Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(210 ILCS 46/) MC/DD Act.

210 ILCS 46/Art. I

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. I heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-101

    (210 ILCS 46/1-101)
    Sec. 1-101. Short title. This Act may be cited as the MC/DD Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-101.05

    (210 ILCS 46/1-101.05)
    Sec. 1-101.05. Prior law.
    (a) This Act provides for the licensure of medically complex for the developmentally disabled facilities. On and after the effective date of this Act, long-term care for under age 22 facilities shall be known and licensed as medically complex for the developmentally disabled facilities under this Act instead of the ID/DD Community Care Act. On the effective date of this Act, any long-term care for under age 22 facility that holds a valid license on the effective date of this Act shall be granted a license as a medically complex for the developmentally disabled facility and shall not be licensed as a long-term care for under age 22 facility under the ID/DD Community Care Act.
    (b) If any other Act of the General Assembly changes, adds, or repeals a provision of the ID/DD Community Care Act that is the same as or substantially similar to a provision of this Act, then that change, addition, or repeal in the ID/DD Community Care Act shall be construed together with this Act until July 1, 2015 and not thereafter.
    (c) Nothing in this Act affects the validity or effect of any finding, decision, or action made or taken by the Department or the Director under the ID/DD Community Care Act before the effective date of this Act with respect to a facility subject to licensure under this Act. That finding, decision, or action shall continue to apply to the facility on and after the effective date of this Act. Any finding, decision, or action with respect to the facility made or taken on or after the effective date of this Act shall be made or taken as provided in this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-102

    (210 ILCS 46/1-102)
    Sec. 1-102. Definitions. For the purposes of this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms defined in this Article have the meanings ascribed to them herein.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-103

    (210 ILCS 46/1-103)
    Sec. 1-103. Abuse. "Abuse" means any physical or mental injury or sexual assault inflicted on a resident other than by accidental means in a facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-104

    (210 ILCS 46/1-104)
    Sec. 1-104. Access. "Access" means the right to:
        (1) Enter any facility;
        (2) Communicate privately and without restriction
with any resident who consents to the communication;
        (3) Seek consent to communicate privately and without
restriction with any resident;
        (4) Inspect the clinical and other records of a
resident with the express written consent of the resident; or
        (5) Observe all areas of the facility except the
living area of any resident who protests the observation.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-105

    (210 ILCS 46/1-105)
    Sec. 1-105. Administrator. "Administrator" means a person who is charged with the general administration and supervision of a facility and licensed, if required, under the Nursing Home Administrators Licensing and Disciplinary Act, as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-106

    (210 ILCS 46/1-106)
    Sec. 1-106. Affiliate. "Affiliate" means:
        (1) With respect to a partnership, each partner
        (2) With respect to a corporation, each officer,
director and stockholder thereof.
        (3) With respect to a natural person: any person
related in the first degree of kinship to that person; each partnership and each partner thereof of which that person or any affiliate of that person is a partner; and each corporation in which that person or any affiliate of that person is an officer, director or stockholder.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-107

    (210 ILCS 46/1-107)
    Sec. 1-107. Applicant. "Applicant" means any person making application for a license.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-108.1

    (210 ILCS 46/1-108.1)
    Sec. 1-108.1. Complaint classification. "Complaint classification" means the Department shall categorize reports about conditions, care or services in a facility into one of three groups after an investigation:
        (1) "An invalid report" means any report made under
this Act for which it is determined after an investigation that no credible evidence of abuse, neglect or other deficiency relating to the complaint exists;
        (2) "A valid report" means a report made under this
Act if an investigation determines that some credible evidence of the alleged abuse, neglect or other deficiency relating to the complaint exists; and
        (3) "An undetermined report" means a report made
under this Act in which it was not possible to initiate or complete an investigation on the basis of information provided to the Department.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-109

    (210 ILCS 46/1-109)
    Sec. 1-109. Department. "Department" means the Department of Public Health.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-110

    (210 ILCS 46/1-110)
    Sec. 1-110. Director. "Director" means the Director of Public Health or his or her designee.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-111

    (210 ILCS 46/1-111)
    Sec. 1-111. Discharge. "Discharge" means the full release of any resident from a facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-111.05

    (210 ILCS 46/1-111.05)
    Sec. 1-111.05. Distressed facility. "Distressed facility" means a facility determined by the Department to be a distressed facility pursuant to Section 3-304.2 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-112

    (210 ILCS 46/1-112)
    Sec. 1-112. Emergency. "Emergency" means a situation, physical condition or one or more practices, methods or operations which present imminent danger of death or serious physical or mental harm to residents of a facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-113

    (210 ILCS 46/1-113)
    Sec. 1-113. Facility. "MC/DD facility" or "facility" means a medically complex for the developmentally disabled facility, whether operated for profit or not, which provides, through its ownership or management, personal care or nursing for 3 or more persons not related to the applicant or owner by blood or marriage.
    "Facility" does not include the following:
        (1) A home, institution, or other place operated by
the federal government or agency thereof, or by the State of Illinois, other than homes, institutions, or other places operated by or under the authority of the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs;
        (2) A hospital, sanitarium, or other institution
whose principal activity or business is the diagnosis, care, and treatment of human illness through the maintenance and operation as organized facilities therefore, which is required to be licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act;
        (3) Any "facility for child care" as defined in the
Child Care Act of 1969;
        (4) Any "community living facility" as defined in the
Community Living Facilities Licensing Act;
        (5) Any "community residential alternative" as
defined in the Community Residential Alternatives Licensing Act;
        (6) Any nursing home or sanatorium operated solely by
and for persons who rely exclusively upon treatment by spiritual means through prayer, in accordance with the creed or tenets of any well recognized church or religious denomination. However, such nursing home or sanatorium shall comply with all local laws and rules relating to sanitation and safety;
        (7) Any facility licensed by the Department of Human
Services as a community-integrated living arrangement as defined in the Community-Integrated Living Arrangements Licensure and Certification Act;
        (8) Any facility licensed under the Nursing Home Care
        (9) Any ID/DD facility under the ID/DD Community Care
        (10) Any "supportive residence" licensed under the
Supportive Residences Licensing Act;
        (11) Any "supportive living facility" in good
standing with the program established under Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois Public Aid Code, except only for purposes of the employment of persons in accordance with Section 3-206.01;
        (12) Any assisted living or shared housing
establishment licensed under the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, except only for purposes of the employment of persons in accordance with Section 3-206.01;
        (13) An Alzheimer's disease management center
alternative health care model licensed under the Alternative Health Care Delivery Act; or
        (14) A home, institution, or other place operated by
or under the authority of the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-114

    (210 ILCS 46/1-114)
    Sec. 1-114. Guardian. "Guardian" means a person appointed as a guardian of the person or guardian of the estate, or both, of a resident under the "Probate Act of 1975", as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-114.001

    (210 ILCS 46/1-114.001)
    Sec. 1-114.001. Habilitation. "Habilitation" means an effort directed toward increasing a person's level of physical, mental, social, or economic functioning. Habilitation may include, but is not limited to, diagnosis, evaluation, medical services, residential care, day care, special living arrangements, training, education, employment services, protective services, and counseling.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-114.01

    (210 ILCS 46/1-114.01)
    Sec. 1-114.01. Identified offender. "Identified offender" means a person who meets any of the following criteria:
        (1) Has been convicted of, found guilty of,
adjudicated delinquent for, found not guilty by reason of insanity for, or found unfit to stand trial for any felony offense listed in Section 25 of the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, except for the following:
            (i) a felony offense described in Section 10-5 of
the Nurse Practice Act;
            (ii) a felony offense described in Section 4, 5,
6, 8, or 17.02 of the Illinois Credit Card and Debit Card Act;
            (iii) a felony offense described in Section 5,
5.1, 5.2, 7, or 9 of the Cannabis Control Act;
            (iv) a felony offense described in Section 401,
401.1, 404, 405, 405.1, 407, or 407.1 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act; and
            (v) a felony offense described in the
Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act.
        (2) Has been convicted of, adjudicated delinquent
for, found not guilty by reason of insanity for, or found unfit to stand trial for, any sex offense as defined in subsection (c) of Section 10 of the Sex Offender Management Board Act.
        (3) Is any other resident as determined by the
Illinois State Police.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)

210 ILCS 46/1-114.1

    (210 ILCS 46/1-114.1)
    Sec. 1-114.1. Immediate family. "Immediate family" means the spouse, an adult child, a parent, an adult brother or sister, or an adult grandchild of a person.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-114.005

    (210 ILCS 46/1-114.005)
    Sec. 1-114.005. High-risk designation. "High-risk designation" means a designation of a provision of the Illinois Administrative Code that has been identified by the Department through rulemaking to be inherently necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of a resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-115

    (210 ILCS 46/1-115)
    Sec. 1-115. Licensee. "Licensee" means the individual or entity licensed by the Department to operate the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-116

    (210 ILCS 46/1-116)
    Sec. 1-116. Maintenance. "Maintenance" means food, shelter and laundry services.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-116.5

    (210 ILCS 46/1-116.5)
    Sec. 1-116.5. Misappropriation of a resident's property. "Misappropriation of a resident's property" means the deliberate misplacement, exploitation, or wrongful temporary or permanent use of a resident's belongings or money without the resident's consent.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-117

    (210 ILCS 46/1-117)
    Sec. 1-117. Neglect. "Neglect" means a failure in a facility to provide adequate medical or personal care or maintenance, which failure results in physical or mental injury to a resident or in the deterioration of a resident's physical or mental condition.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-118

    (210 ILCS 46/1-118)
    Sec. 1-118. Nurse. "Nurse" means a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse as defined in the Nurse Practice Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-119

    (210 ILCS 46/1-119)
    Sec. 1-119. Owner. "Owner" means the individual, partnership, corporation, association or other person who owns a facility. In the event a facility is operated by a person who leases the physical plant, which is owned by another person, "owner" means the person who operates the facility, except that if the person who owns the physical plant is an affiliate of the person who operates the facility and has significant control over the day to day operations of the facility, the person who owns the physical plant shall incur jointly and severally with the owner all liabilities imposed on an owner under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-120

    (210 ILCS 46/1-120)
    Sec. 1-120. Personal care. "Personal care" means assistance with meals, dressing, movement, bathing or other personal needs or maintenance, or general supervision and oversight of the physical and mental well being of an individual, who is incapable of maintaining a private, independent residence or who is incapable of managing his or her person whether or not a guardian has been appointed for such individual.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-120.3

    (210 ILCS 46/1-120.3)
    Sec. 1-120.3. Provisional admission period. "Provisional admission period" means the time between the admission of an identified offender as defined in Section 1-114.01 of this Act and 3 days following the admitting facility's receipt of an Identified Offender Report and Recommendation in accordance with Section 2-201.6 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-121

    (210 ILCS 46/1-121)
    Sec. 1-121. Reasonable hour. "Reasonable hour" means any time between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-122

    (210 ILCS 46/1-122)
    Sec. 1-122. Resident. "Resident" means a person receiving personal or medical care, including, but not limited to, habilitation, psychiatric services, therapeutic services, and assistance with activities of daily living from a facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-123

    (210 ILCS 46/1-123)
    Sec. 1-123. Resident's representative. "Resident's representative" means a person other than the owner, or an agent or employee of a facility not related to the resident, designated in writing by a resident to be his or her representative, or the resident's guardian, or the parent of a minor resident for whom no guardian has been appointed.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-125

    (210 ILCS 46/1-125)
    Sec. 1-125. Stockholder. "Stockholder" of a corporation means any person who, directly or indirectly, beneficially owns, holds or has the power to vote, at least 5% of any class of securities issued by the corporation.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-125.1

    (210 ILCS 46/1-125.1)
    Sec. 1-125.1. Student intern. "Student intern" means any person whose total term of employment in any facility during any 12-month period is equal to or less than 90 continuous days, and whose term of employment is either:
        (1) an academic credit requirement in a high school
or undergraduate institution, or
        (2) immediately succeeds a full quarter, semester or
trimester of academic enrollment in either a high school or undergraduate institution, provided that such person is registered for another full quarter, semester or trimester of academic enrollment in either a high school or undergraduate institution which quarter, semester or trimester will commence immediately following the term of employment.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-126

    (210 ILCS 46/1-126)
    Sec. 1-126. Title XVIII. "Title XVIII" means Title XVIII of the federal Social Security Act as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-127

    (210 ILCS 46/1-127)
    Sec. 1-127. Title XIX. "Title XIX" means Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-128

    (210 ILCS 46/1-128)
    Sec. 1-128. Transfer. "Transfer" means a change in status of a resident's living arrangements from one facility to another facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-128.5

    (210 ILCS 46/1-128.5)
    Sec. 1-128.5. Type "AA" violation. A "Type 'AA' violation" means a violation of this Act or of the rules promulgated thereunder that creates a condition or occurrence relating to the operation and maintenance of a facility that proximately caused a resident's death.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-129

    (210 ILCS 46/1-129)
    Sec. 1-129. Type "A" violation. A "Type 'A' violation" means a violation of this Act or of the rules promulgated thereunder which creates a condition or occurrence relating to the operation and maintenance of a facility that (i) creates a substantial probability that the risk of death or serious mental or physical harm to a resident will result therefrom or (ii) has resulted in actual physical or mental harm to a resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-130

    (210 ILCS 46/1-130)
    Sec. 1-130. Type "B" violation. A "Type 'B' violation" means a violation of this Act or of the rules promulgated thereunder which (i) creates a condition or occurrence relating to the operation and maintenance of a facility that is more likely than not to cause more than minimal physical or mental harm to a resident or (ii) is specifically designated as a Type "B" violation in this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/1-132

    (210 ILCS 46/1-132)
    Sec. 1-132. Type "C" violation. A "Type 'C' violation" means a violation of this Act or of the rules promulgated thereunder that creates a condition or occurrence relating to the operation and maintenance of a facility that creates a substantial probability that less than minimal physical or mental harm to a resident will result therefrom.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. II

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. II heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. II Pt. 1

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. II Pt. 1 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-101

    (210 ILCS 46/2-101)
    Sec. 2-101. Constitutional and legal rights. No resident shall be deprived of any rights, benefits, or privileges guaranteed by law, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, or the Constitution of the United States solely on account of his or her status as a resident of a facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-101.1

    (210 ILCS 46/2-101.1)
    Sec. 2-101.1. Spousal impoverishment. All new residents and their spouses shall be informed on admittance of their spousal impoverishment rights as defined at Section 5-4 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, as now or hereafter amended and at Section 303 of Title III of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-360).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-102

    (210 ILCS 46/2-102)
    Sec. 2-102. Financial affairs. A resident shall be permitted to manage his or her own financial affairs unless he or she or his or her guardian or if the resident is a minor, his or her parent, authorizes the administrator of the facility in writing to manage such resident's financial affairs under Section 2-201 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-103

    (210 ILCS 46/2-103)
    Sec. 2-103. Personal property. A resident shall be permitted to retain and use or wear his or her personal property in his or her immediate living quarters, unless deemed medically inappropriate by a physician and so documented in the resident's clinical record. If clothing is provided to the resident by the facility, it shall be of a proper fit.
    The facility shall provide adequate storage space for the personal property of the resident. The facility shall provide a means of safeguarding small items of value for its residents in their rooms or in any other part of the facility so long as the residents have daily access to such valuables. The facility shall make reasonable efforts to prevent loss and theft of residents' property. Those efforts shall be appropriate to the particular facility and may include, but are not limited to, staff training and monitoring, labeling property, and frequent property inventories. The facility shall develop procedures for investigating complaints concerning theft of residents' property and shall promptly investigate all such complaints.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-104

    (210 ILCS 46/2-104)
    Sec. 2-104. Medical treatment; records.
    (a) A resident shall be permitted to retain the services of his or her own personal physician at his or her own expense or under an individual or group plan of health insurance, or under any public or private assistance program providing such coverage. However, the facility is not liable for the negligence of any such personal physician. Every resident shall be permitted to obtain from his or her own physician or the physician attached to the facility complete and current information concerning his or her medical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms and language the resident can reasonably be expected to understand. Every resident shall be permitted to participate in the planning of his or her total care and medical treatment to the extent that his or her condition permits. No resident shall be subjected to experimental research or treatment without first obtaining his or her informed, written consent. The conduct of any experimental research or treatment shall be authorized and monitored by an institutional review board appointed by the Director. The membership, operating procedures and review criteria for the institutional review board shall be prescribed under rules and regulations of the Department and shall comply with the requirements for institutional review boards established by the federal Food and Drug Administration. No person who has received compensation in the prior 3 years from an entity that manufactures, distributes, or sells pharmaceuticals, biologics, or medical devices may serve on the institutional review board.
    The institutional review board may approve only research or treatment that meets the standards of the federal Food and Drug Administration with respect to (i) the protection of human subjects and (ii) financial disclosure by clinical investigators. The Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman and the State Protection and Advocacy organization shall be given an opportunity to comment on any request for approval before the board makes a decision. Those entities shall not be provided information that would allow a potential human subject to be individually identified, unless the board asks the Ombudsman for help in securing information from or about the resident. The board shall require frequent reporting of the progress of the approved research or treatment and its impact on residents, including immediate reporting of any adverse impact to the resident, the resident's representative, the Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman, and the State Protection and Advocacy organization. The board may not approve any retrospective study of the records of any resident about the safety or efficacy of any care or treatment if the resident was under the care of the proposed researcher or a business associate when the care or treatment was given, unless the study is under the control of a researcher without any business relationship to any person or entity who could benefit from the findings of the study.
    No facility shall permit experimental research or treatment to be conducted on a resident or give access to any person or person's records for a retrospective study about the safety or efficacy of any care or treatment without the prior written approval of the institutional review board. No administrator, or person licensed by the State to provide medical care or treatment to any person may assist or participate in any experimental research on or treatment of a resident, including a retrospective study, that does not have the prior written approval of the board. Such conduct shall be grounds for professional discipline by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
    The institutional review board may exempt from ongoing review research or treatment initiated on a resident before the individual's admission to a facility and for which the board determines there is adequate ongoing oversight by another institutional review board. Nothing in this Section shall prevent a facility, any facility employee, or any other person from assisting or participating in any experimental research on or treatment of a resident if the research or treatment began before the person's admission to a facility, until the board has reviewed the research or treatment and decided to grant or deny approval or to exempt the research or treatment from ongoing review.
    (b) All medical treatment and procedures shall be administered as ordered by a physician. All new physician orders shall be reviewed by the facility's director of nursing or charge nurse designee within 24 hours after such orders have been issued to assure facility compliance with such orders.
    According to rules adopted by the Department, every woman resident of child bearing age shall receive routine obstetrical and gynecological evaluations as well as necessary prenatal care.
    (c) Every resident shall be permitted to refuse medical treatment and to know the consequences of such action, unless such refusal would be harmful to the health and safety of others and such harm is documented by a physician in the resident's clinical record. The resident's refusal shall free the facility from the obligation to provide the treatment.
    (d) Every resident, resident's guardian, or parent if the resident is a minor shall be permitted to inspect and copy all his or her clinical and other records concerning his or her care and maintenance kept by the facility or by his or her physician. The facility may charge a reasonable fee for duplication of a record.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-104.1

    (210 ILCS 46/2-104.1)
    Sec. 2-104.1. Transfer of facility ownership after license suspension or revocation. Whenever ownership of a private facility is transferred to another private owner following a final order for a suspension or revocation of the facility's license, the new owner, if the Department so determines, shall thoroughly evaluate the condition and needs of each resident as if each resident were being newly admitted to the facility. The evaluation shall include a review of the medical record and the conduct of a physical examination of each resident which shall be performed within 30 days after the transfer of ownership.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-104.2

    (210 ILCS 46/2-104.2)
    Sec. 2-104.2. Do Not Resuscitate Orders. Every facility licensed under this Act shall establish a policy for the implementation of physician orders limiting resuscitation such as those commonly referred to as "Do Not Resuscitate" orders. This policy may only prescribe the format, method of documentation and duration of any physician orders limiting resuscitation. Any orders under this policy shall be honored by the facility. The Department of Public Health Uniform POLST form or a copy of that form or a previous version of the uniform form shall be honored by the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)

210 ILCS 46/2-105

    (210 ILCS 46/2-105)
    Sec. 2-105. Privacy. A resident shall be permitted respect and privacy in his or her medical and personal care program. Every resident's case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment shall be confidential and shall be conducted discreetly, and those persons not directly involved in the resident's care must have the resident's permission to be present.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-106

    (210 ILCS 46/2-106)
    Sec. 2-106. Restraints and confinements.
    (a) For purposes of this Act:
        (i) A physical restraint is any manual method or
physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment attached or adjacent to a resident's body that the resident cannot remove easily and restricts freedom of movement or normal access to one's body. Devices used for positioning, including but not limited to bed rails, gait belts, and cushions, shall not be considered to be restraints for purposes of this Section.
        (ii) A chemical restraint is any drug used for
discipline or convenience and not required to treat medical symptoms. The Department shall by rule, designate certain devices as restraints, including at least all those devices which have been determined to be restraints by the United States Department of Health and Human Services in interpretive guidelines issued for the purposes of administering Titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act.
    (b) Neither restraints nor confinements shall be employed for the purpose of punishment or for the convenience of any facility personnel. No restraints or confinements shall be employed except as ordered by a physician who documents the need for such restraints or confinements in the resident's clinical record. Each facility licensed under this Act must have a written policy to address the use of restraints and seclusion. The Department shall establish by rule the provisions that the policy must include, which, to the extent practicable, should be consistent with the requirements for participation in the federal Medicare program. Each policy shall include periodic review of the use of restraints.
    (c) A restraint may be used only with the informed consent of the resident, the resident's guardian, or other authorized representative. A restraint may be used only for specific periods, if it is the least restrictive means necessary to attain and maintain the resident's highest practicable physical, mental or psychosocial well being, including brief periods of time to provide necessary life saving treatment. A restraint may be used only after consultation with appropriate health professionals, such as occupational or physical therapists, and a trial of less restrictive measures has led to the determination that the use of less restrictive measures would not attain or maintain the resident's highest practicable physical, mental or psychosocial well being. However, if the resident needs emergency care, restraints may be used for brief periods to permit medical treatment to proceed unless the facility has notice that the resident has previously made a valid refusal of the treatment in question.
    (d) A restraint may be applied only by a person trained in the application of the particular type of restraint.
    (e) Whenever a period of use of a restraint is initiated, the resident shall be advised of his or her right to have a person or organization of his or her choosing, including the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission, notified of the use of the restraint. A recipient who is under guardianship may request that a person or organization of his or her choosing be notified of the restraint, whether or not the guardian approves the notice. If the resident so chooses, the facility shall make the notification within 24 hours, including any information about the period of time that the restraint is to be used. Whenever the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission is notified that a resident has been restrained, it shall contact the resident to determine the circumstances of the restraint and whether further action is warranted.
    (f) Whenever a restraint is used on a resident whose primary mode of communication is sign language, the resident shall be permitted to have his or her hands free from restraint for brief periods each hour, except when this freedom may result in physical harm to the resident or others.
    (g) The requirements of this Section are intended to control in any conflict with the requirements of Sections 1-126 and 2-108 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-106.1

    (210 ILCS 46/2-106.1)
    Sec. 2-106.1. Drug treatment.
    (a) A resident shall not be given unnecessary drugs. An unnecessary drug is any drug used in an excessive dose, including in duplicative therapy; for excessive duration; without adequate monitoring; without adequate indications for its use; or in the presence of adverse consequences that indicate the drugs should be reduced or discontinued. The Department shall adopt, by rule, the standards for unnecessary drugs contained in interpretive guidelines issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services for the purposes of administering Titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act.
    (b) Psychotropic medication shall not be administered without the informed consent of the resident, the resident's guardian, or other authorized representative. "Psychotropic medication" means medication that is used for or listed as used for antipsychotic, antidepressant, antimanic, or antianxiety behavior modification or behavior management purposes in the latest editions of the AMA Drug Evaluations or the Physician's Desk Reference. The Department shall adopt, by rule, a protocol specifying how informed consent for psychotropic medication may be obtained or refused. The protocol shall require, at a minimum, a discussion between (1) the resident or the resident's authorized representative and (2) the resident's physician, a registered pharmacist who is not a dispensing pharmacist for the facility where the resident lives, or a licensed nurse about the possible risks and benefits of a recommended medication and the use of standardized consent forms designated by the Department. Each form developed by the Department (i) shall be written in plain language, (ii) shall be able to be downloaded from the Department's official website, (iii) shall include information specific to the psychotropic medication for which consent is being sought, and (iv) shall be used for every resident for whom psychotropic drugs are prescribed. In addition to creating those forms, the Department shall approve the use of any other informed consent forms that meet criteria developed by the Department.
    In addition to any other requirement prescribed by law, a facility that is found to have violated this subsection or the federal certification requirement that informed consent be obtained before administering a psychotropic medication shall for 3 years after the notice of violation be required to (A) obtain the signatures of 2 licensed health care professionals on every form purporting to give informed consent for the administration of a psychotropic medication, certifying the personal knowledge of each health care professional that the consent was obtained in compliance with the requirements of this subsection or (B) videotape or make a digital video record of the procedures followed by the facility to comply with the requirements of this subsection.
    (c) The requirements of this Section are intended to control in a conflict with the requirements of Sections 2-102 and 2-107.2 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code with respect to the administration of psychotropic medication.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-106a

