversion by the Secretary shall not be required except when the savings bank converts to a depository institution that is also chartered by the Secretary in which case the savings bank shall comply with State law and regulations applicable to the conversion to such depository institution.
        (2) The board of directors shall approve a plan of
conversion by resolution adopted by majority vote of all of the directors.
        (3) Upon notice prescribed by subsection (a) of
Section 4003 of this Act, the plan of conversion shall be adopted upon receiving in the affirmative two-thirds or more of the total number of votes that all members of the savings bank are entitled to cast. A report of proceedings, certified by the president or a vice president and attested by the secretary of the savings bank, shall be filed promptly with the Secretary.
        (4) The savings bank shall pay all accrued
supervisory fees and other fees and assessments under this Act as of the date of conversion.
        (5) Upon completion of the conversion, the charter of
the savings bank shall automatically terminate and the savings bank charter or a true copy of the charter shall be returned to the Secretary.
    (b) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/8017

    (205 ILCS 205/8017)
    Sec. 8017. Guidelines for the processing of completed applications.
    (a) All procedures, notice, or transactions under Article VIII requiring approval of the Commissioner shall be governed by this Section and designated as an "application".
    (b) An application submitted under this Article to the Commissioner for processing shall comply with all applicable regulations and guidelines governing the filing of the applications. The Commissioner shall adopt rules to ensure timely processing of all applications. Rules governing the processing of an application for change in control shall conform to the requirements of Section 8015.
(Source: P.A. 88-579, eff. 8-12-94.)

205 ILCS 205/8018

    (205 ILCS 205/8018)
    Sec. 8018. Waiver of requirements. Notwithstanding any provision of this Article, the requirements imposed by this Article on a savings bank that seeks to convert to, merge into, or sell substantially all of its assets to a depository institution that is not a savings bank shall be no more burdensome or restrictive than the requirements imposed by federal or other state law on a depository institution that is not a savings bank that seeks to convert to, merge into, or sell substantially all of its assets to a savings bank. The Secretary may waive any such requirement imposed by this Article that is more burdensome or restrictive.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 9

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 9 heading)
ARTICLE 9. Supervision

205 ILCS 205/9001

    (205 ILCS 205/9001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-1)
    Sec. 9001. Personnel, records, files, actions, and duties. The Commissioner shall appoint, subject to applicable provisions of the Personnel Code, a supervisor, examiners, employees, experts, and special assistants as may be necessary to effectively carry out this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/9002

    (205 ILCS 205/9002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-2)
    Sec. 9002. Powers of Secretary.
    (a) The Secretary shall have the following powers and duties:
        (1) To exercise the rights, powers, and duties set
forth in this Act or in any related Act.
        (2) To establish regulations as may be reasonable or
necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Act.
        (3) To make an annual report regarding the work of
his or her office under this Act as he may consider desirable to the Governor, or as the Governor may request.
        (4) To cause a suit to be filed in his or her name to
enforce any law of this State that applies to savings banks, their service corporations, subsidiaries, affiliates, or holding companies operating under this Act, including the enforcement of any obligation of the officers, directors, agents, or employees of any savings bank.
        (5) To prescribe a uniform manner in which the books
and records of every savings bank are to be maintained.
        (6) To establish a reasonable fee structure for
savings banks and holding companies operating under this Act and for their service corporations and subsidiaries. The fees shall include, but not be limited to, annual fees, application fees, regular and special examination fees, and other fees as the Secretary establishes and demonstrates to be directly resultant from the Secretary's responsibilities under this Act and as are directly attributable to individual entities operating under this Act. The aggregate of all moneys collected by the Secretary on and after the effective date of this Act shall be paid promptly after receipt of the same, accompanied by a detailed statement thereof, into the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund established under Section 9002.1 of this Act. Nothing in this Act shall prevent continuing the practice of paying expenses involving salaries, retirement, social security, and State-paid insurance of State officers by appropriation from the General Revenue Fund. The Secretary may require payment of the fees under this Act by an electronic transfer of funds or an automatic debit of an account of each of the savings banks.
    (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), the Secretary shall not:
        (1) issue an order against a savings bank or holding
company organized under this Act for unsafe or unsound banking practices solely because the entity provides or has provided financial services to a cannabis-related legitimate business;
        (2) prohibit, penalize, or otherwise discourage a
savings bank or holding company organized under this Act from providing financial services to a cannabis-related legitimate business solely because the entity provides or has provided financial services to a cannabis-related legitimate business;
        (3) recommend, incentivize, or encourage a savings
bank or holding company organized under this Act not to offer financial services to an account holder or to downgrade or cancel the financial services offered to an account holder solely because:
            (A) the account holder is a manufacturer or
producer, or is the owner, operator, or employee of, a cannabis-related legitimate business;
            (B) the account holder later becomes an owner or
operator of a cannabis-related legitimate business; or
            (C) the savings bank or holding company organized
under this Act was not aware that the account holder is the owner or operator of a cannabis-related legitimate business; or
        (4) take any adverse or corrective supervisory action
on a loan made to an owner or operator of:
            (A) a cannabis-related legitimate business solely
because the owner or operator owns or operates a cannabis-related legitimate business; or
            (B) real estate or equipment that is leased to a
cannabis-related legitimate business solely because the owner or operator of the real estate or equipment leased the equipment or real estate to a cannabis-related legitimate business.
(Source: P.A. 101-593, eff. 12-4-19.)

205 ILCS 205/9002.1

    (205 ILCS 205/9002.1)
    Sec. 9002.1. Savings Bank Regulatory Fund.
    (a) The aggregate of all moneys collected by the Secretary under this Act shall be paid promptly after receipt of the same, accompanied by a detailed statement thereof, into the State treasury and shall be set apart in the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund. All earnings received from investments of funds in the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund shall be deposited into the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund and may be used for the same purposes as fees deposited into the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund. The amount from time to time deposited into the Fund shall be used (i) to offset the ordinary administration expenses as defined in subsection (c) of this Section or (ii) as a credit against fees under subsection (b) of this Section. Nothing in this Section shall prevent continuing the practice of paying expenses involving salaries, retirement, Social Security, and State paid insurance premiums of State officers by appropriation from the General Revenue Fund. However, the General Revenue Fund shall be reimbursed for those payments made by an annual transfer of funds from the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund. Money in the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund may be transferred to the Professions Indirect Cost Fund as authorized under Section 2105-300 of the Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
    (b) Adequate funds shall be available in the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund to permit the timely payment of administration expenses. In each fiscal year, the total administration expenses shall be deducted from the total fees collected by the Secretary and the remainder transferred into the Cash Flow Reserve Account, unless the balance of the Cash Flow Reserve Account prior to the transfer equals or exceeds one-fourth of the total initial appropriations from the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund for the subsequent year, in which case the remainder shall be credited to savings banks and applied against their fees for the subsequent year. The amount credited to each savings bank shall be in the same proportion as the regulatory fees paid by each for the year bear to the total regulatory fees collected for the year. If, after a transfer to the Cash Flow Reserve Account is made or if no remainder is available for transfer, the balance of the Cash Flow Reserve Account is less than one-fourth of the total initial appropriations for the subsequent year and the amount transferred is less than 5% of the total regulatory fees for the year, additional amounts needed to make the transfer equal to 5% of the total regulatory fees for the year shall be apportioned amongst, assessed upon, and paid by savings banks in the same proportion that the regulatory fees of each, respectively, for the year bear to the total regulatory fees collected for the year. The additional amounts assessed shall be transferred into the Cash Flow Reserve Account.
    (c) For purposes of this Section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
    "Administration expenses", for any fiscal year, means the ordinary and contingent expenses for that year incident to making the examinations provided for by, and for otherwise administering, this Act, including all salaries and other compensation paid for personal services rendered for the State by officers or employees of the State, including the Secretary and the Director of the Division, communication equipment and services, office furnishings, surety bond premiums, and travel expenses of those officers and employees, expenditures or charges for the acquisition, enlargement or improvement of, or for the use of, any office space, building, or structure, or expenditures for the maintenance thereof or for furnishing heat, light, or power with respect thereto, all to the extent that those expenditures are directly incidental to such examinations or administration. The Secretary shall not be required by this subsection to maintain in any fiscal year's budget appropriated reserves for accrued vacation and accrued sick leave that is required to be paid to employees of the Secretary upon termination of their service with the Secretary in an amount that is more than is reasonably anticipated to be necessary for any anticipated turnover in employees, whether due to normal attrition or due to layoffs, terminations, or resignations.
    "Regulatory fees" includes both fees collected under Section 9002.5 and fees collected for examinations conducted by the Secretary or his examiners or designees under authority of this Act.
    "Fiscal year" means a period beginning July 1 of any year and ending June 30 of the next year.
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/9002.5

