Senate Members Bill List Report    12/3/2024

Anderson, Neil
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB51INC TX-OVERTIME WAGESSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB60HUMAN TRAFFIC NO STATE MONEYSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB108STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB109STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB110STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB111STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB112STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB127DIRECT RECORDING ELEC VOTINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB134WEATHER MODIFICATION-SEEDINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB135MEDAL OF HONOR-SPECIALTY PLATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB136COUNSELOR IN TRAININGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB139INC TX-APPRENTICESHIP CREDITHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB152SALE OF UNPASTEURIZED MILKSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB154WORKERS COMP-FIREFIGHTER/EMTSReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB155SCH CD-NONPUBLIC STUDENT-SPORTSReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB156SCHCD-LEARNING MATERIAL REPORTSReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB175WILDLIFE-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB176WILDLIFE-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB221PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB1148REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1171STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB1176STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1213TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1215TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB1231AGR-SOIL & PLANT ADDITIVESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1232FISH/HUNT LICENSE FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1591DHFS-NURSING RATE INCREASESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB1693CRIM CD-FIREARM SILENCERSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1694FIREARM OWNERS ID ACT-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1728CONCEALED CARRY-RECIPROCITYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1729SCH CD-FIREARM SAFETY COURSESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1730FOID&CONCEALED CARRY-AMMOSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1731LOCAL GOV-LIFT-ASSIST SERVICESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1890SNAPPING TURTLES-TRAPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1918OFF-HWY VEH ON ROADWAYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2106GA FIREARM TRAININGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2107FIREARMS-LICENSE RENEWALSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2108PROP TX-VETERAN W/DISABILITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2109CONCEAL CARRY-TRANSPORT-PARKSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2110CONCEALED CARRY-DOT REST AREASSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2111CONCEAL CARRY-PUBLIC TRANSPORTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2112FIREARM-FIREFIGHTERS EXCEPTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2113GUN CRIME CHARGE & SENTENCINGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2114REINSTATE DEATH PENALTYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2130HIGHER ED-HEALTH CARE PROVIDERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05078/4/2023
SB2772SCHCD-LEARNING MATERIAL REPORTSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2797CMS-DHFS-MEDICARE PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2826ELEC CD-WRITE-IN CANDIDATESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2827ELEC CD/PROCUREMENT CD-VARIOUSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2865STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2866STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2867STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2868STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2869STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2953INC TX-APPRENTICESHIP CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2954PROP TX-VETERANSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2981INC TX-OVERTIME WAGESSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB3071PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3095WEATHER MODIFICATION-SEEDINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3125WORKERS COMP-FIREFIGHTER/EMTSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3139PROP TX-VETERANSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3178CRIM CD-ASSAULT WEAPONSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3187FIREARMS-LICENSE RENEWALSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3188GUN CRIME CHARGE & SENTENCINGSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3189CONCEALED CARRY-DOT REST AREASSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3190CONCEAL CARRY-TRANSPORT-PARKSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3191FOID/CONCEALED CARRY-AMMOSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3192FIREARM-FIREFIGHTERS EXCEPTIONSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3193CONCEAL CARRY-PUBLIC TRANSPORTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3194CONCEALED CARRY-RECIPROCITYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3195SCH CD-FIREARM SAFETY COURSESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3196GA FIREARM TRAININGSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3197CD CORR-ELECTRONIC MONITORSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3198REINSTATE DEATH PENALTYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3199CRIM CD-FIREARM SILENCERSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3200FIREARM OWNERS ID ACT-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3338WILDLIFE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3339WILDLIFE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3340FISH/HUNT-GOLD STAR FAMILYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SR11SUPPORT-OUT OF SCHOOL PROGRAMSSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR100MEMORIAL-ROBERT FORNOFFSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR101MEMORIAL-GERALD ARMSTRONGSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR102MEMORIAL-GARY BAYLESSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR103MEMORIAL-ROBERT BENNETTSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR104MEMORIAL-PAUL NEWCOMBSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR105MEMORIAL-ROBERT REHSESResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR106MEMORIAL-DONALD HAMPTONSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR107MEMORIAL-JAMES FOXSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR109MEMORIAL-DANNY FOXALLSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR110MEMORIAL-EDGAR HOENERSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR111MEMORIAL-MICHAEL COOPERSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR114MEMORIAL-ROBERT LOTERSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR115MEMORIAL-RODGER MEEKERSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR116MEMORIAL-MICHAEL WINNSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR117MEMORIAL-NORMAN WOLLBRINKSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR122MEMORIAL-DALE K. CATTONSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR123MEMORIAL-ROBERT C. CLARKSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR160MEMORIAL-JACOB R. GAUWITZ JR.SResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR196MEMORIAL-CAPT. TAD ROBISONSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR197MEMORIAL-CHARLES ZENTKO SR.SResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR198MEMORIAL-STANLEY E. GREGORYSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR243MEMORIAL-DALE WYNESSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR247MEMORIAL-ROD KRAHLSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR263MEMORIAL-DALE RHODESSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR264MEMORIAL-ROGER K. HENDRICKSONSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR265MEMORIAL-GLENN FELDMANSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR295MEMORIAL-ELDON "BOB" ABBOTTSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR296MEMORIAL-SCOTT AULTSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR297MEMORIAL-GALE BEEKMANSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR298MEMORIAL-KENNETH ETCHESONSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR299MEMORIAL-WILLIAM GISSELSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR300MEMORIAL-DONALD HAMPTONSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR329MEMORIAL-THOMAS R. NORTHSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR347MEMORIAL-GARY L. NEWLUNSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR353MEMORIAL-BERNARD W. CERARSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR354MEMORIAL-MAURICE FLAHERTYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR355MEMORIAL-GARY L. ICENOGLESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR356MEMORIAL-RICHARD SMOCKSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR357MEMORIAL-JOHNNY WAGNERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR358MEMORIAL-WAYNE NORRISSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR373MEMORIAL-DANNY DAWSON SR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR374MEMORIAL-DALE W. SHUTWELLSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR378MEMORIAL-JERRY STEADSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR379MEMORIAL-NED BENNETTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR380MEMORIAL-ROBERT PETERSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR385MEMORIAL-CLARKE BARNESSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR386MEMORIAL-JACK PUCKETTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR401MEMORIAL-STUART POLLITTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR402MEMORIAL-JOHN BAGLEYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR403MEMORIAL-DONALD CRYERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR417MEMORIAL-MORRIS DEAN ALLENSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR418MEMORIAL-W. SHAWN ALTEMEIERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR419MEMORIAL-JOSEPH "BILL" MALONEYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR420MEMORIAL-JERRY SALINESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR421MEMORIAL-ROY SCHMIDTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR422MEMORIAL-ERNEST "ERNY" SCHROCKSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR423MEMORIAL-LYLE D. SMITHSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR435MEMORIAL-EARL ROBBINSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR436MEMORIAL-CHARLES LOGAN LUALLENSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR440MEMORIAL-WILLIS MASONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR441MEMORIAL-MERVIN W. KLAWONNSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR442MEMORIAL-STUART POLLITTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR443MEMORIAL-ALBERT PASLEYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR444MEMORIAL-RONALD STAESSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR445MEMORIAL-LAWRENCE DAVISSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR446MEMORIAL-EVERETT FISHERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR447MEMORIAL-JERRY "MIKE" HULLSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR448MEMORIAL-M. "LEE" GUSTAFSONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR450MEMORIAL-ROBERT NORMAN HETZSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR451MEMORIAL-MICHAEL CAHILLSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR452MEMORIAL-GARY M. STIMPSONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR453MEMORIAL-VERNON BLACKERT JR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR465MEMORIAL-ROBERT G. BLAIRSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR466MEMORIAL-DAVID P. JACKSONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR467MEMORIAL-WILLIAM LITTLESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR468MEMORIAL-STUART G. MCKNEIGHTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR469MEMORIAL-FREDERICK P. MEYERSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR470MEMORIAL-OLIN COWSERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR478MEMORIAL-GERALD LEON BOLTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR479MEMORIAL-ROGER E. CLARKESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR480MEMORIAL-CARL CLOUGH JR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR481MEMORIAL-WILLIAM NELSON ELLIOTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR482MEMORIAL-GERALD V. HACKMANSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR483MEMORIAL-EDWARD J. MATHISSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR484MEMORIAL-WILLIAM MCADAMSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR485MEMORIAL-PAUL E. REYNOLDSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR486MEMORIAL-CHARLES RUDIGER SR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR487MEMORIAL-EUGENE F. SMITHSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR488MEMORIAL-JERRY STYNINGERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR489MEMORIAL-JOHN H. WOCHNERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR508MEMORIAL-LATON ERNEST MAHANSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR509MEMORIAL-CARL KRAHLSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR510MEMORIAL-FEDERICK R. HOULTONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR511MEMORIAL-DOUGLAS E. ALLENSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR512MEMORIAL-HENRY BOWDOINSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR513MEMORIAL-WILLIE EARL WEARSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR514MEMORIAL-DONALD RAY GRIFFINSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR515MEMORIAL-DONALD L. SMITHSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR518MEMORIAL-LOREN R. BEAUMONTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR519MEMORIAL-WILLIAM FORD JR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR520MEMORIAL-NORMAN N. NEELYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR521MEMORIAL-RICHARD A. PARSONSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR522MEMORIAL-WILLIAM SCHWENNEKERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR523MEMORIAL-JOSEPH J. STEELESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR524MEMORIAL-FREDDIE P. TAYLORSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR525MEMORIAL-MARION THOMPSONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR526MEMORIAL-TERRY LEE VAN NATTANSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR527MEMORIAL-FRED R. WENDLSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR533MEMORIAL-ROBERT R. AITKENSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR534MEMORIAL-MELVIN A. HISEYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR543MEMORIAL-MARTIN W. ALLENSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR544MEMORIAL-DENNIS R. DOWNINGSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR545MEMORIAL-HARLEY E. DEVILDERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR546MEMORIAL-PAUL C. PARKERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR564MEMORIAL-FRANCIS C. CULLORSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR572MEMORIAL-ROBERT B. APPLEGATESResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR573MEMORIAL-RICHARD "DICK" HENKESResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR580MEMORIAL-ROBERT F. SICKELSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR581MEMORIAL-ROBERT J. AMIDONSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR582MEMORIAL-DUDLEY B. TRONESResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR583MEMORIAL-DR. GERALD O'KEEFFESResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR601MEMORIAL-DAVID H. STONECIPHERSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR602MEMORIAL-BRYCE L. RICHARDSONSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR609MEMORIAL-JOSHUA "JOSH" BASALASResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR610MEMORIAL-GARY COOPER SR.SResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR611MEMORIAL-MICHAEL L. MCGAUGHYSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR612MEMORIAL-CLYDE D. MCKENRICKSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR615MEMORIAL-OSCAR M. SANDOVALSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR616MEMORIAL-FRANKLIN H. HAERTJENSSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR617MEMORIAL-FRANK B. ROBINSONSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR621MEMORIAL-DAVID A. HOLCOMBSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR622MEMORIAL-W. "DENNIS" ICENOGLESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR623MEMORIAL-AUGUST E. KERRESSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR624MEMORIAL-LYLE D. COURTNEYSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR625MEMORIAL-JAMES A. MENNESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR626MEMORIAL-KEITH E. L. BAILEYSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR627MEMORIAL-JAMES R. KINGSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR634MEMORIAL-DR. ROBERT M. WELLSSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR635MEMORIAL-JEFFERY G. ROBINSONSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR636MEMORIAL-LYLE E. KUGLERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR637MEMORIAL-DAVID L. KUHNSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR638MEMORIAL-MARVIN D. REDDICKSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR652MEMORIAL-DAVID E. CONNERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR653MEMORIAL-JAMES E. SMITHSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR655MEMORIAL-JACK POPPENHAGERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR656MEMORIAL-RICHARD L. GOODLICKSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR657MEMORIAL-HENRY A. SUNDEEN JR.SResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR658MEMORIAL-RICHARD MARTINSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR659MEMORIAL-JEFFREY HAWOTTESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR662MEMORIAL-KEITH DESCHEPPERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR663MEMORIAL-STEVEN G. ROSESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR664MEMORIAL-WILLIAM B. DAVENPORTSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR665MEMORIAL-MARK A. WHITBECKSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR666MEMORIAL-LOUIS K. LOUCKSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR677MEMORIAL-ELDON A. YETTERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR678MEMORIAL-ROBERT L. ANDERSONSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR679MEMORIAL-MERLE R. DURNELLSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR680MEMORIAL-DON L. MASONSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR681MEMORIAL-HAROLD B. RAWLEYSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR685MEMORIAL-WENDELL K. HARROUNSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR686MEMORIAL-JAMES FEEHANSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR687MEMORIAL-MERRILL DAVISSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR688MEMORIAL-DONALD DEAN LARIMORESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR692MEMORIAL-ALPHONSE A. DEBRUINESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR693MEMORIAL-RONALD R. NELSONSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR694MEMORIAL-PAUL L. DANNERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR695MEMORIAL-STEVEN C. SNYDERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR696MEMORIAL-SHELLEY R. ROCKWELLSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR697MEMORIAL-JOHN W. SNYDERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR698MEMORIAL-JOHN MEINERTSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR729MEMORIAL-CHARLES B. KNOX IIISResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR730MEMORIAL-JOHN H. KNAACKSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR731MEMORIAL-ROBERT B. BENNETTSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR736MEMORIAL-CLIFFORD W. LOHNESSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR751MEMORIAL-RONALD L. BERGMAN SR.SResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR752MEMORIAL-LISLE E. HUBBARDSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR753MEMORIAL-HAROLD PAULISResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR754MEMORIAL-KENNETH E. BATSONSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR761MEMORIAL-WARD ROBERSONSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR762MEMORIAL-JIMMY L. WALKERSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR763MEMORIAL-THOMAS TOMICHSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR766MEMORIAL-DAVID N. BAKERSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR767MEMORIAL-EDWARD FREEBERNSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR768MEMORIAL-RUSSELL R. KINZINGERSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR776MEMORIAL-RALPH F. COOMESSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR781MEMORIAL-DONALD L. BARNETTSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR782MEMORIAL-JOHNNY L. LASLEYSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR783MEMORIAL-MARTIN M. OFFERGELDSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR788MEMORIAL-VICTOR B. CLARKSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR789MEMORIAL-DREXEL R. FRANKSSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR790MEMORIAL-JOE K. WASSONSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR791MEMORIAL-M.H. POLLNERSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR792MEMORIAL-C. JACK ANDREWSSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR804MEMORIAL-RAYMOND FONTENOYSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR805MEMORIAL-JACK G. SWIMSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR806MEMORIAL-REV. JACK L. HEINOSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR807MEMORIAL-DEWANE STEELESResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR808MEMORIAL-STANLEY NEWELLSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR813MEMORIAL-JIMMIE M. BARRETTSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR814MEMORIAL-TERRY J. DIXONSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR815MEMORIAL-BRUCE KINGSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR816MEMORIAL-GUSTAV CARL JR.SResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR817MEMORIAL-DARREL D. RANDOLPHSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR880MEMORIAL-PHILIP H. GOODSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR899MEMORIAL-RICHARD E. MCCLOSKEYSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR900MEMORIAL-JERRY M. WILSONSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR901MEMORIAL-TERRY G. SOURSSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR902MEMORIAL-EDMOND C. GOETHALSSReferred to Resolutions Consent Calendar4/9/2024
SR903MEMORIAL-MICHAEL L. BAGBYSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR904MEMORIAL-WADE BEDWELLSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR921MEMORIAL-ROBERT L. POWERSSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR922MEMORIAL-ROBERT BROWNFIELDSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR923MEMORIAL-LOWELL E. HAUGERSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR924MEMORIAL-FRED A. BROWNSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR925MEMORIAL-JAMES KAMPESResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR926MEMORIAL-RICHARD SMITHSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR927MEMORIAL-WILBER "BUD" HODGESSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR939MEMORIAL-DAVID L. HUNNSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR940MEMORIAL-DAVID K. BURKHEADSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR941MEMORIAL-DENNIS M. LAIRDSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR942MEMORIAL-BRIAN R. MILLERSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR943MEMORIAL-MICHAEL A. WOLFESResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR944MEMORIAL-ALBERT C. RAMOSSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR958MEMORIAL-JOHN F. DOWNSSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR959MEMORIAL-SANTA CALDERONSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR960MEMORIAL-LAWRENCE MOLITORSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR961MEMORIAL-DENNIS L. MOSLEYSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR962MEMORIAL-JAMES L. BERTELSENSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR963MEMORIAL-ARLON L. ANDERSONSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR964MEMORIAL-JOSEPH M. MCKENNASResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR972MEMORIAL-THOMAS E. BIVENSSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR973MEMORIAL-PETER D. DUYTSCHAEVERSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR978MEMORIAL-MAX D. SAYERSSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR994MEMORIAL-ROBERT L. BECKSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR995MEMORIAL-PAGE L. BELLINGERSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR996MEMORIAL-WILLIAM R. BRICKNERSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR997MEMORIAL-JACK L. SAWYERSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR998MEMORIAL-EDWARD J. VAUGHN JR.SResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR999MEMORIAL-FRANK J. SANDOVALSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1014MEMORIAL-RICHARD M. CAULKINSSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1015MEMORIAL-FRANCIS R. ADLFINGERSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1016MEMORIAL-JERRY GOULDSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1017MEMORIAL-MARVIN HALSTEADSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1020MEMORIAL-CRAIG A. MEESKESResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1021MEMORIAL-JAN CHRISTENSENSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1022MEMORIAL-HAROLD J. LANDSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1039MEMORIAL-CHARLES L. GRIFFITHSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1040MEMORIAL-TIMOTHY L. DAVIS JR.SResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1058MEMORIAL-RICHARD K. GRAHAMSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1059MEMORIAL-JOHN STAHLSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1060MEMORIAL-CHARLES W. WATTSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1061MEMORIAL-FRANCIS E. BOCKMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1063MEMORIAL HJALMAR JOHNSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1064MEMORIAL-GLEN BOTESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1065MEMORIAL-LEONARD A. FREEMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1066MEMORIAL-MARTIN L. BRAY IIISResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1067MEMORIAL-RICHARD NORTONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1068MEMORIAL-ARDO C. HOLMGRAINSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1069MEMORIAL-DANIEL L. THORPESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1070MEMORIAL-LARRY E. JONES SR.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1074MEMORIAL-LARRY R. WILLIAMSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1075MEMORIAL-JERRY L. NORRISSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1076MEMORIAL-WILLIE L. COGGINSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1077MEMORIAL-JACK D. PULFORDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1078MEMORIAL-RICHARD R. ELLINGERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1082MEMORIAL-JEFF A. BROWNSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1083MEMORIAL-ROBERT GARDNERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1084MEMORIAL-GENE CHURCHILLSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1087MEMORIAL-RONALD I. PETERSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1088MEMORIAL-DEAN M. GREENSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1089MEMORIAL-DERWOOD K. RUGGLESSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1090MEMORIAL-WILLIAM RUBELSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1091MEMORIAL-ROBERT GRIFFIN SR.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1092MEMORIAL-CURTIS L. TREVORSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1093MEMORIAL-RICHARD D. TITTLE SR.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1114MEMORIAL-TED P. BLASER SR.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1115MEMORIAL-HAROLD E. BERRYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1116MEMORIAL-WILLIAM "RED" DOWNINGSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1132MEMORIAL-DAVID D. CHAMBERSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1133MEMORIAL-JAMES L. HERMESSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1134MEMORIAL-RICHARD E. LYNCHSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1135MEMORIAL-CLAUDE W. SENECALSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1140MEMORIAL-GEORGE J. LUNDAHLSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1141MEMORIAL-FREDERICK WAYNE ALLENSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1142MEMORIAL-GARY S. SEGALSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1143MEMORIAL-LEE A. LAWRICKSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1144MEMORIAL-ALFRED H. HOLLOWAYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1145MEMORIAL-KEITH W. ASHBECKSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1146MEMORIAL-JESSE D. MCCUNESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1147MEMORIAL-GLEN F. OESTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1148MEMORIAL-ROBERT J. GUSHANASSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1149MEMORIAL-JOHNNIE D. SHORTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1150MEMORIAL-FRED M. LEARSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1151MEMORIAL-THOMAS E. HAUMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1152MEMORIAL-FLOYD A. WARD JR.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1153MEMORIAL-MARVIN L. HARESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1154MEMORIAL-JAMES V. DEVRIESSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1155MEMORIAL-JOSEPH C. GOEBERTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1156MEMORIAL-DONALD H. MCROBERTSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1159MEMORIAL-ALLEN K. JONESSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1160MEMORIAL-LARRY V. HUGHESSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1162MEMORIAL-THEODORE FRANK NACHESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1170MEMORIAL-DAVID ARMSTRONGSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1171MEMORIAL-TANILO SANDOVALSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1172MEMORIAL-JOHN GULLYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1173MEMORIAL-ROBERT CORDTSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1174MEMORIAL-DONALD ARTHUR WAHLSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1175MEMORIAL-RAYMOND E. WAGESSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1176MEMORIAL-RICHARD A. FARRARSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1177MEMORIAL-DAVID J. CELIASResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1178MEMORIAL-ROGER DEAN MCCULLUMSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1179MEMORIAL-DAVID H. BANISTERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1180MEMORIAL-ALEX STRANDGARDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1181MEMORIAL-TERRANCE R. BEWLEYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1183MEMORIAL-DARRELL G. MEISINGERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1186MEMORIAL-KURTIS RON FOWLERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1194SURGICAL TECHNOLOGISTS WEEKSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR1214MEMORIAL-WILLIAM KELLERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1215MEMORIAL-WILLIAM F. NICHOLSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1216MEMORIAL-LEE E. SALMONSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1217MEMORIAL-CYRIL A. STOBAUGHSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1218MEMORIAL-DR. CHARLES GERLEMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1219MEMORIAL-DONALD E. OESTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1232MEMORIAL-MICHAEL J. STEGERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1233MEMORIAL-JAMES C. HARDINSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1234MEMORIAL-DANIEL J. HOFFMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1239MEMORIAL-MARTIN GRAYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1240MEMORIAL-JEFFREY R. WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1241MEMORIAL-CLYDE E. ESKRIDGESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1248MEMORIAL-LAVERN A. MOORESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1257MEMORIAL-MICHAEL A. BOGNERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1258MEMORIAL-CHARLES K. SHECKLERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1259MEMORIAL-STEVEN REEDERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1260MEMORIAL-JERRY W. MOSENFELDERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1261MEMORIAL-EUGENE A. SUAREZSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1262MEMORIAL-CARL H. SCHMACHTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1263MEMORIAL-WILLIE J. BOWDRYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1307MEMORIAL-THOMAS J. ROGERSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1308MEMORIAL-JAMES VAN DE WIELESResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1309MEMORIAL-GLENN WAIBELSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1310MEMORIAL-NELSON WRIGHT, M.D.SResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR4DEPUTY NICK WEIST MEMORIAL HWYHReferred to Rules Committee5/26/2023
HB1465HWY CD-CONSTRUCTION BIDDINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01256/30/2023
HB1625FIRE DIST-SURPLUS PROPERTYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01316/30/2023
HB1837SAFETY-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07948/14/2024
HB3436VEH CD-LINEWORKER PLATE DECALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03497/28/2023
HB3590SCH CD-CAREER DEV EXP INSURANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03537/28/2023
HJR47CHIEF WESTON MEMORIAL HGWYSReferred to Assignments5/15/2024
Totals   SB: 79   SR: 344   SJR: 1   HB: 5   HJR: 1   

