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Results for "power of attorney" within Illinois Compiled Statutes.New Search
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51. 755 ILCS 45/2-7    CHAPTER 755 ESTATES
Terms found: of (54) powers (2) power (2) attorney (3) attorney's (4)
. . . actions conducted on behalf of the principal except as otherwise provided in the power of attorney or as required under subsection (c). (f) . . .

52. 820 ILCS 305/19    CHAPTER 820 EMPLOYMENT
Terms found: of (422) attorneys (22) attorney (8) powers (4) power (4) attorneys' (1)
. . . by arbitrators for the purpose of achieving a more uniform administration of this Act. (f) The decision of the Commission acting within its powers, according to the provisions of paragraph (d) of Section 4 and paragraph . . . the proceedings and the return day of the summons to the office of the Commission and to the last known place of residence of other parties in interest or their attorney or attorneys of record. The clerk of the court issuing . . .

53. 820 ILCS 310/19    CHAPTER 820 EMPLOYMENT
Terms found: of (448) attorneys (22) attorney (8) powers (4) power (4)
. . . by arbitrators, for the purpose of achieving a more uniform administration of this Act. (f) The decision of the Commission acting within its powers, according to the provisions of paragraph (e) of this Section shall, . . . the proceedings and the return day of the summons to the office of the Commission and to the last known place of residence of other parties in interest or their attorney or attorneys of record. The clerk of the court issuing . . .

54. 35 ILCS 200/31-25    CHAPTER 35 REVENUE
Terms found: of (35) attorneys (4) attorney (1) power (3)
. . . When the declaration is signed by an attorney or agent on behalf of sellers or buyers who have the power of direction to deal with the title to the . . .

Terms found: of (49) attorney (14) attorneys (2) power (1) powers (4)
. . . Counselor, in addition to other powers conferred upon him or her by this Section, may request that subpoenas be issued by the Attorney General in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.5 of the Freedom of Information . . .

56. 20 ILCS 3855/1-75    CHAPTER 20 EXECUTIVE BRANCH
Terms found: of (1416) power (32) powered (1) attorney (8) powers (2) powering (1)
. . . study, with the retention of those consultants and experts exempt from the requirements of Section 20-10 of the Illinois Procurement Code. The Illinois Power Agency shall forward a copy of its findings . . . under subparagraphs (a) and (g) of paragraph (1) of Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act. The Office of Attorney General shall have access to, and maintain . . .

57. 215 ILCS 5/340    CHAPTER 215 INSURANCE
Terms found: of (27) powers (2) attorney (2) power (1)
. . . and manner in which the corporate powers of the society shall be exercised; the manner of electing directors; the number of directors which shall not be less than . . . thereto he shall submit the articles of incorporation to the Attorney General for examination and if found by the Attorney General to be in accordance with the provisions of this Code and not inconsistent with the . . .

58. 215 ILCS 5/102    CHAPTER 215 INSURANCE
Terms found: of (21) power (2) attorney (5)
. . . Lloyds doing the same kind or kinds of business. (b) file with the Director an authenticated copy of its power of attorney and an authenticated copy of the trust agreement or other agreement . . .

Terms found: of (107) power (5) attorney (4)
. . . expressly describes the authority of the parent to act on behalf of the minor, or (3) a durable power of attorney that complies with the Illinois Power of Attorney Act. "Proper identification" means information . . .

60. 820 ILCS 305/13    CHAPTER 820 EMPLOYMENT
Terms found: of (144) attorney (2) attorneys (4) powers (8)
. . . and any Commissioner who is an attorney-at-law shall not engage in the practice of law, nor shall any Commissioner hold any other office or position of profit under the United States or this . . . holding office on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989 is abolished, but the incumbents shall continue to exercise all of the powers and be subject to all of the duties of Commissioners until their respective . . .

61. 755 ILCS 45/2-3    CHAPTER 755 ESTATES
Terms found: power (2) of (10) attorney (3) powers (4)
. . . or other fiduciary) who signs a power of attorney or other instrument of agency granting powers to an agent. (Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

Terms found: attorney (4) of (12) powers (4)
. . . and prior to disbursements, a copy of the trust agreement, articles of incorporation or other written instrument, if any, providing for his title, powers or duties. In the event a trustee subject . . . be required to annually file a copy of the federal Internal Revenue report or return for the trust within the time of its federal due date, with the Attorney General in lieu of other reporting. (b) If the settlor is . . .