    (205 ILCS 205/9002.5)
    Sec. 9002.5. Regulatory fees.
    (a) Each fiscal year, each savings bank and each service corporation operating under this Act shall pay in quarterly installments equal to one-fourth of a regulatory fee based on the total assets of the savings bank or service corporation, as shown in the quarterly report of condition, at the following rates:
        19.295 cents per $1,000 of the first $5,000,000 of
total assets;
        18.16 cents per $1,000 of the next $20,000,000 of
total assets;
        15.89 cents per $1,000 of the next $75,000,000 of
total assets;
        10.7825 cents per $1,000 of the next $400,000,000 of
total assets;
        8.5125 cents per $1,000 of the next $500,000,000 of
total assets;
        6.2425 cents per $1,000 of the next $19,000,000,000
of total assets;
        2.27 cents per $1,000 of the next $30,000,000,000 of
total assets;
        1.135 cents per $1,000 of the next $50,000,000,000 of
total assets; and
        0.5675 cents per $1,000 of all assets in excess of
$100,000,000,000 of the savings bank.
    As used in this Section, "quarterly report of condition" means the Report of Condition and Income (Call Report), which the Secretary requires.
    (a-5) For any savings bank or service corporation operating under this Act that is examined by the Department between January 1, 2017 and the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, a regulatory fee shall not be due or paid to the Department for the first billing of the regulatory fee immediately following the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly. Any savings bank or service corporation subject to this subsection shall pay the regulatory fee as prescribed in subsection (a) beginning with the second billing of the regulatory fee by the Department following the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly.
    (b) (Blank).
    (c) (Blank).
    (d) The Secretary shall receive for each fiscal year, commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, a contingent fee equal to the lesser of the aggregate of the fees paid by all savings banks under subsection (a) of this Section for that year, or the amount, if any, whereby the aggregate of the administration expenses, as defined in subsection (c) of Section 9002.1 of this Act, for that fiscal year exceeds the sum of the aggregate of the fees payable by all savings banks for that year under subsection (a) of this Section, plus any amounts transferred into the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund from the State Pensions Fund for that year, plus all other amounts collected by the Secretary for that year under any other provision of this Act. The aggregate amount of the contingent fee thus arrived at for any fiscal year shall be apportioned amongst, assessed upon, and paid by the savings banks, respectively, in the same proportion that the fee of each under subsection (a) of this Section, respectively, for that year bears to the aggregate for that year of the fees collected under subsection (a) of this Section. The aggregate amount of the contingent fee, and the portion thereof to be assessed upon each savings bank, respectively, shall be determined by the Secretary and shall be paid by each, respectively, within 120 days of the close of the period for which the contingent fee is computed and is payable, and the Secretary shall give 20 days' advance notice of the amount of the contingent fee payable by the savings bank and of the date fixed by the Secretary for payment of the fee.
(Source: P.A. 99-39, eff. 1-1-16; 100-201, eff. 8-18-17; 100-232, eff. 8-18-17.)

205 ILCS 205/9003

    (205 ILCS 205/9003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-3)
    Sec. 9003. Prohibited activities. The Commissioner, deputy commissioners, and employees of the Office of Banks and Real Estate shall be subject to the restrictions provided in Section 2.5 of the Division of Banking Act including, without limitation, the restrictions on (i) owning shares of stock or holding any other equity interest in an entity regulated under this Act or in any corporation or company that owns or controls an entity regulated under this Act; (ii) being an officer, director, employee, or agent of an entity regulated under this Act; and (iii) obtaining a loan or accepting a gratuity from an entity regulated under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/9004

    (205 ILCS 205/9004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-4)
    Sec. 9004. Examination.
    (a) At least once every 18 months or more often if it is deemed necessary or expedient, the Secretary shall examine the books, records, operations, and affairs of each savings bank operating under this Act. In the course of the examination, the Secretary may also examine in the same manner all entities, companies, and individuals which or whom the Secretary determines may have a relationship with the savings bank or any subsidiary or entity affiliated with it, if the relationship may adversely affect the affairs, activities, and safety and soundness of the savings bank, including: (i) companies controlled by the savings bank; (ii) entities, including companies controlled by the company, individual, or individuals that control the savings bank; and (iii) the company or other entity which controls or owns the savings bank. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, every savings bank, as defined by rule, or, if not defined, to the same extent as would be permitted in the case of a State bank, the Secretary, in lieu of the examination, may accept on an alternating basis the examination made by the eligible savings bank's appropriate federal banking agency pursuant to Section 111 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991, provided the appropriate federal banking agency has made an examination.
    (b) The Secretary shall examine to determine:
        (1) Quality of financial condition, including safety
and soundness and investment and loan quality.
        (2) Compliance with this Act and other applicable
statutes and regulations.
        (3) Quality of management policies.
        (4) Overall safety and soundness of the savings bank,
its parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates.
        (5) Remedial actions required to correct and to
restore compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, and proper business policies.
    (c) The Secretary may promulgate regulations to implement and administer this Section.
    (d) If a savings bank, its holding company, or any of its corporate subsidiaries has not been audited at least once in the 12 months prior to the Secretary's examination, the Secretary may cause an audit of the savings bank's books and records to be made by an independent licensed public accountant. The cost of the audit shall be paid for by the entity being audited.
    (e) The Secretary or his or her examiners or other formally designated agents are authorized to administer oaths and to examine and to take and preserve testimony under oath as to anything in the affairs or ownership of any savings bank or institution or affiliate thereof.
    (f) Pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section, the Secretary shall adopt rules that ensure consistency and due process in the examination process. The Secretary may also establish guidelines that (i) define the scope of the examination process and (ii) clarify examination items to be resolved. The rules, formal guidance, interpretive letters, or opinions furnished to savings banks by the Secretary may be relied upon by the savings banks.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12; 98-784, eff. 7-24-14.)

205 ILCS 205/9005

    (205 ILCS 205/9005)
    Sec. 9005. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/9006

    (205 ILCS 205/9006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-6)
    Sec. 9006. Examiners. The Commissioner shall appoint competent examiners who are not officers or agents of, or in any manner interested in, any savings bank, savings bank holding company, or subsidiaries or affiliates of either, except that they may be depositors therein.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/9007

    (205 ILCS 205/9007)
    Sec. 9007. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/9008

    (205 ILCS 205/9008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-8)
    Sec. 9008. Report of examination. Upon completion of each examination, the Secretary may make a report of examination to the board of directors of the savings bank or other entity examined. The report shall be read by each director who shall then execute a signed statement that he has read the report. The statement shall be filed and retained by the savings bank or appropriate entity examined and shall be examined by the Secretary during regular examinations.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/9009

    (205 ILCS 205/9009) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-9)
    Sec. 9009. Orders of the Commissioner.
    (a) If the affairs of the savings bank, savings bank subsidiary or affiliate, or savings bank holding company are not being conducted in accordance with this Act, the Commissioner shall require the directors, officers, and employees to take any necessary corrective action. If the necessary corrective action is not taken, the Commissioner may issue a formal order to the directors of the savings bank, subsidiary, affiliate, or holding company, to be delivered either personally or by registered or certified mail, specifying a date, which may be immediate or may be a later date, for the performance of the corrective action by the savings bank, subsidiary, affiliate, or holding company. The order or any part thereof shall be subject to Section 11006 of this Act.
    (b) If the formal order of the Commissioner, in whole or in part, contains a finding that the business of the savings bank or holding company is being conducted in a fraudulent, illegal, unsafe, or unsound manner or that the violation thereof or the continuance by the savings bank or holding company of the practice to be corrected could cause insolvency, substantial dissipation of assets or earnings, or the impairment of its capital, the order or part thereof shall be complied with immediately on or before the effective date thereof until modified or withdrawn by the Commissioner or modified or terminated by a circuit court. The Commissioner may apply to the circuit court of the county in which the savings bank or holding company is located for enforcement of an order requiring prompt compliance.
    (c) If the order, or part thereof, is not subject to subsection (b) and if no hearing pursuant to Section 9018 of this Act has been requested, the Commissioner may, at any time within 90 days after the effective date of the order, institute suit in the circuit court of Sangamon County or the circuit court of the county in which the savings bank or holding company is located to compel the directors, officers, or employees to take the required corrective action. The court, after due process of law, shall adjudicate the question, enter the proper order or orders, and enforce them.
    (d) No provision of this Section shall interfere with the exercise by the Commissioner of any provision of Article 11.
(Source: P.A. 91-97, eff. 7-9-99.)

205 ILCS 205/9010

    (205 ILCS 205/9010)
    Sec. 9010. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/9011

    (205 ILCS 205/9011) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-11)
    Sec. 9011. Record keeping and retention of records by a savings bank.
    (a) Each savings bank shall retain its records in a manner consistent with prudent business practices and in accordance with this Act and applicable State or federal laws, rules, and regulations. The record retention system utilized must be able to accurately produce such records.
    (a-5) Except where a retention period is required by State or federal laws, rules, or regulations, a savings bank may destroy its records subject to the considerations set forth in subsection (a). In the destruction of records, the savings bank shall take reasonable precautions to ensure the confidentiality of information in the records.
    (b) Each savings bank shall implement internal control and security measures for its data processing activities. A contract with a data processing service or for data processing services must provide that records maintained shall at all times be available for examination and audit by the Secretary.
    (c) The Secretary may further regulate these matters by the promulgation of rules concerning data processing. As used herein, "data processing" means all electronic or automated systems of communication and data processing by computer.
    (d) No liability shall accrue against the savings bank, the Secretary, or this State for destruction of records under the authority of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-873, eff. 5-13-22.)