    (210 ILCS 46/2-106a)
    Sec. 2-106a. Resident identification wristlet. No identification wristlets shall be employed except as ordered by a physician who documents the need for such mandatory identification in the resident's clinical record. When identification bracelets are required, they must identify the resident's name, and the name and address of the facility issuing the identification wristlet.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-107

    (210 ILCS 46/2-107)
    Sec. 2-107. Abuse or neglect; duty to report. An owner, licensee, administrator, employee or agent of a facility shall not abuse or neglect a resident. It is the duty of any facility employee or agent who becomes aware of such abuse or neglect to report it as provided in the Abused and Neglected Long Term Care Facility Residents Reporting Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-108

    (210 ILCS 46/2-108)
    Sec. 2-108. Communications; visits; married residents. Every resident shall be permitted unimpeded, private and uncensored communication of his or her choice by mail, public telephone or visitation.
    (a) The administrator shall ensure that correspondence is conveniently received and mailed, and that telephones are reasonably accessible.
    (b) The administrator shall ensure that residents may have private visits at any reasonable hour unless such visits are not medically advisable for the resident as documented in the resident's clinical record by the resident's physician.
    (c) The administrator shall ensure that space for visits is available and that facility personnel knock, except in an emergency, before entering any resident's room.
    (d) Unimpeded, private and uncensored communication by mail, public telephone and visitation may be reasonably restricted by a physician only in order to protect the resident or others from harm, harassment or intimidation, provided that the reason for any such restriction is placed in the resident's clinical record by the physician and that notice of such restriction shall be given to all residents upon admission. However, all letters addressed by a resident to the Governor, members of the General Assembly, Attorney General, judges, state's attorneys, officers of the Department, or licensed attorneys at law shall be forwarded at once to the persons to whom they are addressed without examination by facility personnel. Letters in reply from the officials and attorneys mentioned above shall be delivered to the recipient without examination by facility personnel.
    (e) The administrator shall ensure that married residents residing in the same facility be allowed to reside in the same room within the facility unless there is no room available in the facility or it is deemed medically inadvisable by the residents' attending physician and so documented in the residents' medical records.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-109

    (210 ILCS 46/2-109)
    Sec. 2-109. Religion. A resident shall be permitted the free exercise of religion. Upon a resident's request, and if necessary at the resident's expense, the administrator shall make arrangements for a resident's attendance at religious services of the resident's choice. However, no religious beliefs or practices, or attendance at religious services, may be imposed upon any resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-110

    (210 ILCS 46/2-110)
    Sec. 2-110. Access to residents.
    (a) Any employee or agent of a public agency, any representative of a community legal services program or any other member of the general public shall be permitted access at reasonable hours to any individual resident of any facility, but only if there is neither a commercial purpose nor effect to such access and if the purpose is to do any of the following:
        (1) Visit, talk with and make personal, social and
legal services available to all residents;
        (2) Inform residents of their rights and entitlements
and their corresponding obligations, under federal and State laws, by means of educational materials and discussions in groups and with individual residents;
        (3) Assist residents in asserting their legal rights
regarding claims for public assistance, medical assistance and social security benefits, as well as in all other matters in which residents are aggrieved. Assistance may include counseling and litigation; or
        (4) Engage in other methods of asserting, advising
and representing residents so as to extend to them full enjoyment of their rights.
    (a-5) If a resident of a licensed facility is an identified offender, any federal, State, or local law enforcement officer or county probation officer shall be permitted reasonable access to the individual resident to verify compliance with the requirements of the Sex Offender Registration Act or to verify compliance with applicable terms of probation, parole, aftercare release, or mandatory supervised release.
    (b) All persons entering a facility under this Section shall promptly notify appropriate facility personnel of their presence. They shall, upon request, produce identification to establish their identity. No such person shall enter the immediate living area of any resident without first identifying himself or herself and then receiving permission from the resident to enter. The rights of other residents present in the room shall be respected. A resident may terminate at any time a visit by a person having access to the resident's living area under this Section.
    (c) This Section shall not limit the power of the Department or other public agency otherwise permitted or required by law to enter and inspect a facility.
    (d) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this Section, the administrator of a facility may refuse access to the facility to any person if the presence of that person in the facility would be injurious to the health and safety of a resident or would threaten the security of the property of a resident or the facility, or if the person seeks access to the facility for commercial purposes. Any person refused access to a facility may within 10 days request a hearing under Section 3-703. In that proceeding, the burden of proof as to the right of the facility to refuse access under this Section shall be on the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-111

    (210 ILCS 46/2-111)
    Sec. 2-111. Discharge. A resident may be discharged from a facility after he or she gives the administrator, a physician, or a nurse of the facility written notice of his or her desire to be discharged. If a guardian has been appointed for a resident or if the resident is a minor, the resident shall be discharged upon written consent of his or her guardian or if the resident is a minor, his or her parent unless there is a court order to the contrary. In such cases, upon the resident's discharge, the facility is relieved from any responsibility for the resident's care, safety or well being.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-112

    (210 ILCS 46/2-112)
    Sec. 2-112. Grievances. A resident shall be permitted to present grievances on behalf of himself or herself or others to the administrator, the DD Facility Advisory Board established under Section 2-204 of the ID/DD Community Care Act, the residents' advisory council, State governmental agencies or other persons without threat of discharge or reprisal in any form or manner whatsoever. The administrator shall provide all residents or their representatives with the name, address, and telephone number of the appropriate State governmental office where complaints may be lodged.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-113

    (210 ILCS 46/2-113)
    Sec. 2-113. Labor. A resident may refuse to perform labor for a facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-114

    (210 ILCS 46/2-114)
    Sec. 2-114. Unlawful discrimination. No resident shall be subjected to unlawful discrimination as defined in Section 1-103 of the Illinois Human Rights Act by any owner, licensee, administrator, employee, or agent of a facility. Unlawful discrimination does not include an action by any owner, licensee, administrator, employee, or agent of a facility that is required by this Act or rules adopted under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-115

    (210 ILCS 46/2-115)
    Sec. 2-115. Right to notification of violations. Residents and their guardians or other resident representatives, if any, shall be notified of any violation of this Act or the rules promulgated thereunder pursuant to Section 2-217 of this Act, or of violations of the requirements of Titles XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act or rules promulgated thereunder, with respect to the health, safety, or welfare of the resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. II Pt. 2

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. II Pt. 2 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-116

    (210 ILCS 46/2-116)
    Sec. 2-116. Authorized electronic monitoring of a resident's room. A resident shall be permitted to conduct authorized electronic monitoring of the resident's room through the use of electronic monitoring devices placed in the room pursuant to the Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-784, eff. 1-1-17.)

210 ILCS 46/2-201

    (210 ILCS 46/2-201)
    Sec. 2-201. Residents' funds. To protect the residents' funds, the facility:
    (1) Shall at the time of admission provide, in order of priority, each resident, or the resident's guardian, if any, or the resident's representative, if any, or the resident's immediate family member, if any, with a written statement explaining to the resident and to the resident's spouse (a) their spousal impoverishment rights, as defined at Section 5-4 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, and at Section 303 of Title III of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-360), and (b) the resident's rights regarding personal funds and listing the services for which the resident will be charged. The facility shall obtain a signed acknowledgment from each resident or the resident's guardian, if any, or the resident's representative, if any, or the resident's immediate family member, if any, that such person has received the statement.
    (2) May accept funds from a resident for safekeeping and managing, if it receives written authorization from, in order of priority, the resident or the resident's guardian, if any, or the resident's representative, if any, or the resident's immediate family member, if any; such authorization shall be attested to by a witness who has no pecuniary interest in the facility or its operations, and who is not connected in any way to facility personnel or the administrator in any manner whatsoever.
    (3) Shall maintain and allow, in order of priority, each resident or the resident's guardian, if any, or the resident's representative, if any, or the resident's immediate family member, if any, access to a written record of all financial arrangements and transactions involving the individual resident's funds.
    (4) Shall provide, in order of priority, each resident, or the resident's guardian, if any, or the resident's representative, if any, or the resident's immediate family member, if any, with a written itemized statement at least quarterly, of all financial transactions involving the resident's funds.
    (5) Shall purchase a surety bond, or otherwise provide assurance satisfactory to the Departments of Public Health and Financial and Professional Regulation that all residents' personal funds deposited with the facility are secure against loss, theft, and insolvency.
    (6) Shall keep any funds received from a resident for safekeeping in an account separate from the facility's funds, and shall at no time withdraw any part or all of such funds for any purpose other than to return the funds to the resident upon the request of the resident or any other person entitled to make such request, to pay the resident his or her allowance, or to make any other payment authorized by the resident or any other person entitled to make such authorization.
    (7) Shall deposit any funds received from a resident in excess of $100 in an interest bearing account insured by agencies of, or corporations chartered by, the State or federal government. The account shall be in a form which clearly indicates that the facility has only a fiduciary interest in the funds and any interest from the account shall accrue to the resident. The facility may keep up to $100 of a resident's money in a non-interest-bearing account or petty cash fund, to be readily available for the resident's current expenditures.
    (8) Shall return to the resident, or the person who executed the written authorization required in subsection (2) of this Section, upon written request, all or any part of the resident's funds given the facility for safekeeping, including the interest accrued from deposits.
    (9) Shall (a) place any monthly allowance to which a resident is entitled in that resident's personal account, or give it to the resident, unless the facility has written authorization from the resident or the resident's guardian or if the resident is a minor, his parent, to handle it differently, (b) take all steps necessary to ensure that a personal needs allowance that is placed in a resident's personal account is used exclusively by the resident or for the benefit of the resident, and (c) where such funds are withdrawn from the resident's personal account by any person other than the resident, require such person to whom funds constituting any part of a resident's personal needs allowance are released, to execute an affidavit that such funds shall be used exclusively for the benefit of the resident.
    (10) Unless otherwise provided by State law, upon the death of a resident, shall provide the executor or administrator of the resident's estate with a complete accounting of all the resident's personal property, including any funds of the resident being held by the facility.
    (11) If an adult resident is incapable of managing his or her funds and does not have a resident's representative, guardian, or an immediate family member, shall notify the Office of the State Guardian of the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission.
    (12) If the facility is sold, shall provide the buyer with a written verification by a public accountant of all residents' monies and properties being transferred, and obtain a signed receipt from the new owner.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-201.5

    (210 ILCS 46/2-201.5)
    Sec. 2-201.5. Screening prior to admission.
    (a) All persons age 18 or older seeking admission to a facility must be screened to determine the need for facility services prior to being admitted, regardless of income, assets, or funding source. In addition, any person who seeks to become eligible for medical assistance from the Medical Assistance Program under the Illinois Public Aid Code to pay for services while residing in a facility must be screened prior to receiving those benefits. Screening for facility services shall be administered through procedures established by administrative rule. Screening may be done by agencies other than the Department as established by administrative rule.
    (a-1) Any screening shall also include an evaluation of whether there are residential supports and services or an array of community services that would enable the person to live in the community. The person shall be told about the existence of any such services that would enable the person to live safely and humanely in the least restrictive environment, that is appropriate, that the individual or guardian chooses, and the person shall be given the assistance necessary to avail himself or herself of any available services.
    (b) In addition to the screening required by subsection (a), a facility shall, within 24 hours after admission, request a criminal history background check pursuant to the Uniform Conviction Information Act for all persons age 18 or older seeking admission to the facility. Background checks conducted pursuant to this Section shall be based on the resident's name, date of birth, and other identifiers as required by the Illinois State Police. If the results of the background check are inconclusive, the facility shall initiate a fingerprint-based check, unless the fingerprint-based check is waived by the Director of Public Health based on verification by the facility that the resident is completely immobile or that the resident meets other criteria related to the resident's health or lack of potential risk which may be established by Departmental rule. A waiver issued pursuant to this Section shall be valid only while the resident is immobile or while the criteria supporting the waiver exist. The facility shall provide for or arrange for any required fingerprint-based checks. If a fingerprint-based check is required, the facility shall arrange for it to be conducted in a manner that is respectful of the resident's dignity and that minimizes any emotional or physical hardship to the resident.
    (c) If the results of a resident's criminal history background check reveal that the resident is an identified offender as defined in Section 1-114.01 of this Act, the facility shall do the following:
        (1) Immediately notify the Illinois State Police, in
the form and manner required by the Illinois State Police, in collaboration with the Department of Public Health, that the resident is an identified offender.
        (2) Within 72 hours, arrange for a fingerprint-based
criminal history record inquiry to be requested on the identified offender resident. The inquiry shall be based on the subject's name, sex, race, date of birth, fingerprint images, and other identifiers required by the Illinois State Police. The inquiry shall be processed through the files of the Illinois State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to locate any criminal history record information that may exist regarding the subject. The Federal Bureau of Investigation shall furnish to the Illinois State Police, pursuant to an inquiry under this paragraph (2), any criminal history record information contained in its files. The facility shall comply with all applicable provisions contained in the Uniform Conviction Information Act. All name-based and fingerprint-based criminal history record inquiries shall be submitted to the Illinois State Police electronically in the form and manner prescribed by the Illinois State Police. The Illinois State Police may charge the facility a fee for processing name-based and fingerprint-based criminal history record inquiries. The fee shall be deposited into the State Police Services Fund. The fee shall not exceed the actual cost of processing the inquiry.
    (d) The Department shall develop and maintain a de-identified database of residents who have injured facility staff, facility visitors, or other residents, and the attendant circumstances, solely for the purposes of evaluating and improving resident pre-screening and assessment procedures (including the Criminal History Report prepared under Section 2-201.6 of this Act) and the adequacy of Department requirements concerning the provision of care and services to residents. A resident shall not be listed in the database until a Department survey confirms the accuracy of the listing. The names of persons listed in the database and information that would allow them to be individually identified shall not be made public. Neither the Department nor any other agency of State government may use information in the database to take any action against any individual, licensee, or other entity unless the Department or agency receives the information independent of this subsection (d). All information collected, maintained, or developed under the authority of this subsection (d) for the purposes of the database maintained under this subsection (d) shall be treated in the same manner as information that is subject to Part 21 of Article VIII of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)

210 ILCS 46/2-201.6

    (210 ILCS 46/2-201.6)
    Sec. 2-201.6. Criminal History Report.
    (a) The Illinois State Police shall prepare a Criminal History Report when it receives information, through the criminal history background check required pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 2-201.5 or through any other means, that a resident of a facility is an identified offender.
    (b) The Illinois State Police shall complete the Criminal History Report within 10 business days after receiving any information described under subsection (a) of this Act that a resident is an identified offender.
    (c) The Criminal History Report shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
        (1) Copies of the identified offender's parole,
mandatory supervised release, or probation orders.
        (2) An interview with the identified offender.
        (3) A detailed summary of the entire criminal history
of the offender, including arrests, convictions, and the date of the identified offender's last conviction relative to the date of admission to a facility.
        (4) If the identified offender is a convicted or
registered sex offender, then a review of any and all sex offender evaluations conducted on that offender. If there is no sex offender evaluation available, then the Illinois State Police shall arrange, through the Department of Public Health, for a sex offender evaluation to be conducted on the identified offender. If the convicted or registered sex offender is under supervision by the Illinois Department of Corrections or a county probation department, then the sex offender evaluation shall be arranged by and at the expense of the supervising agency. All evaluations conducted on convicted or registered sex offenders under this Act shall be conducted by sex offender evaluators approved by the Sex Offender Management Board.
    (d) The Illinois State Police shall provide the Criminal History Report to a licensed forensic psychologist. The licensed forensic psychologist shall prepare an Identified Offender Report and Recommendation after (i) consideration of the Criminal History Report, (ii) consultation with the facility administrator or the facility medical director, or both, regarding the mental and physical condition of the identified offender, and (iii) reviewing the facility's file on the identified offender, including all incident reports, all information regarding medication and medication compliance, and all information regarding previous discharges or transfers from other facilities. The Identified Offender Report and Recommendation shall detail whether and to what extent the identified offender's criminal history necessitates the implementation of security measures within the facility. If the identified offender is a convicted or registered sex offender, or if the Identified Offender Report and Recommendation reveals that the identified offender poses a significant risk of harm to others within the facility, then the offender shall be required to have his or her own room within the facility.
    (e) The licensed forensic psychologist shall complete the Identified Offender Report and Recommendation within 14 business days after receiving the Criminal History Report and shall promptly provide the Identified Offender Report and Recommendation to the Illinois State Police, which shall provide the Identified Offender Report and Recommendation to the following:
        (1) The facility within which the identified offender
        (2) The Chief of Police of the municipality in which
the facility is located.
        (3) The State of Illinois Long Term Care Ombudsman.
        (4) The Department of Public Health.
    (f) The Department of Public Health shall keep a continuing record of all residents determined to be identified offenders as defined in Section 1-114.01 and shall report the number of identified offender residents annually to the General Assembly.
    (g) The facility shall incorporate the Identified Offender Report and Recommendation into the identified offender's individual program plan created pursuant to 42 CFR 483.440(c).
    (h) If, based on the Identified Offender Report and Recommendation, a facility determines that it cannot manage the identified offender resident safely within the facility, then it shall commence involuntary transfer or discharge proceedings pursuant to Section 3-402.
    (i) Except for willful and wanton misconduct, any person authorized to participate in the development of a Criminal History Report or Identified Offender Report and Recommendation is immune from criminal or civil liability for any acts or omissions as the result of his or her good faith effort to comply with this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)

210 ILCS 46/2-202

    (210 ILCS 46/2-202)
    Sec. 2-202. Contract required.
    (a) Before a person is admitted to a facility, or at the expiration of the period of previous contract, or when the source of payment for the resident's care changes from private to public funds or from public to private funds, a written contract shall be executed between a licensee and the following in order of priority:
        (1) the person, or if the person is a minor, his
parent or guardian; or
        (2) the person's guardian, if any, or agent, if any,
as defined in Section 2-3 of the Illinois Power of Attorney Act; or
        (3) a member of the person's immediate family.
    An adult person shall be presumed to have the capacity to contract for admission to a facility unless he or she has been adjudicated a "disabled person" within the meaning of Section 11a-2 of the Probate Act of 1975, or unless a petition for such an adjudication is pending in a circuit court of Illinois.
    If there is no guardian, agent or member of the person's immediate family available, able or willing to execute the contract required by this Section and a physician determines that a person is so disabled as to be unable to consent to placement in a facility, or if a person has already been found to be a "disabled person", but no order has been entered allowing residential placement of the person, that person may be admitted to a facility before the execution of a contract required by this Section; provided that a petition for guardianship or for modification of guardianship is filed within 15 days of the person's admission to a facility, and provided further that such a contract is executed within 10 days of the disposition of the petition.
    No adult shall be admitted to a facility if he or she objects, orally or in writing, to such admission, except as otherwise provided in Chapters III and IV of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code or Section 11a-14.1 of the Probate Act of 1975.
    Before a licensee enters a contract under this Section, it shall provide the prospective resident and his or her guardian, if any, with written notice of the licensee's policy regarding discharge of a resident whose private funds for payment of care are exhausted.
    (b) A resident shall not be discharged or transferred at the expiration of the term of a contract, except as provided in Sections 3-401 through 3-423.
    (c) At the time of the resident's admission to the facility, a copy of the contract shall be given to the resident, his or her guardian, if any, and any other person who executed the contract.
    (d) A copy of the contract for a resident who is supported by nonpublic funds other than the resident's own funds shall be made available to the person providing the funds for the resident's support.
    (e) The original or a copy of the contract shall be maintained in the facility and be made available upon request to representatives of the Department and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
    (f) The contract shall be written in clear and unambiguous language and shall be printed in not less than 12-point type. The general form of the contract shall be prescribed by the Department.
    (g) The contract shall specify:
        (1) the term of the contract;
        (2) the services to be provided under the contract
and the charges for the services;
        (3) the services that may be provided to supplement
the contract and the charges for the services;
        (4) the sources liable for payments due under the
        (5) the amount of deposit paid; and
        (6) the rights, duties and obligations of the
resident, except that the specification of a resident's rights may be furnished on a separate document which complies with the requirements of Section 2-211.
    (h) The contract shall designate the name of the resident's representative, if any. The resident shall provide the facility with a copy of the written agreement between the resident and the resident's representative which authorizes the resident's representative to inspect and copy the resident's records and authorizes the resident's representative to execute the contract on behalf of the resident required by this Section.
    (i) The contract shall provide that if the resident is compelled by a change in physical or mental health to leave the facility, the contract and all obligations under it shall terminate on 7 days' notice. No prior notice of termination of the contract shall be required, however, in the case of a resident's death. The contract shall also provide that in all other situations, a resident may terminate the contract and all obligations under it with 30 days' notice. All charges shall be prorated as of the date on which the contract terminates, and, if any payments have been made in advance, the excess shall be refunded to the resident. This provision shall not apply to life care contracts through which a facility agrees to provide maintenance and care for a resident throughout the remainder of his life nor to continuing care contracts through which a facility agrees to supplement all available forms of financial support in providing maintenance and care for a resident throughout the remainder of his or her life.
    (j) In addition to all other contract specifications contained in this Section admission contracts shall also specify:
        (1) whether the facility accepts Medicaid clients;
        (2) whether the facility requires a deposit of the
resident or his or her family prior to the establishment of Medicaid eligibility;
        (3) in the event that a deposit is required, a clear
and concise statement of the procedure to be followed for the return of such deposit to the resident or the appropriate family member or guardian of the person; and
        (4) that all deposits made to a facility by a
resident, or on behalf of a resident, shall be returned by the facility within 30 days of the establishment of Medicaid eligibility, unless such deposits must be drawn upon or encumbered in accordance with Medicaid eligibility requirements established by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
    (k) It shall be a business offense for a facility to knowingly and intentionally both retain a resident's deposit and accept Medicaid payments on behalf of that resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-203

    (210 ILCS 46/2-203)
    Sec. 2-203. Residents' advisory council. Each facility shall establish a residents' advisory council. The administrator shall designate a member of the facility staff to coordinate the establishment of, and render assistance to, the council.
    (a) The composition of the residents' advisory council shall be specified by Department regulation, but no employee or affiliate of a facility shall be a member of any council.
    (b) The council shall meet at least once each month with the staff coordinator who shall provide assistance to the council in preparing and disseminating a report of each meeting to all residents, the administrator, and the staff.
    (c) Records of the council meetings will be maintained in the office of the administrator.
    (d) The residents' advisory council may communicate to the administrator the opinions and concerns of the residents. The council shall review procedures for implementing resident rights, facility responsibilities and make recommendations for changes or additions which will strengthen the facility's policies and procedures as they affect residents' rights and facility responsibilities.
    (e) The council shall be a forum for:
        (1) Obtaining and disseminating information;
        (2) Soliciting and adopting recommendations for
facility programing and improvements; and
        (3) Early identification and for recommending orderly
resolution of problems.
    (f) The council may present complaints as provided in Section 3-702 on behalf of a resident to the Department, the DD Facility Advisory Board established under Section 2-204 of the ID/DD Community Care Act or to any other person it considers appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-204

    (210 ILCS 46/2-204)
    Sec. 2-204. DD Facility Advisory Board. The DD Facility Advisory Board established under Section 2-204 of the ID/DD Community Care Act shall advise the Department of Public Health on all aspects of its responsibilities under this Act, including the format and content of any rules adopted by the Department of Public Health. Any such rules, except emergency rules adopted pursuant to Section 5-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, adopted without obtaining the advice of the DD Facility Advisory Board are null and void. If the Department fails to follow the advice of the DD Facility Advisory Board, the Department shall, prior to the adoption of such rules, transmit a written explanation of the reason therefor to the DD Facility Advisory Board. During its review of rules, the DD Facility Advisory Board shall analyze the economic and regulatory impact of those rules. If the DD Facility Advisory Board, having been asked for its advice, fails to advise the Department within 90 days, the rules shall be considered acted upon.
(Source: P.A. 99-570, eff. 7-15-16.)