63. 755 ILCS 40/15    CHAPTER 755 ESTATES
Terms found: power (6) of (10) attorney (6)
. . . Act, or an authorized agent under a power of attorney for health care under the Illinois Power of Attorney Act and the patient's condition falls within the coverage of the living will, the declaration for . . .

64. 305 ILCS 5/12-13.1    CHAPTER 305 PUBLIC AID
Terms found: of (99) powers (6) attorneys (8) attorney (1) power (1)
. . . function performed by the Department of Human Services as successor to the Department of Public Aid, exercise one or more of the powers provided under this Section as if those powers related to the Department of Human Services; . . . may request the special expertise of the Department of State Police. The Inspector General may present for prosecution the findings of any criminal investigation to the Office of the Attorney General, the Offices of the several United . . .

65. 410 ILCS 415/4    CHAPTER 410 PUBLIC HEALTH
Terms found: of (18) attorney (2) power (2)
. . . (a) of this Section shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony. (c) The Attorney General or State's Attorney of the county where a violation of this Act has occurred shall have power to prosecute any violation of this Act . . .

66. 410 ILCS 505/2    CHAPTER 410 PUBLIC HEALTH
Terms found: of (13) powers (4) attorney (2)
. . . determine the method for disposing of the body or a next of kin or other person who has such right or (ii) an agent of the decedent as authorized by the decedent under the Powers of Attorney for Health Care Law, as now or hereafter . . .

Terms found: of (13) power (3) attorney (2) powers (6)
. . . under this subsection if the power of attorney grants the agent the power to settle claims and to exercise powers with respect to trusts and estates, even if the powers do not include powers to make a will, . . .

68. 750 ILCS 95/25    CHAPTER 750 FAMILIES
Terms found: of (6) power (3) attorney (3)
. . . caregiver is acting as agent under a power of attorney or acting at the direction of an agent under a power of attorney pursuant to the Illinois Power of Attorney Act. (Source: P.A. 100-850, eff. 1-1-19 .)

Terms found: attorney (15) of (60) attorneys (4) powers (6) attorney's (6)
. . . or any comparable federal law. The powers granted in this Section are in addition to and not in derogation of the common law powers of the Attorney General to act as parens patriae. No . . .

Terms found: of (46) attorney (5) powers (6)
. . . publication shall contain a notice of the pendency of such action, the title of the court, the title of the case, and the date on or after which default may be entered. The Attorney General may include in one notice the . . . affairs under Section 112.30 of this Act and to notify known claimants under Section 112.75 of this Act. The order appointing such liquidating receiver shall state his or her powers and duties. Such powers and duties may . . .

71. 40 ILCS 5/14-110    CHAPTER 40 PENSIONS
Terms found: of (997) attorney (20) attorneys (24) powers (6) power (3)
. . . 218(d)(8)(D) and 218(l)(1) of that Act. (13) "Investigator for the Office of the Attorney General" means any person who is employed as such by the Office of the Attorney General and is vested with such investigative . . . Act with such law enforcement powers as render him ineligible for coverage under the Social Security Act by reason of Sections 218(d)(5)(A), 218(d)(8)(D) and 218(l)(1) of that Act. (13) "Investigator for the . . .

72. 105 ILCS 70/30    CHAPTER 105 SCHOOLS
Terms found: power (4) of (7) attorney (4)
(105 ILCS 70/30) Sec. 30. Power of attorney for children of active duty military personnel. A student who has a parent . . .

73. 615 ILCS 5/25    CHAPTER 615 WATERWAYS
Terms found: attorney (6) of (7) power (3)
. . . (from Ch. 19, par. 72) Sec. 25. The Attorney General, any State's Attorney of any county or any attorney authorized by the Department of Natural Resources shall have the power to represent said Department, and in . . .

Terms found: of (7) attorney (4) power (2)
. . . Sec. 108A-1. Authorization for use of eavesdropping device. The State's Attorney or an Assistant State's Attorney authorized by the State's Attorney may authorize an application to a circuit . . . to such monitoring. The Chief Judge of the circuit may assign to associate judges the power to issue orders authorizing or approving the use of eavesdropping devices by law enforcement . . .

75. 220 ILCS 5/10-101    CHAPTER 220 UTILITIES
Terms found: power (2) of (26) attorney (2) powers (2)
. . . state, territory, or commonwealth of the United States, the District of Columbia, or a foreign country may desire to appear before the Commission, such attorney shall be allowed to appear before the . . . regulations relative to the exercise of its powers, and proper rules to govern its proceedings, and regulate the mode and manner of all investigations and hearings, and . . .