205 ILCS 205/9012

    (205 ILCS 205/9012) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-12)
    Sec. 9012. Disclosure of reports of examinations and confidential supervisory information; limitations.
    (a) Any report of examination, visitation, or investigation prepared by the Secretary under this Act, any report of examination, visitation, or investigation prepared by the state regulatory authority of another state that examines a branch of an Illinois State savings bank in that state, any document or record prepared or obtained in connection with or relating to any examination, visitation, or investigation, and any record prepared or obtained by the Secretary to the extent that the record summarizes or contains information derived from any report, document, or record described in this subsection shall be deemed confidential supervisory information. "Confidential supervisory information" shall not include any information or record routinely prepared by a savings bank and maintained in the ordinary course of business or any information or record that is required to be made publicly available pursuant to State or federal law or rule. Confidential supervisory information shall be the property of the Secretary and shall only be disclosed under the circumstances and for the purposes set forth in this Section.
    The Secretary may disclose confidential supervisory information only under the following circumstances:
        (1) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information to federal and state depository institution regulators, or any official or examiner thereof duly accredited for the purpose. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to limit the obligation of any savings bank to comply with the requirements relative to examinations and reports nor to limit in any way the powers of the Secretary relative to examinations and reports.
        (2) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information to the United States or any agency thereof that to any extent has insured a savings bank's deposits, or any official or examiner thereof duly accredited for the purpose. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to limit the obligation relative to examinations and reports of any savings bank in which deposits are to any extent insured by the United States or any agency thereof nor to limit in any way the powers of the Secretary with reference to examination and reports of the savings bank.
        (2.5) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information to a Federal Home Loan Bank in connection with any savings bank that is a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank or in connection with any application by the savings bank before the Federal Home Loan Bank. The confidential supervisory information shall remain the property of the Secretary and may not be further disclosed without the Secretary's permission.
        (3) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information to the appropriate law enforcement authorities when the Secretary reasonably believes a savings bank, which the Secretary has caused to be examined, has been a victim of a crime.
        (4) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information related to a savings bank, which the Secretary has caused to be examined, to the administrator of the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
        (5) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information relating to a savings bank, which the Secretary has caused to be examined, relating to its performance of obligations under the Illinois Income Tax Act and the Illinois Estate and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act to the Illinois Department of Revenue.
        (6) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information relating to a savings bank, which the Secretary has caused to be examined, under the federal Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act, 31 United States Code, Section 1051 et seq.
        (7) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information to any other agency or entity that the Secretary determines to have a legitimate regulatory interest.
        (8) The Secretary may furnish confidential
supervisory information as otherwise permitted or required by this Act and may furnish confidential supervisory information under any other statute that by its terms or by regulations promulgated thereunder requires the disclosure of financial records other than by subpoena, summons, warrant, or court order.
        (9) At the request of the affected savings bank, the
Secretary may furnish confidential supervisory information relating to the savings bank, which the Secretary has caused to be examined, in connection with the obtaining of insurance coverage or the pursuit of an insurance claim for or on behalf of the savings bank; provided that, when possible, the Secretary shall disclose only relevant information while maintaining the confidentiality of financial records not relevant to such insurance coverage or claim and, when appropriate, may delete identifying data relating to any person.
        (10) The Secretary may furnish a copy of a report of
any examination performed by the Secretary of the condition and affairs of any electronic data processing entity to the savings banks serviced by the electronic data processing entity.
        (11) In addition to the foregoing circumstances, the
Secretary may, but is not required to, furnish confidential supervisory information under the same circumstances authorized for the savings bank pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section, except that the Secretary shall provide confidential supervisory information under circumstances described in paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of this Section only upon the request of the savings bank.
    (b) A savings bank or its officers, agents, and employees may disclose confidential supervisory information only under the following circumstances:
        (1) to the board of directors of the savings bank, as
well as the president, vice-president, cashier, and other officers of the savings bank to whom the board of directors may delegate duties with respect to compliance with recommendations for action, and to the board of directors of a savings bank holding company that owns at least 80% of the outstanding stock of the savings bank or other financial institution.
        (2) to attorneys for the savings bank and to a
certified public accountant engaged by the savings bank to perform an independent audit; provided that the attorney or certified public accountant shall not permit the confidential supervisory information to be further disseminated.
        (3) to any person who seeks to acquire a controlling
interest in, or who seeks to merge with, the savings bank; provided that the person shall agree to be bound to respect the confidentiality of the confidential supervisory information and to not further disseminate the information other than to attorneys, certified public accountants, officers, agents, or employees of that person who likewise shall agree to be bound to respect the confidentiality of the confidential supervisory information and to not further disseminate the information.
        (4) to the savings bank's insurance company, if the
supervisory information contains information that is otherwise unavailable and is strictly necessary to obtaining insurance coverage or pursuing an insurance claim for or on behalf of the savings bank; provided that, when possible, the savings bank shall disclose only information that is relevant to obtaining insurance coverage or pursuing an insurance claim, while maintaining the confidentiality of financial information pertaining to customers; and provided further that, when appropriate, the savings bank may delete identifying data relating to any person.
        (5) to a Federal Home Loan Bank of which it is a
        (6) to any attorney, accountant, consultant, or
other professional as needed to comply with an enforcement action issued by the Secretary.
    The disclosure of confidential supervisory information by a savings bank pursuant to this subsection (b) and the disclosure of information to the Secretary or other regulatory agency in connection with any examination, visitation, or investigation shall not constitute a waiver of any legal privilege otherwise available to the savings bank with respect to the information.
    (c)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law, confidential supervisory information shall be the property of the Secretary and shall be privileged from disclosure to any person except as provided in this Section. No person in possession of confidential supervisory information may disclose that information for any reason or under any circumstances not specified in this Section without the prior authorization of the Secretary. Any person upon whom a demand for production of confidential supervisory information is made, whether by subpoena, order, or other judicial or administrative process, must withhold production of the confidential supervisory information and must notify the Secretary of the demand, at which time the Secretary is authorized to intervene for the purpose of enforcing the limitations of this Section or seeking the withdrawal or termination of the attempt to compel production of the confidential supervisory information.
    (2) Any request for discovery or disclosure of confidential supervisory information, whether by subpoena, order, or other judicial or administrative process, shall be made to the Secretary, and the Secretary shall determine within 15 days whether to disclose the information pursuant to procedures and standards that the Secretary shall establish by rule. If the Secretary determines that such information will not be disclosed, the Secretary's decision shall be subject to judicial review under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and venue shall be in either Sangamon County or Cook County.
    (3) Any court order that compels disclosure of confidential supervisory information may be immediately appealed by the Secretary, and the order shall be automatically stayed pending the outcome of the appeal.
    (d) If any officer, agent, attorney, or employee of a savings bank knowingly and willfully furnishes confidential supervisory information in violation of this Section, the Secretary may impose a civil monetary penalty up to $1,000 for the violation against the officer, agent, attorney, or employee.
    (e) Subject to the limits of this Section, the Secretary also may promulgate regulations to set procedures and standards for disclosure of the following items:
        (1) All fixed orders and opinions made in cases of
appeals of the Secretary's actions.
        (2) Statements of policy and interpretations adopted
by the Secretary's office, but not otherwise made public.
        (3) Nonconfidential portions of application files,
including applications for new charters. The Secretary shall specify by rule as to what part of the files are confidential.
        (4) Quarterly reports of income, deposits, and
financial condition.
(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 1-1-18; 100-64, eff. 8-11-17; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-888, eff. 8-14-18.)

205 ILCS 205/9013

    (205 ILCS 205/9013) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-13)
    Sec. 9013. Examination of data processing centers. The Commissioner may examine any data processing center that provides data processing or related services to a savings bank with the same frequency as the savings bank served.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/9014

    (205 ILCS 205/9014)
    Sec. 9014. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 90-301, eff. 8-1-97. Repealed by P.A. 100-652, eff. 7-31-18.)

205 ILCS 205/9015

    (205 ILCS 205/9015) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-15)
    Sec. 9015. Unsafe and unsound practices; orders of prohibition and removal.
    (a) The violation of any of the following provisions of this Act: Article 5, subsection (b) of Section 4009, Section 7006, Section 9005, and Section 9014 is deemed to be an unsafe and unsound practice and creates an unsafe and unsound condition in the savings bank. The savings bank or the institution affiliated party responsible for the violation may be subject to the assessment of civil money penalties and other enforcement powers of the Secretary, as specified in this Article, in Article 11, and by regulation of the Secretary.
    (b) Continued violation of any of those provisions after the Secretary issues formal notice to correct shall subject the directors of the savings bank at fault to immediate removal from the board and to a permanent order of prohibition from direct or indirect participation in the affairs of any financial institution subject to this Act, the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, or the Residential Mortgage License Act of 1987.
    (c) The Secretary may promulgate rules and regulations to implement this Section.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/9016

    (205 ILCS 205/9016) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-16)
    Sec. 9016. Cease and desist proceedings.
    (a) If, in the opinion of the Commissioner or in the opinion of any federal banking agency that provides complete and documented evidence to the Commissioner, an officer, director, or controlling stockholder of a savings bank operating under this Act or a subsidiary or an affiliate of an institution operating under this Act, is engaging in, has engaged in, is about to engage in, or is conspiring to engage in one or more unsafe or unsound practices in conducting the institution's business; or is, has, or is about to violate an applicable law, regulation, directive of the Commissioner, of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or has not complied with a condition imposed in writing by the Commissioner, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or of any court of law, then the Commissioner may, in his discretion, issue to the violator notice of charges resulting from the violation.
    (b) The notice of charges shall factually specify the act or violations committed; the law, rule, order, decree, directive, or condition violated; specify necessary curative measures and a time within which to cure; and impose any penalties or sanctions mandated by law or regulation.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/9017

    (205 ILCS 205/9017) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-17)
    Sec. 9017. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12. Repealed by P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/9018

    (205 ILCS 205/9018) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-18)
    Sec. 9018. Administrative review. Except as provided in Article 10 and as otherwise specifically provided by this Act, any person aggrieved by a decision of the Secretary under this Act may receive a hearing before the Secretary under Sections 9018.1 through 9018.4 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/9018.1