210 ILCS 46/2-205

    (210 ILCS 46/2-205)
    Sec. 2-205. Disclosure of information to public. The following information is subject to disclosure to the public from the Department or the Department of Healthcare and Family Services:
        (1) Information submitted under Sections 3-103 and
3-207 except information concerning the remuneration of personnel licensed, registered, or certified by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (as successor to the Department of Professional Regulation) and monthly charges for an individual private resident;
        (2) Records of license and certification inspections,
surveys, and evaluations of facilities, other reports of inspections, surveys, and evaluations of resident care, whether a facility is designated a distressed facility and the basis for the designation, and reports concerning a facility prepared pursuant to Titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act, subject to the provisions of the Social Security Act;
        (3) Cost and reimbursement reports submitted by a
facility under Section 3-208, reports of audits of facilities, and other public records concerning costs incurred by, revenues received by, and reimbursement of facilities; and
        (4) Complaints filed against a facility and complaint
investigation reports, except that a complaint or complaint investigation report shall not be disclosed to a person other than the complainant or complainant's representative before it is disclosed to a facility under Section 3-702, and, further, except that a complainant or resident's name shall not be disclosed except under Section 3-702. The Department shall disclose information under this Section in accordance with provisions for inspection and copying of public records required by the Freedom of Information Act. However, the disclosure of information described in subsection (1) shall not be restricted by any provision of the Freedom of Information Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-206

    (210 ILCS 46/2-206)
    Sec. 2-206. Confidentiality of records.
    (a) The Department shall respect the confidentiality of a resident's record and shall not divulge or disclose the contents of a record in a manner which identifies a resident, except upon a resident's death to a relative or guardian, or under judicial proceedings. This Section shall not be construed to limit the right of a resident to inspect or copy the resident's records.
    (b) Confidential medical, social, personal, or financial information identifying a resident shall not be available for public inspection in a manner which identifies a resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-207

    (210 ILCS 46/2-207)
    Sec. 2-207. Directories for public health regions; information concerning facility costs and policies.
    (a) Each year the Department shall publish a Directory for each public health region listing facilities to be made available to the public and be available at all Department offices. The Department may charge a fee for the Directory. The Directory shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
        (1) The name and address of the facility;
        (2) The number and type of licensed beds;
        (3) The name of the cooperating hospital, if any;
        (4) The name of the administrator;
        (5) The facility telephone number; and
        (6) Membership in a provider association and
accreditation by any such organization.
    (b) Detailed information concerning basic costs for care and operating policies shall be available to the public upon request at each facility. However, a facility may refuse to make available any proprietary operating policies to the extent such facility reasonably believes such policies may be revealed to a competitor.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-208

    (210 ILCS 46/2-208)
    Sec. 2-208. Notice of imminent death, unusual incident, abuse, or neglect.
    (a) A facility shall immediately notify the identified resident's next of kin, guardian, resident's representative, and physician of the resident's death or when the resident's death appears to be imminent. A facility shall immediately notify the Department by telephone of a resident's death within 24 hours after the resident's death. The facility shall notify the Department of the death of a facility's resident that does not occur in the facility immediately upon learning of the death. A facility shall promptly notify the coroner or medical examiner of a resident's death in a manner and form to be determined by the Department after consultation with the coroner or medical examiner of the county in which the facility is located. In addition to notice to the Department by telephone, the Department shall require the facility to submit written notification of the death of a resident within 72 hours after the death, including a report of any medication errors or other incidents that occurred within 30 days of the resident's death. A facility's failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Type "B" violation.
    (b) A facility shall immediately notify the resident's next of kin, guardian, or resident representative of any unusual incident, abuse, or neglect involving the resident. A facility shall immediately notify the Department by telephone of any unusual incident, abuse, or neglect required to be reported pursuant to State law or administrative rule. In addition to notice to the Department by telephone, the Department shall require the facility to submit written notification of any unusual incident, abuse, or neglect within one day after the unusual incident, abuse, or neglect occurring. A facility's failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Type "B" violation. For purposes of this Section, "unusual incident" means serious injury; unscheduled hospital visit for treatment of serious injury; 9-1-1 calls for emergency services directly relating to a resident threat; or stalking of staff or person served that raises health or safety concerns.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-209

    (210 ILCS 46/2-209)
    Sec. 2-209. Number of residents. A facility shall admit only that number of residents for which it is licensed.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-210

    (210 ILCS 46/2-210)
    Sec. 2-210. Policies and procedures. A facility shall establish written policies and procedures to implement the responsibilities and rights provided in this Article. The policies shall include the procedure for the investigation and resolution of resident complaints as set forth under Section 3-702. The policies and procedures shall be clear and unambiguous and shall be available for inspection by any person. A summary of the policies and procedures, printed in not less than 12-point type, shall be distributed to each resident and representative.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-211

    (210 ILCS 46/2-211)
    Sec. 2-211. Explanation of rights. Each resident and resident's guardian or other person acting for the resident shall be given a written explanation, prepared by the Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman, of all the rights enumerated in Part 1 of this Article and in Part 4 of Article III. For residents of facilities participating in Title XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act, the explanation shall include an explanation of residents' rights enumerated in that Act. The explanation shall be given at the time of admission to a facility or as soon thereafter as the condition of the resident permits, but in no event later than 48 hours after admission, and again at least annually thereafter. At the time of the implementation of this Act each resident shall be given a written summary of all the rights enumerated in Part 1 of this Article.
    If a resident is unable to read such written explanation, it shall be read to the resident in a language the resident understands. In the case of a minor or a person having a guardian or other person acting for him or her, both the resident and the parent, guardian or other person acting for the resident shall be fully informed of these rights.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-212

    (210 ILCS 46/2-212)
    Sec. 2-212. Staff familiarity with rights and responsibilities. The facility shall ensure that its staff is familiar with and observes the rights and responsibilities enumerated in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-213

    (210 ILCS 46/2-213)
    Sec. 2-213. Vaccinations.
    (a) A facility shall annually administer or arrange for administration of a vaccination against influenza to each resident, in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that are most recent to the time of vaccination, unless the vaccination is medically contraindicated or the resident has refused the vaccine. Influenza vaccinations for all residents age 65 and over shall be completed by November 30 of each year or as soon as practicable if vaccine supplies are not available before November 1. Residents admitted after November 30, during the flu season, and until February 1 shall, as medically appropriate, receive an influenza vaccination prior to or upon admission or as soon as practicable if vaccine supplies are not available at the time of the admission, unless the vaccine is medically contraindicated or the resident has refused the vaccine. In the event that the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determines that dates of administration other than those stated in this Act are optimal to protect the health of residents, the Department is authorized to develop rules to mandate vaccinations at those times rather than the times stated in this Act. A facility shall document in the resident's medical record that an annual vaccination against influenza was administered, arranged, refused or medically contraindicated.
    (b) A facility shall administer or arrange for administration of a pneumococcal vaccination to each resident, in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who has not received this immunization prior to or upon admission to the facility, unless the resident refuses the offer for vaccination or the vaccination is medically contraindicated. A facility shall document in each resident's medical record that a vaccination against pneumococcal pneumonia was offered and administered, arranged, refused, or medically contraindicated.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-214

    (210 ILCS 46/2-214)
    Sec. 2-214. Consumer Choice Information Reports.
    (a) Every facility shall complete a Consumer Choice Information Report and shall file it with the Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman electronically as prescribed by the Office. The Report shall be filed annually and upon request of the Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman. The Consumer Choice Information Report must be completed by the facility in full.
    (b) A violation of any of the provisions of this Section constitutes an unlawful practice under the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act. All remedies, penalties, and authority granted to the Attorney General by the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act shall be available to him or her for the enforcement of this Section.
    (c) The Department of Public Health shall include verification of the submission of a facility's current Consumer Choice Information Report when conducting an inspection pursuant to Section 3-212.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-216

    (210 ILCS 46/2-216)
    Sec. 2-216. Notification of identified offenders. If identified offenders are residents of the licensed facility, the licensed facility shall notify every resident or resident's guardian in writing that such offenders are residents of the licensed facility. The licensed facility shall also provide notice to its employees and to visitors to the facility that identified offenders are residents.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-217

    (210 ILCS 46/2-217)
    Sec. 2-217. Notification of violations. When the Department issues any notice pursuant to Section 3-119, 3-119.1, 3-301, 3-303, 3-307, or 3-702 of this Act or a notice of federal Medicaid certification deficiencies, the facility shall provide notification of the violations and deficiencies within 10 days after receiving a notice described within this Section to every resident and the resident's representative or guardian identified or referred to anywhere within the Department notice or the CMS 2567 as having received care or services that violated State or federal standards. The notification shall include a Department-prescribed notification letter as determined by rule and a copy of the notice and CMS 2567, if any, issued by the Department. A facility's failure to provide notification pursuant to this Section to a resident and the resident's representative or guardian, if any, shall constitute a Type "B" violation.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/2-218

    (210 ILCS 46/2-218)
    Sec. 2-218. Minimum staffing. Facility staffing shall be based on all the needs of the residents and comply with Department rules as set forth under Section 3-202 of this Act. Facilities shall provide each resident, regardless of age, no less than 4.0 hours of nursing and personal care time each day. The Department shall establish by rule the amount of registered or other licensed nurse and professional care time from the total 4.0 nursing and personal care time that shall be provided each day. A facility's failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Type "B" violation.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 1

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 1 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-101

    (210 ILCS 46/3-101)
    Sec. 3-101. Licensure system. The Department shall establish a comprehensive system of licensure for facilities in accordance with this Act for the purposes of:
        (1) Protecting the health, welfare, and safety of
residents; and
        (2) Assuring the accountability for reimbursed care
provided in certified facilities participating in a federal or State health program.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-102

    (210 ILCS 46/3-102)
    Sec. 3-102. Necessity of license. No person may establish, operate, maintain, offer or advertise a facility within this State unless and until he or she obtains a valid license therefore as hereinafter provided, which license remains unsuspended, unrevoked and unexpired. No public official or employee may place any person in, or recommend that any person be placed in, or directly or indirectly cause any person to be placed in any facility which is being operated without a valid license.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-102.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-102.1)
    Sec. 3-102.1. Denial of Department access to facility. If the Department is denied access to a facility or any other place which it reasonably believes is required to be licensed as a facility under this Act, it shall request intervention of local, county or State law enforcement agencies to seek an appropriate court order or warrant to examine or interview the residents of such facility. Any person or entity preventing the Department from carrying out its duties under this Section shall be guilty of a violation of this Act and shall be subject to such penalties related thereto.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-103

    (210 ILCS 46/3-103)
    Sec. 3-103. Application for license; financial statement. The procedure for obtaining a valid license shall be as follows:
        (1) Application to operate a facility shall be made
to the Department on forms furnished by the Department.
        (2) All license applications shall be accompanied
with an application fee. The fee for an annual license shall be $995. Facilities that pay a fee or assessment pursuant to Article V-C of the Illinois Public Aid Code shall be exempt from the license fee imposed under this item (2). The fee for a 2-year license shall be double the fee for the annual license set forth in the preceding sentence. The fees collected shall be deposited with the State Treasurer into the Long Term Care Monitor/Receiver Fund, which has been created as a special fund in the State treasury. This special fund is to be used by the Department for expenses related to the appointment of monitors and receivers as contained in Sections 3-501 through 3-517. At the end of each fiscal year, any funds in excess of $1,000,000 held in the Long Term Care Monitor/Receiver Fund shall be deposited in the State's General Revenue Fund. The application shall be under oath and the submission of false or misleading information shall be a Class A misdemeanor. The application shall contain the following information:
            (a) The name and address of the applicant if an
individual, and if a firm, partnership, or association, of every member thereof, and in the case of a corporation, the name and address thereof and of its officers and its registered agent, and in the case of a unit of local government, the name and address of its chief executive officer;
            (b) The name and location of the facility for
which a license is sought;
            (c) The name of the person or persons under whose
management or supervision the facility will be conducted;
            (d) The number and type of residents for which
maintenance, personal care, or nursing is to be provided; and
            (e) Such information relating to the number,
experience, and training of the employees of the facility, any management agreements for the operation of the facility, and of the moral character of the applicant and employees as the Department may deem necessary.
        (3) Each initial application shall be accompanied by
a financial statement setting forth the financial condition of the applicant and by a statement from the unit of local government having zoning jurisdiction over the facility's location stating that the location of the facility is not in violation of a zoning ordinance. An initial application for a new facility shall be accompanied by a permit as required by the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act. After the application is approved, the applicant shall advise the Department every 6 months of any changes in the information originally provided in the application.
        (4) Other information necessary to determine the
identity and qualifications of an applicant to operate a facility in accordance with this Act shall be included in the application as required by the Department in regulations.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-104

    (210 ILCS 46/3-104)
    Sec. 3-104. Licensing and regulation by municipality. Any city, village or incorporated town may by ordinance provide for the licensing and regulation of a facility or any classification of such facility, as defined herein, within such municipality, provided that the ordinance requires compliance with at least the minimum requirements established by the Department under this Act. The licensing and enforcement provisions of the municipality shall fully comply with this Act, and the municipality shall make available information as required by this Act. Such compliance shall be determined by the Department subject to review as provided in Section 3-703. Section 3-703 shall also be applicable to the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the municipality under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-105

    (210 ILCS 46/3-105)
    Sec. 3-105. Reports by municipality. Any city, village or incorporated town which has or may have ordinances requiring the licensing and regulation of facilities with at least the minimum standards established by the Department under this Act, shall make such periodic reports to the Department as the Department deems necessary. This report shall include a list of those facilities licensed by such municipality, the number of beds of each facility and the date the license of each facility is effective.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-106

    (210 ILCS 46/3-106)
    Sec. 3-106. Issuance of license to holder of municipal license.
    (a) Upon receipt of notice and proof from an applicant or licensee that he has received a license or renewal thereof from a city, village or incorporated town, accompanied by the required license or renewal fees, the Department shall issue a license or renewal license to such person. The Department shall not issue a license hereunder to any person who has failed to qualify for a municipal license. If the issuance of a license by the Department antedates regulatory action by a municipality, the municipality shall issue a local license unless the standards and requirements under its ordinance or resolution are greater than those prescribed under this Act.
    (b) In the event that the standards and requirements under the ordinance or resolution of the municipality are greater than those prescribed under this Act, the license issued by the Department shall remain in effect pending reasonable opportunity provided by the municipality, which shall be not less than 60 days, for the licensee to comply with the local requirements. Upon notice by the municipality, or upon the Department's own determination that the licensee has failed to qualify for a local license, the Department shall revoke such license.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-107

    (210 ILCS 46/3-107)
    Sec. 3-107. Inspection; fees. The Department and the city, village or incorporated town shall have the right at any time to visit and inspect the premises and personnel of any facility for the purpose of determining whether the applicant or licensee is in compliance with this Act or with the local ordinances which govern the regulation of the facility. The Department may survey any former facility which once held a license to ensure that the facility is not again operating without a license. Municipalities may charge a reasonable license or renewal fee for the regulation of facilities, which fees shall be in addition to the fees paid to the Department.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-107.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-107.1)
    Sec. 3-107.1. Access by law enforcement officials and agencies. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Attorney General, the State's Attorneys and various law enforcement agencies of this State and its political subdivisions shall have full and open access to any facility pursuant to Article 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 in the exercise of their investigatory and prosecutorial powers in the enforcement of the criminal laws of this State. Furthermore, the Attorney General, the State's Attorneys and law enforcement agencies of this State shall inform the Department of any violations of this Act of which they have knowledge. Disclosure of matters before a grand jury shall be made in accordance with Section 112-6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-108

    (210 ILCS 46/3-108)
    Sec. 3-108. Cooperation with State agencies. The Department shall coordinate the functions within State government affecting facilities licensed under this Act and shall cooperate with other State agencies which establish standards or requirements for facilities to assure necessary, equitable, and consistent State supervision of licensees without unnecessary duplication of survey, evaluation, and consultation services or complaint investigations. The Department shall cooperate with the Department of Human Services in regard to facilities containing more than 20% of residents for whom the Department of Human Services has mandated follow up responsibilities under the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act. The Department shall cooperate with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services in regard to facilities where recipients of public aid are residents. The Department shall immediately refer to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (as successor to the Department of Professional Regulation) for investigation any credible evidence of which it has knowledge that an individual licensed by that Department has violated this Act or any rule issued under this Act. The Department shall enter into agreements with other State Departments, agencies or commissions to effectuate the purpose of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-109

    (210 ILCS 46/3-109)
    Sec. 3-109. Issuance of license based on Director's findings. Upon receipt and review of an application for a license made under this Article and inspection of the applicant facility under this Article, the Director shall issue a license if he or she finds:
        (1) That the individual applicant, or the
corporation, partnership or other entity if the applicant is not an individual, is a person responsible and suitable to operate or to direct or participate in the operation of a facility by virtue of financial capacity, appropriate business or professional experience, a record of compliance with lawful orders of the Department and lack of revocation of a license during the previous 5 years and is not the owner of a facility designated pursuant to Section 3-304.2 as a distressed facility;
        (2) That the facility is under the supervision of an
administrator who is licensed, if required, under the Nursing Home Administrators Licensing and Disciplinary Act, as now or hereafter amended; and
        (3) That the facility is in substantial compliance
with this Act, and such other requirements for a license as the Department by rule may establish under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-110

    (210 ILCS 46/3-110)
    Sec. 3-110. Contents and period of license.
    (a) Any license granted by the Director shall state the maximum bed capacity for which it is granted, the date the license was issued, and the expiration date. Except as provided in subsection (b), such licenses shall normally be issued for a period of one year. However, the Director may issue licenses or renewals for periods of not less than 6 months nor more than 18 months for facilities with annual licenses and not less than 18 months nor more than 30 months for facilities with 2-year licenses in order to distribute the expiration dates of such licenses throughout the calendar year, and fees for such licenses shall be prorated on the basis of the portion of a year for which they are issued. Each license shall be issued only for the premises and persons named in the application and shall not be transferable or assignable.
    The Department shall require the licensee to comply with the requirements of a court order issued under Section 3-515, as a condition of licensing.
    (b) A license for a period of 2 years shall be issued to a facility if the facility:
        (1) has not received a Type "AA" violation within the
last 12 months;
        (1.5) has not received a Type "A" violation within
the last 24 months;
        (2) has not received a Type "B" violation within the
last 24 months;
        (3) has not had an inspection, survey, or evaluation
that resulted in the issuance of 10 or more administrative warnings in the last 24 months;
        (4) has not had an inspection, survey, or evaluation
that resulted in an administrative warning issued for a violation of Sections 3-401 through 3-413 in the last 24 months;
        (5) has not been issued an order to reimburse a
resident for a violation of Article II under subsection (6) of Section 3-305 in the last 24 months; and
        (6) has not been subject to sanctions or
decertification for violations in relation to patient care of a facility under Titles XVIII and XIX of the federal Social Security Act within the last 24 months.
    If a facility with a 2-year license fails to meet the conditions in items (1) through (6) of this subsection, in addition to any other sanctions that may be applied by the Department under this Act, the facility's 2-year license shall be replaced by a one year license until such time as the facility again meets the conditions in items (1) through (6) of this subsection.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-111

    (210 ILCS 46/3-111)
    Sec. 3-111. Issuance or renewal of license after notice of violation. The issuance or renewal of a license after notice of a violation has been sent shall not constitute a waiver by the Department of its power to rely on the violation as the basis for subsequent license revocation or other enforcement action under this Act arising out of the notice of violation.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-112

    (210 ILCS 46/3-112)
    Sec. 3-112. Transfer of ownership; license.
    (a) Whenever ownership of a facility is transferred from the person named in the license to any other person, the transferee must obtain a new probationary license. The transferee shall notify the Department of the transfer and apply for a new license at least 30 days prior to final transfer. The Department may not approve the transfer of ownership to an owner of a facility designated pursuant to Section 3-304.2 of this Act as a distressed facility.
    (b) The transferor shall notify the Department at least 30 days prior to final transfer. The transferor shall remain responsible for the operation of the facility until such time as a license is issued to the transferee.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-113

    (210 ILCS 46/3-113)
    Sec. 3-113. Transferee; conditional license. The license granted to the transferee shall be subject to the plan of correction submitted by the previous owner and approved by the Department and any conditions contained in a conditional license issued to the previous owner. If there are outstanding violations and no approved plan of correction has been implemented, the Department may issue a conditional license and plan of correction as provided in Sections 3-311 through 3-317.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-114

    (210 ILCS 46/3-114)
    Sec. 3-114. Transferor liable for penalties. The transferor shall remain liable for all penalties assessed against the facility which are imposed for violations occurring prior to transfer of ownership.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-115

    (210 ILCS 46/3-115)
    Sec. 3-115. License renewal application. At least 120 days but not more than 150 days prior to license expiration, the licensee shall submit an application for renewal of the license in such form and containing such information as the Department requires. If the application is approved, the license shall be renewed in accordance with Section 3-110. The renewal application for a facility shall not be approved unless the applicant has provided to the Department an accurate disclosure document in accordance with the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Special Care Disclosure Act. If application for renewal is not timely filed, the Department shall so inform the licensee.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-116

    (210 ILCS 46/3-116)
    Sec. 3-116. Probationary license. If the applicant has not been previously licensed or if the facility is not in operation at the time application is made, the Department shall issue only a probationary license. A probationary license shall be valid for 120 days unless sooner suspended or revoked under Section 3-119. Within 30 days prior to the termination of a probationary license, the Department shall fully and completely inspect the facility and, if the facility meets the applicable requirements for licensure, shall issue a license under Section 3-109, except that, during a statewide public health emergency, as defined in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the Department shall inspect facilities within an appropriate time frame to the extent feasible. If the Department finds that the facility does not meet the requirements for licensure but has made substantial progress toward meeting those requirements, the license may be renewed once for a period not to exceed 120 days from the expiration date of the initial probationary license.
(Source: P.A. 103-1, eff. 4-27-23.)