76. 215 ILCS 155/21.1    CHAPTER 215 INSURANCE
Terms found: of (213) attorney (4) powers (6) power (14) attorney's (2)
. . . The Secretary, represented by the Attorney General, shall file a complaint for the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the title insurance company in a court of the county in which the principal office . . . receiver, during its administration of the escrows of the title insurance company during the winding up of the affairs of the title insurance company, shall have all of the powers that are vested in trustees under the . . .

Terms found: of (26) powers (4) power (2) attorney (2)
. . . shall have the same rights and powers for the recovery, servicing, protection and enforcement, by foreclosure or otherwise, of such notes or other evidences of indebtedness subject to the same penalties . . . estate so acquired, it is the duty of the State's Attorney to proceed by complaint, in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, against such corporation, in the Circuit Court of the county within which such land is . . .

78. 765 ILCS 605/18.5    CHAPTER 765 PROPERTY
Terms found: of (326) powers (16) power (1) attorney (2) attorney's (4) attorneys (4) attorneys' (1)
. . . that exercises those or other powers on behalf of one or more condominiums, or for the benefit of the unit owners of one or more condominiums, such corporation . . . and copying at convenient hours of weekdays by any unit owners in a condominium subject to the authority of the board or their mortgagees and their duly authorized agents or attorneys: (i) Copies of the recorded declaration, . . .

79. 820 ILCS 180/35    CHAPTER 820 EMPLOYMENT
Terms found: of (20) attorney (2) attorney's (2) powers (2) power (1)
. . . provisions for depositions, subpoena power and procedures, and discovery and protective order procedures. (3) Intervention. The Attorney General of Illinois may intervene on behalf of the Department if the Department certifies . . .

Terms found: of (33) powers (4) attorneys (4)
. . . The Administrator may exercise any of the powers specified in Section 31 of this Act. (b) The Administrator, with such assistance as he may from time to time request of the state's attorneys in the several counties, may institute . . .

Terms found: of (22) attorney (5) power (2)
. . . has entered an order granting the attorney this right; (6) an agent appointed under a recipient's power of attorney for health care or for property, when the power of attorney authorizes the access; (7) an attorney-in-fact . . .

82. 215 ILCS 5/143.14    CHAPTER 215 INSURANCE
Terms found: of (27) power (2) attorney (2)
. . . cancellation is effected under a power of attorney under a premium finance agreement. The insurer shall have the right for a premium charge for this extension of coverage. (Source: P.A. 100-475, eff. . . .

Terms found: powers (6) of (78) attorney (4) attorneys (2)
. . . its property and to exercise police powers in respect to that property and in respect to the enforcement of any rule or regulation of the Authority, including the regulation of vehicular traffic, and to contract for, . . . To appoint, by and with the consent of the Attorney General, assistant attorneys for such Authority, each of which shall be under the control, direction and supervision of the Attorney General and shall serve at his pleasure. . . .

84. 20 ILCS 2505/2505-400    CHAPTER 20 EXECUTIVE BRANCH
Terms found: power (2) of (36) attorneys (2) attorney (1)
. . . taxpayer. (b) The Department has the power to enter into written agreements with State's Attorneys for pursuit of civil liability under subsection (E) of Section 17-1 of the Criminal Code of 2012 against persons . . .

Terms found: of (18) attorney (13) attorneys (2) power (1) powers (2)
. . . Attorneys General appointed by the Attorney General, who, together with other staff as deemed necessary by the Attorney General, shall have the power and duty on behalf of persons within this State, to intervene . . .

86. 735 ILCS 5/13-226    CHAPTER 735 CIVIL PROCEDURE
Terms found: of (32) attorney (8) powers (4)
. . . settlement unless approved by the Attorney General. This Section is a denial and limitation of home rule powers and functions under subsection (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution. (Source: P.A. . . .

87. 755 ILCS 45/2-9    CHAPTER 755 ESTATES
Terms found: of (8) powers (6) power (2) attorney (2)
. . . insofar as an agent acting under a power of attorney executed in accordance with this Act shall be permitted to withdraw income or principal from such account if the power of attorney grants the agent authority to conduct . . .

88. 765 ILCS 5/22    CHAPTER 765 PROPERTY
Terms found: power (2) of (6) attorney (2)
. . . empire or country, the certificate of any consul or minister of the United States in said country, under his official seal, that the said deed, conveyance, or power of attorney is executed in conformity with such foreign . . .

Terms found: of (92) attorney (4) attorneys (2) attorneys' (1) power (3)
. . . cause, accelerate the maturity of any part or all of the amount owing thereon. (2) A power of attorney is given to confess judgment or an assignment of wages is given. (3) The lessee waives . . .