Aquino, Omar
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB122MEDICAL SERVICES-NON-CITIZENSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB504EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB696LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057512/8/2023
SB804REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1238ELEC CD-USE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1464HUMBOLDT PARK MEDICAL DISTRICTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1977INNKEEPER PROTECTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1978VEH CD-DISABLEMENT TECHNOLOGYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1979CONSUMER FRAUD-NO CASH PAYMNTSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2023
SB1980AGING-HOMEMAKER WAGE INCREASESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1982PERSONAL DELIVERY DEVICESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2268ELECTIONS-CON AMENDMENT BALLOTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2269EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2270CIVIL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2271HOME HEALTH SERVICESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02576/30/2023
SB2272RED LIGHT CAMERAS-ETHICSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2273HWY CD–IDOT-RED LIGHT CAMERASSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2274HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2275REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2276REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2410LABOR RELATIONS-UNIT STATUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2441SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2446REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/16/2023
SB2819ARCHITECTURE PRACTICE-EXAMSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06277/1/2024
SB2870ELEC CD-EARLY VOTING LOCATIONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3268DHFS-FUND TRANSFERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05936/7/2024
SB3329INC TX-CHILD TAX CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3330SCH CD-CHARTER SCHOOL RENEWALSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3331CONSUMER FRAUD-MANDATORY FEESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3332AGING-HOMEMAKER SERVICES-RATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3486MEDICAID-SAFETY-NET PROVIDERSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3803$DCEO/ICCB-GRANTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3934TRANSPORTATION-GREENHOUSE GASSReferred to Assignments4/29/2024
SR277MEMORIAL-IVAN GONZALEZSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR304PRCC WEEKENDSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR551AMEND US TAX CODE/PUERTO RICOSReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SR552PUERTO RICO-USDA FUNDSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SR938MOMS ON A MISSION DAYSResolution Adopted5/8/2024
HB778STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07258/2/2024
HB2948DFPR-OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05378/11/2023
HB4629CONSUMER FRAUD-FEE DISCLOSURESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5324LABOR RELATION-SCHEDULE-REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08568/9/2024
HJR59ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses2/22/2024
Totals   SB: 33   SR: 5   HB: 4   HJR: 1   

Belt, Christopher
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB217CLAIMS CT-LINE OF DUTY AWARDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB229CLAIMS CT-LINE OF DUTY AWARDSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB342VEH CD-APPROACH EMERGENCY VEHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB343SCH CD-DYSLEXIASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB344INC TX-FIREFIGHTER-EMSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB345SCH CONSTRUCTION-GRANT INDEXSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB385CIVIL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057312/8/2023
SB850STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05618/18/2023
SB852STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1291LIMITS-DEBT COLLECT-ST AGENCYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04858/4/2023
SB1292TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1367FEDERALLY ASSISTED HOUSINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02156/30/2023
SB1536GRANTS-LOW-INCOME COMMUNITIESSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1537OMA-REMOTE MEETINGSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1590HIGHER ED-CHIROPRACTIC-LOANSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02196/30/2023
SB1610USE/OCC TX-SCHOOL SUPPLIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1754POLICE TRAINING-OUT-OF-STATESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03897/28/2023
SB1755NEW MARKET DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1857JUSTICE40 OVERSIGHT COMMITTEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2057OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02516/30/2023
SB2058ELECTROLOGIST LICENSE-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2059VET MED/SURGERY ACT-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05058/4/2023
SB2076CONSERVATION POLICE-STANDARDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2156SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2208IDPH-MEDICAID FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2209CHILD HUNGER-BREAKFAST GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2210USE/OCC TX-AIRCRAFTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2234BUSINESS TRUTH IN LENDING ACTHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2252CHILD HUNGER-BREAKFAST GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2253INC TAX-VOLUNTEER WORK CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2576REV ILLINOIS PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments5/8/2023
SB2636MEDICAID-PERSONAL NEEDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2768INDEMNIFY COUNTY PATHOLOGISTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2803IL ID CARD-FEDERAL PRISONERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07828/6/2024
SB3235FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS-STUDYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09598/9/2024
SB3236CONSERVATION FOUNDATION ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3237SCH CONSTRUCT LAW-GRANT AWARDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09608/9/2024
SB3238COMM EQUITY&INCLUSION-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09618/9/2024
SB3239HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE COUNCILSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09628/9/2024
SB3422STATE AVIATION PROGRAM FUNDHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3423CORRECTIONS-SUPERVISED RELEASESReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3424HOSPITAL STAFFING LEVELSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3425BUSINESS ENTERPRISE-CONTRACTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3426REVENUE-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09958/9/2024
SB3586RELOCATION ASSISTANCE FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3587PROCUREMENT-BOARD OF EDUCATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3698EXPRESSWAY CAMERA ACT-FUNDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3699FINANCE-AVIATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3706SPORTS WAGERING-REVENUE RETURNSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3707MUNICIPAL ECONOMIC RELIEFSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3708PEN CD-SERS-ALTERNATE ANNUITYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3797CANNABIS-CULTIVATION CTRSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR248MEMORIAL-REV. DR. JOHN OWENSSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR301MEMORIAL-SAUNDRA RULESResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR460MEMORIAL-LESLIE WALKER DIXONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR471CONGRATS-AINAD TEMPLE 100 YRS.SResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR477MEMORIAL-CAPT. ELEANOR COOKESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR641MEMORIAL-WADE R. BIVINSSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR803KIDNEY MONTHSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR840MEMORIAL-BILLIE JEAN MILLERSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR989MEMORIAL-RUTH A. BUSH-MCGASKEYSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1238MEMORIAL-PASTOR BRENDA HOLDERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1293MEMORIAL-GILBERT SIDNEY PERRYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR60ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses5/3/2024
HB300EDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05158/11/2023
HB476LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02757/28/2023
HB1105ICC APPROVAL OF EMINENT DOMAINHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00136/9/2023
HB1133COM COL-SEC-WORKING CASH FUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02787/28/2023
HB1497VEH CD-LIABILITY-RENTALSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05208/11/2023
HB1558IDPH-MEDICAID FEESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01276/30/2023
HB2389VEH CD-WINDSHIELD DRIVERS VIEWHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00326/9/2023
HB2448CONSERVATION POLICE-STANDARDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00366/9/2023
HB2487JUSTICE40 OVERSIGHT COMMITTEEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03137/28/2023
HB3071EDUC/SCH CD-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01756/30/2023
HB3097AMUSEMENT RIDE ACT-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01776/30/2023
HB3747VEH CD-ABANDONED VEHICLESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02026/30/2023
HB3801SCH CD-TEACHING EXCELLENCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02076/30/2023
HB3908FIREFIGHTER MATERNITY LEAVESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4786INS CD-EDUCATION PROVIDERSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
Totals   SB: 52   SR: 11   SJR: 1   HB: 15   

Bennett, Tom
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB150CAMPUS FREE SPEECHSReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB222MHDD-ASSAULT NOTIFICATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB226COMM DATE-ATOMIC VETERANS DAYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB348STATE CAPITOL BUILDING STATUESSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB941BUSINESS-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB994EDUCATION-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee3/30/2023
SB1132REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB1216TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB1268ELEC CODE-DECEASED VOTERSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1269ELECTIONS VOTER PHOTO IDSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1355UNEMP INS-CONTRIB-INSTALLMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1356BD HIGHER ED-IN-DEMAND JOBSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1357VEH CD-DEALERSHIP PLATE MOUNTSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1468PEN CD-TRS-RETURN TO SERVICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00886/9/2023
SB1469SCH CD-EDUC MATERIAL/REVIEWSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1470SCH CD-REMOTE LEARNING DAYHReferred to Rules Committee3/30/2023
SB1488SCH CD-EDUCATOR TESTINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04888/4/2023
SB1489ST BD EDUCATION-ELECT MEMBERSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1532INC TX-BEER/WINE CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1533ESTATE TAX-EXCLUSION AMOUNTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1534PROP TX-VETERANSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB1571HIGHWAYS-TAX COLLECTIONSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1583INC TX-INTERNSHIP CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1638STATUTES-BORN ALIVE INFANTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1639JUV CT-WARDSHIP PETITION-ORDERSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1820PRAIRIE WEEKSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1868VEH CD-ONE LICENSE PLATESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1957FIREARM OWNERS ID ACT-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2179SCHOOL CD-PROPERTY TAX RELIEFSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2180STATE CAPITOL BUILDING STATUESSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2862BD HIGHER ED-IN-DEMAND JOBSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06337/1/2024
SB2897CAMPUS FREE SPEECH ACTSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2904STATE CAPITOL BUILDING STATUESSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2905STATE CAPITOL BUILDING STATUESSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2916ELEC CODE-DECEASED VOTERSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2917ELECTIONS VOTER PHOTO IDSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2958VEH REGISTRATION-LICENSE REQSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2959SONS OF AMERICAN LEGION PLATESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09338/9/2024
SB2965COMM DATE-ATOMIC VETERANS DAYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2972PRESCRIBED BURNING-LIABILITYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2995SCHOOL CD-PROPERTY TAX RELIEFSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB2996PROP TX-VETERANSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3083CRIM CD-AGG BAT-HLTH CARE WKRSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3084FOID CARD&CONCEAL CARRY-EXPIRESReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3088FIREARM OWNERS ID ACT-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3243INVEST IN KIDS-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3250STATUTES-BORN ALIVE INFANTSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3251JUV CT-WARDSHIP PETITION-ORDERSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3253HIGHWAYS-TAX COLLECTIONSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3277MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY AWARENESSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09648/9/2024
SB3533SCH CD-ENGLISH LEARNERS-CIVICSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3961VEH CD-KNOX COLLEGE PLATESSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SB3964$SUPP-DEPT AGR-SWCDSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SB3966CD CORR-CLOSED PRISON SITESReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SB3967STATE FACILITIES-RESTORATIONSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SB3969DCEO-LOCAL GOV GRANT PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SB3970$DCEO-LOCAL GOV GRANTSSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SB3976ESTATE TAX-SPECIAL USESReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SB3978ISP-VARIOUS CORR CNTRS-RESTORESReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SR58ILLINOIS BACON DAYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SR66ATOMIC VETERANS DAYSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR129PRAIRIE WEEKSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR215PONTIAC CORRECTIONAL CENTERSReferred to Assignments4/25/2023
SR569CONGRATS-CHRISTINE MYERSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR651CONGRATS-ONARGA MUSIC CLUBSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR706SENATE RULES-AMENDSReferred to Assignments1/12/2024
SR799ATOMIC VETERANS DAYSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR800PONTIAC CORRECTIONAL CENTERSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SR819FUND SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION GRANTSReferred to Assignments3/5/2024
SR824MANAGING ROBOCALLS & SPOOFINGSReferred to Assignments3/6/2024
SJR9SP4 WILLIAM CAMPBELL HIGHWAYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SJR10ATOMIC VETERANS HIGHWAYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SJR22ILLINOIS BACON DAYSAdopted Both Houses5/18/2023
SJR23CPL. D. TAYLOR MEMORIAL HGHWYSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SJR35SSG TROEHLER MEMORIAL HIGHWAYSReferred to Assignments5/9/2023
SJR50ILLINOIS BACON DAYSAdopted Both Houses5/25/2024
HB296EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB2855LYME DISEASE TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03287/28/2023
HB3172ASSISTED LIVING-INSULIN ADMINHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04448/4/2023
HB3277EPA-COMPOSTING FACILITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03427/28/2023
HB3311VEH REGISTRATION-LICENSE REQSReferred to Assignments3/24/2023
HB3446SCH CD-EVID BASED FUND-SPENDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08028/9/2024
HB4179EMERGENCY SERVICE DIST-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08078/9/2024
HB5184SCH CD-BULLYING PREVENTION-AGESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5640VETERANS-SPACE FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07468/2/2024
Totals   SB: 59   SR: 11   SJR: 6   HB: 9   

Bryant, Terri
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB240SCH CD-HEALTH EXAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB950CIVIL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057712/8/2023
SB1503ELEC CD-ELECTORAL COLLEGESReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1517PENCD-DNST FIRE-RECIPROCAL ACTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1518PEN CD-SERS-ALTERNATE ANNUITYSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1551ENERGY TRANSITION ACT-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1589IMDMA-VISITATION-NONPARENTSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1640DIGNITY FOR ABORTED CHILDRENSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1758ST BD EDUC-ELECT MEMBERSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1760IEMA-LOCAL BUSINESS LICENSESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1914ULTRASOUND OPPORTUNITY ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1973FOID-REVOCATION&SUSPENSIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1974CRIM CD-AGG DOMESTIC BATTERYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1975COUNTIES CD-AUXILIARY DEPUTIESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1976CRIM CD-DOMESTIC ASSAULTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2048LOCAL ZONING-MANUFACTURED HOMESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2148ATHLETIC ORG-EQUAL PARTICIPATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2185WORLD SHOOT&RECREATION COMPLEXSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2186JACKSON CNTY-CONSERVANCY DISTSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2187CD CORR-PRISONER REVIEW BOARDSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2202TIF-CITY OF SPARTASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2333CONCEALED CARRY-SCHOOLSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2334FOID-REVOCATION-SUSPENSIONSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2335RIGHTS OF CRIME VICTIMS-NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2373CYCLE RIDER SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2575$IDOT-MODOC FERRYSReferred to Assignments5/4/2023
SB2592DOC LAND TRANSFER-CHESTERSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2649REPEAL ILLINOIS TRUST ACTSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2823SEX OFFENSE-ABUSE BY EDUCATORSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB3184RIGHTS OF CRIME VICTIMS-NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3185COUNTIES CD-AUXILIARY DEPUTIESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3186FOID-REVOCATION-SUSPENSIONSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3335CHILD ABUSE PREVENTIONSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3534CRIME REDUCTION-DRUG DETECTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3535CORRECTION OFFICER RIGHTS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3536COAL MINING-RESCUE OPERATIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3537ANIMAL ADOPTION-FEE WAIVERSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3746ULTRASOUND OPPORTUNITY ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3962ASSAULT WEAPONS - AFFIDAVITSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR75CONGRATS-MONICA MAXEYSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR240SOUTHWEST CONNECTOR COALITIONSReferred to Assignments5/2/2023
SR540CONGRATS-NATALIE WELLENSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR802CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTHSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR1274EPILEPSY AWARENESS MONTHSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1298UTILITY SCAM AWARENESS DAYSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR26PFC. KENNY KAYS MEMORIAL HWYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SJR36CPT. J. LAUR MEMORIAL BRIDGESReferred to Assignments5/10/2023
SJR37DON WELGE MEMORIAL BRIDGEHReferred to Rules Committee5/24/2023
SJR43LCPL. UHLES MEMORIAL HIGHWAYHReferred to Rules Committee11/12/2024
SJRCA8CON AMEND-PARENTAL RIGHTSSReferred to Assignments3/7/2023
HB2338MOBILE HOME SALE TERMS-LEASESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04328/4/2023
HB3456WORLD SHOOT&RECREATION COMPLEXHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04478/4/2023
HB4241SEX OFFENSE-ABUSE BY EDUCATORSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB4570COSMETOLOGY/BARBER TEACHERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06757/19/2024
HB4954COAL MINING-RESCUE OPERATIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07398/2/2024
HJR28DEPUTY SEAN RILEY MEM. HIGHWAYHAdopted Both Houses5/25/2024
HJR33MICHAEL GARBO MEMORIAL HWYHAdopted Both Houses5/24/2023
HJR38DON WELGE MEMORIAL BRIDGEHAdopted Both Houses10/26/2023
HJR67LCPL. UHLES MEMORIAL HIGHWAYHAdopted Both Houses5/26/2024
Totals   SB: 39   SR: 6   SJR: 4   SJRCA: 2   HB: 5   HJR: 5   