    (205 ILCS 205/9018.1)
    Sec. 9018.1. Hearing upon verified complaint. The Secretary shall, upon receiving the verified complaint in writing of any aggrieved person setting forth facts that, if proved, would constitute grounds for reversal or change of any decision, order, or action of the Secretary, except as provided in Section 9018 of this Act, grant a hearing on the complaint. If the aggrieved person desires such a hearing, he or she shall, within 10 days after receipt of notice of such decision, order, or action, file written notice with the Secretary of intent to demand a hearing and shall, within 30 days after receipt of notice of such decision, order, or action, file his or her verified complaint in writing. The date of the hearing may not be earlier than 15 days nor later than 30 days after the date of receipt of verified complaint in writing. The Secretary shall, at least 10 days prior to the date set for the hearing, notify in writing the person aggrieved by such decision, order, or action, referred to in this Section as the respondent, and all other parties to the action, that a hearing will be held on the date designated and shall afford the respondent and all other parties to the action an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel in reference thereto. Written notice may be served by delivery of the same personally to the respondent and all other parties to the action or by mailing the notice by registered or certified mail to the place of business specified by the respondent and all other parties to the action in the last notification to the Secretary. At the time and place fixed in the notice, the Secretary or his or her authorized agent, referred to in this Section as the hearing officer, shall proceed to hear the charges and the respondent, all other parties to the action, and the complainant shall be accorded ample opportunity to present in person or by counsel such statements, testimony, evidence, and argument as may be pertinent to the issues. The hearing officer may continue such hearing from time to time.
    The hearing officer may subpoena any person in this State and may take testimony either orally, by deposition, or by exhibit, with the same fees and mileage and in the same manner as prescribed by law in judicial proceedings in civil cases in circuit courts of this State.
    The hearing officer may administer oaths to witnesses at any hearing that the hearing officer is authorized by law to conduct.
    After the hearing, the Secretary shall make a determination approving, modifying, or disapproving the decision, order, or action of the Secretary as his or her final administrative decision.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/9018.2

    (205 ILCS 205/9018.2)
    Sec. 9018.2. Record of proceedings; expenses. The Secretary, at his or her expense, unless otherwise provided in this Act, shall provide a stenographer to take down the testimony and preserve a record of all proceedings at the hearing. The notice of hearing, complaint, and all other documents in the nature of pleadings and written motions filed in the proceedings, the transcript of testimony, the report of the hearing officer, and orders of the Secretary shall be the record of such proceedings. The Secretary shall furnish a transcript of the record to any person interested in such hearing upon payment of the actual cost thereof.
    A copy of the hearing officer's report and the Secretary's orders shall be served as notice of the hearing on the respondent and all other parties to the action by the Secretary, either personally or by registered or certified mail, as provided in this Act. All expenses incurred by the Secretary, including the compensation of the hearing officer, shall be paid by the parties to the hearing and shall be divided among them in equal shares.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/9018.3

    (205 ILCS 205/9018.3)
    Sec. 9018.3. Subpoena; deposition. All subpoenas issued under the laws of this State pertaining to or concerning savings banks may be served by any person who is not a minor. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as fees of witnesses before the circuit courts of this State. Witness fees are to be paid at the time the witness is excused from further attendance, when the witness is subpoenaed at the instance of the Secretary or any officer or any employee designated by him or her for the purpose of conducting any investigation, inquiry, or hearing. The disbursements made in the payment of witness fees shall be audited and paid in the same manner as are other expenses of the Secretary. Whenever a subpoena is issued at the instance of a complainant, respondent, or other party to any proceeding, the Secretary may require that the cost of service thereof and the fee of the same shall be borne by the party at whose instance the witness is summoned, and the Secretary shall have power, in his or her discretion, to require a deposit to cover the cost of such service and witness fees and the payment of legal witness fees and mileage to the witness when served with a subpoena. A subpoena issued under this Section shall be served in the same manner as a subpoena issued out of a court.
    Any person served with a subpoena to appear and testify or to produce books, papers, accounts, or documents, either in person or by deposition, in the manner provided in this Section, issued by the Secretary or by any officer or any employee designated by him or her to conduct any such investigation, inquiry, or hearing, in the course of an investigation, inquiry, or hearing conducted under any of the provisions of the laws of this State pertaining to savings banks, and who refuses or neglects to appear or to testify, or to produce books, papers, accounts, and documents relative to such investigation, inquiry, or hearing as commanded in such subpoena, shall be guilty of a petty offense.
    Any circuit court of this State, on application of the Secretary or an officer or an employee designated by the Secretary for the purpose of conducting any investigation, inquiry, or hearing, may, in his or her discretion, compel the attendance of witnesses, the production of books, papers, accounts, and documents, and the giving of testimony before the Secretary or before any officer or any employee designated by the Secretary for the purpose of conducting any such investigation, inquiry, or hearing, in person or by deposition, in the manner provided in this Section, by an attachment for contempt or otherwise, in the same manner as production of evidence may be compelled before a court.
    The Secretary, any officer or employee designated by the Secretary for the purpose of conducting any investigation, inquiry, or hearing, or any party may, in any investigation, inquiry, or hearing, cause the deposition of witnesses residing within or outside of the State to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for taking like depositions in civil cases in courts of this State and, to that end, may compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers, books, accounts, and documents.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/9018.4

    (205 ILCS 205/9018.4)
    Sec. 9018.4. Review under Administrative Review Law. Except as provided in Article 10, any person affected by a final administrative decision of the Secretary may have the decision reviewed only under and in accordance with the Administrative Review Law.
    The provisions of the Administrative Review Law, all amendments and modifications to the Administrative Review Law, and the rules adopted under the Administrative Review Law, shall apply to and govern all proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the Secretary under this Act. For the purposes of this Section, "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
    Appeals from all final orders and judgments entered by a court in review of any final administrative decision of the Board under this Act may be taken as in other civil cases.
(Source: P.A. 97-492, eff. 1-1-12.)

205 ILCS 205/9019

    (205 ILCS 205/9019)
    Sec. 9019. Reliance on the Commissioner.
    (a) The Commissioner may issue an opinion in response to a specific request from a member of the public or the banking or thrift industry or on his own initiative. The opinion may be in the form of an interpretive letter, no-objection letter, or other issuance the Commissioner deems appropriate.
    (b) If the Commissioner determines that the opinion is useful for the general guidance of the public or savings banks, the Commissioner may disseminate the opinion by newsletter, via an electronic medium such as the internet, in a volume of statutes or related materials published by the Commissioner or others, or by other means reasonably calculated to notify persons affected by the opinion. A published opinion must be redacted to preserve the confidentiality of the requesting party unless the requesting party consents to be identified in the published opinion.
    (c) No savings bank or other person shall be liable under this Act for any act done or omitted in good faith in conformity with any rule, interpretation, or opinion issued by the Commissioner, notwithstanding that after the act or omission has occurred, the rule, interpretation, or opinion upon which reliance is placed is amended, rescinded, or determined by judicial or other authority to be invalid for any reason.
(Source: P.A. 92-483, eff. 8-23-01.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 10

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 10 heading)
ARTICLE 10. Involuntary Liquidation
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10001

    (205 ILCS 205/10001)
    Sec. 10001. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 92-483, eff. 8-23-01. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10002

    (205 ILCS 205/10002)
    Sec. 10002. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 90-301, eff. 8-1-97. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10003

    (205 ILCS 205/10003)
    Sec. 10003. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10004

    (205 ILCS 205/10004)
    Sec. 10004. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 90-301, eff. 8-1-97. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10005

    (205 ILCS 205/10005)
    Sec. 10005. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10006

    (205 ILCS 205/10006)
    Sec. 10006. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10007

    (205 ILCS 205/10007)
    Sec. 10007. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10008

    (205 ILCS 205/10008)
    Sec. 10008. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1213. Repealed by P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10011

    (205 ILCS 205/10011)
    Sec. 10011. Appointment of a receiver following taking of custody. If, following the taking of custody of a savings bank, the Secretary determines that the appointment of a receiver is appropriate, then the provisions of this Article shall apply.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10015

    (205 ILCS 205/10015)
    Sec. 10015. Secretary's proceedings exclusive. Except by the authority of the Secretary, represented by the Attorney General, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, no complaint shall be filed or proceedings commenced in any court for the dissolution of, the winding up of the affairs of, or the appointment of a receiver for any savings bank on the grounds that:
        (1) it is insolvent;
        (2) its capital is impaired or it is otherwise in an
unsound condition;
        (3) its business is being conducted in an unlawful,
fraudulent or unsafe manner;
        (4) it is unable to continue operations; or
        (5) its examination has been obstructed or impaired.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10020

    (205 ILCS 205/10020)
    Sec. 10020. Capital impairment; correction.
    (a) If the Secretary, with respect to a savings bank, shall find:
        (1) its capital is impaired or it is otherwise in an
unsound condition;
        (2) its business is being conducted in an unlawful
manner, including, without limitation, in violation of any provisions of this Act, or in a fraudulent or unsafe manner;
        (3) it is unable to continue operations; or
        (4) its examination has been obstructed or impeded;
then the Secretary may give notice to the board of directors of his or her finding or findings. If the situation so found by the Secretary shall not be corrected to his or her satisfaction within a period of at least 60 but no more than 180 days after receipt of the notice, which period shall be determined by the Secretary and set forth in the notice, then the Secretary, at the termination of that period, may take possession and control of the savings bank and its assets as provided for in this Act for the purpose of examination, reorganization, or liquidation through receivership.
    (b) If the Secretary has given notice to the board of directors of his or her findings, as provided in subsection (a), and the time period prescribed in that notice has expired, the Secretary may extend the time period prescribed in that notice for such period as the Secretary deems appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10025