210 ILCS 46/3-117

    (210 ILCS 46/3-117)
    Sec. 3-117. Denial of license; grounds. An application for a license may be denied for any of the following reasons:
        (1) Failure to meet any of the minimum standards set
forth by this Act or by rules and regulations promulgated by the Department under this Act.
        (2) Conviction of the applicant, or if the applicant
is a firm, partnership or association, of any of its members, or if a corporation, the conviction of the corporation or any of its officers or stockholders, or of the person designated to manage or supervise the facility, of a felony, or of 2 or more misdemeanors involving moral turpitude, during the previous 5 years as shown by a certified copy of the record of the court of conviction.
        (3) Personnel insufficient in number or unqualified
by training or experience to properly care for the proposed number and type of residents.
        (4) Insufficient financial or other resources to
operate and conduct the facility in accordance with standards promulgated by the Department under this Act.
        (5) Revocation of a facility license during the
previous 5 years, if such prior license was issued to the individual applicant, a controlling owner or controlling combination of owners of the applicant; or any affiliate of the individual applicant or controlling owner of the applicant and such individual applicant, controlling owner of the applicant or affiliate of the applicant was a controlling owner of the prior license; provided, however, that the denial of an application for a license pursuant to this subsection must be supported by evidence that such prior revocation renders the applicant unqualified or incapable of meeting or maintaining a facility in accordance with the standards and rules promulgated by the Department under this Act.
        (6) That the facility is not under the direct
supervision of a full time administrator, as defined by regulation, who is licensed, if required, under the Nursing Home Administrators Licensing and Disciplinary Act.
        (7) That the facility is in receivership and the
proposed licensee has not submitted a specific detailed plan to bring the facility into compliance with the requirements of this Act and with federal certification requirements, if the facility is certified, and to keep the facility in such compliance.
        (8) The applicant is the owner of a facility
designated pursuant to Section 3-304.2 of this Act as a distressed facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-118

    (210 ILCS 46/3-118)
    Sec. 3-118. Notice of denial; request for hearing. Immediately upon the denial of any application or reapplication for a license under this Article, the Department shall notify the applicant in writing. Notice of denial shall include a clear and concise statement of the violations of Section 3-117 on which denial is based and notice of the opportunity for a hearing under Section 3-703. If the applicant desires to contest the denial of a license, it shall provide written notice to the Department of a request for a hearing within 10 days after receipt of the notice of denial. The Department shall commence the hearing under Section 3-703.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-119

    (210 ILCS 46/3-119)
    Sec. 3-119. Suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew license.    
    (a) The Department, after notice to the applicant or licensee, may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license in any case in which the Department finds any of the following:
        (1) There has been a substantial failure to comply
with this Act or the rules and regulations promulgated by the Department under this Act. A substantial failure by a facility shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following:
            (A) termination of Medicare or Medicaid
certification by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; or
            (B) a failure by the facility to pay any fine
assessed under this Act after the Department has sent to the facility and licensee at least 2 notices of assessment that include a schedule of payments as determined by the Department, taking into account extenuating circumstances and financial hardships of the facility.
        (2) Conviction of the licensee, or of the person
designated to manage or supervise the facility, of a felony, or of 2 or more misdemeanors involving moral turpitude, during the previous 5 years as shown by a certified copy of the record of the court of conviction.
        (3) Personnel is insufficient in number or
unqualified by training or experience to properly care for the number and type of residents served by the facility.
        (4) Financial or other resources are insufficient to
conduct and operate the facility in accordance with standards promulgated by the Department under this Act.
        (5) The facility is not under the direct supervision
of a full time administrator, as defined by regulation, who is licensed, if required, under the Nursing Home Administrators Licensing and Disciplinary Act.
        (6) The facility has committed 2 Type "AA" violations
within a 2-year period.
        (7) The facility has committed a Type "AA" violation
while the facility is listed as a "distressed facility".
    (b) Notice under this Section shall include a clear and concise statement of the violations on which the nonrenewal or revocation is based, the statute or rule violated and notice of the opportunity for a hearing under Section 3-703.
    (c) If a facility desires to contest the nonrenewal or revocation of a license, the facility shall, within 10 days after receipt of notice under subsection (b) of this Section, notify the Department in writing of its request for a hearing under Section 3-703. Upon receipt of the request the Department shall send notice to the facility and hold a hearing as provided under Section 3-703.
    (d) The effective date of nonrenewal or revocation of a license by the Department shall be any of the following:
        (1) Until otherwise ordered by the circuit court,
revocation is effective on the date set by the Department in the notice of revocation, or upon final action after hearing under Section 3-703, whichever is later.
        (2) Until otherwise ordered by the circuit court,
nonrenewal is effective on the date of expiration of any existing license, or upon final action after hearing under Section 3-703, whichever is later; however, a license shall not be deemed to have expired if the Department fails to timely respond to a timely request for renewal under this Act or for a hearing to contest nonrenewal under paragraph (c).
        (3) The Department may extend the effective date of
license revocation or expiration in any case in order to permit orderly removal and relocation of residents.
    The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend the license of any person who fails to file a return, or to pay the tax, penalty or interest shown in a filed return, or to pay any final assessment of tax, penalty or interest, as required by any tax Act administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, until such time as the requirements of any such tax Act are satisfied.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-119.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-119.1)
    Sec. 3-119.1. Ban on new admissions.
    (a) Upon a finding by the Department that there has been a substantial failure to comply with this Act or the rules and regulations promulgated by the Department under this Act, including, without limitation, the circumstances set forth in subsection (a) of Section 3-119 of this Act, or if the Department otherwise finds that it would be in the public interest or the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of facility residents, the Department may impose a ban on new admissions to any facility licensed under this Act. The ban shall continue until such time as the Department determines that the circumstances giving rise to the ban no longer exist.
    (b) The Department shall provide notice to the facility and licensee of any ban imposed pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section. The notice shall provide a clear and concise statement of the circumstances on which the ban on new admissions is based and notice of the opportunity for a hearing. If the Department finds that the public interest or the health, safety, or welfare of facility residents imperatively requires immediate action and if the Department incorporates a finding to that effect in its notice, then the ban on new admissions may be ordered pending any hearing requested by the facility. Those proceedings shall be promptly instituted and determined. The Department shall promulgate rules defining the circumstances under which a ban on new admissions may be imposed.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 2

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 2 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-201

    (210 ILCS 46/3-201)
    Sec. 3-201. Medical treatment; no prescription by Department. The Department shall not prescribe the course of medical treatment provided to an individual resident by the resident's physician in a facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-202

    (210 ILCS 46/3-202)
    Sec. 3-202. Standards for facilities. The Department shall prescribe minimum standards for facilities. These standards shall regulate:
        (1) Location and construction of the facility,
including plumbing, heating, lighting, ventilation, and other physical conditions which shall ensure the health, safety, and comfort of residents and their protection from fire hazard;
        (2) To the extent this Act has not established
minimum staffing requirements within this Act, the numbers and qualifications of all personnel, including management and nursing personnel, having responsibility for any part of the care given to residents; specifically, the Department shall establish staffing ratios for facilities which shall specify the number of staff hours per resident of care that are needed for professional nursing care for various types of facilities or areas within facilities;
        (3) All sanitary conditions within the facility and
its surroundings, including water supply, sewage disposal, food handling, and general hygiene, which shall ensure the health and comfort of residents;
        (4) Diet related to the needs of each resident based
on good nutritional practice and on recommendations which may be made by the physicians attending the resident;
        (5) Equipment essential to the health and welfare of
the residents;
        (6) A program of habilitation and rehabilitation for
those residents who would benefit from such programs;
        (7) A program for adequate maintenance of physical
plant and equipment;
        (8) Adequate accommodations, staff and services for
the number and types of residents for whom the facility is licensed to care, including standards for temperature and relative humidity within comfort zones determined by the Department based upon a combination of air temperature, relative humidity and air movement. Such standards shall also require facility plans that provide for health and comfort of residents at medical risk as determined by the attending physician whenever the temperature and relative humidity are outside such comfort zones established by the Department. The standards must include a requirement that areas of a facility used by residents of the facility be air-conditioned and heated by means of operable air-conditioning and heating equipment. The areas subject to this air-conditioning and heating requirement include, without limitation, bedrooms or common areas such as sitting rooms, activity rooms, living rooms, community rooms, and dining rooms;
        (9) Development of evacuation and other appropriate
safety plans for use during weather, health, fire, physical plant, environmental and national defense emergencies; and
        (10) Maintenance of minimum financial or other
resources necessary to meet the standards established under this Section, and to operate and conduct the facility in accordance with this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-202.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-202.1)
    Sec. 3-202.1. Weather or hazard alert system. The Department shall develop and implement a system of alerting and educating facilities and their personnel as to the existence or possibility of weather or other hazardous circumstances which may endanger resident health or safety and designating any precautions to prevent or minimize such danger. The Department may assist any facility experiencing difficulty in dealing with such emergencies. The Department may provide for announcement to the public of the dangers posed to facility residents by such existing or potential weather or hazardous circumstances.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-202.2a

    (210 ILCS 46/3-202.2a)
    Sec. 3-202.2a. Comprehensive resident care plan. A facility, with the participation of the resident and the resident's guardian or resident's representative, as applicable, must develop and implement a comprehensive care plan for each resident that includes measurable objectives and timetables to meet the resident's medical, nursing, mental health, psychosocial, and habilitation needs that are identified in the resident's comprehensive assessment that allows the resident to attain or maintain the highest practicable level of independent functioning and provide for discharge planning to the least restrictive setting based on the resident's care needs. The assessment shall be developed with the active participation of the resident and the resident's guardian or resident's representative, as applicable.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-202.3

    (210 ILCS 46/3-202.3)
    Sec. 3-202.3. Identified offenders as residents. No later than 30 days after the effective date of this Act, the Department shall file with the Illinois Secretary of State's Office, pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, emergency rules regarding the provision of services to identified offenders. The emergency rules shall provide for, or include, but not be limited to the following:
        (1) A process for the identification of identified
        (2) A required risk assessment of identified
        (3) A requirement that a licensed facility be
required, within 10 days of the filing of the emergency rules, to compare its residents against the Illinois Department of Corrections and Illinois State Police registered sex offender databases.
        (4) A requirement that the licensed facility notify
the Department within 48 hours of determining that a resident or residents of the licensed facility are listed on the Illinois Department of Corrections or Illinois State Police registered sex offender databases.
        (5) The care planning of identified offenders, which
shall include, but not be limited to, a description of the security measures necessary to protect facility residents from the identified offender, including whether the identified offender should be segregated from other facility residents.
        (6) For offenders serving terms of probation for
felony offenses, parole, or mandatory supervised release, the facility shall acknowledge the terms of release as imposed by the court or Illinois Prisoner Review Board.
        (7) The discharge planning for identified offenders.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-202.4

    (210 ILCS 46/3-202.4)
    Sec. 3-202.4. Feasibility of segregating identified offenders. The Department shall determine the feasibility of requiring identified offenders that seek admission to a licensed facility to be segregated from other residents.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-202.5

    (210 ILCS 46/3-202.5)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-714)
    Sec. 3-202.5. Facility plan review; fees.
    (a) Before commencing construction of a new facility or specified types of alteration or additions to an existing facility involving major construction, as defined by rule by the Department, with an estimated cost greater than $100,000, architectural drawings and specifications for the facility shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval. A facility may submit architectural drawings and specifications for other construction projects for Department review according to subsection (b) that shall not be subject to fees under subsection (d). Review of drawings and specifications shall be conducted by an employee of the Department meeting the qualifications established by the Department of Central Management Services class specifications for such an individual's position or by a person contracting with the Department who meets those class specifications. Final approval of the drawings and specifications for compliance with design and construction standards shall be obtained from the Department before the alteration, addition, or new construction is begun.
    (b) The Department shall inform an applicant in writing within 10 working days after receiving drawings and specifications and the required fee, if any, from the applicant whether the applicant's submission is complete or incomplete. Failure to provide the applicant with this notice within 10 working days shall result in the submission being deemed complete for purposes of initiating the 60-day review period under this Section. If the submission is incomplete, the Department shall inform the applicant of the deficiencies with the submission in writing. If the submission is complete the required fee, if any, has been paid, the Department shall approve or disapprove drawings and specifications submitted to the Department no later than 60 days following receipt by the Department. The drawings and specifications shall be of sufficient detail, as provided by Department rule, to enable the Department to render a determination of compliance with design and construction standards under this Act. If the Department finds that the drawings are not of sufficient detail for it to render a determination of compliance, the plans shall be determined to be incomplete and shall not be considered for purposes of initiating the 60 day review period. If a submission of drawings and specifications is incomplete, the applicant may submit additional information. The 60 day review period shall not commence until the Department determines that a submission of drawings and specifications is complete or the submission is deemed complete. If the Department has not approved or disapproved the drawings and specifications within 60 days, the construction, major alteration, or addition shall be deemed approved. If the drawings and specifications are disapproved, the Department shall state in writing, with specificity, the reasons for the disapproval. The entity submitting the drawings and specifications may submit additional information in response to the written comments from the Department or request a reconsideration of the disapproval. A final decision of approval or disapproval shall be made within 45 days of the receipt of the additional information or reconsideration request. If denied, the Department shall state the specific reasons for the denial.
    (c) The Department shall provide written approval for occupancy pursuant to subsection (g) and shall not issue a violation to a facility as a result of a licensure or complaint survey based upon the facility's physical structure if:
        (1) the Department reviewed and approved or deemed
approved the drawings and specifications for compliance with design and construction standards;
        (2) the construction, major alteration, or addition
was built as submitted;
        (3) the law or rules have not been amended since the
original approval; and
        (4) the conditions at the facility indicate that
there is a reasonable degree of safety provided for the residents.
    (d) (Blank).
    (e) All fees received by the Department under this Section shall be deposited into the Health Facility Plan Review Fund, a special fund created in the State Treasury. Moneys shall be appropriated from that Fund to the Department only to pay the costs of conducting reviews under this Section, under Section 3-202.5 of the Nursing Home Care Act, or under Section 3-202.5 of the ID/DD Community Care Act. None of the moneys in the Health Facility Plan Review Fund shall be used to reduce the amount of General Revenue Fund moneys appropriated to the Department for facility plan reviews conducted pursuant to this Section.
    (f) (Blank).
    (g) The Department shall conduct an on site inspection of the completed project no later than 30 days after notification from the applicant that the project has been completed and all certifications required by the Department have been received and accepted by the Department, except that, during a statewide public health emergency, as defined in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the Department shall conduct an on-site inspection to the extent feasible. The Department shall provide written approval for occupancy to the applicant within 5 working days of the Department's final inspection, provided the applicant has demonstrated substantial compliance as defined by Department rule. Occupancy of new major construction is prohibited until Department approval is received, unless the Department has not acted within the time frames provided in this subsection (g), in which case the construction shall be deemed approved. Occupancy shall be authorized after any required health inspection by the Department has been conducted.
    (h) The Department shall establish, by rule, a procedure to conduct interim on site review of large or complex construction projects.
    (i) The Department shall establish, by rule, an expedited process for emergency repairs or replacement of like equipment.
    (j) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to apply to maintenance, upkeep, or renovation that does not affect the structural integrity of the building, does not add beds or services over the number for which the facility is licensed, and provides a reasonable degree of safety for the residents.
(Source: P.A. 103-1, eff. 4-27-23.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-714)
    Sec. 3-202.5. Facility plan review; fees.
    (a) Before commencing construction of a new facility or specified types of alteration or additions to an existing facility involving major construction, as defined by rule by the Department, with an estimated cost greater than $100,000, architectural drawings and specifications for the facility shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval. A facility may submit architectural drawings and specifications for other construction projects for Department review according to subsection (b) that shall not be subject to fees under subsection (d). Review of drawings and specifications shall be conducted by an employee of the Department meeting the qualifications established by the Department of Central Management Services class specifications for such an individual's position or by a person contracting with the Department who meets those class specifications. Final approval of the drawings and specifications for compliance with design and construction standards shall be obtained from the Department before the alteration, addition, or new construction is begun.
    (b) The Department shall inform an applicant in writing within 10 working days after receiving drawings and specifications and the required fee, if any, from the applicant whether the applicant's submission is complete or incomplete. Failure to provide the applicant with this notice within 10 working days shall result in the submission being deemed complete for purposes of initiating the 60-day review period under this Section. If the submission is incomplete, the Department shall inform the applicant of the deficiencies with the submission in writing. If the submission is complete the required fee, if any, has been paid, the Department shall approve or disapprove drawings and specifications submitted to the Department no later than 60 days following receipt by the Department. The drawings and specifications shall be of sufficient detail, as provided by Department rule, to enable the Department to render a determination of compliance with design and construction standards under this Act. If the Department finds that the drawings are not of sufficient detail for it to render a determination of compliance, the plans shall be determined to be incomplete and shall not be considered for purposes of initiating the 60 day review period. If a submission of drawings and specifications is incomplete, the applicant may submit additional information. The 60 day review period shall not commence until the Department determines that a submission of drawings and specifications is complete or the submission is deemed complete. If the Department has not approved or disapproved the drawings and specifications within 60 days, the construction, major alteration, or addition shall be deemed approved. If the drawings and specifications are disapproved, the Department shall state in writing, with specificity, the reasons for the disapproval. The entity submitting the drawings and specifications may submit additional information in response to the written comments from the Department or request a reconsideration of the disapproval. A final decision of approval or disapproval shall be made within 45 days of the receipt of the additional information or reconsideration request. If denied, the Department shall state the specific reasons for the denial.
    (c) The Department shall provide written approval for occupancy pursuant to subsection (g) and shall not issue a violation to a facility as a result of a licensure or complaint survey based upon the facility's physical structure if:
        (1) the Department reviewed and approved or deemed
approved the drawings and specifications for compliance with design and construction standards;
        (2) the construction, major alteration, or addition
was built as submitted;
        (3) the law or rules have not been amended since the
original approval; and
        (4) the conditions at the facility indicate that
there is a reasonable degree of safety provided for the residents.
    (d) (Blank).
    (e) All fees received by the Department under this Section shall be deposited into the Health Facility Plan Review Fund, a special fund created in the State Treasury. All fees paid by facilities under this Section shall be used to cover the costs relating to the Department's review of facility projects under this Section only. Moneys shall be appropriated from that Fund to the Department only to pay the costs of conducting reviews under this Section, under Section 3-202.5 of the Nursing Home Care Act, under Section 21 of the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, or under Section 3-202.5 of the ID/DD Community Care Act. None of the moneys in the Health Facility Plan Review Fund shall be used to reduce the amount of General Revenue Fund moneys appropriated to the Department for facility plan reviews conducted pursuant to this Section.
    (f) (Blank).
    (g) The Department shall conduct an on site inspection of the completed project no later than 30 days after notification from the applicant that the project has been completed and all certifications required by the Department have been received and accepted by the Department, except that, during a statewide public health emergency, as defined in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the Department shall conduct an on-site inspection to the extent feasible. The Department shall provide written approval for occupancy to the applicant within 5 working days of the Department's final inspection, provided the applicant has demonstrated substantial compliance as defined by Department rule. Occupancy of new major construction is prohibited until Department approval is received, unless the Department has not acted within the time frames provided in this subsection (g), in which case the construction shall be deemed approved. Occupancy shall be authorized after any required health inspection by the Department has been conducted.
    (h) The Department shall establish, by rule, a procedure to conduct interim on site review of large or complex construction projects.
    (i) The Department shall establish, by rule, an expedited process for emergency repairs or replacement of like equipment.
    (j) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to apply to maintenance, upkeep, or renovation that does not affect the structural integrity of the building, does not add beds or services over the number for which the facility is licensed, and provides a reasonable degree of safety for the residents.
(Source: P.A. 103-1, eff. 4-27-23; 103-714, eff. 1-1-25.)

210 ILCS 46/3-203

    (210 ILCS 46/3-203)
    Sec. 3-203. Standards for persons with developmental disability or emotional or behavioral disorder. In licensing any facility for persons with a developmental disability or persons suffering from emotional or behavioral disorders, the Department shall consult with the Department of Human Services in developing minimum standards for such persons.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-204

    (210 ILCS 46/3-204)
    Sec. 3-204. License classifications. In addition to the authority to prescribe minimum standards, the Department may adopt license classifications of facilities according to the levels of service, and if license classification is adopted the applicable minimum standards shall define the classification. In adopting classification of the license of facilities, the Department may give recognition to the classification of services defined or prescribed by federal statute or federal rule or regulation. More than one classification of the license may be issued to the same facility when the prescribed minimum standards and regulations are met.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-205

    (210 ILCS 46/3-205)
    Sec. 3-205. Municipalities; license classifications. Where licensing responsibilities are performed by a city, village or incorporated town, the municipality shall use the same classifications as the Department; and a facility may not be licensed for a different classification by the Department than by the municipality.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-206

    (210 ILCS 46/3-206)
    Sec. 3-206. Curriculum for training nursing assistants and aides. The Department shall prescribe a curriculum for training nursing assistants, habilitation aides, and child care aides.
    (a) No person, except a volunteer who receives no compensation from a facility and is not included for the purpose of meeting any staffing requirements set forth by the Department, shall act as a nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide in a facility, nor shall any person, under any other title, not licensed, certified, or registered to render medical care by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, assist with the personal, medical, or nursing care of residents in a facility, unless such person meets the following requirements:
        (1) Be at least 16 years of age, of temperate habits
and good moral character, honest, reliable and trustworthy.
        (2) Be able to speak and understand the English
language or a language understood by a substantial percentage of the facility's residents.
        (3) Provide evidence of employment or occupation, if
any, and residence for 2 years prior to his or her present employment.
        (4) Have completed at least 8 years of grade school
or provide proof of equivalent knowledge.
        (5) Begin a current course of training for nursing
assistants, habilitation aides, or child care aides, approved by the Department, within 45 days of initial employment in the capacity of a nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide at any facility. Such courses of training shall be successfully completed within 120 days of initial employment in the capacity of nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide at a facility. Nursing assistants, habilitation aides, and child care aides who are enrolled in approved courses in community colleges or other educational institutions on a term, semester or trimester basis, shall be exempt from the 120-day completion time limit. The Department shall adopt rules for such courses of training. These rules shall include procedures for facilities to carry on an approved course of training within the facility.
        The Department may accept comparable training in
lieu of the 120-hour course for student nurses, foreign nurses, military personnel, or employees of the Department of Human Services.
        The facility shall develop and implement procedures,
which shall be approved by the Department, for an ongoing review process, which shall take place within the facility, for nursing assistants, habilitation aides, and child care aides.
        At the time of each regularly scheduled licensure
survey, or at the time of a complaint investigation, the Department may require any nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide to demonstrate, either through written examination or action, or both, sufficient knowledge in all areas of required training. If such knowledge is inadequate the Department shall require the nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide to complete inservice training and review in the facility until the nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide demonstrates to the Department, either through written examination or action, or both, sufficient knowledge in all areas of required training; and
        (6) Be familiar with and have general skills related
to resident care.
    (a-0.5) An educational entity, other than a secondary school, conducting a nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide training program shall initiate a criminal history record check in accordance with the Health Care Worker Background Check Act prior to entry of an individual into the training program. A secondary school may initiate a criminal history record check in accordance with the Health Care Worker Background Check Act at any time during or after a training program.
    (a-1) Nursing assistants, habilitation aides, or child care aides seeking to be included on the Health Care Worker Registry under the Health Care Worker Background Check Act must authorize the Department of Public Health or its designee to request a criminal history record check in accordance with the Health Care Worker Background Check Act and submit all necessary information. An individual may not newly be included on the Health Care Worker Registry unless a criminal history record check has been conducted with respect to the individual.
    (b) Persons subject to this Section shall perform their duties under the supervision of a licensed nurse or other appropriately trained, licensed, or certified personnel.
    (c) It is unlawful for any facility to employ any person in the capacity of nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide, or under any other title, not licensed by the State of Illinois to assist in the personal, medical, or nursing care of residents in such facility unless such person has complied with this Section.
    (d) Proof of compliance by each employee with the requirements set out in this Section shall be maintained for each such employee by each facility in the individual personnel folder of the employee. Proof of training shall be obtained only from the Health Care Worker Registry.
    (e) Each facility shall obtain access to the Health Care Worker Registry's web application, maintain the employment and demographic information relating to each employee, and verify by the category and type of employment that each employee subject to this Section meets all the requirements of this Section.
    (f) Any facility that is operated under Section 3-803 shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section.
    (g) Each skilled nursing and intermediate care facility that admits persons who are diagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease or related dementias shall require all nursing assistants, habilitation aides, or child care aides, who did not receive 12 hours of training in the care and treatment of such residents during the training required under paragraph (5) of subsection (a), to obtain 12 hours of in house training in the care and treatment of such residents. If the facility does not provide the training in house, the training shall be obtained from other facilities, community colleges or other educational institutions that have a recognized course for such training. The Department shall, by rule, establish a recognized course for such training.
    The Department's rules shall provide that such training may be conducted in house at each facility subject to the requirements of this subsection, in which case such training shall be monitored by the Department. The Department's rules shall also provide for circumstances and procedures whereby any person who has received training that meets the requirements of this subsection shall not be required to undergo additional training if he or she is transferred to or obtains employment at a different facility or a facility other than those licensed under this Act but remains continuously employed as a nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide. Individuals who have performed no nursing, nursing-related services, or habilitation services for a period of 24 consecutive months shall be listed as inactive and as such do not meet the requirements of this Section. Licensed sheltered care facilities shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; 100-432, eff. 8-25-17.)

210 ILCS 46/3-206.01

    (210 ILCS 46/3-206.01)
    Sec. 3-206.01. Health Care Worker Registry.
    (a) A facility shall not employ an individual as a nursing assistant, habilitation aide, home health aide, or child care aide, or newly hired as an individual who may have access to a resident, a resident's living quarters, or a resident's personal, financial, or medical records, unless the facility has checked the Department's Health Care Worker Registry and the individual is listed on the Health Care Worker Registry as eligible to work for a health care employer. The facility shall not employ an individual as a nursing assistant, habilitation aide, or child care aide if that individual is not on the Health Care Worker Registry unless the individual is enrolled in a training program under paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of Section 3-206 of this Act.
    (b) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; 100-432, eff. 8-25-17.)