Castro, Cristina
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB45PROCUREMENT-EXEMPTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB61NOTICES-ELECTRONIC PUBLICATIONSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB62EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB63HIGHWAY ADS-PERMIT&NOTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04718/4/2023
SB64HIGHWAY ADS-SIGNSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB70LIQUOR-COUPONS & PROMOTIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB82EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION-TRUCKSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB103OPEN MTGS-AUDIO AND VIDEO MTGSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB104STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB105WAGE PAYMENT-DIRECT DEPOSITSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB223INVEST IN KIDS-FUNDINGSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB224INVEST IN KIDS-SUNSETSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB225INVEST IN KIDS-VOCATIONALSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB323SPORTS WAGER-APP FEE REDUCEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB466EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB467EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB690LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-056511/17/2023
SB764REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04828/4/2023
SB773REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07518/2/2024
SB807REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1253HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1254REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1255INS-CLINICIAN ADMINISTER DRUGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1425EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1426DRUG TAKE-BACK PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1442REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1538UTILITIES-SURCHARGE REPEALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1539REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1540VISION CARE REGULATION ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1542REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1641UPIA-FEDERAL CHANGESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00986/9/2023
SB1656INTERNET GAMING ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1757PROCUREMENT-HIGHER EDUCATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1988PROP TX-APPEALSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-058312/8/2023
SB1989CANNABIS-OUTDOOR CANOPY SPACESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1990LIQUOR-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2000LIQUOR-COUPONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2001LIQUOR-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2002LIQUOR-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2025PEN CD-SERS-ALTERNATE ANNUITYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2056HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2072ELECTIONS-PREREGISTRATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2124PROCUREMENT-HIGHER EDUCATIONSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2125PROCUREMENT-HIGHER EDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2154VEH CD-ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUSESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2213PARKING EXCISE TAX-DEFINITIONSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2214CERT ANESTHESIOLOGIST ASSISTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB2215CIVIL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2216LIQUOR-BEER-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2217FAMILY LEAVE INSURANCE PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2287PROP TX-HISTORIC RESIDENCEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee12/8/2023
SB2288ILL ARTICULATION INITIATIVESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04698/4/2023
SB2336HIGHER ED-FOR PROFIT-MAP GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2369CHILDREN-DETENTION-ALTERNATIVESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2370JUV CT-REIMBURSEMENT-PLACEMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2420ILLINOIS WORKS JOBS CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2433LIQUOR-ALCOPOPS/NA MERCHANDISESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2564SHORT-TERM RENTAL TAX ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2572INS-MENOPAUSE/GLUCOSE MEDICINESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2635PAID LEAVE FOR ALL-DEFINITIONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2704INC TX-EMERGENCY WORKERSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/3/2024
SB2785PROP TX-NOTICESReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2848EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2939ONE DAY OF REST-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3117EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3136FAMILY RECOVERY PLANSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09418/9/2024
SB3159EPA-SCHOOL BUS ZERO EMISSIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3160CARBON FUEL STANDARDS ACTSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3161LIQUOR-DIRECT SHIPPINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3180CHILD PERFORMERS-HOUR REQSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3224TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3225INS-CLINICIAN ADMINISTER DRUGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3245LIQUOR-MANAGEMENT COMPANIESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3361JOINT PURCHASING-RANKINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3362ROTA-RETAILERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09838/9/2024
SB3496HOTEL TAX-RERENTERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3497HOME BUYER SAVINGS ACCOUNT ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3498SHORT-TERM RENTAL TAX ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3509WHISTLEBLOWER ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3594ILL ARTICULATION INITIATIVESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10228/9/2024
SB3730LIQUOR-COOPERATIVE PURCHASINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3731PROCUREMENT-MID-SIZE-BUSINESSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3732PRIOR AUTH-CHRONIC HEALTHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3733LIQUOR-BEER SHOWCASE PERMITSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3769ELECTRIC VEHICLE-ORIENTED PGRMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3800CANNABIS-AGENT EMPLOYMENTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3801HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3802STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3905LIVE THEATER-PRE-BROADWAYSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3906PROCUREMENT-COMM INFRASTRUCTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3907PROCUREMENT-COMPETITIVE BIDSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3912HEALTH BENEFIT EXCHANGE-WAIVERSReferred to Assignments3/7/2024
SB3927PEN CD-MEETINGS-A/V CONFERENCESReferred to Assignments4/11/2024
SB3932PROCUREMENT-JOB ORDERSSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
SR94INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAYSResolution Adopted3/8/2023
SR146MEMORIAL-AUSTIN KEATINGSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR209MEMORIAL-NANCY HOGANSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR333MEMORIAL-MICHAEL GAETASResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR381MEMORIAL-KARA ALLREDSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR382CONGRATS-BENJAMIN JONENSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR388MEMORIAL-D. MARIA LUISA VALDEZSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR644CONGRATS-GAIL BORDEN LIBRARYSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR691MEMORIAL-JOSEPH M. WARSSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR747CONGRATS-WILLIAM E. COGLEYSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR875MEMORIAL-ALAN L. LARSONSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR946MEMORIAL-JOHN F. EARLYSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR1049CONGRATS-DAVID SAM, PH.D.SResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1081CONGRATS-ROBERT M. TANNERSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1107CONGRATS-JULIA MCCLENDONSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1163MEMORIAL-JAMES MOSBYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB793STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPassed Both Houses11/21/2024
HB1132LASER SYSTEM-SAFETY OFFICERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02777/28/2023
HB1283TWP CD-SPECIAL SERVICE AREASHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00166/9/2023
HB1602SANITARY DIST-CONTRACTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB2232PROP TX-REISSUE DECISIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06557/19/2024
HB2300ILLINOIS WORKS JOBS CREDITHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03057/28/2023
HB2368STATE AGENCY REPORTSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB2502LIQUOR-ALCOPOPS/NA MERCHANDISESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB2878PROCUREMENT-MINED LANDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057012/8/2023
HB3093MENSTRUAL HYGIENE PRODUCTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/26/2023
HB3144DCEO-CHAMBER OF COMMERCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07818/5/2024
HB3351IL SOLAR FOR ALL-PREVAIL WAGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01886/30/2023
HB3370PREVAILING WAGE-POWER WASHINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03467/28/2023
HB3448WAGE PAYMENT-CONTRACTORSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03507/28/2023
HB4451VEH CD-SPEED CAMERA REVENUESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4467MOBILE HOME PARK-LICENSINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08198/9/2024
HB4737JOINT PURCHASING-RANKINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4772PROCUREMENT-BID PREFERENCESSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5020EDUC-DUAL CREDIT QUALITY ACTSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5024HIGHR ED-EARLY CHLD CONSORTIUMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5087PHYSICAL THERAPY-TELEHEALTHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08498/9/2024
HB5100UNSOLICITED PROPOSALSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5271CRIM CD-VOLUNTARY INTOXICATIONSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB5294NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE LEAVESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5313INS-NETWORK ADEQUACY-DIRECTORYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB5428BANKING-VARIOUSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5511PROCUREMENT-BID PREFERENCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08658/9/2024
HB5561WHISTLEBLOWER ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08678/9/2024
Totals   SB: 94   SR: 16   HB: 28   HJR: 1   

Cervantes, Javier L.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB123REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB305HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB505EMPLOYMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04798/4/2023
SB508EMPLOYMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08798/9/2024
SB1448DHS-HOME SERVICES PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1449REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1450STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1451HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1452TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1453HIGHER ED-GROW ILLINOISSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1496INC TX-COMMERCIAL DRIVERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1514VEH CD-DRIVE LICENSE-IMMIGRANTSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1657CHILD CARE-PROVIDER PAYMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1727SCH CD-TECHNICAL SKILLS PROGRMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1866AUCTION/REAL ESTATE-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02366/30/2023
SB2003MINIMUM WAGE-AGRICULTURESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2004AGING-COMM CARE PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2035ENSURING ESSENTIAL SERVICESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2098FILM CREDIT-POST PRODUCTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2384RETIRED POLICE DOG-CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2385EPA-COMMERCIAL FREIGHTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2386BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2387REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2548$DHS-INDEPENDENT LIVING CNTRSSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SB2574REVENUE-VENDOR DISCOUNTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2580$DHS-BIG BROTHERS/SISTERSSReferred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB2660MASSAGE THERAPY-MISCONDUCTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07578/2/2024
SB2692SCH CD/SCH SAFETY-DOOR LOCKINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2821SCH CD-THIRD-PARTY CONTRACTSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2864UNLAWFUL POSSESSION WEAPONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3114PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PRACTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3135HEALTH-BEHAVIORAL CLINIC GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3211MARRIAGE/FAMILY THERAPISTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09558/9/2024
SB3212ESTATES-SMALL ESTATESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3213INS-MOTOR VEHICLE RATESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3214$CIL FUNDINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3415SEXUAL ASSAULT EVIDENCE-NOTIFYSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3416VETERANS COURT-PTSD/SENTENCINGSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3417VETERANS COURT-PTSD-PROCEDURESSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3446NURSING HOMES-GHOST SCHEDULESReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3518EPA-LEAD PIPE-EXTENDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3740REAL ESTATE LICENSING-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10398/9/2024
SR1224CONGRATS-MORTON COLLEGESResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1242MEMORIAL-OPAL WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB1367CREMATORY REGULATION-REMAINSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04198/4/2023
HB1378HIGHER ED-GROW ILLINOISHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05198/11/2023
HB2207AUCTION/REAL ESTATE-VARIOUSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/26/2023
HB2431VEH CD-VIDEO CONFERENCINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03107/28/2023
HB3102CEMETERIES-DISTRIBUTIONSSReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HB3588RETIRED POLICE DOG-CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3773LIMIT PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS USEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08048/9/2024
HB4500UNLAWFUL POSSESSION WEAPONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08228/9/2024
HB4911FITNESS SERVICES-CONTRACTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08388/9/2024
Totals   SB: 43   SR: 2   HB: 9   

Chesney, Andrew S.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1658GROWING ECONOMY TAX CREDITSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1659SCH CD-BIO-RESTROOM ACCESSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1660PREVAIL WAGE-WAIVER-$20,000SRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1661VEH CD-VEH ON FLATBED TOWSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1662VEH CD-RETIRED GA/EXEC PLATESSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1663GA ORG-BILL PASSAGE VOTESReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1687ELEC-PROHIBITED USE OF FUNDSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1746JO DAVIESS COUNTY-HOTEL INCOMESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2136FIREARM OWNERS ID ACT-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2137CD CORR-FELONY FINES-GEN ASSEMSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2138CRIM CD-RESIST PEACE OFFICERSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2139BUDGET-GA MEMBER SALARYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2140LLC-REDUCE FILING FEESSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2141ATV/OHV FEES AND REGULATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2142CRIM CD-HATE CRIME-FALSE REPTSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2143CRIM CD-HATE CRIME-SAFETYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2144UNLAWFUL WEAPON USESReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2145REINSTATES DEATH SENTENCESReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2594INC TX-EMERGENCY WORKERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2736PROP TX-NOTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2831ELEC CD-FELONY PROHIBITIONSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2855NO SENIOR LICENSE RESTRICTIONSSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB3158VEH CD-RETIRED GA/EXEC PLATESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3260ELEC-PROHIBITED USE OF FUNDSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3289IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT ACTSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3596IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3618$REFUGEE RELOCATIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3635SCH CD-E-LEARNING-ATTENDANCESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3799UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME BANSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR71CONGRATS-JOHN R. LAUSCH JR.SResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR112CONGRATS-HIGHLAND COLLEGESResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR746IMPEACH U.S. DHS SEC. MAYORKASSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
HB1855ILLINOIS FORESTRY FIXHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07958/9/2024
HB2033LOCAL GOV BONDS-ORDINANCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01376/30/2023
Totals   SB: 29   SR: 3   HB: 2   HJR: 1   

Collins, Lakesia
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1618INS-HEALTH PLAN BENEFIT DATASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2715AGING-OMBUDSMAN PROGRAMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07628/2/2024
SB2820DCFS-EXTENDED FOSTER CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3162DHS-DIAPER ALLOWANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3182BIRTH CERTIFICATE-STILLBIRTHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09488/9/2024
SB3183JUV CT-REUNITE CHILD-FAMILYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3365JUV CT-SPEEDY TRIAL-DETENTIONSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3366$DCEO-WOMEN AND CHILDRENSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3367DCFS SRVCS-PARENTAL LIABILITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09848/9/2024
SB3368JUV CT-FITNESS TO STAND TRIALSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3449HUMAN REMAINS-ORGAN DONATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3482VOTING RIGHTS-RELEASE CORR INSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3555CD CORR-PRISONER PUBLICATIONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3559ANTI-RETALIATION NURSING HOMESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3653ASTC-ANESTHESIA SERVICESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3665PREGNANCY/POSTPARTUM CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3709HOSPITAL STAFFING PLANS ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3710FANTASY SPORTS PROTECTION ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3711HIV TLC ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3714HOSPICE/PALLIATIVE LOAN REPAYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3776MINIMUM WAGE-GRATUITIESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3778INS-NONPARTICIPATING PROVIDERSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3790INDUSTRIAL HEMP ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3810$DCEO-WOMEN AND CHILDRENSReferred to Assignments2/20/2024
SB3913$DCEO-CHILD ADVOCACY CTRSReferred to Assignments3/7/2024
SB3914$DHS-ISBE-EARLY CHILDHOODSReferred to Assignments3/7/2024
SB3939INC TX-DATA CENTERSSReferred to Assignments5/1/2024
SB3990$DCEO-IL MED DISTSReferred to Assignments11/13/2024
SR727SUPPORT-U OF I CANCER CENTERSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR968MEMORIAL-GEORGE WHITESResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR975CONGRATS-RUSH/MD ANDERSONSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
HB222CIVIL LAW-TECHHPassed Both Houses11/20/2024
HB1294JUVENILE COURT-FITNESSSReferred to Assignments3/24/2023
HB4758DCFS REPORTS-OVERNIGHT STAYSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08298/9/2024
HB5142PREGNANCY/POSTPARTUM CAREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07207/29/2024
HB5417HIV TLC ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB5537HEALTH FACILITY-NURSING HOMESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
Totals   SB: 28   SR: 3   HB: 6   