    (205 ILCS 205/10025)
    Sec. 10025. Capital impairment; emergency. If, in addition to a finding as provided in Section 10020 of this Act, the Secretary is of the opinion and finds that an emergency exists that may result in serious losses to the depositors or the inability of the savings bank to continue in operations, meet the demands of its depositors, or pay its obligations in the normal course of business, he or she may, in his or her discretion, without having given the notice provided for in Section 10020, and whether or not proceedings under Section 10020 have been instituted or are then pending, take possession and control of the savings bank and its assets for the purpose of examination, reorganization, or liquidation through receivership.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10030

    (205 ILCS 205/10030)
    Sec. 10030. Secretary's possession; power. The Secretary may take possession and control of a savings bank and its assets by posting upon the premises a notice reciting that the Secretary is assuming possession pursuant to this Act and the time when his or her possession shall be deemed to commence, which time shall not pre-date the posting of the notice. Promptly after taking possession and control of a savings bank, if the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is not appointed as receiver, the Secretary shall file a copy of the notice posted upon the premises in the circuit court in the county in which the savings bank is located, and thereupon the clerk of such court shall note the filing of the notice upon the records of the court, and shall enter such cause as a court action upon the dockets of such court under the name and style of "In the matter of the possession and control of the Secretary of (insert the name of such savings bank)", and thereupon the court wherein the cause is docketed shall be vested with jurisdiction to hear and determine all issues and matters pertaining to or connected with the Secretary's possession and control of the savings bank as provided in this Act, and such further issues and matters pertaining to or connected with the Secretary's possession and control as may be submitted to the court for its adjudication by the Secretary. When the Secretary has taken possession and control of a savings bank and its assets, then he or she shall be vested with the full powers of management and control, including without limitation the following:
        (1) the power to continue or to discontinue the
        (2) the power to stop or to limit the payment of its
obligations; provided, however with respect to a qualified financial contract between any party and a savings bank or a branch or agency of which the Secretary has taken possession and control, which party has a perfected security interest in collateral or other valid lien or security interest in collateral enforceable against third parties pursuant to a security arrangement related to that qualified financial contract, the party may retain all of the collateral and upon repudiation or termination of that qualified financial contract in accordance with its terms apply the collateral in satisfaction of any claims secured by the collateral; in no event shall the total amount so applied exceed the global net payment obligation, if any;
        (3) the power to collect and to use its assets and to
give valid receipts and acquittances therefore;
        (4) the power to employ and to pay any necessary
        (5) the power to execute any instrument in the name
of the savings bank;
        (6) the power to commence, defend, and conduct in its
name any action or proceeding in which it may be a party;
        (7) the power, upon the order of the court, to sell
and convey its assets in whole or in part, and to sell or compound bad or doubtful debts upon terms and conditions as may be fixed in such order;
        (8) the power, upon the order of the court, to make
and to carry out agreements with other savings banks or with the United States or any agency thereof that shall insure the savings bank's deposits, in whole or in part, for the payment or assumption of the savings bank's liabilities, in whole or in part, and to transfer assets and to make guaranties, in whole or in part, and to transfer assets and to make guaranties in connection therewith;
        (9) the power, upon the order of the court, to borrow
money in the name of the savings bank and to pledge its assets as security for the loan;
        (10) the power to terminate his or her possession and
control by restoring the savings bank to its board of directors;
        (11) the power to reorganize the savings bank as
provided in this Act;
        (12) the power to appoint a receiver and to order
liquidation of the savings bank as provided in this Act; and
        (13) the power, upon the order of the court and
without the appointment of a receiver, to determine that the savings bank has been closed for the purpose of liquidation without adequate provision being made for payment of its depositors, and thereupon the savings bank shall be deemed to have been closed on account of inability to meet the demands of its depositors.
    As soon as practical after taking possession, the Secretary shall make his or her examination of the condition of the savings bank and an inventory of the assets. Unless the time shall be extended by order of the court, and unless the Secretary shall have otherwise settled the affairs of a savings bank pursuant to the provisions of this Act, at the termination of 30 days from the time of taking possession and control of a savings bank for the purpose of examination, reorganization or liquidation through receivership, the Secretary shall either terminate his or her possession and control by restoring the savings bank to its board of directors or appoint a receiver and order the liquidation of the savings bank as provided in this Act. All necessary and reasonable expenses of the Secretary's possession and control and of its reorganization shall be borne by the savings bank and may be paid by the Secretary from its assets. If the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is appointed by the Secretary as receiver of a savings bank, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation takes possession of the savings bank, the receivership proceedings and the powers and duties of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shall be governed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and regulations promulgated under that Act rather than the provisions of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10035

    (205 ILCS 205/10035)
    Sec. 10035. Secretary's possession; limitation of actions. Except when the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has taken possession of the savings bank or is acting as receiver, if the Secretary has taken possession and control of a savings bank and its assets, there shall be a postponement until 6 months after the commencement of the possession of the date upon which any period of limitation fixed by a statute or agreement would otherwise expire on a claim or right of action of the savings bank, or upon which an appeal must be taken or a pleading or other document must be filed by the savings bank in any pending action or proceeding. No judgment, lien, levy, attachment, or other similar legal process shall be enforced upon or satisfied in whole or in part from any asset of the savings bank while it is in the possession of the Secretary, except upon the order of the court referred to in Section 10030 entered in due course pursuant to Section 10090 of this Act. The provisions of this Section shall continue to apply and shall govern notwithstanding the appointment of and the possession by a receiver pursuant to Section 10055 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10040

    (205 ILCS 205/10040)
    Sec. 10040. Reorganization. The Secretary, while in possession and control of a savings bank and its assets, after according a hearing to interested parties as he or she may determine and upon the order of the court, may propose a reorganization plan. The reorganization plan shall become effective only (1) when the requirements of Section 10045 are satisfied, and (2) when, after reasonable notice of such reorganization, as the case may require (A) depositors and other creditors of such savings bank representing at least 75% in amount of its total deposits and other liabilities as shown by the books of the savings bank, (B) stockholders owning at least two-thirds of its outstanding capital stock as shown by the books of the savings bank, or (C) both depositors and other creditors representing at least 75% in amount of the total deposits and other liabilities and stockholders owning at least two-thirds of its outstanding capital stock as shown by the books of the savings bank, shall have consented in writing to the plan of reorganization; provided, however, that claims of depositors or other creditors that will be satisfied in full on demand under the provisions of the plan of reorganization shall not be included among the total deposits and other liabilities of the savings bank in determining the 75% required under this Section. When such reorganization becomes effective, all books, records, and assets of the savings bank shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the plan and the affairs of the savings bank shall be conducted by its board of directors in the manner provided by the plan and under the conditions, restrictions, and limitations prescribed by the Secretary. In any reorganization approved and effective as provided in this Section, all depositors and other creditors and stockholders of the savings bank, whether or not they shall have consented to the plan of reorganization, shall be fully and in all respects subject to and bound by its provisions, and claims of all depositors and other creditors shall be treated as if they have consented to the plan of reorganization. A department, agency, or political subdivision of this State holding a claim that will not be paid in full is authorized to participate in a plan of reorganization as any other creditor and shall be subject to and bound by its provisions as any other creditor.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10045

    (205 ILCS 205/10045)
    Sec. 10045. Requirements of reorganization plan. A plan of reorganization for a savings bank shall not be proposed under this Act unless all of the following are met:
        (1) the plan is feasible and fair to all classes of
depositors, creditors and stockholders;
        (2) the face amount of the interest accorded to any
class of depositors, creditors and stockholders under the plan does not exceed the value of the assets upon liquidation less the full amount of the claims of all prior classes, subject, however, to any fair adjustment for new capital that any class will pay in under the plan;
        (3) the plan assures the removal of any director,
officer, or employee responsible for any unsound or unlawful action or the existence of an unsound condition;
        (4) any merger or consolidation provided by the plan
conforms to the requirements of this Act; and
        (5) any reorganized savings bank provided by the plan
conforms to the requirements of this Act for the organization of a savings bank.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10050

    (205 ILCS 205/10050)
    Sec. 10050. Reorganization; emergency. Whenever, in the course of reorganization, supervening conditions render the plan of reorganization unfair or its execution impractical, the Secretary may modify the plan, provided the modification is with the written consent of the depositors and other creditors representing at least 75% in amount of the total deposits and other liabilities which are impaired or lessened by the modification, or may, provided the Federal Deposit Insurance has not been appointed, appoint a receiver for liquidation as provided in this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10055