210 ILCS 46/3-206.02

    (210 ILCS 46/3-206.02)
    Sec. 3-206.02. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15. Repealed by P.A. 100-432, eff. 8-25-17.)

210 ILCS 46/3-206.03

    (210 ILCS 46/3-206.03)
    Sec. 3-206.03. Resident attendants.
    (a) As used in this Section, "resident attendant" means an individual who assists residents in a facility with the following activities:
        (1) eating and drinking; and
        (2) personal hygiene limited to washing a resident's
hands and face, brushing and combing a resident's hair, oral hygiene, shaving residents with an electric razor, and applying makeup.
    The term "resident attendant" does not include an individual who:
        (1) is a licensed health professional or a
registered dietitian;
        (2) volunteers without monetary compensation;
        (3) is a nurse assistant; or
        (4) performs any nursing or nursing related services
for residents of a facility.
    (b) A facility may employ resident attendants to assist the nurse aides with the activities authorized under subsection (a). The resident attendants shall not count in the minimum staffing requirements under rules implementing this Act.
    (c) A facility may not use on a full time or other paid basis any individual as a resident attendant in the facility unless the individual:
        (1) has completed a training and competency
evaluation program encompassing the tasks the individual provides; and
        (2) is competent to provide feeding, hydration, and
personal hygiene services.
    (d) The training and competency evaluation program may be facility based. It may include one or more of the following units:
        (1) A feeding unit that is a maximum of 5 hours in
        (2) A hydration unit that is a maximum of 3 hours in
        (3) A personal hygiene unit that is a maximum of 5
hours in length. These programs must be reviewed and approved by the Department every 2 years.
    (e) (Blank).
    (f) A person seeking employment as a resident attendant is subject to the Health Care Worker Background Check Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-206.04

    (210 ILCS 46/3-206.04)
    Sec. 3-206.04. Transfer of ownership following suspension or revocation; discussion with new owner. Whenever ownership of a private facility is transferred to another private owner following a final order for a suspension or revocation of the facility's license, the Department shall discuss with the new owner all noted problems associated with the facility and shall determine what additional training, if any, is needed for the direct care staff.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-206.005

    (210 ILCS 46/3-206.005)
    Sec. 3-206.005. Certification status for certified nursing assistants. A certified nursing assistant shall lose his or her certification status if he or she goes 24 consecutive months without performing nursing or nursing-related services for pay. In this Section, "nursing or nursing-related services for pay" includes work performed as a direct support professional as it is defined in the Community Services Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-754, eff. 8-10-18.)

210 ILCS 46/3-206.05

    (210 ILCS 46/3-206.05)
    Sec. 3-206.05. Registry checks for employees.
    (a) Within 60 days after the effective date of this Act, the Department shall require all facilities to conduct required registry checks on employees at the time of hire and annually thereafter during employment. The required registries to be checked are the Health Care Worker Registry, the Department of Children and Family Services' State Central Register, and the Illinois Sex Offender Registry. A person may not be employed if he or she is found to have disqualifying convictions or substantiated cases of abuse or neglect. At the time of the annual registry checks, if a current employee's name has been placed on a registry with disqualifying convictions or disqualifying substantiated cases of abuse or neglect, then the employee must be terminated. Disqualifying convictions or disqualifying substantiated cases of abuse or neglect are defined for the Department of Children and Family Services Central Register by the Department of Children and Family Services' standards for background checks in Part 385 of Title 89 of the Illinois Administrative Code. Disqualifying convictions or disqualifying substantiated cases of abuse or neglect are defined for the Health Care Worker Registry by the Health Care Worker Background Check Act and within this Act. A facility's failure to conduct the required registry checks will constitute a Type "B" violation.
    (b) In collaboration with the Department of Children and Family Services and the Department of Human Services, the Department shall establish a waiver process from the prohibition of employment or termination of employment requirements in subsection (a) of this Section for any applicant or employee listed under the Department of Children and Family Services' State Central Register seeking to be hired or maintain his or her employment with a facility under this Act. The waiver process for applicants and employees outlined under Section 40 of the Health Care Worker Background Check Act shall remain in effect for individuals listed on the Health Care Worker Registry.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-207

    (210 ILCS 46/3-207)
    Sec. 3-207. Statement of ownership.    
    (a) As a condition of the issuance or renewal of the license of any facility, the applicant shall file a statement of ownership. The applicant shall update the information required in the statement of ownership within 10 days of any change.
    (b) The statement of ownership shall include the following:
        (1) The name, address, telephone number, occupation
or business activity, business address and business telephone number of the person who is the owner of the facility and every person who owns the building in which the facility is located, if other than the owner of the facility, which is the subject of the application or license; and if the owner is a partnership or corporation, the name of every partner and stockholder of the owner;
        (2) The name and address of any facility, wherever
located, any financial interest in which is owned by the applicant, if the facility were required to be licensed if it were located in this State; and
        (3) Other information necessary to determine the
identity and qualifications of an applicant or licensee to operate a facility in accordance with this Act as required by the Department in regulations.
    (c) The information in the statement of ownership shall be public information and shall be available from the Department.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-208

    (210 ILCS 46/3-208)
    Sec. 3-208. Annual financial statement.
    (a) Each licensee shall file annually, or more often as the Director shall by rule prescribe an attested financial statement. The Director may order an audited financial statement of a particular facility by an auditor of the Director's choice, provided the cost of such audit is paid by the Department.
    (b) No public funds shall be expended for the maintenance of any resident in a facility which has failed to file the financial statement required under this Section and no public funds shall be paid to or on behalf of a facility which has failed to file a statement.
    (c) The Director of Public Health and the Director of Healthcare and Family Services shall promulgate under Sections 3-801 and 3-802, one set of regulations for the filing of these financial statements, and shall provide in these regulations for forms, required information, intervals and dates of filing and such other provisions as they may deem necessary.
    (d) The Director of Public Health and the Director of Healthcare and Family Services shall seek the advice and comments of other State and federal agencies which require the submission of financial data from facilities licensed under this Act and shall incorporate the information requirements of these agencies so as to impose the least possible burden on licensees. No other State agency may require submission of financial data except as expressly authorized by law or as necessary to meet requirements of federal statutes or regulations. Information obtained under this Section shall be made available, upon request, by the Department to any other State agency or legislative commission to which such information is necessary for investigations or required for the purposes of State or federal law or regulation.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-209

    (210 ILCS 46/3-209)
    Sec. 3-209. Posting of information. Every facility shall conspicuously post for display in an area of its offices accessible to residents, employees, and visitors the following:
        (1) Its current license;
        (2) A description, provided by the Department, of
complaint procedures established under this Act and the name, address, and telephone number of a person authorized by the Department to receive complaints;
        (3) A copy of any order pertaining to the facility
issued by the Department or a court; and
        (4) A list of the material available for public
inspection under Section 3-210.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-210

    (210 ILCS 46/3-210)
    Sec. 3-210. Materials for public inspection. A facility shall retain the following for public inspection:
        (1) A complete copy of every inspection report of the
facility received from the Department during the past 5 years;
        (2) A copy of every order pertaining to the facility
issued by the Department or a court during the past 5 years;
        (3) A description of the services provided by the
facility and the rates charged for those services and items for which a resident may be separately charged;
        (4) A copy of the statement of ownership required by
Section 3-207;
        (5) A record of personnel employed or retained by the
facility who are licensed, certified or registered by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (as successor to the Department of Professional Regulation);
        (6) A complete copy of the most recent inspection
report of the facility received from the Department; and
        (7) A copy of the current Consumer Choice Information
Report required by Section 2-214.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-211

    (210 ILCS 46/3-211)
    Sec. 3-211. No State or federal funds to unlicensed facility. No State or federal funds which are appropriated by the General Assembly or which pass through the General Revenue Fund or any special fund in the State Treasury shall be paid to a facility not having a license issued under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-212

    (210 ILCS 46/3-212)
    Sec. 3-212. Inspection of facility by Department; report.
    (a) The Department, whenever it deems necessary in accordance with subsection (b), shall inspect, survey and evaluate every facility to determine compliance with applicable licensure requirements and standards. Submission of a facility's current Consumer Choice Information Report required by Section 2-214 shall be verified at the time of inspection. An inspection should occur within 120 days prior to license renewal. The Department may periodically visit a facility for the purpose of consultation. An inspection, survey, or evaluation, other than an inspection of financial records, shall be conducted without prior notice to the facility. A visit for the sole purpose of consultation may be announced. The Department shall provide training to surveyors about the appropriate assessment, care planning, and care of persons with mental illness (other than Alzheimer's disease or related disorders) to enable its surveyors to determine whether a facility is complying with State and federal requirements about the assessment, care planning, and care of those persons.
    (a-1) An employee of a State or unit of local government agency charged with inspecting, surveying, and evaluating facilities who directly or indirectly gives prior notice of an inspection, survey, or evaluation, other than an inspection of financial records, to a facility or to an employee of a facility is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. An inspector or an employee of the Department who intentionally prenotifies a facility, orally or in writing, of a pending complaint investigation or inspection shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Superiors of persons who have prenotified a facility shall be subject to the same penalties, if they have knowingly allowed the prenotification. A person found guilty of prenotifying a facility shall be subject to disciplinary action by his or her employer. If the Department has a good faith belief, based upon information that comes to its attention, that a violation of this subsection has occurred, it must file a complaint with the Attorney General or the State's Attorney in the county where the violation took place within 30 days after discovery of the information.
    (a-2) An employee of a State or unit of local government agency charged with inspecting, surveying, or evaluating facilities who willfully profits from violating the confidentiality of the inspection, survey, or evaluation process shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony and that conduct shall be deemed unprofessional conduct that may subject a person to loss of his or her professional license. An action to prosecute a person for violating this subsection (a-2) may be brought by either the Attorney General or the State's Attorney in the county where the violation took place.
    (b) In determining whether to make more than the required number of unannounced inspections, surveys and evaluations of a facility the Department shall consider one or more of the following: previous inspection reports; the facility's history of compliance with standards, rules and regulations promulgated under this Act and correction of violations, penalties or other enforcement actions; the number and severity of complaints received about the facility; any allegations of resident abuse or neglect; weather conditions; health emergencies; other reasonable belief that deficiencies exist.
     (b-1) The Department shall not be required to determine whether a facility certified to participate in the Medicare program under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, or the Medicaid program under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, and which the Department determines by inspection under this Section or under Section 3-702 of this Act to be in compliance with the certification requirements of Title XVIII or XIX, is in compliance with any requirement of this Act that is less stringent than or duplicates a federal certification requirement. In accordance with subsection (a) of this Section or subsection (d) of Section 3-702, the Department shall determine whether a certified facility is in compliance with requirements of this Act that exceed federal certification requirements. If a certified facility is found to be out of compliance with federal certification requirements, the results of an inspection conducted pursuant to Title XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act may be used as the basis for enforcement remedies authorized and commenced, with the Department's discretion to evaluate whether penalties are warranted, under this Act. Enforcement of this Act against a certified facility shall be commenced pursuant to the requirements of this Act, unless enforcement remedies sought pursuant to Title XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act exceed those authorized by this Act. As used in this subsection, "enforcement remedy" means a sanction for violating a federal certification requirement or this Act.
    (c) Upon completion of each inspection, survey and evaluation, the appropriate Department personnel who conducted the inspection, survey or evaluation shall submit a copy of their report to the licensee upon exiting the facility, and shall submit the actual report to the appropriate regional office of the Department. Such report and any recommendations for action by the Department under this Act shall be transmitted to the appropriate offices of the associate director of the Department, together with related comments or documentation provided by the licensee which may refute findings in the report, which explain extenuating circumstances that the facility could not reasonably have prevented, or which indicate methods and timetables for correction of deficiencies described in the report. Without affecting the application of subsection (a) of Section 3-303, any documentation or comments of the licensee shall be provided within 10 days of receipt of the copy of the report. Such report shall recommend to the Director appropriate action under this Act with respect to findings against a facility. The Director shall then determine whether the report's findings constitute a violation or violations of which the facility must be given notice. Such determination shall be based upon the severity of the finding, the danger posed to resident health and safety, the comments and documentation provided by the facility, the diligence and efforts to correct deficiencies, correction of the reported deficiencies, the frequency and duration of similar findings in previous reports and the facility's general inspection history. The Department shall determine violations under this subsection no later than 90 days after completion of each inspection, survey and evaluation.
    (d) The Department shall maintain all inspection, survey and evaluation reports for at least 5 years in a manner accessible to and understandable by the public.
    (e) The Department shall conduct a revisit to its licensure and certification surveys, consistent with federal regulations and guidelines.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-213

    (210 ILCS 46/3-213)
    Sec. 3-213. Periodic reports to Department. The Department shall require periodic reports and shall have access to and may reproduce or photocopy at its cost any books, records, and other documents maintained by the facility to the extent necessary to carry out this Act and the rules promulgated under this Act. The Department shall not divulge or disclose the contents of a record under this Section in violation of Section 2-206 or as otherwise prohibited by this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-214

    (210 ILCS 46/3-214)
    Sec. 3-214. Consent to Department inspection. Any holder of a license or applicant for a license shall be deemed to have given consent to any authorized officer, employee or agent of the Department to enter and inspect the facility in accordance with this Article. Refusal to permit such entry or inspection shall constitute grounds for denial, nonrenewal or revocation of a license as provided in Section 3-117 or 3-119 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-215

    (210 ILCS 46/3-215)
    Sec. 3-215. Annual report on facility by Department. The Department shall make at least one report on each facility in the State annually, unless the facility has been issued a 2-year license under subsection (b) of Section 3-110 for which the report shall be made every 2 years. All conditions and practices not in compliance with applicable standards within the report period shall be specifically stated. If a violation is corrected or is subject to an approved plan of correction, the same shall be specified in the report. The Department shall send a copy to any person on receiving a written request. The Department may charge a reasonable fee to cover copying costs.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-216

    (210 ILCS 46/3-216)
    Sec. 3-216. Fire inspections; authority.
    (a) (Blank).
    (b) For facilities licensed under this Act, the Office of the State Fire Marshal shall provide the necessary fire inspection to comply with licensing requirements. The Office of the State Fire Marshal may enter into an agreement with another State agency to conduct this inspection if qualified personnel are employed by that agency. Code enforcement inspection of the facility by the local authority shall only occur if the local authority having jurisdiction enforces code requirements that are more stringent than those enforced by the State Fire Marshal. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit a local fire authority from conducting fire incident planning activities.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 3

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 3 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-301

    (210 ILCS 46/3-301)
    Sec. 3-301. Notice of violation of Act or rules. If after receiving the report specified in subsection (c) of Section 3-212 the Director or his or her designee determines that a facility is in violation of this Act or of any rule promulgated thereunder, the Director or his or her designee shall serve a notice of violation upon the licensee within 10 days thereafter. Each notice of violation shall be prepared in writing and shall specify the nature of the violation, and the statutory provision or rule alleged to have been violated. The notice shall inform the licensee of any action the Department may take under the Act, including the requirement of a facility plan of correction under Section 3-303; placement of the facility on a list prepared under Section 3-304; assessment of a penalty under Section 3-305; a conditional license under Sections 3-311 through 3-317; or license suspension or revocation under Section 3-119. The Director or his or her designee shall also inform the licensee of rights to a hearing under Section 3-703.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-301.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-301.1)
    Sec. 3-301.1. Administration of medication by direct care staff at day programs. For the purposes of this Act, violations cited against a facility as a result of actions involving administration of medication by direct care staff of day programs certified to serve persons with developmental disabilities by the Department of Human Services under Section 15.4 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act will not result in:
        (1) the facility being issued a "Type AA" violation
as defined in Section 1-128.5 of this Act;
        (2) the facility being issued a "Type A" violation as
defined in Section 1-129 of this Act;
        (3) the facility being issued a "Type B" violation as
defined in Section 1-130 of this Act;
        (4) denial of the facility's license under Section
3-117 of this Act;
        (5) the facility being placed on the Department's
quarterly list of facilities which the Department has taken action against prepared under Section 3-304 of this Act;
        (6) the facility being assessed a penalty or fine
under Section 3-305 of this Act;
        (7) the facility being issued a conditional license
under Section 3-311 of this Act; or
        (8) the Department's suspension or revocation of a
facility's license or refusal to renew a facility's license under Section 3-119 of this Act.
    The Department shall notify the Division of Developmental Disabilities of the Department of Human Services when it becomes aware of a medication error at a day program or that a resident is injured or is subject to alleged abuse or neglect at a day program.
(Source: P.A. 100-50, eff. 1-1-18.)

210 ILCS 46/3-302

    (210 ILCS 46/3-302)
    Sec. 3-302. Each day a separate violation. Each day the violation exists after the date upon which a notice of violation is served under Section 3-301 shall constitute a separate violation for purposes of assessing penalties or fines under Section 3-305. The submission of a plan of correction pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 3-303 does not prohibit or preclude the Department from assessing penalties or fines pursuant to Section 3-305 for those violations found to be valid except as provided under Section 3-308 in relation to Type "B" violations. No penalty or fine may be assessed for a condition for which the facility has received a variance or waiver of a standard.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-303

    (210 ILCS 46/3-303)
    Sec. 3-303. Correction of violations; hearing.
    (a) The situation, condition or practice constituting a Type "AA" violation or a Type "A" violation shall be abated or eliminated immediately unless a fixed period of time, not exceeding 15 days, as determined by the Department and specified in the notice of violation, is required for correction.
    (b) At the time of issuance of a notice of a Type "B" violation, the Department shall request a plan of correction which is subject to the Department's approval. The facility shall have 10 days after receipt of notice of violation in which to prepare and submit a plan of correction. The Department may extend this period up to 30 days where correction involves substantial capital improvement. The plan shall include a fixed time period not in excess of 90 days within which violations are to be corrected. If the Department rejects a plan of correction, it shall send notice of the rejection and the reason for the rejection to the facility. The facility shall have 10 days after receipt of the notice of rejection in which to submit a modified plan. If the modified plan is not timely submitted, or if the modified plan is rejected, the facility shall follow an approved plan of correction imposed by the Department.
    (c) If the violation has been corrected prior to submission and approval of a plan of correction, the facility may submit a report of correction in place of a plan of correction. Such report shall be signed by the administrator under oath.
    (d) Upon a licensee's petition, the Department shall determine whether to grant a licensee's request for an extended correction time. Such petition shall be served on the Department prior to expiration of the correction time originally approved. The burden of proof is on the petitioning facility to show good cause for not being able to comply with the original correction time approved.
    (e) If a facility desires to contest any Department action under this Section it shall send a written request for a hearing under Section 3-703 to the Department within 10 days of receipt of notice of the contested action. The Department shall commence the hearing as provided under Section 3-703. Whenever possible, all action of the Department under this Section arising out of a violation shall be contested and determined at a single hearing. Issues decided after a hearing may not be reheard at subsequent hearings under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-303.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-303.1)
    Sec. 3-303.1. Waiver of facility's compliance with rule or standard. Upon application by a facility, the Director may grant or renew the waiver of the facility's compliance with a rule or standard for a period not to exceed the duration of the current license or, in the case of an application for license renewal, the duration of the renewal period. The waiver may be conditioned upon the facility taking action prescribed by the Director as a measure equivalent to compliance. In determining whether to grant or renew a waiver, the Director shall consider the duration and basis for any current waiver with respect to the same rule or standard and the validity and effect upon patient health and safety of extending it on the same basis, the effect upon the health and safety of residents, the quality of resident care, the facility's history of compliance with the rules and standards of this Act and the facility's attempts to comply with the particular rule or standard in question. The Department may provide, by rule, for the automatic renewal of waivers concerning physical plant requirements upon the renewal of a license. The Department shall renew waivers relating to physical plant standards issued pursuant to this Section at the time of the indicated reviews, unless it can show why such waivers should not be extended for the following reasons:
    (a) the condition of the physical plant has deteriorated or its use substantially changed so that the basis upon which the waiver was issued is materially different; or
    (b) the facility is renovated or substantially remodeled in such a way as to permit compliance with the applicable rules and standards without substantial increase in cost. A copy of each waiver application and each waiver granted or renewed shall be on file with the Department and available for public inspection. The Director shall annually review such file and recommend to the DD Facility Advisory Board established under Section 2-204 of the ID/DD Community Care Act any modification in rules or standards suggested by the number and nature of waivers requested and granted and the difficulties faced in compliance by similarly situated facilities.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-303.2

    (210 ILCS 46/3-303.2)
    Sec. 3-303.2. Administrative warning.
    (a) If the Department finds a situation, condition or practice which violates this Act or any rule promulgated thereunder which does not constitute a Type "AA", Type "A", Type "B", or Type "C" violation, the Department shall issue an administrative warning. Any administrative warning shall be served upon the facility in the same manner as the notice of violation under Section 3-301. The facility shall be responsible for correcting the situation, condition or practice; however, no written plan of correction need be submitted for an administrative warning, except for violations of Sections 3-401 through 3-413 or the rules promulgated thereunder. A written plan of correction is required to be filed for an administrative warning issued for violations of Sections 3-401 through 3-413 or the rules promulgated thereunder.
    (b) If, however, the situation, condition or practice which resulted in the issuance of an administrative warning, with the exception of administrative warnings issued pursuant to Sections 3-401 through 3-413 or the rules promulgated thereunder, is not corrected by the next on site inspection by the Department which occurs no earlier than 90 days from the issuance of the administrative warning, a written plan of correction must be submitted in the same manner as provided in subsection (b) of Section 3-303.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-304

    (210 ILCS 46/3-304)
    Sec. 3-304. Quarterly list of facilities against which Department has taken action.
    (a) The Department shall prepare on a quarterly basis a list containing the names and addresses of all facilities against which the Department during the previous quarter has:
        (1) sent a notice under Section 3-307 regarding a
penalty assessment under subsection (1) of Section 3-305;
        (2) sent a notice of license revocation under Section
        (3) sent a notice refusing renewal of a license under
Section 3-119;
        (4) sent a notice to suspend a license under Section
        (5) issued a conditional license for violations that
have not been corrected under Section 3-303 or penalties or fines described under Section 3-305 have been assessed under Section 3-307 or 3-308;
        (6) placed a monitor under subsections (a), (b) and
(c) of Section 3-501 and under subsection (d) of such Section where license revocation or nonrenewal notices have also been issued;
        (7) initiated an action to appoint a receiver;
        (8) recommended to the Director of Healthcare and
Family Services, or the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the decertification for violations in relation to patient care of a facility pursuant to Titles XVIII and XIX of the federal Social Security Act.
    (b) In addition to the name and address of the facility, the list shall include the name and address of the person or licensee against whom the action has been initiated, a self explanatory summary of the facts which warranted the initiation of each action, the type of action initiated, the date of the initiation of the action, the amount of the penalty sought to be assessed, if any, and the final disposition of the action, if completed.
    (c) The list shall be available to any member of the public upon oral or written request without charge.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-304.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-304.1)
    Sec. 3-304.1. Public computer access to information.
    (a) The Department must make information regarding nursing homes in the State available to the public in electronic form on the World Wide Web, including all of the following information:
        (1) who regulates facilities licensed under this Act;
        (2) information in the possession of the Department
that is listed in Sections 3-210 and 3-304;
        (3) deficiencies and plans of correction;
        (4) enforcement remedies;
        (5) penalty letters;
        (6) designation of penalty monies;
        (7) the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services' Health Care Financing Administration special projects or federally required inspections;
        (8) advisory standards;
        (9) deficiency free surveys;
        (10) enforcement actions and enforcement summaries;
        (11) distressed facilities.
    (b) No fee or other charge may be imposed by the Department as a condition of accessing the information.
    (c) The electronic public access provided through the World Wide Web shall be in addition to any other electronic or print distribution of the information.
    (d) The information shall be made available as provided in this Section in the shortest practicable time after it is publicly available in any other form.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-304.2