Cunningham, Bill
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB325FOIA-RECORDS OF ATTORNEY GENSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00696/9/2023
SB326EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEMSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB327IL RACING BOARD-VARIOUSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB423CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02717/28/2023
SB584GAMING-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057412/8/2023
SB762REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00756/9/2023
SB1247REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1504VID GM&CRIM CD-GAMBLING DEVICEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1505WAGE PAYMENT-EMPLOYEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1506BIPA-SECURITY PURPOSESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1507UTIL-SOLAR LOW-INCOME CUSTOMERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1509TELEDENTAL-STANDARDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1511BIPA-SECURITY PURPOSESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1543STATEWDE PTSD MENTL HLTH COORDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03827/28/2023
SB1544HOMEOWNERS ENERGY-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1585TELEHEALTH-ATHLETIC TRAINERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1586CLINIC PSYC-NO PRESCRIP OPIOIDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1587POWER AG-ENERGY CREDIT TARGETSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1588IL POWER AG-BROWNFIELD SITESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1676STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1677BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1678STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1699PHYSICAL THERAPY COMPACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-058012/8/2023
SB1875JCAR-RULEMAKING SUBMISSIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03907/28/2023
SB1876DCEO-SOLAR PERMITTING GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1877PENCD-CHI POLICE-OTHER SERVICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1878CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1879UTIL-ALT RETAIL SUPPLIERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02376/30/2023
SB1880INC TAX-INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1881EXCHANGE TRADE WAGERINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1961INS BUSINESS TRANSFER ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1996MANUFACTURING MENTORSHIPSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05906/5/2024
SB2152PEN CD-INVESTMENT PROXY VOTINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04688/7/2023
SB2153UNDERGROUND CO2 STORAGE ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2437FIRST 2023 GENERAL REVISORYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2558GAMBLING-ILLEGAL MARKETSSReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
SB2570TECH-COOK CTY SHERIFFS MERITSReferred to Assignments4/27/2023
SB2579DEPUTY SHERIFF-APPOINTMENT AGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2586DENTAL PRACTICE-CLEAR ALIGNERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09028/9/2024
SB2640FOIA-ADMIN OR TECHNICAL INFOSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2654VEH CD-LIEN/FINE EXEMPTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07568/2/2024
SB2656INC TX-SMALL BUSINESS CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2693REAL ESTATE APPRAISER-LICENSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2774IL RACING BOARD-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2804CIVIL ADMIN-CMS ADMIN HEARINGSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09248/9/2024
SB2979BIPA-PROCEDURE-DAMAGESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07698/2/2024
SB2991CONSUMER LEGAL-REFINANCINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2992RACING BD/GAMING BD EMPLOYEESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3111ASSISTED LIVING-LICENSE RENEWSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07758/2/2024
SB3112FACILITY ADVISORY BOARDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09388/9/2024
SB3155INC TX-ANGEL CREDITSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09458/9/2024
SB3254ILLINOIS-IRELAND TRADE COMMSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3255VIDEO GAMING-DONATE WINNINGSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3311CLIMATE/LANDOWNER PROTECT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3312GAMING-SELF-EXCLUSION LISTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3313VIDEO GAMING-LICENSING CONTROLSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3314CONSUMER LEGAL-REFINANCINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09748/9/2024
SB3315DHFS-REGISTERED BEHAVIOR TECHSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3370ILETSB APPEAL BOARDSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3429SANITARY DIST-DISCONNECTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09968/9/2024
SB3447PTELL-AGGREGATE EXTENSIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3598UTIL-BATTERY STORAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3636POWER AG-ENERGY CREDIT TARGETSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3637UTIL-TIME-OF-USE PRICINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3754IPA-BROWNFIELD PROCUREMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3755PROP TX-RELIGIOUS PROPERTYHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3756LOTTERY ACCOUNT-WITHDRAWALSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3758ENERGY-INSULATION REQ IN HOMESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3943ST ATTY APP BOARD MEETINGSSReferred to Assignments5/2/2024
SB3949HIGH VOLT RENEW ENERGY CREDITSSReferred to Assignments5/8/2024
SB3957UTILITIES-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments5/24/2024
SB3959ENERGY-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments5/24/2024
SB3960COOK COUNTY SHERIFF MERIT BDSReferred to Assignments5/25/2024
SR2SENATE ORGANIZEDSResolution Adopted1/11/2023
SR173CONGRATS-DR. SYLVIA M. JENKINSSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR898ALIENATION AWARENESS DAYSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR1053IL/IRELAND BILATERAL TRADESReferred to Assignments5/25/2024
SJR30URGES-SUPPORT 211 ILLINOISSAdopted Both Houses5/24/2023
SJR42ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHResolution Adopted5/27/2023
SJR61PTSD AWARENESS DAYSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
HB220CIVIL LAW-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB1209SPACE FORCE LICENSE PLATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB1595EMS SYSTEMS-DISPUTE RESOLUTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05218/11/2023
HB2035PEN CD-MWRD-DISABILITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05238/11/2023
HB2154LOCAL-BATTERY-CHARGED FENCESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07968/9/2024
HB2174HOMEOWNERS ENERGY-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02967/28/2023
HB2267DENTAL PRACTICE-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04318/4/2023
HB2289FIRST 2023 GENERAL REVISORYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01546/30/2023
HB2480UTIL-SOLAR LOW-INCOME CUSTOMERSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB3162PEN CD-CHI POLICE/FIRE-COVIDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00025/10/2023
HB3340MUNI CD-BORROWING FROM THE IFAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01876/30/2023
HB3342PENCD-CHI POLICE-OTHER SERVICESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB3641CAPITAL DEV BD-LOCAL GOV REGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-056411/17/2023
HB3765PEN CD-COOK COUNTY-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments5/22/2024
HB3808UTIL-VIDEO SERVICE DEFINEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03607/28/2023
HB3811ABLE ACCOUNT PROGRAMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB3940EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEMSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03667/28/2023
HB4224LIBRARY-BOND PERCENTAGEHPlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s) 1, 211/20/2024
HB4317MECHANICS LIEN-WRITTEN NOTICESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4460POLICE&FIRE INS-MENTAL HEALTHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08188/9/2024
HB4661PUBLIC UTILITY-INFRASTRUCTUREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06797/19/2024
HB4844FIRST 2024 GENERAL REVISORYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06057/1/2024
HB5135PROFESSIONS–SKIN GROWTH EDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08518/9/2024
HB5229DEPT OF THE LOTTERY-VARIOUSSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5367VIDEO GAMING-LICENSEE LOCATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HJR23I-55 MANAGED LANE PROJECTHAdopted Both Houses5/25/2023
HJR24ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses3/10/2023
HJR32ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses4/27/2023
HJR43ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses10/26/2023
HJR45ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses11/9/2023
Totals   SB: 73   SR: 4   SJR: 3   HB: 25   HJR: 5   

Curran, John F.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB925AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB926AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB927AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB928AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB929AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB930AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB931AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB932AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB933AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB934AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB936$DEPT REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB937$DEPT REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB938$DEPT REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB939$DEPT REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB940BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB942BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB943BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB944BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB945BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB946BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB947BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB948BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB949BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB953CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB954CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB955CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB956CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB957CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB958CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB959CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB960CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB962CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB963CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB965CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB966CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB967CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB968CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB969CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB970CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB971CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB972CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB973CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB974CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB975CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB976CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB977CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB978CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB979CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB980ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB981ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB982ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB983ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB984ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB985ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB986ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB987ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB988ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB989ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB990EDUCATION-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2023
SB996EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB997EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB999EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1000EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1001EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1002EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1003EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1004EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1005EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1006EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1007EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1008EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1009EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1011ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1012ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1013ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1014ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1015ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1016ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1017ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1018ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1019ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1020EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1021EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1022EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1023EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1024EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1025EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1026EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1027EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1028EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1029EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1031ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1032ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1033ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1034ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1035ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1036ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1037ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1038ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1039ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1040ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1041ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1042ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1043ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1044ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1045ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1046ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1047ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1048ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1049ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1050FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1051FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1052FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1053FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1054FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1056GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1057GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1058GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1059GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1060GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1061GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1062GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1063GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1064GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1074GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1075GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1076GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1077GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1078GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1079GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1080GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1081GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1082GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1083GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1084GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1088HEALTH-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1090HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1091HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1092HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1093HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1094HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1095LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1097LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1100LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB1101LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1103LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1104LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1106LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1107LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1108LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1109LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1110LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1111LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1112LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1113LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1114LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1117PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1118PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1119PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1120PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1121PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1122PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1123PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1124PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1129REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB1130REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1133REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1134REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1135REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1136REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1137REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1138REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1139REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1140REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1141REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1142REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1143REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1144REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1157REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1158REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1159REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1162SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1163SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1164SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1165SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1166SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1167SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1168SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1169SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1172STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1174STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1175STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1177STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1178STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1179STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1180STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1181STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1182STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1183STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1184STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1185STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1186STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1187STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1188STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1189STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1190STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1191STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1192STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1193STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1194STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1195STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1196STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1197STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1198STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1199STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1200STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1201STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1202STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1203STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1204STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1205STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1206STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1207STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1208STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1209STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1218TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1219TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1220TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1221TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1222TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1223TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1224TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1688MUNI CD-DUPAGE HOTEL REVENUESReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1799STUDENT TRANSPORT-ACTIVITIESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1807VEH CD-ENHANCE FLEEING PENALTYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1808MUNI CODE-USE OF UTILITY POLESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1810REVENUE-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1863CD CORR-AGGRAVATING FACTORSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1919PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1958CRIM CD&PRO-PUBLIC CORRUPTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2365COURT DOCS-REMOTE ACCESS-FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2873STUDENT TRANSPORT-ACTIVITIESSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB3101MUNI CODE-USE OF UTILITY POLESSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3170NONCITIZEN COST TRANSPARENCYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3333INVEST IN IL-AWARDSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3390DENIAL OF PRETRIAL RELEASESReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3391CRIM CD&PRO-PUBLIC CORRUPTIONSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3392DOMESTIC VIOLENCE-PENALTIESSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3563LIBRARY-BOND PERCENTAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10168/9/2024
SB3575INC TX-STANDARD EXEMPTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3947CRIM PRO-PRETRIAL DETENTIONSReferred to Assignments5/7/2024
SR27PROGRESSIVE INCOME TAX-OPPOSESReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SR207CONGRATS-IHSA GYMNASTICSSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR239MEMORIAL-DUANE R. BRADLEYSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR712MEMORIAL-DALLAS INGEMUNSONSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR769MEMORIAL-SEN. JAMES PHILIPSResolution Adopted2/7/2024
SR866HONORS-SEN. LOTTIE O'NEILLSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR1225MEMORIAL-TYRONE C. FAHNERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1229AUDIT-AUNT MARTHA CARE CENTERSAssigned to Health and Human Services11/20/2024
HB3218CHILD ABUSE PREVENTIONSReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HJR62MEMORIAL-DANIEL GOODWINHAdopted Both Houses5/17/2024
Totals   SB: 251   SR: 8   HB: 1   HJR: 1   

DeWitte, Donald P.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB161PROP TX-TAXING DISTRICT LEASESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB163INC TX-R AND D CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB991EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB992EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB993EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1150REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1170STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1217TRANSPORTATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1225PROP TX-COMMON AREASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00836/9/2023
SB1246HOTEL TAX-RED CROSS EXEMPTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1267BIG BOX PROPERTY-DISPOSITIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1368ISP-MOTOR CARRIER SAFETYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1615CIV PRO-AFFIDAVIT OF MERITSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1616CRIM CD-ID THEFT-ANOTHERSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1937TWP-EMPLOYEE&OFFICER INSURANCESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1938EPA-WATER MAIN INSTALLATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2084INC TX-INNOVATION CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2085FOIA-ENGINEERING PROPOSALSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2086STATE RECORDS-ENCRYPTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2087FOIA-LIST OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2201USE/OCC TX-LEASESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2206INC TX-LGDFSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2316INC TX-CDL CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2320MUNI CD-ADMIN ADJUDICATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02606/30/2023
SB2587COUNTY/MUNI-BROADBAND PROJECTSSReferred to Assignments8/16/2023
SB2646PAID LEAVE FOR ALL-EMPLOYERSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2753SCH CD-TEACHER EXTERNSHIP-PAYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2754SCH CD-MANUFACTURING EMPLOYEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2755SCH CD-ADV MANUFACTURING EDUCSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2884CIV PRO-AFFIDAVIT OF MERITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2997PROP TX-TAXING DISTRICT LEASESReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3075STATE RECORDS-ENCRYPTIONSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3076FOIA-LIST OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3121CRIME VICTIMS-FILING COMPLAINTSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3122IDENTITY THEFT-ANOTHER PERSONSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3171FOIA-ENGINEERING PROPOSALSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3172VIDEO GAMING-PROHIBIT-TAXATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3173COUNTY/MUNI-BROADBAND PROJECTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09478/9/2024
SB3531LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3532MUNI CD-COMMERCIAL OPERATIONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3725USE/OCC TX-GROCERIESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3745ISP-MOTOR CARRIER SAFETYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3979TIF-ST. CHARLESSReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SR65CONGRATS-JOHN DUFFYSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR377MEMORIAL-JAMES GOEBBERTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR424CONGRATS-BETH MUNDSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR595CONGRATS-CRYSTAL LAKE SOUTH HSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR614MEMORIAL-JAMES C. MURRAY IISResolution Adopted1/17/2024
HB2579ROTA-PAST DUE RETURNSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03197/28/2023
HB2800QUICK-TAKE-MENARD/MCHENRY COHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00035/31/2023
HB3584CLERKS-CRIME VICTIMS-REPORTINGSReferred to Assignments4/12/2023
Totals   SB: 43   SR: 5   HB: 3   

Edly-Allen, Mary
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB216GUARDIANSHIP-DEMENTIA TRAININGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00646/9/2023
SB382CIVIL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057112/8/2023
SB1391TIF/REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1392DIGITAL FORGERIES ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1562COMM INTEREST/CONDO-INSTRUMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1995SCH CD-SCH SHARE TABLE PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1997COUNTIES CD-BLDG REGULATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02466/30/2023
SB2212CONSUMER-OWNED CONTAINERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2290UNIFORM CRIME STATISTICS DATASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2337SCH CD-GIFTED/AP REPORTINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02636/30/2023
SB2377PROCUREMENT-FOREIGN TERRORISTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2645GUARDIANSHIP-DEMENTIA TRAININGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2652VEH CD-RECKLESS DRIVINGSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2738MUNI PD CO-RESPONDER UNITSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2746ZION-ZINNIA CAPITAL OF ILSReferred to Assignments1/12/2024
SB2747EXOTIC WEEDS-PERMITSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06207/1/2024
SB2786DIGITAL FORGERIES ACTSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2787LIBRARIES-BIDDING THRESHOLDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2788CHILD ABUSE REPORTS TO SCHOOLSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06247/1/2024
SB2812TRAUMA-INFORMED RESPONSESReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2853PAID LEAVE FOR ALL-HOME RULESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2940SEXUAL EXPLICIT DIGITAL IMAGESReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2982DENTIST&DEN HYGIENIST COMPACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2983ELEC CD-DECEPTION OR FORGERYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB3110SCH CD-REGIONAL BOARD VACANCYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07748/2/2024
SB3163FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT-FUNDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3164SCH CD-ASSESSMENT RESTRICTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09468/9/2024
SB3324MONITORING CHILD ONLINESReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3325PUBLICITY ACT-USE OF AISRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3515TIF EXTENSION RESTRICTIONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3599INS-MOBILE INTEGRATED HEALTHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10248/9/2024
SB3600PREGNANT PRISONERS-RESTRAINTSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3601EPA-UST-REGISTRATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10258/9/2024
SB3602GENDER VIOLENCE-DISEASESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3603VEH CD-LOCAL ORDINANCE-FINESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3604ANATOMICAL DONATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3705DIGITAL LIKENESS PROTECTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3726BANKING-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR15CRNA WEEKSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SR194CONGRATS-BILLY MCKINNEYSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR984TEENS VOTER REGISTRATION DAYSReferred to Assignments5/13/2024
SR991CONGRATS-MAIN ST. LIBERTYVILLESResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1052TEENS VOTER REGISTRATION DAYSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1190CONGRATS-LAKE CTY CORONER OFCSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1191NATIONAL RAILWAY SAFETYSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR1220INVISIBLE DISABILITIES WEEKSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR1221CANCER BILL OF RIGHTSSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SJR54ZION-ZINNIA CAPITALHReferred to Rules Committee5/17/2024
HB2086CONSUMER-OWNED CONTAINERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05248/15/2023
HB2123DIGITAL FORGERIES ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02947/28/2023
HB2323UNIFORM CRIME STATISTICS DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07988/9/2024
HB2474DAY CARE HOME CAPACITYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB2492SCH CD-ENERGY SAVE CONTRACTSSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB2572PUB FUNDS-CONVERSION THERAPYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/5/2023
HB3286SCH-STIPEND FOR TEACH EXTERNSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
HB3553LIABILITY-UNSOLICITED IMAGESSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB3642TWP OPEN SPACES-LEASE OR SALESReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB3751MUNI CD-POLICE APPLICANTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03577/28/2023
HB4090RESIDENTIAL-PUB UTIL SERVICESSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB4180INSURANCE-DIAGNOSTIC MAMMOGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08088/9/2024
HB4359FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT-FUNDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06727/19/2024
HB4623SEXUAL EXPLICIT DIGITAL IMAGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08258/9/2024
HB4762DIGITAL LIKENESS PROTECTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08308/9/2024
HB4875PUBLICITY ACT-USE OF AIHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08368/9/2024
HB4942COUNTIES CD-CORONER REPORTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08428/9/2024
HB5431PREGNANT PRISONERS-RESTRAINTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07458/2/2024
HB5444CO-RESPONDER UNIT-MCHENRY CNTYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HJR66LCPL S. MAHER MEMORIAL HIGHWAYHAdopted Both Houses5/26/2024
Totals   SB: 38   SR: 9   SJR: 1   HB: 19   HJR: 1   

Ellman, Laura
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB206DANGEROUS DOG REGISTRYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB241INS-BILLING/NETWORK ADEQUACYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB421CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB536FINANCE-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08808/9/2024
SB771REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1510PARK DISTRICT CD-SOLAR ENERGYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1521CRIM CD-FIREARM STORAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1522EPA-GROUNDWATER MONITORINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1523WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1524LAWN CARE PRODUCTS-PESTICIDESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1525ELEC CD-BALLOT PRINTINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1526IDOT-MOBILE APPLICATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02176/30/2023
SB1527INS-HEALTH BENEFITSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00916/9/2023
SB1654IL PUBLIC DEFENSE BOARDSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1712COLLECTION AGENCIES-FUNDSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1718SPECIAL PURPOSE TRUST COMPANYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1926EPA-FILING FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1927EPA-PFAS TAKE-BACK PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1928CRIM CD-VENUE-MUNICIPAL ORDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1929TENANT RADON PROTECTION ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1930ELECTRONIC NONTEST ESTATE DOCSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1931SCH BREAKFAST/LUNCH-REIMBURSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1932UTIL-BOARD ELECT/DOC RETENTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1933EPA-COMPLIANCE AGREEMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1934EPA-SITE REMEDIATION PLANSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1935PROPERTY CONTROL-VETERANSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02446/30/2023
SB1936FOOD & DRUG-SODIUM NITRITESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2229CREDIT UNION REGULATORY FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB2230REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2231REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2232REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2233REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2251GRANT TRANSPARENCY PORTALSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2286SCH CD-CARDIAC ARREST EXAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2364CONTROLLED SUB-PMPSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2682WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09128/9/2024
SB2743WATER PLAN TASK FORCE ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09178/9/2024
SB2763OUTDOOR LIGHTING CONTROLSReferred to Assignments1/16/2024
SB2810SCH CD-SELF-DEFENSE PETITIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2878PROP TX-SENIOR HOMESTEAD EXMPTHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2924FAMILY HOME OWNERSHIP ACTSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB3247$ST BD ED-HEALTH MEALS FOR ALLSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3349SCH CD-GLOBAL SCHOLAR CERTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09798/9/2024
SB3350FENTANYL TEST STRIPSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09808/9/2024
SB3351HOUSING-FAMILY W/DISABILITIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09818/9/2024
SB3352MUNI ZONING-HAZARDOUS MATERIALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3360PFAS REDUCTION ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3369IEPA-WATERSHED GRANTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3412UNIFORM MONEY TRANSMISSION ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09918/9/2024
SB3501OUTDOOR LIGHTING CONTROL ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10078/9/2024
SB3502SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3503SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3504STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3505CRIM PRO-WARRANTS AND SUMMONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3506IEPA-AFFIRMATIVE DEF REMOVALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10088/9/2024
SB3527CRIM CD-FIREARM SAFE STORAGESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3548EMS-TRAUMA CENTER DESIGNATIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10138/9/2024
SB3561DHS-CHILD CARE ASSISTANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3562MENTAL HEALTH INFO-DISCLOSURESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3588ELECTRIC VEHICLES-REBATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3644SCH CD-CLIMATE CHANGE EDUCSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3645SCH CD-RADON TESTINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3666DIGITAL ASSETS REGULATION ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3667HIGHER ED-DRINK DRUG TESTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3668EMS-TRAUMA CENTER DESIGNATIONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3669WETLANDS AND SMALL STREAMSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB3670FINANCIAL REGULATION-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3701CONT SUB-RX MONITORING PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/10/2024
SB3765DIGITAL ASSET KIOSKSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3929$WIT TASK FORCESReferred to Assignments4/16/2024
SB3956FIREARM SAFETY REBATE FUNDSReferred to Assignments5/21/2024
SB3971SAFE GUN STORAGESReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR64MITIGATE LIGHT POLLUTIONSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR705GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE WEEKSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR710RADON ACTION MONTHSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SR844RECOGNIZE-FIRST WOMEN'S BANKSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR932MEMORIAL-ALEKSAS BEIGASResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR933MEMORIAL-ANN LORDSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR1035CONGRATS-BRIAN CAPUTO, PH.D.SResolution Adopted5/26/2024
HB2192PARK DISTRICT CD-SOLAR ENERGYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01466/30/2023
HB2217TENANT RADON PROTECTION ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02987/28/2023
HB2238EMS SYSTEMS-STROKE CENTERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01496/30/2023
HB2269ELECTRONIC NONTEST ESTATE DOCSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03017/28/2023
HB2301LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03067/28/2023
HB2308RADIATION PROTECTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01556/30/2023
HB2325MORTGAGE LOANS-REMOTE LOCATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01566/30/2023
HB2471SCH BREAKFAST/LUNCH-SUPP AIDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05328/11/2023
HB2788EPA-COMPLIANCE AGREEMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01686/30/2023
HB2901EPA-SITE REMEDIATION PLANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01726/30/2023
HB2909IMSA-RETAIN FUNDS-ISSUE BONDSSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB3141GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIALSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB3296CREDIT UNION REGULATORY FEESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01076/27/2023
HB3426EPA-FILING FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3479FINANCIAL REGULATION-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments5/2/2023
HB3523SCH CD-SCH TRUSTEE BONDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00496/9/2023
HB3924SCH CD-FENTANYL EDUCATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03657/28/2023
HB3932SCH CD-ALLERGEN SAFETY EDUCHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02126/30/2023
HB4130WATERWAY CLEANUP MONTHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4219SCH CD-FENTANYL EDUCATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08108/9/2024
HB4251ELECTRONIC WILLS-SCOPEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06667/19/2024
HB4276LIFE CARE FACILITY-DISCLOSURESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08128/9/2024
HB4651EPA-FILING FEESSReferred to Assignments5/2/2024
Totals   SB: 72   SR: 7   HB: 23   