    (205 ILCS 205/10055)
    Sec. 10055. Appointment of receiver; court proceeding.
    (a) If the Secretary determines, which determination may be made at the time of or any time subsequent to his or her taking possession and control of a savings bank and its assets, that no practical possibility exists to reorganize the savings bank after reasonable efforts have been made and that it should be liquidated through receivership, then the Secretary shall appoint a receiver and require of the receiver the bond and security as the Secretary deems proper, and the Secretary, represented by the Attorney General, shall, if the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is not acting as receiver, file a complaint for the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the savings bank in the circuit court of the county where such savings bank is located.
    (b) Unless the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is acting as receiver for the savings bank, the Secretary, upon taking possession and control of a savings bank and its assets, may and, if he or she has not previously done so, shall, immediately upon filing a complaint for dissolution, make an examination of the affairs of the trust department of the savings bank or appoint a corporate fiduciary or other suitable person to make the examination as the Secretary's agent. The examination shall be conducted in accordance with and pursuant to the authority granted under Section 5-2 of the Corporate Fiduciary Act, as now or hereafter amended, and the corporate fiduciary or other suitable person conducting the examination shall have and may exercise on behalf of the Secretary all of the powers and authority granted to the Secretary thereunder. The report of examination shall, to the extent reasonably possible, identify those governing instruments with specific instructions concerning the appointment of a successor fiduciary. A copy of the report shall be filed in any dissolution proceeding filed by the Secretary. The reasonable fees and necessary expenses of the examining corporate fiduciary or other suitable person, as approved by the Secretary or as recommended by the Secretary and approved by the court if a dissolution proceeding has been filed, shall be borne by the subject savings bank and shall have the same priority for payment as the reasonable and necessary expenses of the Secretary in conducting an examination.
    As soon as reasonably can be done, the Secretary, if he or she deems it advisable, shall seek the advice and instruction of the court concerning the removal of the corporate fiduciary as to all of its fiduciary accounts and the appointment of a successor fiduciary, which may be the examining corporate fiduciary, to take over and administer all of the fiduciary accounts being administered by the trust department of the savings bank. The corporate fiduciary or other suitable person appointed to make the examination shall make a proper accounting, in the manner and scope as determined by the Secretary to be practical and advisable under the circumstances, on behalf of the trust department of the savings bank and no guardian ad litem need be appointed to review the accounting.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10060

    (205 ILCS 205/10060)
    Sec. 10060. Notice of receivership. Upon appointing a receiver, other than the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and upon the filing of a complaint for the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of a savings bank, the Secretary shall cause notice to be given in such newspaper as he or she directs once each week for twelve consecutive weeks calling on all persons who may have claims against such savings bank to present the same to the receiver and to make legal proof thereof and notifying all such persons and all to whom it may concern of the filing of a complaint for the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the savings bank and stating the name and location of said court. All persons who may have claims against such savings bank and the receiver to whom the persons have presented their claims may present them to the clerk of the court, and the allowance or disallowance of the claims by the court in connection with such proceedings shall be deemed an adjudication in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10065

    (205 ILCS 205/10065)
    Sec. 10065. Receiver's powers; duties. Other than the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which shall derive its powers and perform its duties pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and regulations promulgated thereunder, the receiver for a savings bank, under the direction of the Secretary, shall have the power and authority and is charged with the duties and responsibilities as follows:
        (1) He or she shall take possession of and, for the
purpose of the receivership, the title to the books, records, and assets of every description of the savings bank.
        (2) He or she shall proceed to collect all debts,
dues and claims belonging to the savings bank.
        (3) He or she shall file with the Secretary a copy of
each report that he or she makes to the court, together with such other reports and records as the Secretary may require.
        (4) He or she shall have authority to sue and defend
in his or her own name with respect to the affairs, assets, claims, debts, and choses in action of the savings bank.
        (5) He or she shall have authority, and it shall be
his or her duty, to surrender to the customers of such savings bank their private papers and valuables left with the savings bank for safekeeping, upon satisfactory proof of ownership.
        (6) He or she shall have authority to redeem or take
down collateral hypothecated by the savings bank to secure its notes or other evidence of indebtedness whenever the Secretary deems it to the best interest of the creditors of the savings bank to do so.
        (7) Whenever he or she finds it necessary in his or
her opinion to use and employ money of the savings bank, in order to protect fully and benefit the savings bank, by the purchase or redemption of any property, real or personal, in which the savings bank may have any rights by reason of any bond, mortgage, assignment, or other claim thereto, he or she may certify the facts together with his or her opinions as to the value of the property involved, and the value of the equity the savings bank may have in the property to the Secretary, together with a request for the right and authority to use and employ so much of the money of the savings bank as may be necessary to purchase the property, or to redeem the same from a sale if there was a sale, and if the request is granted, the receiver may use so much of the money of the savings bank as the Secretary may have authorized to purchase the property at such sale.
        (8) He or she shall deposit daily all monies
collected by him or her in any savings bank selected by the Secretary, who may require of (and the savings bank so selected may furnish) such depository satisfactory securities or satisfactory surety bond for the safekeeping and prompt payment of the money so deposited. The deposits shall be made in the name of the Secretary in trust for the savings bank and be subject to withdrawal upon his or her order or upon the order of such persons as the Secretary may designate. Such monies may be deposited without interest, unless otherwise agreed. However, if any interest was paid by such depository, it shall accrue to the benefit of the particular trust to which the deposit belongs.
        (9) He or she shall do things and take such steps
from time to time under the direction and approval of the Secretary as may reasonably appear to be necessary to conserve the savings bank's assets and secure the best interests of the creditors of the savings bank.
        (10) He or she shall record any judgment of
dissolution entered in a dissolution proceeding and thereupon deliver to the Secretary a certified copy thereof, together with all books of accounts and ledgers of the savings bank for preservation.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10070

    (205 ILCS 205/10070)
    Sec. 10070. Receiver's powers; court directions. Upon the order of the court wherein the Secretary's complaint for the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the savings bank was filed, the receiver for the savings bank shall have the power and authority and is charged with the duties and responsibilities as follows:
        (1) He or she may sell and compound all bad and
doubtful debts on terms as the court shall direct.
        (2) He or she may sell the real and personal property
of the savings bank on such terms as the court shall direct.
        (3) He or she may petition the court for the
authority to borrow money, and to pledge the assets of the savings bank as security therefor, whereupon the practice and procedure shall be as follows:
            (A) Upon the filing of the petition, the court
shall set a date for the hearing of the petition and shall prescribe the form and manner of the notice to be given to the officers, stockholders, creditors, or other persons interested in such savings bank.
            (B) Upon such hearing, any officer, stockholder,
creditor, or person interested shall have the right to be heard.
            (C) If the court grants such authority, then the
receiver may borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness therefor and may secure the payment of such loan by the mortgage, pledge, transfer in trust, or hypothecation of any or all property and assets of such savings bank, whether real, personal, or mixed, superior to any charge thereon for the expenses of liquidation.
            (D) The loan may be obtained in such amounts upon
such terms and conditions, and with provisions for repayment as may be deemed necessary or expedient.
            (E) The loan may be obtained for the purpose of
facilitating liquidation, protecting or preserving the assets, expediting the making of distributions to depositors and other creditors, providing for the expenses of administration and liquidation, and aiding in the reopening or reorganization of such savings bank or its merger or consolidation with another savings bank, or in the sale of its assets.
            (F) The receiver shall be under no personal
obligation to repay any such loan and shall have authority to take any action necessary or proper to consummate such loan and to provide for the repayment thereof, and may, when required, give bond for the faithful performance of all undertakings in connection therewith.
            (G) Prior to petitioning the court for authority
to make any such loan, the receiver may make application for or negotiate any loan subject to obtaining an order of the court approving the same.
        (4) He or she may make and carry out agreements with
other savings banks or with the United States or any agency thereof that has insured the savings bank's deposits, in whole or in part, for the payment or assumption of the savings bank's liabilities, in whole or in part, and he or she may transfer assets and make guaranties in connection therewith.
        (5) After the expiration of 12 weeks after the first
publication of the Secretary's notice as provided in Section 10060, he or she shall file with the court a correct list of all creditors of the savings bank, as shown by its books, who have not presented their claims and the amount of their respective claims after allowing all just credits, deductions and set-offs as shown by the books of the savings bank. Claims that are filed shall be deemed proven, unless objections are filed thereto by a party or parties interested therein within such time as is fixed by the court.
        (6) At the termination of his or her administration,
he or she shall petition the court for the entry of a judgment of dissolution. After a hearing upon such notice as the court may prescribe, the court may enter a judgment of dissolution whereupon the savings bank's charter is terminated. The provisions of this Section do not apply to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver, which shall derive its powers and perform its duties pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10075

    (205 ILCS 205/10075)
    Sec. 10075. Change of receiver. At any time after a receiver, other than the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, is appointed by the Secretary, whenever two-thirds of the creditors of a savings bank petition the Secretary for the appointment of any person nominated by them as receiver, who is a reputable person and a resident of the county in which such savings bank is located, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to make such appointment and all rights and duties of his or her predecessor shall at once devolve upon such appointee. The Secretary may remove any receiver appointed by him or her, except the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or such receiver as shall have been appointed through nomination by the creditors. Such a receiver may be removed by the court upon a petition for his or her removal filed by the Secretary after hearing had upon such notice as the court may prescribe. Upon the death, inability to act, resignation, or removal of a receiver the Secretary may appoint his or her successor and, upon the appointment, all rights and duties of his or her predecessor shall at once devolve upon such appointee.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10080

    (205 ILCS 205/10080)
    Sec. 10080. Insured deposits; subrogation. The right of an agency of the United States insuring deposits to be subrogated to the rights of depositors upon payment of their claim shall not be less extensive than the law of the United States requires as a condition of the authority to issue such insurance or make such payment.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10085