90. 775 ILCS 5/7-101    CHAPTER 775 HUMAN RIGHTS
Terms found: powers (6) of (9) attorneys (4) attorney (1)
. . . Ch. 68, par. 7-101) Sec. 7-101. Powers and duties. In addition to other powers and duties prescribed in this Act, the Department shall have the following powers: (A) Rules and Regulations. To adopt, . . . orientation to each operational unit of the Department and Commission; (5) observation of experienced Department investigators and attorneys conducting conciliation conferences, . . .

Terms found: powers (4) of (399) power (2) attorney (10) attorney's (4)
. . . par. 137.11) Sec. 11. Duties and powers of the Secretary of State. A. (1) The administration of this Act is vested in the Secretary of State, who may from time to time make, . . . or will constitute a violation of this Act or of any rule or regulation prescribed under authority of this Act, the Secretary of State may at his or her discretion, through the Attorney General take any of the following actions: . . .

Terms found: of (305) powers (18) attorneys (6) power (3) attorney (1)
. . . by Article III which shall have the power to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission in carrying out its powers and duties hereunder. 9. To elect or appoint such officers, attorneys, employees, agents, or consultants, and . . .

93. 215 ILCS 5/10    CHAPTER 215 INSURANCE
Terms found: of (137) powers (4) attorneys (6) attorneys' (3) power (2)
. . . the incorporators shall have the powers and perform the duties ordinarily possessed and exercised by a board of directors. (2) Upon the issuance of a certificate of authority to a company organized under . . . than an action by or in the right of the company) by reason of the fact that he or she is or was a director, officer, employee or agent, against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid . . .

Terms found: of (314) powers (16) power (3) attorney (4) attorney's (6)
. . . for governance and administration of the Compact. SECTION 12. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE INTERSTATE COMMISSION The Interstate Commission shall have the duty and power to: (a) Oversee and maintain the administration . . . or willful and wanton misconduct of such person. (2) The Interstate Commission shall defend the executive director, its employees, and subject to the approval of the attorney general or other appropriate legal counsel . . .

95. 410 ILCS 70/6.5    CHAPTER 410 PUBLIC HEALTH
Terms found: of (25) power (2) attorney (2)
. . . is an adult who has a guardian of the person, a health care surrogate, or an agent acting under a health care power of attorney, the consent of the guardian, surrogate, or agent is . . .

96. 755 ILCS 6/15-20    CHAPTER 755 ESTATES
Terms found: of (30) powers (4) attorney (2)
. . . last wills and testaments, trusts, durable powers of attorney for property, and powers of attorney for health care, may be signed in counterparts . . .

97. 215 ILCS 5/131.21    CHAPTER 215 INSURANCE
Terms found: powers (2) of (27) power (3) attorneys (4)
. . . through 132.7 and 401 through 403 of this Code relating to the examination of companies, the Director shall have the power to examine any company registered under Section 131.13 of this Code and its affiliates to ascertain . . . liable for and must pay the expense of the examination in accordance with Section 408 of this Code. (4) The Director may retain at the registered company's expense any attorneys, actuaries, accountants, and other experts . . .

Terms found: powers (2) of (46) power (1) attorneys (6) attorneys' (3)
. . . 423.1) Sec. 12.1. In addition to the powers and authority now possessed by it, the board of trustees of any sanitary district organized under this Act shall have the power by majority vote: (a) To use the general . . . of trustees, officials and employees of the sanitary district from financial loss and expenses, including court costs, investigation costs, actuarial studies, attorneys' fees and actual and punitive damages, . . .

Terms found: of (50) powers (2) power (1) attorney (2)
. . . purpose in addition to and not in limitation of those purposes and powers set forth in other Sections of this Act shall be to: (1) maintain the proper . . . advisable to carry out the purposes of this Act and the work of the Commission. The Commission may appoint a General Attorney and define the duties of that General Attorney. The Commission shall hold regular meetings . . .

100. 70 ILCS 2305/7.01    CHAPTER 70 SPECIAL DISTRICTS
Terms found: powers (2) of (46) power (1) attorneys (6) attorneys' (3)
. . . Sec. 7.01. In addition to the powers and authority now possessed by it, the board of trustees of any sanitary district organized under this Act shall have the power by majority vote: (a) To use the general . . . of trustees, officials and employees of the sanitary district from financial loss and expenses, including court costs, investigation costs, actuarial studies, attorneys' fees and actual and punitive damages, . . .

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