    (210 ILCS 46/3-304.2)
    Sec. 3-304.2. Designation of distressed facilities.
    (a) The Department shall, by rule, adopt criteria to identify facilities that are distressed and shall publish this list quarterly. No facility shall be identified as a distressed facility unless it has committed violations or deficiencies that have actually harmed residents.
    (b) The Department shall notify each facility and licensee of its distressed designation and of the calculation on which it is based.
    (c) A distressed facility may contract with an independent consultant meeting criteria established by the Department. If the distressed facility does not seek the assistance of an independent consultant, then the Department shall place a monitor or a temporary manager in the facility, depending on the Department's assessment of the condition of the facility.
    (d) A facility that has been designated a distressed facility may contract with an independent consultant to develop and assist in the implementation of a plan of improvement to bring and keep the facility in compliance with this Act and, if applicable, with federal certification requirements. A facility that contracts with an independent consultant shall have 90 days to develop a plan of improvement and demonstrate a good faith effort at implementation, and another 90 days to achieve compliance and take whatever additional actions are called for in the improvement plan to maintain compliance in this subsection (d). "Independent" consultant means an individual who has no professional or financial relationship with the facility, any person with a reportable ownership interest in the facility, or any related parties. In this subsection (d), "related parties" has the meaning attributed to it in the instructions for completing Medicaid cost reports.
    (e) A distressed facility that does not contract with a consultant shall be assigned a monitor or a temporary manager at the Department's discretion. The cost of the temporary manager shall be paid by the Department. The authority afforded the temporary manager shall be determined through rulemaking.
    If a distressed facility that contracts with an independent consultant but does not, in a timely manner, develop an adequate plan of improvement or comply with the plan of improvement, then the Department may place a monitor in the facility.
    Nothing in this Section shall limit the authority of the Department to place a monitor in a distressed facility if otherwise justified by law.
    (f) The Department shall by rule establish a mentor program for owners of distressed facilities. That a mentor program does not exist, or that a mentor is not available to assist a distressed facility, shall not delay or prevent the imposition of any penalties on a distressed facility, authorized by this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-305

    (210 ILCS 46/3-305)
    Sec. 3-305. Penalties or fines. The license of a facility which is in violation of this Act or any rule adopted thereunder may be subject to the penalties or fines levied by the Department as specified in this Section.
        (1) A licensee who commits a Type "AA" violation as
defined in Section 1-128.5 is automatically issued a conditional license for a period of 6 months to coincide with an acceptable plan of correction and assessed a fine of up to $25,000 per violation. For a facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 100 residents, but no less than 17 residents, the fine shall be up to $18,500 per violation. For a facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 17 residents, the fine shall be up to $12,500 per violation.
        (1.5) A licensee who commits a Type "A" violation as
defined in Section 1-129 is automatically issued a conditional license for a period of 6 months to coincide with an acceptable plan of correction and assessed a fine of up to $12,500 per violation. For a facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 100 residents, but no less than 17 residents, the fine shall be up to $10,000 per violation. For a facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 17 residents, the fine shall be up to $6,250 per violation.
        (2) A licensee who commits a Type "B" violation as
defined in Section 1-130 shall be assessed a fine of up to $1,100 per violation. For a facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 100 residents, but no less than 17 residents, the fine shall be up to $750 per violation. For a facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 17 residents, the fine shall be up to $550 per violation.
        (2.5) A licensee who commits 8 or more Type "C"
violations as defined in Section 1-132 in a single survey shall be assessed a fine of up to $250 per violation. A facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 100 residents, but no less than 17 residents, that commits 8 or more Type "C" violations in a single survey, shall be assessed a fine of up to $200 per violation. A facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 17 residents, that commits 8 or more Type "C" violations in a single survey, shall be assessed a fine of up to $175 per violation.
        (3) A licensee who commits a Type "AA" or Type "A"
violation as defined in Section 1-128.5 or 1-129 which continues beyond the time specified in paragraph (a) of Section 3-303 which is cited as a repeat violation shall have its license revoked and shall be assessed a fine of 3 times the fine computed under subsection (1).
        (4) A licensee who fails to satisfactorily comply
with an accepted plan of correction for a Type "B" violation or an administrative warning issued pursuant to Sections 3-401 through 3-413 or the rules promulgated thereunder shall be automatically issued a conditional license for a period of not less than 6 months. A second or subsequent acceptable plan of correction shall be filed. A fine shall be assessed in accordance with subsection (2) when cited for the repeat violation. This fine shall be computed for all days of the violation, including the duration of the first plan of correction compliance time.
        (5) (Blank).
        (6) When the Department finds that a provision of
Article II has been violated with regard to a particular resident, the Department shall issue an order requiring the facility to reimburse the resident for injuries incurred, or $100, whichever is greater. In the case of a violation involving any action other than theft of money belonging to a resident, reimbursement shall be ordered only if a provision of Article II has been violated with regard to that or any other resident of the facility within the 2 years immediately preceding the violation in question.
        (7) For purposes of assessing fines under this
Section, a repeat violation shall be a violation which has been cited during one inspection of the facility for which an accepted plan of correction was not complied with or a new citation of the same rule if the licensee is not substantially addressing the issue routinely throughout the facility.
        (8) If an occurrence results in more than one type of
violation as defined in this Act (that is, a Type "AA", Type "A", Type "B", or Type "C" violation), then the maximum fine that may be assessed for that occurrence is the maximum fine that may be assessed for the most serious type of violation charged. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a Type "AA" violation is the most serious type of violation that may be charged, followed by a Type "A", Type "B", or Type "C" violation, in that order.
        (9) If any facility willfully makes a misstatement of
fact to the Department or willfully fails to make a required notification to the Department and that misstatement or failure delays the start of a survey or impedes a survey, then it will constitute a Type "B" violation. The minimum and maximum fines that may be assessed pursuant to this subsection (9) shall be 3 times those otherwise specified for any facility.
        (10) If the Department finds that a facility has
violated a provision of the Illinois Administrative Code that has a high-risk designation or that a facility has violated the same provision of the Illinois Administrative Code 3 or more times in the previous 12 months, then the Department may assess a fine of up to 2 times the maximum fine otherwise allowed.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-306

    (210 ILCS 46/3-306)
    Sec. 3-306. Factors to be considered in determining penalty. In determining whether a penalty is to be imposed and in determining the amount of the penalty to be imposed, if any, for a violation, the Director shall consider the following factors:
        (1) The gravity of the violation, including the
probability that death or serious physical or mental harm to a resident will result or has resulted; the severity of the actual or potential harm, and the extent to which the provisions of the applicable statutes or regulations were violated;
        (2) The reasonable diligence exercised by the
licensee and efforts to correct violations;
        (3) Any previous violations committed by the
licensee; and
        (4) The financial benefit to the facility of
committing or continuing the violation.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-307

    (210 ILCS 46/3-307)
    Sec. 3-307. Assessment of penalties; notice. The Director may directly assess penalties provided for under Section 3-305 of this Act. If the Director determines that a penalty should be assessed for a particular violation or for failure to correct it, the Director shall send a notice to the facility. The notice shall specify the amount of the penalty assessed, the violation, the statute or rule alleged to have been violated, and shall inform the licensee of the right to hearing under Section 3-703 of this Act. If the violation is continuing, the notice shall specify the amount of additional assessment per day for the continuing violation.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-308

    (210 ILCS 46/3-308)
    Sec. 3-308. Time of assessment; plan of correction. In the case of a Type "AA" or Type "A" violation, a penalty may be assessed from the date on which the violation is discovered. In the case of a Type "B" or Type "C" violation or an administrative warning issued pursuant to Sections 3-401 through 3-413 or the rules promulgated thereunder, the facility shall submit a plan of correction as provided in Section 3-303. In the case of a Type "B" violation or an administrative warning issued pursuant to Sections 3-401 through 3-413 or the rules promulgated thereunder, a penalty shall be assessed on the date of notice of the violation, but the Director may reduce the amount or waive such payment for any of the following reasons:
    (a) The facility submits a true report of correction within 10 days;
    (b) The facility submits a plan of correction within 10 days and subsequently submits a true report of correction within 15 days thereafter;
    (c) The facility submits a plan of correction within 10 days which provides for a correction time that is less than or equal to 30 days and the Department approves such plan; or
    (d) The facility submits a plan of correction for violations involving substantial capital improvements which provides for correction within the initial 90 day limit provided under Section 3-303. The Director shall consider the following factors in determinations to reduce or waive such penalties:
        (1) The violation has not caused actual harm to a
        (2) The facility has made a diligent effort to
correct the violation and to prevent its recurrence;
        (3) The facility has no record of a pervasive
pattern of the same or similar violations; and
        (4) The facility has a record of substantial
compliance with this Act and the regulations promulgated hereunder.
    If a plan of correction is approved and carried out for a Type "C" violation, the fine provided under Section 3-305 shall be suspended for the time period specified in the approved plan of correction. If a plan of correction is approved and carried out for a Type "B" violation or an administrative warning issued pursuant to Sections 3-401 through 3-413 or the rules promulgated thereunder, with respect to a violation that continues after the date of notice of violation, the fine provided under Section 3-305 shall be suspended for the time period specified in the approved plan of correction.
    If a good faith plan of correction is not received within the time provided by Section 3-303, a penalty may be assessed from the date of the notice of the Type "B" or "C" violation or an administrative warning issued pursuant to Sections 3-401 through 3-413 or the rules promulgated thereunder served under Section 3-301 until the date of the receipt of a good faith plan of correction, or until the date the violation is corrected, whichever is earlier. If a violation is not corrected within the time specified by an approved plan of correction or any lawful extension thereof, a penalty may be assessed from the date of notice of the violation, until the date the violation is corrected.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-309

    (210 ILCS 46/3-309)
    Sec. 3-309. Contesting assessment of penalty. A facility may contest an assessment of a penalty by sending a written request to the Department for hearing under Section 3-703. Upon receipt of the request the Department shall hold a hearing as provided under Section 3-703. Instead of requesting a hearing pursuant to Section 3-703, a facility may, within 10 business days after receipt of the notice of violation and fine assessment, transmit to the Department 65% of the amount assessed for each violation specified in the penalty assessment.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-310

    (210 ILCS 46/3-310)
    Sec. 3-310. Collection of penalties. All penalties shall be paid to the Department within 10 days of receipt of notice of assessment or, if the penalty is contested under Section 3-309, within 10 days of receipt of the final decision, unless the decision is appealed and the order is stayed by court order under Section 3-713. A facility choosing to waive the right to a hearing under Section 3-309 shall submit a payment totaling 65% of the original fine amount along with the written waiver. A penalty assessed under this Act shall be collected by the Department and shall be deposited with the State Treasurer into the Long Term Care Monitor/Receiver Fund. If the person or facility against whom a penalty has been assessed does not comply with a written demand for payment within 30 days, the Director shall issue an order to do any of the following:
        (1) Direct the State Treasurer or Comptroller to
deduct the amount of the fine from amounts otherwise due from the State for the penalty, including any payments to be made from the Care Provider Fund for Persons with a Developmental Disability established under Section 5C-7 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, and remit that amount to the Department;
        (2) Add the amount of the penalty to the facility's
licensing fee; if the licensee refuses to make the payment at the time of application for renewal of its license, the license shall not be renewed; or
        (3) Bring an action in circuit court to recover the
amount of the penalty.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-311

    (210 ILCS 46/3-311)
    Sec. 3-311. Issuance of conditional license in addition to penalties. In addition to the right to assess penalties under this Act, the Director may issue a conditional license under Section 3-305 to any facility if the Director finds that either a Type "A" or Type "B" violation exists in such facility. The issuance of a conditional license shall revoke any license held by the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-312

    (210 ILCS 46/3-312)
    Sec. 3-312. Plan of correction required before issuance of conditional license. Prior to the issuance of a conditional license, the Department shall review and approve a written plan of correction. The Department shall specify the violations which prevent full licensure and shall establish a time schedule for correction of the deficiencies. Retention of the license shall be conditional on the timely correction of the deficiencies in accordance with the plan of correction.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-313

    (210 ILCS 46/3-313)
    Sec. 3-313. Notice of issuance of conditional license. Written notice of the decision to issue a conditional license shall be sent to the applicant or licensee together with the specification of all violations of this Act and the rules promulgated thereunder which prevent full licensure and which form the basis for the Department's decision to issue a conditional license and the required plan of correction. The notice shall inform the applicant or licensee of its right to a full hearing under Section 3-315 to contest the issuance of the conditional license.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-315

    (210 ILCS 46/3-315)
    Sec. 3-315. Hearing on conditional license or plan of correction. If the applicant or licensee desires to contest the basis for issuance of a conditional license, or the terms of the plan of correction, the applicant or licensee shall send a written request for hearing to the Department within 10 days after receipt by the applicant or licensee of the Department's notice and decision to issue a conditional license. The Department shall hold the hearing as provided under Section 3-703.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-316

    (210 ILCS 46/3-316)
    Sec. 3-316. Period of conditional license. A conditional license shall be issued for a period specified by the Department, but in no event for more than one year. The Department shall periodically inspect any facility operating under a conditional license. If the Department finds substantial failure by the facility to timely correct the violations which prevented full licensure and formed the basis for the Department's decision to issue a conditional license in accordance with the required plan of correction, the conditional license may be revoked as provided under Section 3-119.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-318

    (210 ILCS 46/3-318)
    Sec. 3-318. Business offenses.
    (a) No person shall:
        (1) intentionally fail to correct or interfere with
the correction of a Type "AA", Type "A", or Type "B" violation within the time specified on the notice or approved plan of correction under this Act as the maximum period given for correction, unless an extension is granted and the corrections are made before expiration of extension;
        (2) intentionally prevent, interfere with, or attempt
to impede in any way any duly authorized investigation and enforcement of this Act;
        (3) intentionally prevent or attempt to prevent any
examination of any relevant books or records pertinent to investigations and enforcement of this Act;
        (4) intentionally prevent or interfere with the
preservation of evidence pertaining to any violation of this Act or the rules promulgated under this Act;
        (5) intentionally retaliate or discriminate against
any resident or employee for contacting or providing information to any state official, or for initiating, participating in, or testifying in an action for any remedy authorized under this Act;
        (6) willfully file any false, incomplete or
intentionally misleading information required to be filed under this Act, or willfully fail or refuse to file any required information;
        (7) open or operate a facility without a license;
        (8) intentionally retaliate or discriminate against
any resident for consenting to authorized electronic monitoring under the Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act; or
        (9) prevent the installation or use of an electronic
monitoring device by a resident who has provided the facility with notice and consent as required in Section 20 of the Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act.
    (b) A violation of this Section is a business offense, punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000, except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of Section 3-103 as to submission of false or misleading information in a license application.
    (c) The State's Attorney of the county in which the facility is located, or the Attorney General, shall be notified by the Director of any violations of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; 99-784, eff. 1-1-17; 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

210 ILCS 46/3-320

    (210 ILCS 46/3-320)
    Sec. 3-320. Review under Administrative Review Law. All final administrative decisions of the Department under this Act are subject to judicial review under the Administrative Review Law, as now or hereafter amended, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 4

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 4 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-401

    (210 ILCS 46/3-401)
    Sec. 3-401. Involuntary transfer or discharge of resident. A facility may involuntarily transfer or discharge a resident only for one or more of the following reasons:
    (a) for medical reasons;
    (b) for the resident's physical safety;
    (c) for the physical safety of other residents, the facility staff or facility visitors; or
    (d) for either late payment or nonpayment for the resident's stay, except as prohibited by Titles XVIII and XIX of the federal Social Security Act. For purposes of this Section, "late payment" means non-receipt of payment after submission of a bill. If payment is not received within 45 days after submission of a bill, a facility may send a notice to the resident and responsible party requesting payment within 30 days. If payment is not received within such 30 days, the facility may thereupon institute transfer or discharge proceedings by sending a notice of transfer or discharge to the resident and responsible party by registered or certified mail. The notice shall state, in addition to the requirements of Section 3-403 of this Act, that the responsible party has the right to pay the amount of the bill in full up to the date the transfer or discharge is to be made and then the resident shall have the right to remain in the facility. Such payment shall terminate the transfer or discharge proceedings. This subsection does not apply to those residents whose care is provided for under the Illinois Public Aid Code. The Department shall adopt rules setting forth the criteria and procedures to be applied in cases of involuntary transfer or discharge permitted under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-401.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-401.1)
    Sec. 3-401.1. Medical assistance recipients.
    (a) A facility participating in the Medical Assistance Program is prohibited from failing or refusing to retain as a resident any person because he or she is a recipient of or an applicant for the Medical Assistance Program under Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code.
    (a-5) A facility of which only a distinct part is certified to participate in the Medical Assistance Program may refuse to retain as a resident any person who resides in a part of the facility that does not participate in the Medical Assistance Program and who is unable to pay for his or her care in the facility without Medical Assistance only if:
        (1) the facility, no later than at the time of
admission and at the time of the resident's contract renewal, explains to the resident (unless he or she is incompetent), and to the resident's representative, and to the person making payment on behalf of the resident for the resident's stay, in writing, that the facility may discharge the resident if the resident is no longer able to pay for his or her care in the facility without Medical Assistance; and
        (2) the resident (unless he or she is incompetent),
the resident's representative, and the person making payment on behalf of the resident for the resident's stay, acknowledge in writing that they have received the written explanation.
    (a-10) For the purposes of this Section, a recipient or applicant shall be considered a resident in the facility during any hospital stay totaling 10 days or less following a hospital admission. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall recoup funds from a facility when, as a result of the facility's refusal to readmit a recipient after hospitalization for 10 days or less, the recipient incurs hospital bills in an amount greater than the amount that would have been paid by that Department for care of the recipient in the facility. The amount of the recoupment shall be the difference between the Department of Healthcare and Family Services' payment for hospital care and the amount that Department would have paid for care in the facility.
    (b) A facility which violates this Section shall be guilty of a business offense and fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for the first offense and not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 for each subsequent offense.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-402

    (210 ILCS 46/3-402)
    Sec. 3-402. Notice of involuntary transfer or discharge. Involuntary transfer or discharge of a resident from a facility shall be preceded by the discussion required under Section 3-408 and by a minimum written notice of 21 days, except in one of the following instances:
    (a) When an emergency transfer or discharge is ordered by the resident's attending physician because of the resident's health care needs.
    (b) When the transfer or discharge is mandated by the physical safety of other residents, the facility staff, or facility visitors, as documented in the clinical record. The Department shall be notified prior to any such involuntary transfer or discharge. The Department shall immediately offer transfer, or discharge and relocation assistance to residents transferred or discharged under this subparagraph (b), and the Department may place relocation teams as provided in Section 3-419 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-403

    (210 ILCS 46/3-403)
    Sec. 3-403. Contents of notice; right to hearing. The notice required by Section 3-402 shall be on a form prescribed by the Department and shall contain all of the following:
    (a) The stated reason for the proposed transfer or discharge;
    (b) The effective date of the proposed transfer or discharge;
    (c) A statement in not less than 12 point type, which reads: "You have a right to appeal the facility's decision to transfer or discharge you. If you think you should not have to leave this facility, you may file a request for a hearing with the Department of Public Health within 10 days after receiving this notice. If you request a hearing, it will be held not later than 10 days after your request, and you generally will not be transferred or discharged during that time. If the decision following the hearing is not in your favor, you generally will not be transferred or discharged prior to the expiration of 30 days following receipt of the original notice of the transfer or discharge. A form to appeal the facility's decision and to request a hearing is attached. If you have any questions, call the Department of Public Health at the telephone number listed below.";
    (d) A hearing request form, together with a postage paid, preaddressed envelope to the Department; and
    (e) The name, address, and telephone number of the person charged with the responsibility of supervising the transfer or discharge.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-404

    (210 ILCS 46/3-404)
    Sec. 3-404. Request for hearing; effect on transfer. A request for a hearing made under Section 3-403 shall stay a transfer pending a hearing or appeal of the decision, unless a condition which would have allowed transfer or discharge in less than 21 days as described under paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 3-402 develops in the interim.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-405

    (210 ILCS 46/3-405)
    Sec. 3-405. Copy of notice in resident's record; copy to Department. A copy of the notice required by Section 3-402 shall be placed in the resident's clinical record and a copy shall be transmitted to the Department, the resident, and the resident's representative.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-406

    (210 ILCS 46/3-406)
    Sec. 3-406. Medical assistance recipient; transfer or discharge as result of action by Department of Healthcare and Family Services. When the basis for an involuntary transfer or discharge is the result of an action by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services with respect to a recipient of assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act and a hearing request is filed with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the 21-day written notice period shall not begin until a final decision in the matter is rendered by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services or a court of competent jurisdiction and notice of that final decision is received by the resident and the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-407

    (210 ILCS 46/3-407)
    Sec. 3-407. Nonpayment as basis for transfer or discharge. When nonpayment is the basis for involuntary transfer or discharge, the resident shall have the right to redeem up to the date that the discharge or transfer is to be made and then shall have the right to remain in the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-408

    (210 ILCS 46/3-408)
    Sec. 3-408. Discussion of planned transfer or discharge. The planned involuntary transfer or discharge shall be discussed with the resident, the resident's representative and person or agency responsible for the resident's placement, maintenance, and care in the facility. The explanation and discussion of the reasons for involuntary transfer or discharge shall include the facility administrator or other appropriate facility representative as the administrator's designee. The content of the discussion and explanation shall be summarized in writing and shall include the names of the individuals involved in the discussions and made a part of the resident's clinical record.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-409

    (210 ILCS 46/3-409)
    Sec. 3-409. Counseling services. The facility shall offer the resident counseling services before the transfer or discharge of the resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-410

    (210 ILCS 46/3-410)
    Sec. 3-410. Request for hearing on transfer or discharge. A resident subject to involuntary transfer or discharge from a facility, the resident's guardian or if the resident is a minor, his or her parent shall have the opportunity to file a request for a hearing with the Department within 10 days following receipt of the written notice of the involuntary transfer or discharge by the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-411

    (210 ILCS 46/3-411)
    Sec. 3-411. Hearing; time. The Department of Public Health, when the basis for involuntary transfer or discharge is other than action by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services with respect to the Title XIX Medicaid recipient, shall hold a hearing at the resident's facility not later than 10 days after a hearing request is filed, and render a decision within 14 days after the filing of the hearing request.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-412

    (210 ILCS 46/3-412)
    Sec. 3-412. Conduct of hearing. The hearing before the Department provided under Section 3-411 shall be conducted as prescribed under Section 3-703. In determining whether a transfer or discharge is authorized, the burden of proof in this hearing rests on the person requesting the transfer or discharge.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-413

    (210 ILCS 46/3-413)
    Sec. 3-413. Time for leaving facility. If the Department determines that a transfer or discharge is authorized under Section 3-401, the resident shall not be required to leave the facility before the 34th day following receipt of the notice required under Section 3-402, or the 10th day following receipt of the Department's decision, whichever is later, unless a condition which would have allowed transfer or discharge in less than 21 days as described under paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 3-402 develops in the interim.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-414

    (210 ILCS 46/3-414)
    Sec. 3-414. Continuation of medical assistance funding. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall continue Title XIX Medicaid funding during the appeal, transfer, or discharge period for those residents who are recipients of assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act affected by Section 3-401.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-415

    (210 ILCS 46/3-415)
    Sec. 3-415. Transfer or discharge by Department; grounds. The Department may transfer or discharge any resident from any facility required to be licensed under this Act when any of the following conditions exist:
    (a) Such facility is operating without a license;
    (b) The Department has suspended, revoked or refused to renew the license of the facility as provided under Section 3-119;
    (c) The facility has requested the aid of the Department in the transfer or discharge of the resident and the Department finds that the resident consents to transfer or discharge;
    (d) The facility is closing or intends to close and adequate arrangement for relocation of the resident has not been made at least 30 days prior to closure; or
    (e) The Department determines that an emergency exists which requires immediate transfer or discharge of the resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-416

    (210 ILCS 46/3-416)
    Sec. 3-416. Transfer or discharge by Department; likelihood of serious harm. In deciding to transfer or discharge a resident from a facility under Section 3-415, the Department shall consider the likelihood of serious harm which may result if the resident remains in the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-417