Faraci, Paul
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB341INCOME TAX-SMALL BUSINESS LOANSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB507EMPLOYMENT-TECHHArrived in House11/21/2024
SB691LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07508/2/2024
SB1393COUNTIES-OFFICE OF AUDITORSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1439INC TX-INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1724LONG-ACT REVERSE CONTRACEPTIVESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1752DHS-PUNS SERVICESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1780PROCUREMENT-AMERICAN PRODUCTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1791IDPH-WOMEN'S HEALTH CLINICSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1894GA MEMBER-LOBBYING BANSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1895HIGHER ED-FREE COURSE MATERIALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2159HORSE RACE-STANDARDBREDHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB2247ABLE ACCOUNT PROGRAMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02566/30/2023
SB2277PROP TX-INTERESTHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2407STUDENT TRANSPORT-MSABSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2611$U OF I OCESReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2737FREEDOM TO WORK-EXCEPTIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09158/9/2024
SB2833INC TX-VOLUNTEERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2898HORSE RACE-STANDARDBREDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3490DHS-CAREGIVER REPAYMENT PGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3539PAID LEAVE FOR ALL-EMPLOYEESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3702ETHICS-HIGHER ED-TIMESHEETSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3703NURSING STUDENT STIPEND PROGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3808INC TAX-MANUFACTURINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3811$UNI CIVIL SERVICE-OCESReferred to Assignments2/20/2024
SB3968EPA-CARBON CAPTURE-AQUIFERSPostponed - Executive11/13/2024
SB3981HUMAN RTS-RETALIATIONSReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SB3982FREEDOM TO WORK-RESPONDERSSReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SR53MEMORIAL-NICK HOLONYAK JR.SResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR161NUTRITION MONTHSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR211CONGRATS-JEREMY SWERLINGSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR224COMMEMORATE-DANVILLE VA CTRSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR234MEMORIAL-MAX CALLSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR259MEMORIAL-ROBERT ROUSESResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR302MEMORIAL-ORICK NIGHTLINGER JR.SResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR370MEMORIAL-ROGER L. FERGUSONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR371MEMORIAL-LAWRENCE OWENSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR400MEMORIAL-COL. EARL RUMBAUGH JRSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR411MEMORIAL-MICHAEL HILBERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR463MEMORIAL-WOLFORD J. SHANE SR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR542MEMORIAL-CHARLES O. NASH SR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR823MEMORIAL-BRUCE M. HANNONSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR881MEMORIAL-CARL J. ALEXANDERSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR907MEMORIAL-ROBERT E. JONESSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR913MEMORIAL-W.M. PATTERSON, PH.D.SResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR1252MEMORIAL-ISP TPR. C. THOMPSENSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR32SEN. S. BENNETT MEMORIAL HGHWYSAdopted Both Houses5/31/2023
HB995HIGHR ED-ELECTION JUDGE CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB1121OVERDOSE PREVENTION-TESTINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01156/30/2023
HB1153COUNTIES-OFFICE OF AUDITORHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01176/30/2023
HB1190NATURAL GAS-VERIFIED RELEASESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01206/30/2023
HB2528HIGHER ED-HUNGER FREE CAMPUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04358/4/2023
HB3206DFPR-ELECTRONIC CREDENTIALSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01806/30/2023
HB3680SCH CD-IEP EMERGENCYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01976/30/2023
HB3760HIGHER ED-UNIFORM ADMISSIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02056/30/2023
HB3819LOCAL DEFLECTION PROGRAMSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03617/28/2023
HB4471DCEO-ENERGY ASSISTANCE ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08208/9/2024
HB5256PERSONNEL-AUTISM PREFERENCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06997/22/2024
HB5344ANALYST-LICENSE RESTRICTIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08578/9/2024
HJR7COLLEGE INSURANCE TASK FORCESReferred to Assignments4/26/2023
Totals   SB: 28   SR: 19   SJR: 1   HB: 12   HJR: 1   

Feigenholtz, Sara
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB40ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00536/9/2023
SB41NURSE LICENSURE COMPACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB42CMS-GEOGRAPHIC CONSOLIDATIONSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB43LIQUOR-MIXED DRINK DELIVERYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB78DHS-OVERDOSE PREVENTION SITESSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB172ENDOW ILLINOIS CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB173WORKPLACE PRIVACY-MONITORINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB174STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB199NURSES-PRESCRIBE AUTHORITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00606/9/2023
SB384CIVIL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057212/8/2023
SB724CHILDREN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SVCSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05468/11/2023
SB726HEALTH-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08858/9/2024
SB774REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08868/9/2024
SB1315NURSE EDUCATR-SCHOLARSHIP FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1316$OCE-NURSINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1433ADOPTION-CLASS A/B MISDEMEANORSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1434SCH CD-RESIDENTIAL FACILITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1636DHFS-SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1637RUUPA-LOC GOV/ST AGENCY MONEYSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1670FOIA-MEDICAL RECORDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05548/11/2023
SB1998STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1999ABANDONED INFANTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05018/4/2023
SB2117REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2118STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2119HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2120FAMILY FIRST ACT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2133REGISTERED PHARM-DISABILITYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2134ADOPTION-NONIDENTIFYING INFOSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02526/30/2023
SB2135CREDIT REPAIR ORGANIZATIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB2164BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2165ELECTIONS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2166REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2167PUBLIC AID-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2168HUMAN RIGHTS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2169REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2170TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2171ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2172LIQUOR-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2173LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2174REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2342HUMAN RTS-ABUSIVE CONDUCTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2343MEDICAID-VENTILATOR RATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2344PERSONNEL CODE-CMS HIRINGSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2345JUV CT-RESIDENTIAL TREATMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2418DONOR-CONCEIVED PERSON PROTECTSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2544$DNR-NOTEBAERT NATURE MUSEUMSReferred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2663SUPPORTED DECISION-MAKINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2664JEWISH-AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTHSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2977ADOPTION-CONFIDENTIAL INTERMEDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2978VEH CD-DATA PRIVACY LAWHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2988MUNI-CIGARETTE/TOBACCO REVENUESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2989MULTI-STORY HOUSING-ACCESSIBLESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3138DCFS-SCHOLARSHIPSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09438/9/2024
SB3232ABANDONED INFANTS-HOSPITALSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09588/9/2024
SB3280CEMETERY OVERSIGHT-RELIGIOUSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3281STATE EMPLOYEE INS-MENTAL HLTHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3282ROTA-PURCHASE REVIEWSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09668/9/2024
SB3316CHILDREN-MENTAL HEALTHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3380DHFS-NURSING-ADD-ON PAYMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3395MUSIC TAX CREDIT ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3481EPA-BESSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10068/9/2024
SB3550DIVISION OF FIN INST-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10148/9/2024
SB3551SHARED APPRECIATION AGREEMENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10158/9/2024
SB3552POLICE TRAINING-HATE CRIMESHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3605DHFS-DEMENTIA CARE SETTINGSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3617REVENUE-DATA MATCHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10278/9/2024
SB3679BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06467/1/2024
SB3759NURSE PRACTICE-MEDICATION AIDESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3916LOCAL GOV-BIODIESELSReferred to Assignments3/12/2024
SB3917$IDPH-FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAMSSReferred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3944NURSE EDUCATR-SCHOLARSHIP FUNDSReferred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3945$EDUC-NURSING ASSISTANCESReferred to Assignments5/3/2024
SR28NALOXONE-OPIOID OVERDOSESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SR34MEMORIAL-ALFRED RONANSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR136RSV VACCINE-CDCSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR244FOSTER CARE AWARENESS MONTHSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR246JEWISH AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SR260MEMORIAL-ELIZABETH MURPHYSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR639MEMORIAL-ANDREW B. PRICESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR794MEMORIAL-KAREN R. BOEHNINGSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR985LAKE SHORE DRIVE REDESIGNSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
SR1034CONGRATS-TERESA A. HUBKA, D.O.SResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1289MEMORIAL-WILLIAM N. LAWLESSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR34TOURISM & HOSPITALITY CAUCUSSReferred to Assignments4/27/2023
HB1533ANIMALS-BAN DECLAWING CATSSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
HB1571CEMETERIES-DISINTERMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04218/4/2023
HB2093SEXUAL ASSAULT BY DECEPTIONSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB2224RUUPA-LOC GOV/ST AGENCY MONEYSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01486/30/2023
HB2477PREGNANCY EXPENSES ACTSReferred to Assignments3/24/2023
HB2861JUV CT-RESIDENTIAL TREATMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01717/4/2023
HB2900PROHIBIT WILDLIFE CONTESTSSReferred to Assignments5/15/2024
HB3326VEH CD-LICENSE PLATE READERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05408/11/2023
HB3425SCH CD-BULLYING NOTIFICATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00476/9/2023
HB4891DENTAL THIRD-PARTY FINANCINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07338/2/2024
HB4926LANDLORD-TENANT CREDIT REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08408/9/2024
HB5022APRN PSYCHIATRIC VISITSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06857/19/2024
HB5224IMDMA-ADOPTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06967/19/2024
HB5495ISP-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06097/1/2024
HJR63ADOPTION MENTAL HEALTHSReferred to Assignments5/9/2024
Totals   SB: 72   SR: 11   SJR: 1   HB: 14   HJR: 1   

Fine, Laura
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB49HIGHER ED-DEBT ASSISTANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00546/9/2023
SB52COMPOST AWARENESS WEEKSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB53SCH CD-SCH TREASURER/TOWNSHIPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB54INS-DIABETES/INSULIN PUMPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB55POWER OF ATTY-VISITATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00556/9/2023
SB56INS-MEDICARE ENROLLMENT PERIODSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07478/2/2024
SB57HIGHR ED-LOAN REPAYMENT AWARDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00566/9/2023
SB58DEGRADABLE PLASTIC-SINGLE-USESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04708/4/2023
SB59HIGHER ED-COSIGNER LOANSSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB65PEN CD-DNST POLICE & FIRE-IMRFSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB66TRUTH IN RECYCLING ACTSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB67NEWBORN METABOLIC SCREENINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03687/28/2023
SB68GENETIC INFORMATION PRIVACYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB69HOSPITAL LICENSING-VACCINATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00576/9/2023
SB86HIGHER ED-COSIGNER LOANSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07488/2/2024
SB87CD CORR-BATHING FACILITIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB88EPA-PFAS CONSUMER PROTECTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB92INS-COVERAGE & DEDUCTIBLE YEARSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB99HIGHER ED STUDENTS-DISABILITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00586/9/2023
SB100EPA-DISPOSABLE FOOD CONTAINERSSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB101INS-PEDIATRIC AUTOIMMUNE COVERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00596/9/2023
SB130INS-HMO/REFERRAL SYSTEMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB137THERAPY & COUNSELING-FEE WAIVESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB148TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS DAYSReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB149LOTTERY-SCRATCH-OFF EPILEPSYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB294HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB295SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB296EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB297HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB298REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB299REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB300STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB301PUBLIC AID-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB302HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB324INS-HEALTH CARE/RATE APPROVALSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB767REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057612/8/2023
SB855STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00766/9/2023
SB857STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07528/2/2024
SB1287DENTAL LOSS RATIO ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1288INS-DENTAL NETWORK PLAN CHANGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1289INS-DENTAL CARE/REIMBURSEMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06517/18/2024
SB1290HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1402DHS-NALOXONE KIT PILOT PROGRAMHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2023
SB14039-8-8 TASK FORCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1479INS-REGULATORY EXAM/COMPLIANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08978/9/2024
SB1671$SUPREME COURT-MENTAL HEALTHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1672EMERGENCY SERVICES&SUPPORT ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1673MWRD-FLOODPLAIN/STORMWATERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02216/30/2023
SB1674STABILIZATION SUPPORT PROGRAMSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04938/4/2023
SB1719HIGHER ED-HUM SERV LOAN REPAYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1720$ISAC-HUMAN SERVICES GRANTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1721HEARING INSTRUMENT ACT-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04958/4/2023
SB1910DHFS-TRANSPARENCYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1911SUD RESIDENTIAL/DETOX RATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1912INS-HEALTH CARE/RATE APPROVALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1913INS-HEALTH/TELEHEALTH SERVICESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02436/30/2023
SB2155EPA-METHANE EMISSIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2221HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL DATASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2222EDUC-SCH SOCIAL WORKER GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2223EDUC-DRUG EDUC AND YOUTHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03997/28/2023
SB2224CHILD CARE-PRODUCT SAFETY DATASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2421CARBON DIOXIDE TRANSPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2615HEARING INSTRUMENT ACTSReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SB2680RIGHT TO REPAIRSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2691EMPLOYEE SICK LEAVE-NOTICESReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2705PFAS-PRODUCT BANSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2716MUNI CD-ZONING REVIEWSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2722TANF GRANT AMOUNT INCREASESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2735INS-ELECTRONIC PAYMENT FEESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06187/1/2024
SB2744INS-VACCINE ADMINISTRATION FEESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09188/9/2024
SB2757PESTICIDE-REGULATION AUTHORITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2796CRIM CD-LIMITATIONS-DOMESTICSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2799AGING-SELF-NEGLECT REPORTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06267/1/2024
SB2836INS/SHORT-TERM HEALTH COVERAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2856COUNSELING COMPACTSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2881MUNI CD-ANNEXATION/AGREEMENTSSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2895SCH CD-SPEC ED JOINT AGREEMENTSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2910INS-MEDICARE ENROLLMENT PERIODSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2938MOSQUITO ABATE DIST-POWERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09328/9/2024
SB2960SMALL PLASTIC BOTTLE ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09348/9/2024
SB2980CHILD CARE-NOTICE OF CHANGESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07708/2/2024
SB3082$ISAC-HUMAN SERVICES GRANTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3099MEDICAL CANNABIS-REMOTE EXAMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3130INSURANCE-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07778/2/2024
SB3137MENTAL HEALTH-DEATH NOTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09428/9/2024
SB3181EPA-APPLIANCE STANDARDSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3227LABOR-OSHA-OPIOID GUIDANCESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3246HATE CRIMES-UNIFORM REPORTINGSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3305DENTAL LOSS RATIO ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09728/9/2024
SB3393EPA-METHANE EMISSIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3413MENTAL HLTH PROFESSIONAL GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3491CONT SUB-CHRONIC PAIN TREATMENSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3492HUMAN RIGHTS-HEALTH DISCSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3510PROTECT MINORS ON SOCIAL MEDIASReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3583TRUST CODE-CHARITIESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3593$DHS-MENTAL HLTH PROFESSIONALSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3664HUMAN RIGHTS-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3753MHDD CD-PROGRESSIVE SANCTIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10428/9/2024
SB3770HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3930CARBON DIOXIDE TRANSPORTSReferred to Assignments4/16/2024
SB3941CANNABIS-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments5/1/2024
SR7REPEAL WEP/GPOSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR23ISRAEL 75TH ANNIVERSARYSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SR38WASHINGTON, D.C. STATEHOODSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SR60TSC AWARENESS DAYSResolution Adopted5/15/2023
SR62COMPOST AWARENESS WEEKSResolution Adopted4/26/2023
SR84ISRAEL 75TH ANNIVERSARYSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR119TARDIVE DYSKINESIA WEEKSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR172URGES-DOC BATHING ACCESSSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR319UNPLUG ILLINOIS DAYSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR535EPILEPSY AWARENESS MONTHSReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SR565CONGRATS-RON MELKASResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR735TARDIVE DYSKINESIA WEEKSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR784CONGRATS-MICHAEL MCDERMOTTSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR810CONGRATS-DEBORAH COVINGTONSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR811BPD MONTHSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR820MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY DAYSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR832CONGRATS-JOEL J. AFRICKSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR837TSC AWARENESS DAYSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR912MENTAL HEALTH BILL OF RIGHTSSReferred to Assignments4/16/2024
HB1186INS-HMO/REFERRAL SYSTEMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01046/27/2023
HB13649-8-8 TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01056/27/2023
HB2072INS-DENTAL NETWORK PLAN CHANGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00246/9/2023
HB2160SCH CD-SCH TREASURER/TOWNSHIPHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01446/30/2023
HB2296PUBLIC ACCOUNT ACT-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01066/27/2023
HB2376EPA-DISPOSABLE FOOD CONTAINERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/5/2023
HB2380HIGHER ED-HUM SERV LOAN REPAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00316/9/2023
HB2472INS-ADVERSE DETERMINATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06567/19/2024
HB2499ELECTROLOGIST LICENSE-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06497/10/2024
HB2619NURSING HOME-TRANSFER NOTICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03207/28/2023
HB2827HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04368/4/2023
HB2842INS-AUTOMOBILE THEFT COVERAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB2847INS-MENTAL HEALTH CARE ACCESSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05358/11/2023
HB3135HUMAN RIGHTS-DEPT PROCEDURESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03357/28/2023
HB3230BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CRISIS CAREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03377/28/2023
HB3289CRIM CD-CYBERSTALKING-ANXIETYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01836/30/2023
HB3363CHILD CARE-PRODUCT SAFETY DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00446/9/2023
HB3508PFAS REDUCTION-FOREVER PATHWAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03517/28/2023
HB3798EDUC-SCH SOCIAL WORKER GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB4867HUMAN RIGHTS-HEALTH DISCHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07858/7/2024
HB4899ASSISTED LIVING-FACILITY PLANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07348/2/2024
HB5028LABOR-OSHA-OPIOID GUIDANCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08458/9/2024
HB5094DIRECT CARE EXPANSION ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06907/19/2024
HB5351MHDD CD-OUTPATIENT TREATMENTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5354CUSTOM EMPLOYMENT DISABILITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07097/19/2024
HB5371HUMAN RIGHTS-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08598/9/2024
HB5373CONT SUB-CHRONIC PAIN TREATMENHPlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s) 111/20/2024
HB5429SHARED HOUSING-PLAN REVIEWSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07147/19/2024
HB5433DNR-PRAIRIE LAWNSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB5564HOMELESS PREVENTION ASSISTANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB5643INS CD-PREGNANCY TESTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08708/9/2024
HJR30BPD MONTHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
Totals   SB: 101   SR: 19   HB: 31   HJR: 2   