    (205 ILCS 205/10085)
    Sec. 10085. Expenses and fees.
    (a) In addition to the fees authorized in this Act, the Secretary may assess reasonable receivership fees against any savings bank operating under this Act that does not maintain insurance with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. All fees collected under this subsection (a) shall be paid into the Non-insured Institutions Receivership account in the Bank and Trust Company Fund, as established by the Secretary. The fees assessed under this subsection (a) shall provide for the expenses that arise from the administration of the receivership of any such institution required to pay into the Non-insured Institutions Receivership account, whether pursuant to this Act, the Illinois Banking Act, the Corporate Fiduciary Act, the Foreign Banking Office Act, or any other Act that requires payments into the Non-insured Institutions Receivership account.
    (b) The Secretary may establish by rule a reasonable manner of assessing fees under subsection (a).
    (c) All expenses of a receivership, including reasonable receiver's and attorney's fees approved by the Secretary, shall be paid out of the assets of the savings bank. If the funds in the estate of the savings bank are insufficient to cover the expenses that arise from the administration of a receivership, the Secretary may pay such expenses from the Non-insured Institutions Receivership account. All expenses of any preliminary or other examination into the condition of any such savings bank or receivership and all expenses incident to and in connection with the possession and control of the bank and its assets for the purpose of examination, reorganization, or liquidation through receivership shall be paid out of the assets of the savings bank; if such funds are insufficient, the Secretary may pay such expenses from the Non-insured Institutions Receivership account. The payment authorized under this subsection (c) may be made by the Secretary with moneys and property of the bank in his or her possession and control and shall have priority over all claims.
(Source: P.A. 99-39, eff. 1-1-16.)

205 ILCS 205/10090

    (205 ILCS 205/10090)
    Sec. 10090. Dividends; dissolution. From time to time during a receivership other than a receivership conducted by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Secretary shall make and pay from moneys of the savings bank a ratable dividend on all claims as may be proved to his or her satisfaction or adjudicated by the court. Claims so proven or adjudicated shall bear interest at the rate of 3% per annum from the date of the appointment of the receiver to the date of payment, but all dividends on a claim shall be applied first to principal. In computing the amount of any dividend to be paid, if the Secretary deems it desirable in the interests of economy of administration and to the interest of the savings bank and its creditors, he or she may pay up to the amount of $10 of each claim or unpaid portion thereof in full. As the proceeds of the assets of the savings bank are collected in the course of liquidation, the Secretary shall make and pay further dividends on all claims previously proven or adjudicated. After one year from the entry of a judgment of dissolution, all unclaimed dividends shall be remitted to the State Treasurer in accordance with the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, as now or hereafter amended, together with a list of all unpaid claimants, their last known addresses and the amounts unpaid.
(Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 1-1-18.)

205 ILCS 205/10095

    (205 ILCS 205/10095)
    Sec. 10095. Validation of dividends; destruction of records. In all cases where the Secretary, prior to this Section taking effect, has made ratable dividends of money on claims that have been proven to the satisfaction of the Secretary or adjudicated in any court of this State, such dividends are hereby ratified and confirmed and made valid and legal in all respects. All records of receiverships heretofore and hereafter received by the Secretary or by a receiver appointed by the Secretary shall be held by the Secretary or the receiver for the period of 2 years after the close of the receivership and, at the termination of the 2-year period, may then be destroyed.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/10100

    (205 ILCS 205/10100)
    Sec. 10100. Judicial review. Whenever the Secretary shall have taken possession and control of a savings bank and its assets for the purpose of examination, reorganization, or liquidation through receivership, or whenever the Secretary shall have appointed a receiver for a savings bank, other than the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and filed a complaint for the dissolution or for the winding up of the affairs of a savings bank, and the savings bank denies the grounds for such actions, it may, at any time within 10 days, apply to the Circuit Court of Sangamon County, Illinois, to enjoin further proceedings in the premises; and such court shall cite the Secretary to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined, and if the court shall find that the grounds do not exist, the court shall make an order enjoining the Secretary and any receiver acting under his or her direction from all further proceedings on account of such alleged grounds, provided that neither the 10 days allowed by this Section 10100 for judicial review nor the pendency of any proceedings for judicial review shall operate to defer, delay, impede, or prevent the payment or acquisition by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of the deposit liabilities of the savings bank that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and during the period allowed for judicial review and during the pendency of any proceedings for judicial review under this Section 10100, the Secretary or, as the case may be, the receiver shall make available to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation such facilities in or of the savings bank and the books, records, and other relevant data of the savings bank as may be necessary or appropriate to enable the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to pay out or to acquire the insured deposit liabilities of the savings bank, and said Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and its directors, officers, agents, and employees, and the Secretary and his agents and employees, including the receiver, if any, shall be free from any liability to the savings bank and its stockholders and creditors for or on account of any matter or thing in this proviso referred to or provided for.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 11

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 11 heading)
ARTICLE 11. Enforcement Powers

205 ILCS 205/11001

    (205 ILCS 205/11001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-1)
    Sec. 11001. Affirmative action to correct conditions resulting from violations of law, regulations, or orders or from practices. The Commissioner is hereby granted authority to issue orders under this Act that require a savings bank or an institution-affiliated party to take affirmative action to correct any conditions resulting from any violations or practices cited with respect to the order. The order may require the savings bank or the institution-affiliated party to:
        (1) Make restitution or provide reimbursement,
indemnification, or guarantees for or against losses if:
            (A) the savings bank or the institution
affiliated party was unjustly enriched or received direct or indirect personal benefit in connection with the violation or practice; or
            (B) the violation or practice involved a reckless
disregard for applicable laws, regulations, or written agreements or written orders of the Commissioner or other appropriate regulator.
        (2) Restrict the savings bank's growth or institute
appropriate operating restrictions.
        (3) Dispose of any loan or asset involved.
        (4) Rescind agreements or contracts.
        (5) Submit candidates for future directors,
employees, or officers to the Commissioner for approval.
        (6) Take any other actions the Commissioner deems
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/11002

    (205 ILCS 205/11002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-2)
    Sec. 11002. Cease and desist orders; books and records.
    (a) If the notice of charges and orders under Section 11001 specifies that the books and records of a savings bank are so incomplete and inaccurate that the Commissioner is unable to determine the financial condition of the savings bank or unable to determine the nature, details, or purpose of any transaction that may have a material effect on the savings bank's financial condition, then the Commissioner shall issue an order that shall be immediately effective requiring:
        (1) Specific, affirmative steps to restore,
reconstruct, or adjust the books and records to accuracy and compliance.
        (2) Rescission or cessation of transactions or
activities that led to the incomplete or inaccurate condition of the books and records.
        (3) The establishment of reserves for any losses that
the Commissioner finds were incurred due to the condition of the books and records.
    (b) Orders under this Section shall be effective until the Commissioner's examination determines that the condition has been corrected.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/11003

    (205 ILCS 205/11003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-3)
    Sec. 11003. Removal and prohibition authority.
    (a) In addition to other provisions of this Act concerning officers and directors, the Commissioner may remove or suspend from any savings bank operating under this Act any officer, director, employee, or agent of a savings bank, and the Commissioner may prohibit participation in the affairs of any savings bank by any current, former, or prospective officer, director, employee, or agent of a savings bank, if he finds any of the following:
        (1) The person or persons have directly or indirectly
violated any law, regulation, or order including orders, conditions, and agreements between the savings bank and the Commissioner or between the savings bank and its federal regulators.
        (2) The person or persons have breached their
fiduciary or professional responsibilities to the savings bank.
        (3) The person or persons have engaged or
participated in unsafe action in conducting the business of a savings bank, a savings bank holding company, or a savings bank affiliate.
        (4) The person or persons have obstructed or impeded
an examination or investigation of a savings bank, a savings bank holding company, or savings bank affiliate.
        (5) The person or persons have similarly behaved
towards any other insured depository institution or otherwise regulated entity or that the person or persons are the subject of any final order issued by the federal insurer, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve Board, a state financial institutions regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission, or by a state or federal court of law.
    (b) The Commissioner may serve upon a party a written notice of the Commissioner's intention to remove or suspend the party from office in the savings bank or to prohibit any participation in any manner by the party in the affairs of any savings bank, if the Commissioner finds because of a violation of subsection (a) any of the following:
        (1) Any savings bank, other insured depository
institution, or other regulated entity has or probably will suffer financial loss or other damage.
        (2) The interests of the savings bank's depositors or
other insured depository institution's depositors have been or could be prejudiced.
        (3) The party has received financial gain or other
benefit by reason of the violation and the Commissioner finds that the violation or breach involves personal dishonesty on the part of the party or demonstrates willful or continuing disregard by the party for the safety and soundness of the savings bank or other insured depository institution.
(Source: P.A. 96-585, eff. 8-18-09.)

205 ILCS 205/11004

    (205 ILCS 205/11004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-4)
    Sec. 11004. Industrywide prohibition.
    (a) Except as provided in regulations of the Commissioner, any person who has been removed or suspended from office in a savings bank operating under this Act or prohibited from participating in the affairs of a savings bank operating under this Act may not, while an order is in effect, continue or begin to hold any office in, or participate in any manner in the affairs of any savings bank regulated by the State of Illinois, another insured depository institution regulated by the State of Illinois, or any other financial services entity regulated by the State of Illinois.
    (b) Any violation of subsection (a) by any person who is subject to an order described in that subsection shall be treated as violation of the order.
(Source: P.A. 92-483, eff. 8-23-01.)