    (210 ILCS 46/3-417)
    Sec. 3-417. Relocation assistance. The Department shall offer transfer or discharge and relocation assistance to residents transferred or discharged under Sections 3-401 through 3-415, including information on available alternative placements. Residents shall be involved in planning the transfer or discharge and shall choose among the available alternative placements, except that where an emergency makes prior resident involvement impossible the Department may make a temporary placement until a final placement can be arranged. Residents may choose their final alternative placement and shall be given assistance in transferring to such place. No resident may be forced to remain in a temporary or permanent placement. Where the Department makes or participates in making the relocation decision, consideration shall be given to proximity to the resident's relatives and friends. The resident shall be allowed 3 visits to potential alternative placements prior to removal, except where medically contraindicated or where the need for immediate transfer or discharge requires reduction in the number of visits.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-418

    (210 ILCS 46/3-418)
    Sec. 3-418. Transfer or discharge plans. The Department shall prepare resident transfer or discharge plans to assure safe and orderly removals and protect residents' health, safety, welfare and rights. In nonemergencies, and where possible in emergencies, the Department shall design and implement such plans in advance of transfer or discharge.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-419

    (210 ILCS 46/3-419)
    Sec. 3-419. Relocation teams. The Department may place relocation teams in any facility from which residents are being discharged or transferred for any reason, for the purpose of implementing transfer or discharge plans.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-420

    (210 ILCS 46/3-420)
    Sec. 3-420. Transfer or discharge by Department; notice. In any transfer or discharge conducted under Sections 3-415 through 3-418 the Department shall do the following:
    (a) Provide written notice to the facility prior to the transfer or discharge. The notice shall state the basis for the order of transfer or discharge and shall inform the facility of its right to an informal conference prior to transfer or discharge under this Section, and its right to a subsequent hearing under Section 3-422. If a facility desires to contest a nonemergency transfer or discharge, prior to transfer or discharge it shall, within 4 working days after receipt of the notice, send a written request for an informal conference to the Department. The Department shall, within 4 working days from the receipt of the request, hold an informal conference in the county in which the facility is located. Following this conference, the Department may affirm, modify or overrule its previous decision. Except in an emergency, transfer or discharge may not begin until the period for requesting a conference has passed or, if a conference is requested, until after a conference has been held.
    (b) Provide written notice to any resident to be removed, to the resident's representative, if any, and to a member of the resident's family, where practicable, prior to the removal. The notice shall state the reason for which transfer or discharge is ordered and shall inform the resident of the resident's right to challenge the transfer or discharge under Section 3-422. The Department shall hold an informal conference with the resident or the resident's representative prior to transfer or discharge at which the resident or the representative may present any objections to the proposed transfer or discharge plan or alternative placement.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-421

    (210 ILCS 46/3-421)
    Sec. 3-421. Notice of emergency. In any transfer or discharge conducted under subsection (e) of Section 3-415, the Department shall notify the facility and any resident to be removed that an emergency has been found to exist and removal has been ordered, and shall involve the residents in removal planning if possible. Following emergency removal, the Department shall provide written notice to the facility, to the resident, to the resident's representative, if any, and to a member of the resident's family, where practicable, of the basis for the finding that an emergency existed and of the right to challenge removal under Section 3-422.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-422

    (210 ILCS 46/3-422)
    Sec. 3-422. Hearing to challenge transfer or discharge. Within 10 days following transfer or discharge, the facility or any resident transferred or discharged may send a written request to the Department for a hearing under Section 3-703 to challenge the transfer or discharge. The Department shall hold the hearing within 30 days of receipt of the request. The hearing shall be held at the facility from which the resident is being transferred or discharged, unless the resident or resident's representative, requests an alternative hearing site. If the facility prevails, it may file a claim against the State under the Court of Claims Act for payments lost less expenses saved as a result of the transfer or discharge. No resident transferred or discharged may be held liable for the charge for care which would have been made had the resident remained in the facility. If a resident prevails, the resident may file a claim against the State under the Court of Claims Act for any excess expenses directly caused by the order to transfer or discharge. The Department shall assist the resident in returning to the facility if assistance is requested.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-423

    (210 ILCS 46/3-423)
    Sec. 3-423. Closure of facility; notice. Any owner of a facility licensed under this Act shall give 90 days' notice prior to voluntarily closing a facility or closing any part of a facility, or prior to closing any part of a facility if closing such part will require the transfer or discharge of more than 10% of the residents. Such notice shall be given to the Department, to any resident who must be transferred or discharged, to the resident's representative, and to a member of the resident's family, where practicable. Notice shall state the proposed date of closing and the reason for closing. The facility shall offer to assist the resident in securing an alternative placement and shall advise the resident on available alternatives. Where the resident is unable to choose an alternate placement and is not under guardianship, the Department shall be notified of the need for relocation assistance. The facility shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations until the date of closing, including those related to transfer or discharge of residents. The Department may place a relocation team in the facility as provided under Section 3-419.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 5

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 5 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-501

    (210 ILCS 46/3-501)
    Sec. 3-501. Monitor or receiver for facility; grounds. The Department may place an employee or agent to serve as a monitor in a facility or may petition the circuit court for appointment of a receiver for a facility, or both, when any of the following conditions exist:
    (a) The facility is operating without a license;
    (b) The Department has suspended, revoked or refused to renew the existing license of the facility;
    (c) The facility is closing or has informed the Department that it intends to close and adequate arrangements for relocation of residents have not been made at least 30 days prior to closure;
    (d) The Department determines that an emergency exists, whether or not it has initiated revocation or nonrenewal procedures, if because of the unwillingness or inability of the licensee to remedy the emergency the Department believes a monitor or receiver is necessary;
    (e) The Department is notified that the facility is terminated or will not be renewed for participation in the federal reimbursement program under either Title XVIII or Title XIX of the Social Security Act. As used in subsection (d) and Section 3-503, "emergency" means a threat to the health, safety or welfare of a resident that the facility is unwilling or unable to correct;
    (f) The facility has been designated a distressed facility by the Department and does not have a consultant employed pursuant to subsection (f) of Section 3-304.2 of this Act and an acceptable plan of improvement, or the Department has reason to believe the facility is not complying with the plan of improvement. Nothing in this paragraph (f) shall preclude the Department from placing a monitor in a facility if otherwise justified by law; or
    (g) At the discretion of the Department when a review of facility compliance history, incident reports, or reports of financial problems raises a concern that a threat to resident health, safety, or welfare exists.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-502

    (210 ILCS 46/3-502)
    Sec. 3-502. Placement of monitor by Department. In any situation described in Section 3-501, the Department may place a qualified person to act as monitor in the facility. The monitor shall observe operation of the facility, assist the facility by advising it on how to comply with the State regulations, and shall report periodically to the Department on the operation of the facility. Once a monitor has been placed, the Department may retain the monitor until it is satisfied that the basis for the placement is resolved and the threat to the health, safety, or welfare of a resident is not likely to recur.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-503

    (210 ILCS 46/3-503)
    Sec. 3-503. Emergency; petition for receiver. Where a resident, a resident's representative or a resident's next of kin believes that an emergency exists each of them, collectively or separately, may file a verified petition to the circuit court in the county in which the facility is located for an order placing the facility under the control of a receiver.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-504

    (210 ILCS 46/3-504)
    Sec. 3-504. Hearing on petition for receiver; grounds for appointment of receiver. The court shall hold a hearing within 5 days of the filing of the petition. The petition and notice of the hearing shall be served on the owner, administrator or designated agent of the facility as provided under the Civil Practice Law, or the petition and notice of hearing shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the facility not later than 3 days before the time specified for the hearing, unless a different period is fixed by order of the court. The court shall appoint a receiver if it finds that:
    (a) The facility is operating without a license;
    (b) The Department has suspended, revoked or refused to renew the existing license of a facility;
    (c) The facility is closing or has informed the Department that it intends to close and adequate arrangements for relocation of residents have not been made at least 30 days prior to closure; or
    (d) An emergency exists, whether or not the Department has initiated revocation or nonrenewal procedures, if because of the unwillingness or inability of the licensee to remedy the emergency the appointment of a receiver is necessary.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-505

    (210 ILCS 46/3-505)
    Sec. 3-505. Emergency; time for hearing. If a petition filed under Section 3-503 alleges that the conditions set out in subsection 3-504(d) exist within a facility, the court may set the matter for hearing at the earliest possible time. The petitioner shall notify the licensee, administrator of the facility, or registered agent of the licensee prior to the hearing. Any form of written notice may be used. A receivership shall not be established ex parte unless the court determines that the conditions set out in subsection 3-504(d) exist in a facility; that the licensee cannot be found; and that the petitioner has exhausted all reasonable means of locating and notifying the licensee, administrator or registered agent.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-506

    (210 ILCS 46/3-506)
    Sec. 3-506. Appointment of receiver. The court may appoint any qualified person as a receiver, except it shall not appoint any owner or affiliate of the facility which is in receivership as its receiver. The Department shall maintain a list of such persons to operate facilities which the court may consider. The court shall give preference to licensed nursing home administrators in appointing a receiver.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-507

    (210 ILCS 46/3-507)
    Sec. 3-507. Health, safety, and welfare of residents. The receiver shall make provisions for the continued health, safety and welfare of all residents of the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-508

    (210 ILCS 46/3-508)
    Sec. 3-508. Receiver's powers and duties. A receiver appointed under this Act:
    (a) Shall exercise those powers and shall perform those duties set out by the court.
    (b) Shall operate the facility in such a manner as to assure safety and adequate health care for the residents.
    (c) Shall have the same rights to possession of the building in which the facility is located and of all goods and fixtures in the building at the time the petition for receivership is filed as the owner would have had if the receiver had not been appointed, and of all assets of the facility. The receiver shall take such action as is reasonably necessary to protect or conserve the assets or property of which the receiver takes possession, or the proceeds from any transfer thereof, and may use them only in the performance of the powers and duties set forth in this Section and by order of the court.
    (d) May use the building, fixtures, furnishings and any accompanying consumable goods in the provision of care and services to residents and to any other persons receiving services from the facility at the time the petition for receivership was filed. The receiver shall collect payments for all goods and services provided to residents or others during the period of the receivership at the same rate of payment charged by the owners at the time the petition for receivership was filed.
    (e) May correct or eliminate any deficiency in the structure or furnishings of the facility which endangers the safety or health of residents while they remain in the facility, provided the total cost of correction does not exceed $3,000. The court may order expenditures for this purpose in excess of $3,000 on application from the receiver after notice to the owner and hearing.
    (f) May let contracts and hire agents and employees to carry out the powers and duties of the receiver under this Section.
    (g) Except as specified in Section 3-510, shall honor all leases, mortgages and secured transactions governing the building in which the facility is located and all goods and fixtures in the building of which the receiver has taken possession, but only to the extent of payments which, in the case of a rental agreement, are for the use of the property during the period of the receivership, or which, in the case of a purchase agreement, come due during the period of the receivership.
    (h) Shall have full power to direct and manage and to discharge employees of the facility, subject to any contract rights they may have. The receiver shall pay employees at the same rate of compensation, including benefits, that the employees would have received from the owner. Receivership does not relieve the owner of any obligation to employees not carried out by the receiver.
    (i) Shall, if any resident is transferred or discharged, follow the procedures set forth in Part 4 of this Article.
    (j) Shall be entitled to and shall take possession of all property or assets of residents which are in the possession of a facility or its owner. The receiver shall preserve all property, assets and records of residents of which the receiver takes possession and shall provide for the prompt transfer of the property, assets and records to the new placement of any transferred resident.
    (k) Shall report to the court on any actions he has taken to bring the facility into compliance with this Act or with Title XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act that he believes should be continued when the receivership is terminated in order to protect the health, safety or welfare of the residents.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-509

    (210 ILCS 46/3-509)
    Sec. 3-509. Payment for goods or services provided by receiver.
    (a) A person who is served with notice of an order of the court appointing a receiver and of the receiver's name and address shall be liable to pay the receiver for any goods or services provided by the receiver after the date of the order if the person would have been liable for the goods or services as supplied by the owner. The receiver shall give a receipt for each payment and shall keep a copy of each receipt on file. The receiver shall deposit amounts received in a separate account and shall use this account for all disbursements.
    (b) The receiver may bring an action to enforce the liability created by subsection (a) of this Section.
    (c) A payment to the receiver of any sum owing to the facility or its owner shall discharge any obligation to the facility to the extent of the payment.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-510

    (210 ILCS 46/3-510)
    Sec. 3-510. Receiver's avoidance of obligations; reasonable rental, price, or rate of interest to be paid by receiver.
    (a) A receiver may petition the court that he or she not be required to honor any lease, mortgage, secured transaction or other wholly or partially executory contract entered into by the owner of the facility if the rent, price or rate of interest required to be paid under the agreement was substantially in excess of a reasonable rent, price or rate of interest at the time the contract was entered into, or if any material provision of the agreement was unreasonable.
    (b) If the receiver is in possession of real estate or goods subject to a lease, mortgage or security interest which the receiver has obtained a court order to avoid under subsection (a) of this Section, and if the real estate or goods are necessary for the continued operation of the facility under this Section, the receiver may apply to the court to set a reasonable rental, price or rate of interest to be paid by the receiver during the duration of the receivership. The court shall hold a hearing on the application within 15 days. The receiver shall send notice of the application to any known persons who own the property involved at least 10 days prior to the hearing. Payment by the receiver of the amount determined by the court to be reasonable is a defense to any action against the receiver for payment or for possession of the goods or real estate subject to the lease, security interest or mortgage involved by any person who received such notice, but the payment does not relieve the owner of the facility of any liability for the difference between the amount paid by the receiver and the amount due under the original lease, security interest or mortgage involved.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-511

    (210 ILCS 46/3-511)
    Sec. 3-511. Insufficient funds collected; reimbursement of receiver by Department. If funds collected under Sections 3-508 and 3-509 are insufficient to meet the expenses of performing the powers and duties conferred on the receiver, or if there are insufficient funds on hand to meet those expenses, the Department may reimburse the receiver for those expenses from funds appropriated for its ordinary and contingent expenses by the General Assembly after funds contained in the Long Term Care Monitor/Receiver Fund have been exhausted.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-512

    (210 ILCS 46/3-512)
    Sec. 3-512. Receiver's compensation. The court shall set the compensation of the receiver, which will be considered a necessary expense of a receivership under Section 3-516.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-513

    (210 ILCS 46/3-513)
    Sec. 3-513. Action against receiver.
    (a) In any action or special proceeding brought against a receiver in the receiver's official capacity for acts committed while carrying out powers and duties under this Article, the receiver shall be considered a public employee under the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, as now or hereafter amended.
    (b) A receiver may be held liable in a personal capacity only for the receiver's own gross negligence, intentional acts or breach of fiduciary duty.
    (c) The court may require a receiver to post a bond.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-514

    (210 ILCS 46/3-514)
    Sec. 3-514. License to facility in receivership. Other provisions of this Act notwithstanding, the Department may issue a license to a facility placed in receivership. The duration of a license issued under this Section is limited to the duration of the receivership.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-515

    (210 ILCS 46/3-515)
    Sec. 3-515. Termination of receivership. The court may terminate a receivership:
    (a) If the time period specified in the order appointing the receiver elapses and is not extended;
    (b) If the court determines that the receivership is no longer necessary because the conditions which gave rise to the receivership no longer exist; or the Department grants the facility a new license, whether the structure of the facility, the right to operate the facility, or the land on which it is located is under the same or different ownership; or
    (c) If all of the residents in the facility have been transferred or discharged. Before terminating a receivership, the court may order the Department to require any licensee to comply with the recommendations of the receiver made under subsection (k) of Section 3-508. A licensee may petition the court to be relieved of this requirement.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-516

    (210 ILCS 46/3-516)
    Sec. 3-516. Accounting by receiver; Department's lien.
    (a) Within 30 days after termination, the receiver shall give the court a complete accounting of all property of which the receiver has taken possession, of all funds collected, and of the expenses of the receivership.
    (b) If the operating funds collected by the receiver under Sections 3-508 and 3-509 exceed the reasonable expenses of the receivership, the court shall order payment of the surplus to the owner, after reimbursement of funds drawn from the contingency fund under Section 3-511. If the operating funds are insufficient to cover the reasonable expenses of the receivership, the owner shall be liable for the deficiency. Payment recovered from the owner shall be used to reimburse the contingency fund for amounts drawn by the receiver under Section 3-511.
    (c) The Department shall have a lien for any payment made under Section 3-511 upon any beneficial interest, direct or indirect, of any owner in the following property:
        (1) The building in which the facility is located;
        (2) Any fixtures, equipment or goods used in the
operation of the facility;
        (3) The land on which the facility is located; or
        (4) The proceeds from any conveyance of property
described in subparagraphs (1), (2) or (3) above, made by the owner within one year prior to the filing of the petition for receivership.
    (d) The lien provided by this Section is prior to any lien or other interest which originates subsequent to the filing of a petition for receivership under this Article, except for a construction or mechanic's lien arising out of work performed with the express consent of the receiver.
    (e) The receiver shall, within 60 days after termination of the receivership, file a notice of any lien created under this Section. If the lien is on real property, the notice shall be filed with the recorder. If the lien is on personal property, the lien shall be filed with the Secretary of State. The notice shall specify the name of the person against whom the lien is claimed, the name of the receiver, the dates of the petition for receivership and the termination of receivership, a description of the property involved and the amount claimed. No lien shall exist under this Article against any person, on any property, or for any amount not specified in the notice filed under this subsection (e).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-517

    (210 ILCS 46/3-517)
    Sec. 3-517. Civil and criminal liability during receivership. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to relieve any owner, administrator or employee of a facility placed in receivership of any civil or criminal liability incurred, or any duty imposed by law, by reason of acts or omissions of the owner, administrator, or employee prior to the appointment of a receiver; nor shall anything contained in this Act be construed to suspend during the receivership any obligation of the owner, administrator, or employee for payment of taxes or other operating and maintenance expenses of the facility nor of the owner, administrator, employee or any other person for the payment of mortgages or liens. The owner shall retain the right to sell or mortgage any facility under receivership, subject to approval of the court which ordered the receivership.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 6

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 6 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-601

    (210 ILCS 46/3-601)
    Sec. 3-601. Liability for injury to resident. The owner and licensee are liable to a resident for any intentional or negligent act or omission of their agents or employees which injures the resident.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-602

    (210 ILCS 46/3-602)
    Sec. 3-602. Damages for violation of resident's rights. The licensee shall pay the actual damages and costs and attorney's fees to a facility resident whose rights, as specified in Part 1 of Article II of this Act, are violated.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-603

    (210 ILCS 46/3-603)
    Sec. 3-603. Action by resident. A resident may maintain an action under this Act for any other type of relief, including injunctive and declaratory relief, permitted by law.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-604

    (210 ILCS 46/3-604)
    Sec. 3-604. Class action; remedies cumulative. Any damages recoverable under Sections 3-601 through 3-607, including minimum damages as provided by these Sections, may be recovered in any action which a court may authorize to be brought as a class action pursuant to the Civil Practice Law. The remedies provided in Sections 3-601 through 3-607, are in addition to and cumulative with any other legal remedies available to a resident. Exhaustion of any available administrative remedies shall not be required prior to commencement of suit hereunder.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-605

    (210 ILCS 46/3-605)
    Sec. 3-605. Amount of damages; no effect on medical assistance eligibility. The amount of damages recovered by a resident in an action brought under Sections 3-601 through 3-607 shall be exempt for purposes of determining initial or continuing eligibility for medical assistance under the Illinois Public Aid Code, as now or hereafter amended, and shall neither be taken into consideration nor required to be applied toward the payment or partial payment of the cost of medical care or services available under the Illinois Public Aid Code.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-606

    (210 ILCS 46/3-606)
    Sec. 3-606. Waiver of resident's right to bring action prohibited. Any waiver by a resident or his or her legal representative of the right to commence an action under Sections 3-601 through 3-607, whether oral or in writing, shall be null and void, and without legal force or effect.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-607

    (210 ILCS 46/3-607)
    Sec. 3-607. Trial by jury. Any party to an action brought under Sections 3-601 through 3-607 shall be entitled to a trial by jury and any waiver of the right to a trial by a jury, whether oral or in writing, prior to the commencement of an action, shall be null and void, and without legal force or effect.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-608

    (210 ILCS 46/3-608)
    Sec. 3-608. Retaliation against resident prohibited. A licensee or its agents or employees shall not transfer, discharge, evict, harass, dismiss, or retaliate against a resident, a resident's representative, or an employee or agent who makes a report under Section 2-107, brings or testifies in an action under Sections 3-601 through 3-607, or files a complaint under Section 3-702, because of the report, testimony, or complaint.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-609

    (210 ILCS 46/3-609)
    Sec. 3-609. Immunity from liability for making report. Any person, institution or agency, under this Act, participating in good faith in the making of a report, or in the investigation of such a report shall not be deemed to have violated any privileged communication and shall have immunity from any liability, civil, criminal or any other proceedings, civil or criminal as a consequence of making such report. The good faith of any persons required to report, or permitted to report, cases of suspected resident abuse or neglect under this Act, shall be presumed.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-610

    (210 ILCS 46/3-610)
    Sec. 3-610. Duty to report violations.
    (a) A facility employee or agent who becomes aware of abuse or neglect of a resident prohibited by Section 2-107 shall immediately report the matter to the Department and to the facility administrator. A facility administrator who becomes aware of abuse or neglect of a resident prohibited by Section 2-107 shall immediately report the matter by telephone and in writing to the resident's representative, and to the Department. Any person may report a violation of Section 2-107 to the Department.
    (b) A facility employee or agent who becomes aware of another facility employee or agent's theft or misappropriation of a resident's property must immediately report the matter to the facility administrator. A facility administrator who becomes aware of a facility employee or agent's theft or misappropriation of a resident's property must immediately report the matter by telephone and in writing to the resident's representative, to the Department, and to the local law enforcement agency. Neither a licensee nor its employees or agents may dismiss or otherwise retaliate against a facility employee or agent who reports the theft or misappropriation of a resident's property under this subsection.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-611

    (210 ILCS 46/3-611)
    Sec. 3-611. Employee as perpetrator of abuse. When an investigation of a report of suspected abuse of a recipient indicates, based upon credible evidence, that an employee of a facility is the perpetrator of the abuse, that employee shall immediately be barred from any further contact with residents of the facility, pending the outcome of any further investigation, prosecution or disciplinary action against the employee.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-612

    (210 ILCS 46/3-612)
    Sec. 3-612. Resident as perpetrator of abuse. When an investigation of a report of suspected abuse of a resident indicates, based upon credible evidence, that another resident of the facility is the perpetrator of the abuse, that resident's condition shall be immediately evaluated to determine the most suitable therapy and placement for the resident, considering the safety of that resident as well as the safety of other residents and employees of the facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-613

    (210 ILCS 46/3-613)
    Sec. 3-613. Facility employee assistance programs. A facility shall ensure that nurses employed by the facility are aware of employee assistance programs or other like programs available for the physical and mental well-being of the employee. The facility shall provide information on these programs, no less than at the time of employment and during any benefit open enrollment period, by an information form about the respective programs that a nurse must sign during onboarding at the facility. The signed information form shall be added to the nurse's personnel file. The facility may provide this information to nurses electronically.
(Source: P.A. 102-1007, eff. 1-1-23; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

210 ILCS 46/3-614

    (210 ILCS 46/3-614)
    Sec. 3-614. Certified nursing assistant interns.
    (a) A certified nursing assistant intern shall report to a facility's charge nurse or nursing supervisor and may only be assigned duties authorized in Section 2310-434 of the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois by a supervising nurse.
    (b) A facility shall notify its certified and licensed staff members, in writing, that a certified nursing assistant intern may only provide the services and perform the procedures permitted under Section 2310-434 of the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. The notification shall detail which duties may be delegated to a certified nursing assistant intern. The facility shall establish a policy describing the authorized duties, supervision, and evaluation of certified nursing assistant interns available upon request of the Department and any surveyor.
    (c) If a facility learns that a certified nursing assistant intern is performing work outside the scope of the Certified Nursing Assistant Intern Program's training, the facility shall:
        (1) stop the certified nursing assistant intern from
performing the work;
        (2) inspect the work and correct mistakes, if the
work performed was done improperly;
        (3) assign the work to the appropriate personnel; and
        (4) ensure that a thorough assessment of any resident
involved in the work performed is completed by a registered nurse.
    (d) A facility that employs a certified nursing assistant intern in violation of this Section shall be subject to civil penalties or fines under Section 3-305.
(Source: P.A. 102-1037, eff. 6-2-22; 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 7

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 7 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-615

    (210 ILCS 46/3-615)
    Sec. 3-615. Posting of Long Term Care Ombudsman Program information.
    (a) Except as provided under subsection (b), all licensed facilities shall post on the home page of the facility's website the following:
        (1) The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program's statewide
toll-free telephone number.
        (2) A link to the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program's
    (b) A facility:
        (1) may comply with this Section by posting the
required information on the website of the facility's parent company if the facility does not maintain a unique website;
        (2) is not required to comply with this Section if
the facility and any parent company do not maintain a website; and
        (3) is not required to comply with this Section in
instances where the parent company operates in multiple states and the facility does not maintain a unique website.
(Source: P.A. 103-119, eff. 1-1-24.)