Fowler, Dale
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB102HIGHR ED-WORKFORCE SCHOLARSHIPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB124$CAIRO PORTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB280GAMING REORGANIZATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1068GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03757/28/2023
SB1085HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1098LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00796/9/2023
SB1160SAFETY-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03767/28/2023
SB1325CD CORR-CTY JUV DETENTION CNTRSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1326FIREARM DEALER LIC CERT-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1327CONCEAL CARRY-TRANSPORT-PARKSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1328FIREARM OWNERS ID-18 YRSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1329CONCEALED CARRY-RECIPROCITYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1330FOID-RENEWALSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1331CONCEAL CARRY-TRANSPORT-PARKSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1360ACCESS TO NUTRITION PROGRAMHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1361PERSONAL WATERCRAFT AT NIGHTSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1530PROP TX-POLICE AND FIRESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1531FILM TAX CR-NONMETROPOLITANSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1541HUB ZONE BUSINESS CONTRACTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1545PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1572DFPR-LICENSE EXTENSIONSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1599HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1698LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1702CAIRO DEVELOPMENT AUTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1744MANUFACTURING-ENERGY-EXEMPTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2204INC TX-WITHHOLDING CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2207USE/OCC TX-AIRCRAFTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2341MEDICAID-SUPP LIVING FACILITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2621DAY&TEMPORARY LABOR SERVICESSReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SB2923MANUFACTURING-ENERGY-EXEMPTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2952PERSONAL WATERCRAFT AT NIGHTSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB3070DFPR-LICENSE EXTENSIONSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3094IDNR-DEER SEASON REVIEWSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3096IDNR-SAHARA WOODS ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3102EPA-PHOTOVOLTAIC DUMPSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3140CONCEAL CARRY-TRANSPORT-PARKSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3141FOID-RENEWALSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3142CONCEALED CARRY-RECIPROCITYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3143FIREARM OWNERS ID-18 YRSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3144CONCEAL CARRY-TRANSPORT-PARKSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3145CD CORR-TAMMS REPURPOSESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3146FIREARM DEALER LIC CERT-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3168HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3169HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3204DHS-UNION COUNTY CONVEYANCESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3249FILM TAX CR-NONMETROPOLITANSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3261SCH CD-TRAFFICKING TRAININGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3265ACCESS TO NUTRITION PROGRAMHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/3/2024
SB3654SHAWNEETOWN REG PORT DISTRICTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3660LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3681CAIRO DEVELOPMENT AUTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3682LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3697HUMAN TRAFFICKING-MINORSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR63REAFFIRMS-COMMITMENT TO TAIWANSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SR148CONGRATS-RAYMOND ALTMIXSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR328MEMORIAL-JAMES "JIM" CUMMINSSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR336CONGRATS-CARRIE WIGGINSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR596MEMORIAL-GRAHAM J. HOSMANSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR765REAFFIRMS-COMMITMENT TO TAIWANSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SR969MEMORIAL-RONALD E. MITCHELLSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR970MEMORIAL-ROBERT HOLMES SR.SResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR1019MEMORIAL-BILL SPRINGERSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1038CONGRATS-DR. JONAH RICESResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1050MEMORIAL-JULIE L. ANDERSONSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SJR5J. CLAUSSEN MEMORIAL HIGHWAYSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SJR12TROOPER DUNBAR MEMORIAL HGHWAYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SJRCA9CONAMEND-RIGHT TO HUNT & FISHSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
HB1434JUV CT-HOSPITAL&AGENCY RECORDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01246/30/2023
HB1672STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06537/19/2024
HB1727LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02867/28/2023
HB3276CD CORR-TAMMS REPURPOSESReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HB3578VEH CD-LEGISLATOR PLATESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01956/30/2023
HB3769INS-FIREMEN'S CONTINUANCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00526/9/2023
HB4925VEHICLE FRANCHISE-VIOLATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08398/9/2024
HB4938SIU-ETHANOL RESEARCH BOARDSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5128EM TELEPHONE-BOARD MEMBERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06937/19/2024
HB5539PUBLIC UTILITIES-UNIVERSITIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06137/1/2024
Totals   SB: 53   SR: 11   SJR: 3   SJRCA: 1   HB: 10   

Glowiak Hilton, Suzy
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB89INS CD-IIGF/CYBERSECURITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00045/31/2023
SB160PHONE SOLICITATION SPOOFINGHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB304INC TX-ANGEL INVESTMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB328AUTOMATIC CONTRACT RENEWALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00706/9/2023
SB854STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB1445COUNTIES-AUTOPSY REPORT FEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1446SCH CD-DRESS CODE POLICYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04638/4/2023
SB1635MILITARY EXPEDITED LICENSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1713PUBLIC ACCOUNT ACT-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1714CERT SHORTHAND REPORT-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1715PLUMBING LICENSE-BOTTLE FILLSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02236/30/2023
SB1716SURG ASSIST/TECH TITLE-MISCSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03877/28/2023
SB1717PRIVATE DETECTIVE ACT-MISCSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2178FOIA-DEADLINES, LICENSE PLATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2225CLASSROOMS FIRST COMMISSIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2642PAID LEAVE FOR ALL WORKERSSReferred to Assignments11/8/2023
SB27014 YR FISH LICENSE-DISABLED VETSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2731GENETIC COUNSELOR LICENSINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07638/2/2024
SB2885UTILITIES-RECOVERABLE EXPENSESSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2900WILDLIFE-FEES-NATIONAL GUARDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3089LOTTERY-JUVENILE DIABETESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3304CONTROL SUB-OPIOIDS-COMPLIANCESReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3547MAMMOGRAPHY PAMPHLETSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10128/9/2024
SB3641QUICK-TAKE-CITY OF ELMHURSTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3767DFPR-LICENSE ENDORSEMENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10448/9/2024
SB3768SCH CD-SPECIAL ED-DEAF-BLINDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10458/9/2024
SR389MEMORIAL-PHIL GRECOSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR390MEMORIAL-ROBERT ARPPSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SJR58ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses4/19/2024
HB559REGULATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00014/27/2023
HB1075PARK DIST AQUARIUM/MUSEUM ACTSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB1123SCH CD-SCHOOL REPORT CARDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01166/30/2023
HB1358DOIT-ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-056311/17/2023
HB1633SCH CD-NATIVE AMERICAN HISTORYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04228/4/2023
HB2079LOCAL GOV-TOWNSHIP OFFICERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00256/9/2023
HB2102HEALTH CARE WORKER-BACKGROUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04288/4/2023
HB2394CERT SHORTHAND REPORT-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-056812/8/2023
HB2395PRIVATE DETECTIVE ACT-MISCHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03097/28/2023
HB2817STATE AGENCY BONUS PROHIBITIONSReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
HB2856VITAL RECORDS-VETERAN DEATHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04067/31/2023
HB3428SCH CD-OPIOID ANTAGONISTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03487/28/2023
HB3775CEMETERY SALES-CONTRACTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02066/30/2023
HB4784PEN CD-MWRD-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments4/18/2024
HB4874CONTROL SUB-OPIOIDS-COMPLIANCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07328/2/2024
HB5047DFPR-AUTOMATIC NURSE LICENSUREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06867/19/2024
HB5059PRE-LICENSE DENTAL PRACTICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06877/19/2024
HB5247QUICK-TAKE-CITY OF ELMHURSTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06987/19/2024
HB5353DFPR-LICENSURE-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07087/19/2024
HB5513ACFR-INTERNAL CONTROL UNITHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08668/9/2024
Totals   SB: 26   SR: 2   SJR: 1   HB: 20   

Halpin, Michael W.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB247NONPROFIT CORP-CONSERVATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00666/9/2023
SB248NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT-TAXESSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB249PREVAILING WAGE-PUBLIC WORKSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB290ELEC CD-FOREIGN NATIONALSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB455EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB734PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04818/4/2023
SB769REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB895TRANSPORTATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03737/28/2023
SB1233SCH CD-RETIREMENT PLANSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1236HUMAN TRAFFIC NO STATE MONEYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1295INC TX-VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1307PEN CD-SERS-ALTERNATE ANNUITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1364ELECT-MUNI ELECT COMMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1365RIGHT TO KNOW ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1396INC TX-FILINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1747UNEMPLOYMENT INS-DIRECTORYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1748CIV PRO-DISCOVERY, TRIAL DATESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03887/28/2023
SB1749INSURANCE-DENTAL AND VISIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1750FIRE PROTECT DIST-EMT TRAININGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02266/30/2023
SB1751EMPLOYMENT-ACADEMIC PERSONNELSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1897ROCK ISLAND REG PORT DISTRICTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02426/30/2023
SB1899TITLE INSURANCE-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1923PROBATION-REIMBURSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB1924SCH CD&PEN CD-SUPERINTENDENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01106/29/2023
SB2250COM COL-OUT OF DIST-TUITIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2415PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2416RESILIENT ILLINOIS LOAN FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2417INS-FLOOD INSURANCE TRAININGHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2443BUDGET STABILIZATION FUNDSReferred to Assignments2/14/2023
SB2553HOTEL TX-CHARITABLE PURPOSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2593COUNTIES CD-TREASURER SALARYSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2614SWIMMING POOL-EQUIPMENTSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2681CRIM CD-ELECTR TRACKING DEVICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2686$ISAC-VETERANS/NATIONAL GUARDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2761COURTS-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE EDSReferred to Assignments1/16/2024
SB2792MEDICAID-PAID CAREGIVER PGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2793PAID LEAVE FOR ALL-EMPLOYEESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2794WILDLIFE-FIREARM DISCHARGESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2795SAFE PATIENT LIMITS ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2850RIVER CONSERVANCY-BOARD COMPSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09268/9/2024
SB2879FIRE DIST-COMPETITIVE BIDDINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06347/1/2024
SB2880PRESERVATION TAX CREDITSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2899PENCD-DWNST POL&FIRE-FINANCINGSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2922INC TX-HOUSING DEVELOPMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2986BD HIGHER ED-COLLAB BAC DEGREESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3132HIGHER ED-COMM COLLEGES-MISCSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09408/9/2024
SB3252PENCD-CHI TEACHER-CONTRIBUTIONSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3284IMDMA-PARENTING-CHILD SUPPORTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09678/9/2024
SB3353COMMUNITY-BASED COR TASK FORCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09828/9/2024
SB3457FAIR CONTRACTING-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3458RESILIENT ILLINOIS LOAN FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3459$HIGHER ED-WAGE INCREASESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3460SELF-SERVICE STORAGE-DEFAULTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10038/9/2024
SB3607INC TX-BROWNFIELDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3608LOCAL REG-STATE FACILITIESHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3684SCH CD-EDUCATOR TESTING-WAIVESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3685EPA-RENEWABLE FUELS PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3696UCC-CONTROL ELECTRONIC RECORDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10368/9/2024
SB3786PEN CD-IMRF-MUNI CONTRIBUTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3787COM COL-BACCALAUREATE DEGREESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3931$EMT TRAININGSReferred to Assignments4/16/2024
SB3983GATA-FEDERAL RULESSReferred to Assignments11/12/2024
SB3991OUT-OF-STATE INVOL ADM-REPEALSReferred to Assignments11/19/2024
SR147QUAD CITIES RAIL PROJECTSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR152AMTRAK-PRIVATE RIGHT OF ACTIONSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR241IL INTEGRATED NETWORK PLANSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR307CONGRATS-WHITEY'S ICE CREAMSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR331CONGRATS-TIM WYNES, J.D.SResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR372MEMORIAL-PVT. FAY G. TETERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR571CONGRATS-IRONWORKERS LOCAL 111SResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR750CAREER & TECHNICAL ED. MONTHSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR796INVISIBLE DISABILITIES WEEKSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR893CONGRATS-CLARENCE WYATT, PH.D.SResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR967MEMORIAL-MICHAEL W. MALMSTROMSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR986ALS AWARENESS MONTHSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
SR987MEMORIAL-JUDITH A. MAYERSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1272CONGRATS-AUGUSTANA BANDSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1273CONGRATS-WENDT FUNERAL HOMESResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR48REP. EVANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAYHReferred to Rules Committee5/28/2024
HB73BUSINESS-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB301EDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05168/11/2023
HB1097HIGHER ED-GRANT-EXONERATEDSReferred to Assignments4/27/2023
HB1555IMDMA-GUARDIAN AD LITEM DUTIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01266/30/2023
HB2067DOC&DJJ-TRANSFER REQUESTSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
HB2303CMS-METHODS OF JOINT PURCHASESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB2503COM COL-OUT OF DIST-TUITIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01596/30/2023
HB2584VEH CD-LYME DISEASE SPEC DECALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01636/30/2023
HB2947DEFENSE SUPERIOR SERVICE PLATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/5/2023
HB3301UNEMPLOYMENT INS-DIRECTORYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03437/28/2023
HB3314CONSUMER CONTRACTS-ATTY FEESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03447/28/2023
HB3639INS-HEALTH/EPINEPHRINE COSTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04548/4/2023
HB3759SCH CD-HIGHER ED INFO/RECRUITHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02046/30/2023
HB4108AIR FORCE COMBAT ACTION MEDALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06607/19/2024
HB4404COHABITANTS ECONOMIC REMEDIESSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB4417SCH-CD WORKPLACE READINESS WKHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05987/1/2024
HB4711VEH CD-DRIVERS EXAM-SCOTTS LAWHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06807/19/2024
HB4719SECURE CHOICE PROGRAM-PLANSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06817/19/2024
HB4738BD HIGHER ED-CEASE AND DESISTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06837/22/2024
HB4743CD CORR-WORKPLACE SAFETYSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB4961PROBATE SUCCESSOR-GUARDIANSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07408/2/2024
HB5086NURSE AGENCIES-NEGLIGENCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08488/9/2024
HB5089LABOR RELATIONS-PD SUPERVISORSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5418SCH CONST-MAINTENANCE GRANTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07137/19/2024
HB5450BD HIGHER ED-REPORTINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08628/9/2024
HB5510SCH CD-EDU LICENSE-SOCIAL WORKSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
Totals   SB: 63   SR: 15   SJR: 1   HB: 26   HJR: 1   