205 ILCS 205/11005

    (205 ILCS 205/11005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-5)
    Sec. 11005. Institution affiliated party. As used in this Act, the term "institution affiliated party" shall mean a director, officer, employee, agent, or controlling stockholder of a savings bank operating under this Act; a person who has filed or is required to file a change-in-control application with the Commissioner; any person subject to an order of or a party to an agreement with the Commissioner pertaining to a savings bank; a shareholder of, consultant to, joint venture partner of, or an independent contractor for (including accountants, appraisers and attorneys) any other person who participates in a significant way in the affairs of a savings bank operating under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-585, eff. 8-18-09.)

205 ILCS 205/11006

    (205 ILCS 205/11006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-6)
    Sec. 11006. Civil penalties. The Commissioner, in addition to any other powers granted in this Act, shall have the power and authority to:
        (1) Impose civil penalties of up to $100,000 against
any person for each violation of any provision of this Act, any rule promulgated in accordance with this Act, any order of the Commissioner, or any other action that in the Commissioner's discretion, is an unsafe or unsound banking practice.
        (2) Impose civil penalties of up to $100 against any
person for the first failure to comply with reporting requirements set forth in the report of examination of the bank and up to $200 for the second and subsequent failures to comply with those reporting requirements.
(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)

205 ILCS 205/11007

    (205 ILCS 205/11007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-7)
    Sec. 11007. Effect of termination or resignation of an institution-affiliated party. The resignation, termination of employment, or separation of an institution-affiliated party from the savings bank affected by the party's activities shall not affect the jurisdiction and authority of the Commissioner to issue any appropriate notice or to take any appropriate action if the notice is served within 6 years of the party's ceasing to be an institution-affiliated party of the savings bank in question.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/11008

    (205 ILCS 205/11008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-8)
    Sec. 11008. Unauthorized participation by convicted individual.
    (a) Except with the prior written consent of the Commissioner, no person who has been convicted of any criminal offense involving dishonesty or a breach of trust may own or control directly or indirectly more than 0.001% of the capital stock of, receive benefit directly or indirectly from, or participate directly or indirectly in any manner in the affairs of a savings bank.
    (b) A savings bank may not permit participation by a person described in subsection (a).
    (c) Whoever knowingly violates subsection (a) or (b) is guilty of a Class 3 felony and may be fined not more than $10,000 for each day of violation.
(Source: P.A. 91-97, eff. 7-9-99; 92-483, eff. 8-23-01.)

205 ILCS 205/11009

    (205 ILCS 205/11009) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-9)
    Sec. 11009. Perjury; false statements.
    (a) Any person who knowingly makes, causes, or allows someone else to make or cause to be made, a false statement, either under oath as required by this Act or on any report or statement required to be made to or by the Commissioner, shall be subject to the provisions of Section 11006.
    (b) Where financial loss to a savings bank is caused by those statements, the penalties shall be commensurate with that loss.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/11010

    (205 ILCS 205/11010) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-10)
    Sec. 11010. Slander. Any person who knowingly makes, utters, circulates, or transmits to another or others any statement untrue in fact, derogatory to the financial condition of any savings bank subject to this Act with intent to injure any savings bank, or who counsels, aids, procures, or induces another to originate, make, utter, transmit, or circulate any statement or rumor, with like intent, is guilty of slander and shall be punished by a civil money penalty of not more than $10,000. However, if, as the result of the statement or rumor a savings bank suffers loss of deposits or other financial loss, the Commissioner may assess each person who knowingly participated in the slander, a civil money penalty of up to $100,000 per savings bank. The person will be deemed to be significantly involved in the affairs of a savings bank and the Commissioner may also proceed against that person as provided in Section 11006.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/11011

    (205 ILCS 205/11011) (from Ch. 17, par. 7311-11)
    Sec. 11011. False advertising.
    (a) No savings bank shall issue, publish, or cause or permit to be issued or published any advertisement that, in part or taken as a whole, is in any way false or misleading.
    (b) The Commissioner may require any savings bank to file a true copy of the text of any advertisement in the office of the Commissioner within 2 days after the issuance, circulation, or publication of the advertisement. All of the powers granted under this Article shall be available to the Commissioner with respect to a savings bank's violation of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)

205 ILCS 205/11012

    (205 ILCS 205/11012)
    Sec. 11012. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 90-161, eff. 7-23-97. Repealed by P.A. 92-483, eff. 8-23-01.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 12

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 12 heading)
ARTICLE 12. Compliance Review

205 ILCS 205/12001

    (205 ILCS 205/12001)
    Sec. 12001. Compliance review.
    (a) As used in this Section:
    "Affiliate" means a corporation whose stock is at least 80% owned by the depository institution or a corporation that directly or indirectly owns at least 80% of the depository institution.
    "Depository institution" means a State or national bank, a State or federally chartered savings and loan association, or a State or federally chartered savings bank that is engaged in the business of banking in Illinois as appropriate.
    "Compliance review committee" means:
        (1) one or more persons assigned by management or
appointed by the board of directors of a depository institution for the purposes set forth in subsection (b); or
        (2) any other person to the extent the person acts in
an investigatory capacity at the direction of a compliance review committee.
    "Compliance review documents" means documents prepared in connection with a review or evaluation conducted by or for a compliance review committee.
    "Person" means an individual, a group of individuals, a board committee, a partnership, a firm, an association, a corporation, or any other entity.
    (b) This Section applies to compliance review committees whose functions are to evaluate and seek to improve any of the following:
        (1) loan policies or underwriting standards;
        (2) asset quality;
        (3) financial reporting to federal or State
governmental or regulatory agencies; or
        (4) compliance with federal or State statutory or
regulatory requirements.
    (c) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this Section:
        (1) Compliance review documents are confidential and
are not subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any civil action.
        (2) Individuals serving on compliance review
committees or acting under the direction of a compliance review committee shall not be required to testify in any civil action about the contents of any compliance review document or conclusions of any compliance review committee or about the actions taken by a compliance review committee.
        (3) Compliance review documents delivered to an
affiliate or a State, federal, or foreign governmental or regulatory agency shall remain confidential and are not discoverable or admissible in evidence in any civil action.
    (d) This Section does not apply to: (1) compliance review committees on which individuals serving on or at the direction of the compliance review committee have management responsibility for the operations, records, employees, or activities being examined or evaluated by the compliance review committee and (2) any civil action initiated by any federal or State regulatory agency.
    (e) This Section shall not be construed to limit the discovery or admissibility in any civil action of any documents other than compliance review documents.
(Source: P.A. 89-364, eff. 8-18-95.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 12.1

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 12.1 heading)
ARTICLE 12.1. Effect of Repeal of Illinois
Savings and Loan Act of 1985
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/12101

    (205 ILCS 205/12101)
    Sec. 12101. Effect of repeal. This Article sets forth the effect of and means of transition necessitated by the repeal of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985.
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/12102

    (205 ILCS 205/12102)
    Sec. 12102. Effect on special funds.
    (a) The Savings and Residential Finance Regulatory Fund established under Section 7-19.1 of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 is hereby redesignated the Residential Finance Regulatory Fund. The fund shall continue in existence under the Illinois Residential Mortgage License Act of 1987 without interruption and shall retain all moneys therein, except moneys required to be transferred or returned from Savings and Residential Finance Regulatory Fund, now designated the Residential Finance Regulatory Fund, to the Savings Institutions Regulatory Fund, now designated the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund, pursuant to subsection (e) of Section 7-19.2 of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, shall continue to be required to be transferred or returned to the Savings Institutions Regulatory Fund, now designated the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund, as if subsection (e) of Section 7-19.2 of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 had not been repealed.
    (b) The Savings Institutions Regulatory Fund established under Section 7-19.2 of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 is hereby redesignated the Savings Bank Regulatory Fund. The fund shall continue in existence under Section 9002.1 of this Act without interruption and shall retain all moneys therein.
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/12103

    (205 ILCS 205/12103)
    Sec. 12103. Effect on foreign associations.
    (a) Any existing foreign association shall be deemed to be an out-of-state savings bank under this Act.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an existing foreign association may retain any branch or office in the State that properly existed in the State at the time of the repeal of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, and continue to engage in the same activities in the State therefrom as were engaged in immediately prior to the repeal of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act, without further application or notice to or approval of the Secretary.
    (c) An existing foreign association may retain a representative office in the State that properly existed in the State at the time of the repeal of the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, provided that the foreign association obtains a license under the Foreign Bank Representative Office Act.
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/12104

    (205 ILCS 205/12104)
    Sec. 12104. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15. Repealed by P.A. 100-783, eff. 8-10-18.)

205 ILCS 205/12105

    (205 ILCS 205/12105)
    Sec. 12105. Applicability of other Acts. Whenever in any Act the term "savings and loan", "building and loan", "mutual building loan and homestead", or "building loan and homestead" or other similar name is used with reference to an association organized for the purposes of associations incorporated under the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 or a similar Act, such reference shall be applicable to a savings bank operating under this Act. Whenever in any Act the term "members", "shareholders", or "investors" is used in connection with such associations, however named, the same shall refer to members and holders of capital of savings banks operating under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 12.2

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 12.2 heading)
ARTICLE 12.2. Board of Savings Banks
(Source: P.A. 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15. Repealed by P.A. 100-783, eff. 8-10-18.)

205 ILCS 205/Art. 13

    (205 ILCS 205/Art. 13 heading)
ARTICLE 13. Effective Date

205 ILCS 205/13001

    (205 ILCS 205/13001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7313-1)
    Sec. 13001. Effective Date. This Act takes effect July 1, 1990.
(Source: P.A. 86-1213.)