210 ILCS 46/3-701

    (210 ILCS 46/3-701)
    Sec. 3-701. Public nuisance; action for injunction. The operation or maintenance of a facility in violation of this Act, or of the rules and regulations promulgated by the Department, is declared a public nuisance inimical to the public welfare. The Director in the name of the people of the State, through the Attorney General, or the State's Attorney of the county in which the facility is located, or in respect to any city, village or incorporated town which provides for the licensing and regulation of any or all such facilities, the Director or the mayor or president of the Board of Trustees, as the case may require, of the city, village or incorporated town, in the name of the people of the State, through the Attorney General or State's attorney of the county in which the facility is located, may, in addition to other remedies herein provided, bring action for an injunction to restrain such violation or to enjoin the future operation or maintenance of any such facility.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-702

    (210 ILCS 46/3-702)
    Sec. 3-702. Request for investigation of violation.
    (a) A person who believes that this Act or a rule promulgated under this Act may have been violated may request an investigation. The request may be submitted to the Department in writing, by telephone, by electronic means, or by personal visit. An oral complaint shall be reduced to writing by the Department. The Department shall make available, through its website and upon request, information regarding the oral and phone intake processes and the list of questions that will be asked of the complainant. The Department shall request information identifying the complainant, including the name, address and telephone number, to help enable appropriate follow up. The Department shall act on such complaints via on-site visits or other methods deemed appropriate to handle the complaints with or without such identifying information, as otherwise provided under this Section. The complainant shall be informed that compliance with such request is not required to satisfy the procedures for filing a complaint under this Act. The Department must notify complainants that complaints with less information provided are far more difficult to respond to and investigate.
    (b) The substance of the complaint shall be provided in writing to the licensee, owner or administrator no earlier than at the commencement of an on-site inspection of the facility which takes place pursuant to the complaint.
    (c) The Department shall not disclose the name of the complainant unless the complainant consents in writing to the disclosure or the investigation results in a judicial proceeding, or unless disclosure is essential to the investigation. The complainant shall be given the opportunity to withdraw the complaint before disclosure. Upon the request of the complainant, the Department may permit the complainant or a representative of the complainant to accompany the person making the on-site inspection of the facility.
    (d) Upon receipt of a complaint, the Department shall determine whether this Act or a rule promulgated under this Act has been or is being violated. The Department shall investigate all complaints alleging abuse or neglect within 7 days after the receipt of the complaint except that complaints of abuse or neglect which indicate that a resident's life or safety is in imminent danger shall be investigated within 24 hours after receipt of the complaint. All other complaints shall be investigated within 30 days after the receipt of the complaint, except that, during a statewide public health emergency, as defined in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, all other complaints shall be investigated within an appropriate time frame to the extent feasible. The Department employees investigating a complaint shall conduct a brief, informal exit conference with the facility to alert its administration of any suspected serious deficiency that poses a direct threat to the health, safety or welfare of a resident to enable an immediate correction for the alleviation or elimination of such threat. Such information and findings discussed in the brief exit conference shall become a part of the investigating record but shall not in any way constitute an official or final notice of violation as provided under Section 3-301. All complaints shall be classified as "an invalid report", "a valid report", or "an undetermined report". For any complaint classified as "a valid report", the Department must determine within 30 working days if any rule or provision of this Act has been or is being violated.
    (d-1) The Department shall, whenever possible, combine an on site investigation of a complaint in a facility with other inspections in order to avoid duplication of inspections.
    (e) In all cases, the Department shall inform the complainant of its findings within 10 days of its determination unless otherwise indicated by the complainant, and the complainant may direct the Department to send a copy of such findings to another person. The Department's findings may include comments or documentation provided by either the complainant or the licensee pertaining to the complaint. The Department shall also notify the facility of such findings within 10 days of the determination, but the name of the complainant or residents shall not be disclosed in this notice to the facility. The notice of such findings shall include a copy of the written determination; the correction order, if any; the warning notice, if any; the inspection report; or the State licensure form on which the violation is listed.
    (f) A written determination, correction order, or warning notice concerning a complaint, together with the facility's response, shall be available for public inspection, but the name of the complainant or resident shall not be disclosed without his or her consent.
    (g) A complainant who is dissatisfied with the determination or investigation by the Department may request a hearing under Section 3-703. The facility shall be given notice of any such hearing and may participate in the hearing as a party. If a facility requests a hearing under Section 3-703 which concerns a matter covered by a complaint, the complainant shall be given notice and may participate in the hearing as a party. A request for a hearing by either a complainant or a facility shall be submitted in writing to the Department within 30 days after the mailing of the Department's findings as described in subsection (e) of this Section. Upon receipt of the request the Department shall conduct a hearing as provided under Section 3-703.
    (g-5) The Department shall conduct an annual review and make a report concerning the complaint process that includes the number of complaints received, the breakdown of anonymous and non-anonymous complaints and whether the complaints were substantiated or not, the total number of substantiated complaints, and any other complaint information requested by the DD Facility Advisory Board. This report shall be provided to the DD Facility Advisory Board. The DD Facility Advisory Board shall review the report and suggest any changes deemed necessary to the Department for review and action, including how to investigate and substantiate anonymous complaints.
    (h) Any person who knowingly transmits a false report to the Department commits the offense of disorderly conduct under subsection (a)(8) of Section 26-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
(Source: P.A. 103-1, eff. 4-27-23.)

210 ILCS 46/3-703

    (210 ILCS 46/3-703)
    Sec. 3-703. Hearing to contest decision; applicable provisions. Any person requesting a hearing pursuant to Sections 2-110, 3-115, 3-118, 3-119, 3-119.1, 3-301, 3-303, 3-309, 3-410, 3-422 or 3-702 to contest a decision rendered in a particular case may have such decision reviewed in accordance with Sections 3-703 through 3-712.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-704

    (210 ILCS 46/3-704)
    Sec. 3-704. Hearing; notice; commencement. A request for a hearing by aggrieved persons shall be taken to the Department as follows:
    (a) Upon the receipt of a request in writing for a hearing, the Director or a person designated in writing by the Director to act as a hearing officer shall conduct a hearing to review the decision.
    (b) Before the hearing is held, notice of the hearing shall be sent by the Department to the person making the request for the hearing and to the person making the decision which is being reviewed. In the notice the Department shall specify the date, time and place of the hearing which shall be held not less than 10 days after the notice is mailed or delivered. The notice shall designate the decision being reviewed. The notice may be served by delivering it personally to the parties or their representatives or by mailing it by certified mail to the parties' addresses.
    (c) The Department shall commence the hearing within 30 days of the receipt of request for hearing. The hearing shall proceed as expeditiously as practicable, but in all cases shall conclude within 90 days of commencement.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-705

    (210 ILCS 46/3-705)
    Sec. 3-705. Subpoenas. The Director or hearing officer may compel by subpoena or subpoena duces tecum the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books and papers, and administer oaths to witnesses.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-706

    (210 ILCS 46/3-706)
    Sec. 3-706. Appearance at hearing; depositions; record. The Director or hearing officer shall permit any party to appear in person and to be represented by counsel at the hearing, at which time the applicant or licensee shall be afforded an opportunity to present all relevant matter in support of his position. In the event of the inability of any party or the Department to procure the attendance of witnesses to give testimony or produce books and papers, any party or the Department may take the deposition of witnesses in accordance with the provisions of the laws of this State. All testimony taken at a hearing shall be reduced to writing, and all such testimony and other evidence introduced at the hearing shall be a part of the record of the hearing.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-707

    (210 ILCS 46/3-707)
    Sec. 3-707. Findings of fact; decision. The Director or hearing officer shall make findings of fact in such hearing, and the Director shall render his or her decision within 30 days after the termination of the hearing, unless additional time not to exceed 90 days is required by him or her for a proper disposition of the matter. When the hearing has been conducted by a hearing officer, the Director shall review the record and findings of fact before rendering a decision. All decisions rendered by the Director shall be binding upon and complied with by the Department, the facility or the persons involved in the hearing, as appropriate to each case.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-708

    (210 ILCS 46/3-708)
    Sec. 3-708. Rules of evidence and procedure. The Director or hearing officer shall not be bound by common law or statutory rules of evidence, or by technical or formal rules of procedure, but shall conduct hearings in the manner best calculated to result in substantial justice.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-709

    (210 ILCS 46/3-709)
    Sec. 3-709. Service of subpoenas; witness fees. All subpoenas issued by the Director or hearing officer may be served as provided for in civil actions. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as the fees for witnesses before the circuit court and shall be paid by the party to such proceeding at whose request the subpoena is issued. If such subpoena is issued at the request of the Department or by a person proceeding in forma pauperis the witness fee shall be paid by the Department as an administrative expense.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-710

    (210 ILCS 46/3-710)
    Sec. 3-710. Compelling obedience to subpoena. In cases of refusal of a witness to attend or testify or to produce books or papers, concerning any matter upon which he might be lawfully examined, the circuit court of the county wherein the hearing is held, upon application of any party to the proceeding, may compel obedience by a proceeding for contempt as in cases of a like refusal to obey a similar order of the court.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-711

    (210 ILCS 46/3-711)
    Sec. 3-711. Record of hearing; transcript. The Department, at its expense, shall provide a stenographer to take the testimony, or otherwise record the testimony, and preserve a record of all proceedings under this Section. The notice of hearing, the complaint and all other documents in the nature of pleadings and written motions filed in the proceedings, the transcript of testimony, and the findings and decision shall be the record of the proceedings. The Department shall furnish a transcript of such record to any person interested in such hearing upon payment therefor of 70 cents per page for each original transcript and 25 cents per page for each certified copy thereof. However, the charge for any part of such transcript ordered and paid for previous to the writing of the original record shall be 25 cents per page.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-712

    (210 ILCS 46/3-712)
    Sec. 3-712. Certification of record; fee. The Department shall not be required to certify any record or file any answer or otherwise appear in any proceeding for judicial review under Section 3-713 of this Act unless there is filed with the complaint a receipt from the Department acknowledging payment of the costs of furnishing and certifying the record, which cost shall be computed at the rate of 95 cents per page of such record. Failure on the part of the plaintiff to file such receipt in Court shall be grounds for dismissal of the action; provided, however, that persons proceeding in forma pauperis with the approval of the circuit court shall not be required to pay these fees.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-713

    (210 ILCS 46/3-713)
    Sec. 3-713. Judicial review; stay of enforcement of Department's decision.
    (a) Final administrative decisions after hearing shall be subject to judicial review exclusively as provided in the Administrative Review Law, as now or hereafter amended, except that any petition for judicial review of Department action under this Act shall be filed within 15 days after receipt of notice of the final agency determination. The term "administrative decision" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
    (b) The court may stay enforcement of the Department's final decision or toll the continuing accrual of a penalty under Section 3-305 if a showing is made that there is a substantial probability that the party seeking review will prevail on the merits and will suffer irreparable harm if a stay is not granted, and that the facility will meet the requirements of this Act and the rules promulgated under this Act during such stay. Where a stay is granted the court may impose such conditions on the granting of the stay as may be necessary to safeguard the lives, health, rights, safety and welfare of residents, and to assure compliance by the facility with the requirements of this Act, including an order for transfer or discharge of residents under Sections 3-401 through 3-423 or for appointment of a receiver under Sections 3-501 through 3-517.
    (c) Actions brought under this Act shall be set for trial at the earliest possible date and shall take precedence on the court calendar over all other cases except matters to which equal or superior precedence is specifically granted by law.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-714

    (210 ILCS 46/3-714)
    Sec. 3-714. Remedies cumulative. The remedies provided by this Act are cumulative and shall not be construed as restricting any party from seeking any remedy, provisional or otherwise, provided by law for the benefit of the party, from obtaining additional relief based upon the same facts.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 8

    (210 ILCS 46/Art. III Pt. 8 heading)
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-801

    (210 ILCS 46/3-801)
    Sec. 3-801. Rules and regulations. The Department shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations to carry out the purpose of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-801.1

    (210 ILCS 46/3-801.1)
    Sec. 3-801.1. Access to records of resident with developmental disabilities. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Act to the contrary, the agency designated by the Governor under Section 1 of "An Act in relation to the protection and advocacy of the rights of persons with developmental disabilities, and amending Acts therein named", enacted by the 84th General Assembly, shall have access to the records of a person with developmental disabilities who resides in a facility, subject to the limitations of this Act. The agency shall also have access for the purpose of inspection and copying, to the records of a person with developmental disabilities who resides in any such facility if (1) a complaint is received by such agency from or on behalf of the person with a developmental disability, and (2) such person does not have a guardian or the State or the designee of the State is the guardian of such person. The designated agency shall provide written notice to the person with developmental disabilities and the State guardian of the nature of the complaint based upon which the designated agency has gained access to the records. No record or the contents of any record shall be redisclosed by the designated agency unless the person with developmental disabilities and the State guardian are provided 7 days' advance written notice, except in emergency situations, of the designated agency's intent to redisclose such record, during which time the person with developmental disabilities or the State guardian may seek to judicially enjoin the designated agency's redisclosure of such record on the grounds that such redisclosure is contrary to the interests of the person with developmental disabilities. If a person with developmental disabilities resides in such a facility and has a guardian other than the State or the designee of the State, the facility director shall disclose the guardian's name, address, and telephone number to the designated agency at the agency's request.
    Upon request, the designated agency shall be entitled to inspect and copy any records or other materials which may further the agency's investigation of problems affecting numbers of persons with developmental disabilities. When required by law any personally identifiable information of persons with a developmental disability shall be removed from the records. However, the designated agency may not inspect or copy any records or other materials when the removal of personally identifiable information imposes an unreasonable burden on the facility. For the purposes of this Section, "developmental disability" means "developmental disability" as defined in Section 1-106 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.
(Source: P.A. 102-972, eff. 1-1-23.)

210 ILCS 46/3-801.05

    (210 ILCS 46/3-801.05)
    Sec. 3-801.05. Rules adopted under prior law. The Department shall adopt rules to implement the changes concerning licensure of facilities under this Act instead of under the ID/DD Community Care Act. Until the Department adopts those rules, the rules adopted under the ID/DD Community Care Act that apply to long-term care for under age 22 facilities subject to licensure under the ID/DD Community Care Act shall apply to medically complex for the developmentally disabled facilities under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-802

    (210 ILCS 46/3-802)
    Sec. 3-802. Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. The provisions of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act are hereby expressly adopted and shall apply to all administrative rules and procedures of the Department under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-803

    (210 ILCS 46/3-803)
    Sec. 3-803. Treatment by prayer or spiritual means. Nothing in this Act or the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto shall be construed as authorizing the medical supervision, regulation, or control of the remedial care or treatment of residents in any facility conducted for those who rely upon treatment by prayer or spiritual means in accordance with the creed or tenets of any well recognized church or religious denomination.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-804

    (210 ILCS 46/3-804)
    Sec. 3-804. Report to General Assembly. The Department shall report to the General Assembly by April 1 of each year upon the performance of its inspection, survey and evaluation duties under this Act, including the number and needs of the Department personnel engaged in such activities. The report shall also describe the Department's actions in enforcement of this Act, including the number and needs of personnel so engaged. The report shall also include the number of valid and invalid complaints filed with the Department within the last calendar year.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-808

    (210 ILCS 46/3-808)
    Sec. 3-808. Protocol for sexual assault victims; MC/DD facility. The Department shall develop a protocol for the care and treatment of residents who have been sexually assaulted in a MC/DD facility or elsewhere.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-808.5

    (210 ILCS 46/3-808.5)
    Sec. 3-808.5. Facility fraud, abuse, or neglect prevention and reporting.
    (a) A facility licensed to provide care to 17 or more residents that receives Medicaid funding shall prominently display in its lobby, in its dining areas, and on each floor of the facility information approved by the Illinois Medicaid Fraud Control Unit on how to report fraud, abuse, and neglect. A facility licensed to provide care to fewer than 17 residents that receives Medicaid funding shall prominently display in the facility so as to be easily seen by all residents, visitors, and employees information approved by the Illinois Medicaid Fraud Control Unit on how to report fraud, abuse, and neglect. In addition, information regarding the reporting of fraud, abuse, and neglect shall be provided to each resident at the time of admission and to the resident's guardian or resident's representative.
    (b) Any owner or licensee of a facility licensed under this Act shall be responsible for the collection and maintenance of any and all records required to be maintained under this Section and any other applicable provisions of this Act and as a provider under the Illinois Public Aid Code, and shall be responsible for compliance with all of the disclosure requirements under this Section. All books and records and other papers and documents that are required to be kept, and all records showing compliance with all of the disclosure requirements to be made pursuant to this Section, shall be kept by the licensee and available at the facility and shall, at all times during business hours, be subject to inspection by any law enforcement or health oversight agency or its duly authorized agents or employees.
    (c) Any report of abuse and neglect of residents made by any individual in whatever manner, including, but not limited to, reports made under Sections 2-107 and 3-610 of this Act, or as provided under the Abused and Neglected Long Term Care Facility Residents Reporting Act, that is made to an administrator, a director of nursing, or any other person with management responsibility at a facility must be disclosed to the owners and licensee of the facility within 24 hours of the report. The owners and licensee of a facility shall maintain all records necessary to show compliance with this disclosure requirement.
    (d) Any person with an ownership interest in a facility licensed by the Department must, within 30 days after the effective date of this Act, disclose the existence of any ownership interest in any vendor who does business with the facility. The disclosures required by this subsection (d) shall be made in the form and manner prescribed by the Department. Licensed facilities that receive Medicaid funding shall submit a copy of the disclosures required by this subsection (d) to the Illinois Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. The owners and licensee of a facility shall maintain all records necessary to show compliance with this disclosure requirement.
    (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3-318 of this Act and in addition thereto, any person, owner, or licensee who willfully fails to keep and maintain, or willfully fails to produce for inspection, books and records, or willfully fails to make the disclosures required by this Section, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent violation of this Section shall be punishable as a Class 4 felony.
    (f) Any owner or licensee who willfully files or willfully causes to be filed a document with false information with the Department, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or the Illinois Medicaid Fraud Control Unit or any other law enforcement agency is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/3-810

    (210 ILCS 46/3-810)
    Sec. 3-810. Whistleblower protection.
    (a) In this Section, "retaliatory action" means the reprimand, discharge, suspension, demotion, denial of promotion or transfer, or change in the terms and conditions of employment of any employee of a facility that is taken in retaliation for the employee's involvement in a protected activity as set forth in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (b) of this Section.
    (b) A facility shall not take any retaliatory action against an employee of the facility, including a nursing home administrator, because the employee does any of the following:
        (1) Discloses or threatens to disclose to a
supervisor or to a public body an activity, inaction, policy, or practice implemented by a facility that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, rule, or regulation.
        (2) Provides information to or testifies before any
public body conducting an investigation, hearing, or inquiry into any violation of a law, rule, or regulation by a nursing home administrator.
        (3) Assists or participates in a proceeding to
enforce the provisions of this Act.
    (c) A violation of this Section may be established only upon a finding that (1) the employee of the facility engaged in conduct described in subsection (b) of this Section and (2) this conduct was a contributing factor in the retaliatory action alleged by the employee. There is no violation of this Section, however, if the facility demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that it would have taken the same unfavorable personnel action in the absence of that conduct.
    (d) The employee of the facility may be awarded all remedies necessary to make the employee whole and to prevent future violations of this Section. Remedies imposed by the court may include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
        (1) Reinstatement of the employee to either the same
position held before the retaliatory action or to an equivalent position.
        (2) Two times the amount of back pay.
        (3) Interest on the back pay.
        (4) Reinstatement of full fringe benefits and
seniority rights.
        (5) Payment of reasonable costs and attorney's fees.
    (e) Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to diminish the rights, privileges, or remedies of an employee of a facility under any other federal or State law, rule, or regulation or under any employment contract.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/5

    (210 ILCS 46/5)
    Sec. 5. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/10

    (210 ILCS 46/10)
    Sec. 10. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/15

    (210 ILCS 46/15)
    Sec. 15. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/20

    (210 ILCS 46/20)
    Sec. 20. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/25

    (210 ILCS 46/25)
    Sec. 25. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/27

    (210 ILCS 46/27)
    Sec. 27. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/30

    (210 ILCS 46/30)
    Sec. 30. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/35

    (210 ILCS 46/35)
    Sec. 35. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/40

    (210 ILCS 46/40)
    Sec. 40. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/45

    (210 ILCS 46/45)
    Sec. 45. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/50

    (210 ILCS 46/50)
    Sec. 50. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/55

    (210 ILCS 46/55)
    Sec. 55. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/60

    (210 ILCS 46/60)
    Sec. 60. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/65

    (210 ILCS 46/65)
    Sec. 65. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/70

    (210 ILCS 46/70)
    Sec. 70. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/75

    (210 ILCS 46/75)
    Sec. 75. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/80

    (210 ILCS 46/80)
    Sec. 80. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/85

    (210 ILCS 46/85)
    Sec. 85. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/90

    (210 ILCS 46/90)
    Sec. 90. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/95

    (210 ILCS 46/95)
    Sec. 95. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/100

    (210 ILCS 46/100)
    Sec. 100. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/105

    (210 ILCS 46/105)
    Sec. 105. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/110

    (210 ILCS 46/110)
    Sec. 110. The ID/DD Community Care Act is amended by repealing Section 2-218.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/115

    (210 ILCS 46/115)
    Sec. 115. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/120

    (210 ILCS 46/120)
    Sec. 120. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/125

    (210 ILCS 46/125)
    Sec. 125. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/130

    (210 ILCS 46/130)
    Sec. 130. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/135

    (210 ILCS 46/135)
    Sec. 135. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/140

    (210 ILCS 46/140)
    Sec. 140. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/145

    (210 ILCS 46/145)
    Sec. 145. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/150

    (210 ILCS 46/150)
    Sec. 150. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/155

    (210 ILCS 46/155)
    Sec. 155. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/160

    (210 ILCS 46/160)
    Sec. 160. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/165

    (210 ILCS 46/165)
    Sec. 165. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/170

    (210 ILCS 46/170)
    Sec. 170. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/175

    (210 ILCS 46/175)
    Sec. 175. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/180

    (210 ILCS 46/180)
    Sec. 180. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/185

    (210 ILCS 46/185)
    Sec. 185. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/190

    (210 ILCS 46/190)
    Sec. 190. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/195

    (210 ILCS 46/195)
    Sec. 195. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/200

    (210 ILCS 46/200)
    Sec. 200. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/205

    (210 ILCS 46/205)
    Sec. 205. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/210

    (210 ILCS 46/210)
    Sec. 210. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/215

    (210 ILCS 46/215)
    Sec. 215. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/220

    (210 ILCS 46/220)
    Sec. 220. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/225

    (210 ILCS 46/225)
    Sec. 225. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/230

    (210 ILCS 46/230)
    Sec. 230. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/235

    (210 ILCS 46/235)
    Sec. 235. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/240

    (210 ILCS 46/240)
    Sec. 240. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/900

    (210 ILCS 46/900)
    Sec. 900. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted).
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; text omitted.)

210 ILCS 46/950

    (210 ILCS 46/950)
    Sec. 950. No acceleration or delay. Where this Act makes changes in a statute that is represented in this Act by text that is not yet or no longer in effect (for example, a Section represented by multiple versions), the use of that text does not accelerate or delay the taking effect of (i) the changes made by this Act or (ii) provisions derived from any other Public Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

210 ILCS 46/999

    (210 ILCS 46/999)
    Sec. 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2015.
(Source: P.A. 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)