Harmon, Don
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB2WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB3HIGHER EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB4ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB5TRADE SCHOOL ACCESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB6HEALTH CARE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB7COMMUNITIES-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB8TAX REFORM-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB9PENSION REFORM-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB10ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB11STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB12REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB13REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB14EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB15EDUCATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05843/18/2024
SB17PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB18PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB19REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB20REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB21REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB22HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB23HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB24REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB25ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB26ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB27REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB28GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB29GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB30HOUSING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB31HOUSING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB32EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB33EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB34REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB35REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB36EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB37EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB38STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB39STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB44FIREARM SURRENDER-ORD PROTECTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB114LPU-GA NEWSLETTER CONTENTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB252$DNRSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB253$DOTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB254$ISPSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB255$DEPARTMENT OF AGINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB256$DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB257$CDBSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB258$CMSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB259$DCFSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB260$DCEOSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB261$ICCBSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB262$IDOCSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB263$IEMASPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB264$IDESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB265$IEPASPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB266$ILLINOIS FINANCE AUTHORITYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB267$IFPRSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB268$IDHFSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB269$DHSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB270$DPHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB293MINIMUM WAGE-GRATUITIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB350AGING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB351AGING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB352AGING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB353AGING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB354AGING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB355AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB356AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB357AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB358AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB359AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB360AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB361AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB362AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB363AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB364AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB365BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB366BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB367BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB368BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB369BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB370BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB372BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB373BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB374BUSINESS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB377CHILDREN-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB379CHILDREN-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB383CIVIL LAW-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB386CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB387CIVIL LAW-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB388CIVIL LAW-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB389CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB390CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB391CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB392CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB393CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB394CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB395CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB396CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB397CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB398CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB399CIVIL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB400CONSERVATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB401CONSERVATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB402CONSERVATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB403CONSERVATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB404CONSERVATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB405CORRECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB406CORRECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB407CORRECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB408CORRECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB409CORRECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB410COURTS-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB411COURTS-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB412COURTS-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB413COURTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB414COURTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB415COURTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB416COURTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB417COURTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB418COURTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB419CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB420CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB425CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB427CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB428CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB429CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB430CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB431CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB432CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB433CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB434CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB435CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB436CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB437CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB438CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB439ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB440ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB441ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB442ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB443ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB444ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB445ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB446ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB447ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB448ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB449ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB450ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB451ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB452ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB453ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB454EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB456EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB459EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB460EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB465EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB468EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB470EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB471EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB472EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB473EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB474EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB475EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB476EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB477EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB478EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB479EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB480EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB481EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB482EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB483EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB484EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB485EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB486EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB487EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB488EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB489EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB490EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB491EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB492EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB493EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB494ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB495ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB498ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB499ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB500ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB501ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB502ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB503ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB509EMPLOYMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB510EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB511EMPLOYMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB512EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB513EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB514EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB515EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB516EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB517EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB518EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB519EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB520EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB521EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB522EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB523EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB524ENERGY-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB525ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB526ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB527ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB528ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB529ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB530ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB531ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB532ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB533ENERGY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB534FINANCE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB535FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB537FINANCE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB538FINANCE-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB539FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB540FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB541FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB542FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB543FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB544FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB545FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB546FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB547FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB548FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB549FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB550FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB551FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB552FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB553FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB554FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB555FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB556FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB557FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB558FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB559FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB560FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB561FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB562FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB563FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB564FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB565FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB566FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB567FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB568FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB569FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB570FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB571FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB572FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB573FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB574FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB575FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB576FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB577FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB578FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB579FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB580FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB581FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB582FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB583FINANCE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB585GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB586GAMING-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB587GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB588GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB589GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB590GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB591GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB592GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB593GAMING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB595GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB596GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB597GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB598GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB599GOVERNMENT-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB600GOVERNMENT-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB601GOVERNMENT-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB602GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB603GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB604GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB605GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB606GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB607GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB608GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB609GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB610GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB611GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB612GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB613GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB614GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB615GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB616GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB617GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB618GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB619GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB620GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB621GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB622GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB623GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB624GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB625GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB626GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB627GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB628GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB629GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB630GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB631GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB632GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB633GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB634GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB635GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB636GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB637GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB638GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB639GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB640GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB641GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB642GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB643GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB644HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB645HEALTH-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB646HEALTH-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05458/11/2023
SB649HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB650HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB651HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB652HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB653HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB654HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB655HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB656HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB657HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB658HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB659HOUSING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB660HOUSING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB661HOUSING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB662HOUSING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB663HOUSING-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB665HUMAN RIGHTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB666HUMAN RIGHTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB667HUMAN RIGHTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB668HUMAN RIGHTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB669LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB670LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB671LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB672LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB673LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB674LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB675LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB676LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB677LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB678LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB679LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB680LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB681LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB682LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB683LIQUOR-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB687LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB689LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB695LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB697LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB699LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB700LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB701LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB702LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB703LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB704MILITARY SERVICE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB705MILITARY SERVICE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB706MILITARY SERVICE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB707MILITARY SERVICE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB708MILITARY SERVICE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB709PUBLIC AID-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB710PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB711PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB712PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB713PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB714PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB715PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB716PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB717PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB718PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB719PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB720PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB721PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB722PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB723PUBLIC AID-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB725HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB728HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB729HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB730HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB731HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB732HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB733HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB735PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB736PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB737PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB738PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB739PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB740PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB741PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB742PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB743PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB744PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB745PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB746PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB747PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB748PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB749PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB750PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB751PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB752PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB753PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB755REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB756REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB758REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB760REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB766REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB768REGULATION-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB770REGULATION-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB775REGULATION-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB777REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB778REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB779REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB780REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB781REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB782REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB783REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB784REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB785REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB786REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB787REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB788REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB789REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB790REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB791REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB792REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB793REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB794REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB795REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB796REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB797REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB798REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB799REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB801REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB802REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB803REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB810REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB811REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB812REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB813REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB814REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB815REVENUE-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB816REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB817REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB818REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB819REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB820REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB821REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB822REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB823REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB824REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB825REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB826REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB827REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB828REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB829REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB830REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB831REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB832REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB833REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB834SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB835SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB838SAFETY-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB840SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB841SAFETY-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB842SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB843SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB844SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB845SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB846SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB847SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB848SAFETY-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB858STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB860STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08908/9/2024
SB862STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB864STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB865STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB866STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB868STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB869STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB870STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB871STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB872STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB873STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB874STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB875STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB876STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB877STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB878STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB879STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB880STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB881STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB882STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB883STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB884STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB885STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB886STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB887STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB888STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB889STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB890STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB891STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB892STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB893STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB894TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB900TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB901TRANSPORTATION-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
SB902TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB903TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB904TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB905TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB906TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB907TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB908TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB909TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB910TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB911TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB912TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB913TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB915WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB916WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB917WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB918WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB919WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB920WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB921WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB922WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB923WILDLIFE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB924COURTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1265EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1348AFFORDABLE HOUSING-EXEMPTIONSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1349LOBBYISTS-FEE WAIVERSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1350REVENUE-MEGA PROJECTSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1379EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1380EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1381EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1382HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1383HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1384HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1385REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1386GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1387LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1388EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1389EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1390ORDER PROTECT-FIREARMSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1475POWER OF ATTY-REFUSAL REASONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1477UTIL VALUATION-RATE BASESReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1478DCFS-DUE PROCESS-YOUTH IN CAREHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1480STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1665GUARANTEED INCOME EXEMPTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04928/4/2023
SB1762INSURANCE-BILLINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1763MEDICAID-REIMBURSEMENT RATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1764MEDICAID-COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1765DISTRESSED FACILITY CRITERIASReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1766ANTITRUST-ATTORNEY GEN-NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1794DHS-HOME VISITING PROGRAMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04988/4/2023
SB1795$GRANT-DHS-YOUTH SPORTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1816MEDICAID-FQHC-BEHAVIORAL HLTHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1819PROP TX-HOSPITALSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1962PUBLIC AID-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1964MEDICAID-PROGRAM CHANGESHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/19/2023
SB1965MEDICAID-MCO RATE TRANSPARENCYHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/19/2023
SB1966MEDICAID-PERSONAL NEEDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1967FIREARMS RESTRAINING ORDERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2018CD CORR-LIFE SKILLS TRAININGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2037COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02506/30/2023
SB2038EQUAL PAY-SALARY TRANSPARENCYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2039SCH CD-IEP MEETING-PUNS LISTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05048/4/2023
SB2041FREELANCE WORKER PROTECTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2042JUV CT-FITNESS STAND TRIALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2194PUBLIC AID-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2390SCHOOL CODE-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01116/29/2023
SB2391SCH CD-COMMUNITY SCHOOLSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02657/5/2023
SB2392STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2393STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2412DCFS-CHILD WELFARE GOALSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05865/3/2024
SB2543$SOCIAL WORKER LOANSSReferred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2549$DCEO/ICCB-GRANTSSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SB2555$COGFASReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
SB2588NOTARIAL JOURNAL-EXEMPTIONSReferred to Assignments8/16/2023
SB2857REVENUE-MEGAPROJECTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2875SMALL MUNICIPALITY AUDITSSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2955PROP TX-HOSPITALSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2956TWP CODE-BUS TRANSPORTATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3000CHILDREN-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3001CHILDREN-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3002CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3003CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3004CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3005CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3006CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3007CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3008CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3009CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3010CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3011CIVIL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3012CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3013CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3014CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3015CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3016CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3017EDUCATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3018EDUCATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3019EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3020EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3021EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3022EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3023GAMING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3024HEALTH-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3025HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3026HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3027HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3028HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3029HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3030HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3031HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3032HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3033HOUSING-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3034HUMAN RIGHTS-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3035LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3036LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3037LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3038LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3039LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3040LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3041LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3042LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3043PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3044REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3045REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3046REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3047REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3048REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3049REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3050REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3051REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3052REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3053REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3054REGULATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3055REVENUE-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3056REVENUE-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3057REVENUE-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3058SAFETY-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3059SAFETY-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3060STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3061STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3062STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3063STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3064STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3065STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3066STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3067STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3068TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3069TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRe-referred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3308DCFS-KINSHIP IN DEMANDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3371GAS STORAGE-STRICT LIABILITYSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3372DHFS-INPATIENT STABILIZATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3373DHFS-SRVCE AUTHORIZATION PGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3374DHFS-EXTENDED HOSP STAYSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3420UNFAIR SERVICE AGREEMENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09938/9/2024
SB3421POWER OF ATTY HONORING FORMSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09948/9/2024
SB3433DHS-REPORTING SYST TASK FORCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3443ELEC CD-FIREARMS POLLING PLACESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3444CRIM PRO-UNFIT DEFENDANTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3493SHARED HOUSING-PLAN REVIEWSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3694ELEVATOR-TEMPORARY CERTIFICATEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/3/2024
SB3757CHICAGO SCHOOL BOARDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3782$ST BD ED-CTE FUNDINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3783DHFS-MANAGED CARE ASSESSMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3910MEDICAID-PROSTHETIC DEVICESSReferred to Assignments3/7/2024
SR8SENATE RULES 103RDSResolution Adopted; 052-000-0001/12/2023
SR9THANKS-SENATOR MUÑOZSResolution Adopted1/12/2023
SR26SENATE RULES-AMENDSResolution Adopted; 045-000-0001/25/2023
SR125MEMORIAL-SEAN O'SHEASResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR126MEMORIAL-PHILIP COWANSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR127MEMORIAL-JOHN COONEY SR.SResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR163MEMORIAL-PAUL PETERSSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR164MEMORIAL-ROBERT MCGRATHSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR165MEMORIAL-JIM VINICKYSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR199MEMORIAL-ROBERT G. ZAGONESResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR200MEMORIAL-PETER STEMPNIAKSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR201MEMORIAL-DOUGLAS J. WYMANSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR202MEMORIAL-BARBARA BALLINGERSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR203MEMORIAL-JAMES W. MADDENSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR217MEMORIAL-LAURENCE MSALLSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR218MEMORIAL-CHRISTINE EIK WINICKSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR235WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILDSReferred to Assignments5/2/2023
SR287MEMORIAL-JEROME SLOWIKSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR288MEMORIAL-DANIEL MOORE JR.SResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR289MEMORIAL-ELON FRAMPTON JRSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR290MEMORIAL-PRISCILLA FRAMPTONSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR291MEMORIAL-TIM DEGNANSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR310MEMORIAL-NANCY ARENDSSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR311MEMORIAL-NEWTON MINOWSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR312MEMORIAL-SHIRLEY E. CHRISTELLSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR313MEMORIAL-ROBERT CARLSONSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR314MEMORIAL-MARY ELIZABETH JESKESResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR315MEMORIAL-CHARLES "RANDY" LEWISSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR316MEMORIAL-LARRY HAGENSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR337MEMORIAL-JAMES LAWLORSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR338MEMORIAL-LIN BREHMERSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR339MEMORIAL-ANN SHALLASResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR340MEMORIAL-JEAN L. CORNERSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR341MEMORIAL-JAMES COLESResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR556MEMORIAL-KARLA KAY CHEWSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR557MEMORIAL-PATRICK HEGARTYSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR558MEMORIAL-ROBERT LUCASSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR559MEMORIAL-ALICE PALMERSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR560MEMORIAL-LOIS TYSONSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR561MEMORIAL-JOHN F. TROELSTRUPSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR562MEMORIAL-ROBERT W. HAISMANSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR563CONGRATS-RICHARD GUEBERT JR.SResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR585MEMORIAL-PETER MCLENNONSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR586MEMORIAL-GEORGE P. YANOSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR587MEMORIAL-HENRY K. CUSHING IISResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR591MEMORIAL-ELAINE KIRKSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR592MEMORIAL-DANIEL JAMES FOLEYSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR593MEMORIAL-SPENCER TYSONSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR594MEMORIAL-HARRIET HAUSMANSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR599MEMORIAL-ROBERT H. JEFFERSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR600MEMORIAL-REV. D. BUSHKOFSKYSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR603MEMORIAL-PATRICIA S. GIGANTISResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR604CONGRATS-TECH INNOVATORSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR838RED CROSS MONTH/DAYSResolution Adopted3/13/2024
SR909MEMORIAL-KAREN A. YARBROUGHSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR910THANKS-SEN. ANN GILLESPIESResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR930SIGMA/ZETA DAYSResolution Adopted4/17/2024
SR974MEMORIAL-MICHAEL PERRICONESResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR1004MEMORIAL-KAREN A. PEPPERSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1005MEMORIAL-WILLIS G. JOHNSONSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1006MEMORIAL-JAMES POBIEGASResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1007MEMORIAL-MELODY L. TURNERSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1008MEMORIAL-DR. JOHN PHAIRSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1009MEMORIAL-JOYCE RICHMONDSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1010MEMORIAL-PATRICK D. MCANANYSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1011MEMORIAL-GARY BARNESSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1041MEMORIAL-PATRICIA MARTINOSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1042MEMORIAL-JOE VOJACEKSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1043MEMORIAL-BRENDAN FARRELLSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1044MEMORIAL-ROBERT A. MAGNUSONSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1045MEMORIAL-RICHARD P. HENKESResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1046MEMORIAL-DR. WILLIAM TROYERSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1047MEMORIAL-RAYMOND SMITHSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1048MEMORIAL-MARY HALEYSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1057MEMORIAL-GALEN GOCKELSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1122MEMORIAL-SHEILA STEVENSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1123MEMORIAL-JOHN HAYLEYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1209MEMORIAL-JOHN POLKASResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1210MEMORIAL-RICHARD J. MCKINLAYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1211MEMORIAL-LANCE BOLONIKSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1212MEMORIAL-GEORGE THOMPSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1256MEMORIAL-RICHARD BODNERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1265MEMORIAL-KATHLEEN BARTLEYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1266MEMORIAL-ALICE M. MCCARTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1267MEMORIAL-KATHY CANNONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1268MEMORIAL-DANIEL KLESTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1269MEMORIAL-MARY IRENE BOWMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1270MEMORIAL-DOLORES MICHAELSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1290MEMORIAL-BARBARA VANEKSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1291MEMORIAL-MARIA HERRERASResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1292MEMORIAL-CAROLINE MEISTERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1295MEMORIAL-ROBERT A. HELMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1296MEMORIAL-HERMAN G. BODEWESSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJRCA1CON AMEND-PUBLIC DEFENDERSSReferred to Assignments2/28/2023
SJRCA2CON AMEND-ATTORNEY GENERALSReferred to Assignments2/28/2023
SJRCA3GENDER NEUTRAL-BILL OF RIGHTSSReferred to Assignments2/28/2023
HB56AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB218CIVIL LAW-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05598/14/2023
HB219CIVIL LAW-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05148/11/2023
HB280COURTS-TECHSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB299EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments5/22/2024
HB303EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB341EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB351ELECTIONS-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-056211/17/2023
HB587REGULATION-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 21, 202411/20/2024
HB676SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments5/15/2023
HB681CRIMINAL LAW-TECHHRule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/29/2024
HB782STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB817STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 21, 202411/20/2024
HB890TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments5/23/2024
HB1109PROP TAX-CERTIFICATE OF ERRORHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/26/2023
HB1111IMDMA-MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB1119ICJIA-MEMBERS-INCARCERATEDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02767/28/2023
HB1122FREELANCE WORKER PROTECTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04178/4/2023
HB1199ITALIAN HERITAGE MONTHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02797/28/2023
HB1204SCH CD-STUDENT ABSENCE-PARENTHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/26/2023
HB2118HYPODERMIC SYRINGES-SALESReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
HB2233SCH CD-CONTRACT BIDDINGHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee12/8/2023
HB2350INS-PAP TESTS/PROSTATE SCREENHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00306/9/2023
HB2458CHILD SEXUAL ABUSESReferred to Assignments4/16/2024
HB2509REGISTER NURSE-EXAM/REMEDIATEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05338/11/2023
HB2805PTSI AWARENESS DAYSReferred to Assignments3/28/2023
HB2840DESIGNATIONS-NUT-WALNUTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
HB3052CHILD HUNGER-BREAKFAST GRANTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
HB3062LANDLORD/TENANT-SCREEN REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00056/6/2023
HB3129EQUAL PAY ACT-PAY SCALEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05398/11/2023
HB3288DCEO-REGIONAL MANUFACTURINGSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB3413DNR-REMAINS-NATIVE AMERICANSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04468/4/2023
HB3551PROCUREMENT CD-SINGLE PRIMEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00076/7/2023
HB3566CHILD CARE-MIN STANDARDSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/26/2023
HB3648HIGHER EDUCATION IN PRISONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05418/11/2023
HB3822SCH CD-ST BD ED-LANG REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03627/28/2023
HB3886IDPH-PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06587/19/2024
HB4144PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY DISRUPTSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4148LEGISLATIVE LABOR RELATIONSSReferred to Assignments10/26/2023
HB4171USMC HIGHWAYSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4226CT REPORTER-PROFICIENCY TESTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05977/1/2024
HB4237WILDLIFE CD-WLD TURKEY-SHOTGUNSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4360COMM EQUITY&INCLUSION-VARIOUSSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4476MOLD REMEDIATION-AWARENESSSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 21, 202411/20/2024
HB4582FINANCE-FUND TRANSFERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05916/7/2024
HB4645OFFICIAL STATE BEANSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4883DNR LAND TRANSFER-WILL COUNTYSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4907REPEAL REYES SYN REPORTING ACTSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4910DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESSSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4916CIV PROCEDURE-PROMPT PAYSReferred to Assignments5/20/2024
HB4928NATIONAL PTSD AWARENESS DAYSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5408O'HARE DRIVER SAFETY ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08618/9/2024
HB5411VEH CD-VARIOUSSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5421LAKE MICH MONITORING-REPORTINGSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5550DOMESTIC VIOLENCE-REMEDIESSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5602STATE HOLIDAY-JOHN LEWIS DAYSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5606OFF OF ECON EQUITY AND EMPOWERSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5621BUILD ILLINOIS ACT-LOAN LIMITSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HJR73DENY-SCHOOL CODE WAIVERSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
Totals   SB: 679   SR: 95   SJR: 1   SJRCA: 3   HB: 58   HJR: 1   

Harris, Napoleon III
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB765REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-056611/17/2023
SB1256FIREWORKS REGULATION-SPARKLERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1257REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1258STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1259TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1260STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1261REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1262REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1263AGRICULTURE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1264PUBLIC AID-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1491CORPORATION-STATE CONTRACTORSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1492FINANCIALLY DISTRESSED CITIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1493PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1494INS-DOMESTIC STOCK CO/DIVISIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00906/9/2023
SB1495INS-PUBLIC ADJUSTERS/VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02166/30/2023
SB1805PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1806BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2380LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2381INS-SUPPLIER DIVERSITY REPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2382BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2573INS-CANCER COVERAGE/WIGSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07538/2/2024
SB2703PROP TX-HISTORIC RESIDENCESPassed Both Houses11/21/2024
SB2773INS CD-INSURANCE GUARANTY FUNDSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2858HEALTH BEN EXCHANGE-ENROLLMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2966TWP CD-VACANCY/COMPENSATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2967QUICK-TAKE-CALUMET CITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB315321ST CENTURY DIVERSITYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3179INS CD-PHARMA BENEFIT MANAGERSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3317CANDIDATE INFO PRIVACY ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3408QUICK-TAKE WILL COUNTYSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3419CD CORR-SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3672EV CHARGER GRANT ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3673SOUTH SUBURBAN AIRPORTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3674CIVIL RIGHTS-REMEDIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3675SHORT-TERM HEALTH INSURANCESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR113MEMORIAL-NAPOLEON HARRISSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR305MEMORIAL-ANGELYN MOYE-SPEARSSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR318CONGRATS-REV. DR. MILOS VESINSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR643MEMORIAL-RICHARD COTTON JR.SResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR937MEMORIAL-IDELLA M. WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR1182MEMORIAL-REV. JERRY D. MCGRAWSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB47INS CD-IIGF/CYBERSECURITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01136/30/2023
HB305EDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07908/9/2024
HB307EDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07248/2/2024
HB1409PROF SERVICES-CONTRACT GOALSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB2088INS-SUPPLIER DIVERSITY REPORTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
HB2089INSURANCE-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04268/4/2023
HB2130INSURANCE DATA SECURITY LAWHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01426/30/2023
HB2145DFPR-WORK COMP REQUIREMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00266/9/2023
HB2531IDOT-SOUTH SUBURBAN AIRPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03177/28/2023
HB3646PEN CD-CHI MUNI-SERVICE CREDITHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04558/7/2023
HB3857BUDGET FOR RESULTS COMMISSIONHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/26/2023
HB4284PTELL-HOMEWOOD SCH DISTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05875/28/2024
HB4348COMM EQUITY&INCLUSION-TRAININGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4367INS CD-INSURANCE GUARANTY FUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08158/9/2024
HB4594TRUST CD-VIRTUOUS TRUSTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5357INS CD-HOMEOWNER'S INS-SEWERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08588/9/2024
HB5430SCH CD-RESIDENT DISTRICTSReferred to Assignments5/22/2024
HB5493INSURANCE-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07187/19/2024
HB5496TRANSPORT-SOUTH SUBURBAN AIRHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08648/9/2024
Totals   SB: 35   SR: 7   HB: 19   

Harriss, Erica
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1363CHILD CARE-DFPR/DCFSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1614BIKE/PEDESTRIAN PATH FUNDINGSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB2071CANNABIS-REINVEST PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2198SCH CD-CONSTITUTION DAYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2199PROP TX-SENIOR HOMESTEADSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2200$DCEO-UTILITIESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2590ADULT CONTENT AGE VERIFICATIONSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB3564BIKE/PEDESTRIAN PATH FUNDINGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3565CANNABIS-REINVEST PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3566EPA-VEHICLE WASHINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10178/9/2024
SB3567PROP TX-NOTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10188/9/2024
SB3568PROP TX-INDEMNITY FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3569PROP TX-FAIRNESS TASK FORCESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3570LIQUOR-FROZEN DESSERTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3571SCH CD-AED-AFTER HOURSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10198/9/2024
SB3572TOBACCO-SCHOOL SUPPLIESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3573PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3574STALKING/HARASSMENT NO CONTACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3671STATES ATTY-PEACE OFCR-PRIVACYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR46MEMORIAL-R.J. "BOB" WALTERSSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR684MEMORIAL-CW2 RYAN J. EPLEYSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR914MEMORIAL-EDWARD RAGSDALE, M.D.SResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR1012MEMORIAL-DR. MERRILL OTTWEINSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
HB1273SCH CD-CONSTITUTION DAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00156/9/2023
HB1297PEN CD-TRS-OPTIONAL CREDITHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00176/9/2023
HB1767EDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02877/28/2023
HB1865TRANSPORTATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01356/30/2023
HB2418EXPUNGEMENT-TRAFFICKING VICTIMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00356/9/2023
HB2618DCFS-CRIM HISTORY CHECKSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00386/9/2023
HB4255VEH CD-TOW TRUCK LIGHTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06677/19/2024
HB4848VEH CD-LOAD COVERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07308/2/2024
HB5394SCH SAFETY DRILL-CARDIAC PLANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06087/1/2024
HB5465JUV REC-HUM TRAFFICKING VICTIMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07177/19/2024
HJR21CPL. T. MILLER MEMORIAL HGHWAYSReferred to Assignments3/30/2023
Totals   SB: 19   SR: 4   HB: 10   HJR: 1   

Hastings, Michael E.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1512INS-HEALTH BENEFITS/COST SHARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1753VEH CD-STOLEN VEHICLE HOTLINESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2639INS CD-INFERTILITY COVERAGEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/3/2024
SB2674PROCUREMENT-VETERAN PREFSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2677HIGHER ED-IL VETERAN GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2726GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/12/2024
SB2769VETERAN INTERNSHIP PROGRAMHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/10/2024
SB2770CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09218/9/2024
SB3175HIGHWAY NOISE SUPPRESSIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06387/1/2024
SB3176MUNI-REDUCE INTERSTATE NOISESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3538LOC FIRST RESPONDER INSURANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10118/9/2024
SB3948MISSING PERSONS IDENTIFICATIONSReferred to Assignments5/8/2024
SR223CONGRATS-NASCARSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR256MEMORIAL-LES PETERSONSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR257MEMORIAL-DENNIS M. MAGEESResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR258MEMORIAL-FRANK MARTIN JR.SResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR269MEMORIAL-JOSEPH CANADYSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR589MEMORIAL-RUTH A. COLBYSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR675MEMORIAL-RICHARD MOORESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR936SUPPORT-FIRST RESPONDERSSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR966MEMORIAL-DEBORAH BRYANTSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR1036MEMORIAL-WILLIE E. JOHNSONSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1073CONGRATS-BARBARA B. OSUCHSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1222MEMORIAL-WALTER J. WHITFIELDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1245MEMORIAL-CHARLES J. ZICKUS JR.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1246MEMORIAL-TYLER R. KOSCINSKISResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1247MEMORIAL-MASON C. SANTIAGOSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1275MEMORIAL-LORI J. WILCOXSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1276MEMORIAL-NEMER ZIYADSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB2245VEH CD-STOLEN VEHICLE HOTLINESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03007/28/2023
HB3706UNIVERSITY PARK DEVELOPMENTSReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
HB3743ALOPECIA AWARENESS MONTHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05448/15/2023
HB4125PROP TAX-CERTIFICATE OF ERRORHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06627/19/2024
HB4589VEH CD-CATALYTIC CONVERTERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06777/19/2024
HB4592VEH CD-MOBILE ID CARDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08248/9/2024
HB4615CAMPGROUND HOT TUBSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06017/1/2024
HB4799GAMING BOARD ID CARDSSReferred to Assignments5/22/2024
HB5078REGIONAL PLANNING ACT-CMAPHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08478/9/2024
HB5546JULIE-POSITIVE RESPONSE SYSTEMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06147/1/2024
HB5596DAY CARE-MILITARY CHILDRENHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08698/9/2024
HB5653VETERANS' SERVICES TASK FORCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
Totals   SB: 12   SR: 17   HB: 12   

Holmes, Linda
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB47GOV IMMUNITY-DATA BREACHESSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB107DRONES AS FIRST RESPONDERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB129ANIMAL WELFARE-DOG DEALERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB133PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION BONDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB147PAINT STEWARDSHIP ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB205EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB694LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08848/9/2024
SB836SAFETY-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03727/28/2023
SB839SAFETY-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08878/9/2024
SB1230ANIMAL WELFARE-DOG DEALERHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1373CLERKS OF COURTS-COMPENSATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1414CONT SUB-ELECTRONIC PRESCRIPTSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1420REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1592PREVAILING WAGE-MATERIALSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1593INC TX-LGDF TRANSFERSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1594PREVAILING WAGE-SURVEY WORKSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1784CHILD LABOR-TRUST ACCOUNTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1813PEACE OFFICER ARBITRATIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1814ASSISTED LIVING ADVISORY BOARDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02316/30/2023
SB1815PEN CD-CHI POLICE-DISABILITYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1874FARM TO FOOD BANK PROGRAM ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1882DOG & CAT TESTING RESTRICTIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02386/30/2023
SB1883CRIM CD-WILD ANIMALSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02396/30/2023
SB1925INS-HEALTH CARE/AMBULANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2017SCH CD-HOLIDAYS-EDUC SUPPORTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03957/28/2023
SB2227COUNTIES CODE-RECORDERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04007/28/2023
SB2228PERSONNEL CODE REVISIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01086/27/2023
SB2414SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2641NETWORK ADEQUACY-SPECIALISTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09068/9/2024
SB2650ASSISTED LIVING ADVISORY BOARDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2778SHERIFF DEPT-VETERAN EXAMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06237/1/2024
SB2798LAND TRANSFER-MONROE, KANE COSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06257/1/2024
SB2811PROCUREMENT-RECRUITMENTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3262MINK FARMING BANSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3274$DHS-FARM TO FOOD BANKSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3275PROP TX-STAMPSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09638/9/2024
SB3294SECURITY EMPLOYEE BARGAININGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3295SCH CD-HOLIDAYS-EMPLOYEESReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3306PROP TX-BOARD OF REVIEWSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3307INS-NONPARTICIPATING PROVIDERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3354SHERIFF DEPT-VETERAN EXAMSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3410DHS-GAMBLING DISORDERSSPassed Both Houses11/20/2024
SB3448IEMA-ADDRESS VERIFICATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10008/9/2024
SB3499END-OF-LIFE OPTIONS ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3500UTILITIES-ENERGY CREDITS/CHPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3655CAGED EGG BANSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3743FOREST PRESERVE-REVENUESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR47MS AWARENESS WEEKSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SR80RARE DISEASE DAYSResolution Adopted3/9/2023
SR124MS AWARENESS MONTHSResolution Adopted3/22/2023
SR699MS AWARENESS WEEKSResolution Adopted3/13/2024
SR864MEMORIAL-JAMES M. HANNONSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR1000MEMORIAL-CRISTIAN MEDRANOSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
HB1049DOG BREED INS PROTECTION ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00116/9/2023
HB2247LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT-CONT EDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB2621DPH-PLUMBER AGREEMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03217/28/2023
HB2879FARM TO FOOD BANK PROGRAM ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04128/3/2023
HB3086PESTICIDES-REGISTRATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04418/4/2023
HB3095EPA-LIMESTONE MATERIALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03337/28/2023
HB3236INSTALLMENT LOANS-PET SALESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03397/28/2023
HB3257DYED HERMIT CRAB, GOLDFISHSReferred to Assignments5/2/2023
HB3304CRIM CD-LIMIT-COVID-19 FRAUDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01846/30/2023
HB3402SCH CD-HIRING PRIORITIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00466/9/2023
HB3526WILDLIFE CD-TICK GRANTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3755CD CORR-TRANSFER TO SHERIFFHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02036/30/2023
HB3902STATE GOVT-GENERAL MANDATESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01016/16/2023
HB4427ASSISTED LIVING ADVISORY BOARDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05997/1/2024
HB4863DPT MIL AFF LAND CONVEYANCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07318/2/2024
HB5174PEN CD-IMRF-RETURN TO SERVICESReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5282INS CD-MISCARRIAGE/STILLBIRTHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07017/19/2024
HB5287COUNTY CD-OFFICER STIPENDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06077/1/2024
HB5295INS-HORMONE THERAPY-MENOPAUSEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07037/19/2024
HJR27ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses3/31/2023
Totals   SB: 47   SR: 6   HB: 19   HJR: 1   

Hunter, Mattie
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB158MUNI CD-ROT REFERENDUMSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB159MUNI CD-MOTOR FUEL REVENUESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB375CHILDREN-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04608/4/2023
SB1277NURSING-DELEGATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1508SPORTS GAMING-ADDICTION HELPSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03817/28/2023
SB1735PROP TX-TRANSFER DECLARATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1736LOTTERY-JOINT SCRATCH-OFFSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1737BUILD ILLINOIS TAX CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1953$DPH-EQUITY AND REP-HLTH CARESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1954STATE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1955PUBLIC AID-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2411SAFETY-BASED CHILD WELFARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2413HOME BUYER SAVINGS ACCOUNT ACTSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2439HIGH ED-SOCIAL WORK LOAN/GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2445BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/15/2023
SB2759ADOPTEE MEDICAL TESTINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2760AGING-COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2957AGING-LONG TERM OMBUDSMANSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07678/2/2024
SB3113BUDGET EQUITYSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3203INS CD-INHALER COVERAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09518/9/2024
SB3576INC TX-DOWNTOWN CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3577INSTALLMENT LOANS-REPORTINGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3578DHS-CHILD CARE ASSISTANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3579OPTOMETRIST LOAN REPAYMENT ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3589CHI PUBLIC OFFICIAL CORRUPTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3955GENDER&REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARESReferred to Assignments5/17/2024
SR3SENATE-JOURNALSSResolution Adopted1/11/2023
SR79HCM AWARENESS DAYSResolution Adopted2/22/2023
SR169AKA SORORITY, INC. DAYSResolution Adopted5/10/2023
SR178SECOND CHANCE MONTHSReferred to Assignments4/18/2023
SR250ASTHMA AWARENESS MONTHSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR251MEMORIAL-ODESSA H. MCREYNOLDSSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR252MEMORIAL-JOSIE CHILDSSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR253MEMORIAL-JOHN PICKETTSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR255MEMORIAL-LELA TYLERSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR320MEMORIAL-ROBERT "BOB" DIXONSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR321MEMORIAL-LORETTA JOHNSONSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR330MEMORIAL-ROBERT ANDERSON SR.SResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR359MEMORIAL-LILLIE BERGER HUNTERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR492MEMORIAL-EVELYN WILEY RICESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR493MEMORIAL-JESSE LEE FLEMINGSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR494MEMORIAL-ROSE M. MCCOYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR495MEMORIAL-JAMES ADAMSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR496MEMORIAL-JEAN MUSCADIN, M.D.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR497MEMORIAL-LEO WIRTHSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR498MEMORIAL-CLAIRE MCLENDONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR499MEMORIAL-NJ LT. GOV. S. OLIVERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR566MEMORIAL-JACK C. PARISHSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR608MEMORIAL-ORLANTHA N. WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR673MEMORIAL-YOANNAH ASIELSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR674MEMORIAL-REV. CLIFFORD TYLERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR738MINORITY HEALTH MONTHSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR739MEMORIAL-STANLEY J. MARTINSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR764MEMORIAL-CHARMAYNE C. SIMMONSSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR772MEMORIAL-DAVID M. MILLINERSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR773MEMORIAL-MELISSA BOWIESResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR841MEMORIAL-NIA ODEOTI-HASSANSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR858MEMORIAL-CLEOFUS HOPKINSSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR859MEMORIAL-JOSUHA C. ALEXANDERSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR872CONGRATS-WENDELL PHILLIPS HSSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1001SECOND CHANCE MONTHSReferred to Assignments5/17/2024
SR1002MEMORIAL-RICKYE D. JONESSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1108MEMORIAL-JOHN C. MITCHELLSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1109MEMORIAL-GUY ANDERSON IIISResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1110MEMORIAL-SAMMIE M. TURNERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1187MEMORIAL-THEODORE LOVETTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1204MEMORIAL-DENNIS MCCLENDONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1205MEMORIAL-VIVIAN BROWNSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR25ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses2/8/2023
SJR27ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses2/16/2023
SJR53CONGRATS-WENDELL PHILLIPS HSSReferred to Assignments3/21/2024
SJR55ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA DAYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SJR57ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA DAYHReferred to Rules Committee5/3/2024
HB1526OUTDOOR RX PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02847/28/2023
HB1541UTIL-NO TERMINATION >85 DEGREEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00196/9/2023
HB2214DHS-STOLEN SNAP BENEFITS-DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02977/28/2023
HB2557FARMER EQUITY/INNOVATION ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3161PEN CD-CHI MUNIHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04438/4/2023
HB3400IL WORKS JOBS PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03477/28/2023
HB3556BLACK FARMERS RESTORATION PROGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB3557LOCAL FARM AND FOOD PRODUCTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3698DHS-MENTAL HLTH-FAMILY CENTERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03557/28/2023
HB3699EMPLOY SECURITY-CHILD SUPPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03567/28/2023
HB3705DCFS-CHILD WELFARE GOALSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00506/9/2023
HB3710PROTEIN INNOVATION COMMISSIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05438/11/2023
HB3720MWBE-GOALS & REPORTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/26/2023
HB3955HOSPITALS-ER COPAYMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02136/30/2023
HB4261AGING-OMBUDSMAN PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08118/9/2024
HB4295MISSING PERSONS-EBONY ALERTSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB4346AGING-COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06707/19/2024
HB4781DCFS-KINSHIP IN DEMANDHPlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s) 111/21/2024
HB5084DHS-PUB AID ELIGIBILITY REVIEWHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06887/19/2024
HB5475NURSING CORRECTIONAL SCHOLARSReferred to Assignments11/19/2024
Totals   SB: 26   SR: 43   SJR: 5   HB: 20   HJR: 1   

Johnson, Adriane
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB79$ISJIA-VIOL INTERRUPTER PGMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB213BURIAL RIGHTS-VISITATIONSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB228STATE AGENCY-INTERN MIN WAGESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB320EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB321PROBATE-EXECUTOR-FELONSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB464EDUCATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08788/9/2024
SB469EDUCATION-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee11/21/2024
SB647HEALTH-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08818/9/2024
SB1251VEH CD-AMBULANCE-SIRENS-LAMPSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04848/4/2023
SB1252CONSERVATION-OPEN SPACE FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1394ETHICS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1395ORGAN TRANSPLANTS-NONCITIZENSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1443HWY CD-RESIDENCY OF CLERKSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1501NOT FOR PROFIT-DEMOGRAPHICSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1502PROBATE-EXECUTORSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1578EPA-GREAT LAKES CCR PROTECTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1579SCH CD-NATIVE AM/WEST AFRICANSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1580TANF-GRANT INCREASESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1581WATERWAYS-PERMIT FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1695CHILD CARE-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1696PFAS REDUCTION-WASTEWATERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1697SNAP-HOT FOODS-GROCERY STORESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1706ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE PROJECTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1774CLINICAL TRIAL PARTICIPATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02276/30/2023
SB1775REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2006SCH CD-MINIMUM FUNDING LEVELSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2007OBSCENE ELEC UNSOLICIT MESSAGESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2008EPA-BALLOONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2163$CAPITOL ARCHITECT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2239SCH CD-STUDENT DISCIPLINESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2240COMM COLL-REMEDIATION DATASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04017/28/2023
SB2241$DHS-HOMELESSNESS PREVENTIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB2347PUBLIC OFFICE DISQUALIFICATIONSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2533$ST BD ED-GRANTSSReferred to Assignments2/28/2023
SB2539$ST BD ED-GRANT-LEARN 9SReferred to Assignments3/7/2023
SB2561$DOA-GRANT-BIOPROCESSING RESEASReferred to Assignments4/12/2023
SB2687HATE CRIME-WHITE SUPREMACYSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2688REAL ESTATE-CONT EDUCATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2732RFRA-SUBSTANTIAL BURDEN-EXEMPTSReferred to Assignments1/12/2024
SB2733SCH CD-SCH CONSTRCT REFERENDUMSReferred to Assignments1/12/2024
SB2734USE/OCC TX-AVIATION FUELSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2748DCFS-POLICE ASSISTANCESReferred to Assignments1/16/2024
SB2816ORGANIC WASTE COMPOSTINGSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2841CONSERVATION-OPEN SPACE FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2909PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DEGREESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2930NOT FOR PROFIT-DEMOGRAPHICSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06357/1/2024
SB3156SCH CD-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07808/2/2024
SB3157NON-PROFIT INVESTMENT POOLHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3226$ICJIA-GRANT CHRCSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3378IDPH-MENINGITIS EDUCATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09858/9/2024
SB3379SCH CD-GLOBAL SCHOLAR CERTSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3418HWY COMMISSIONER/CLERK-ELECTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09928/9/2024
SB3480MEDICAL CANNABIS-DISPENSESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3529REPEAL PERTUSSIS VACCINE ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10108/9/2024
SB3530$ST BD ED-YOUTHBUILD ILLINOISSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3716LAKE MICH MONITORING-REPORTINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10388/9/2024
SB3717PEN CD-FOSSIL FUEL DIVESTMENTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3718VEH CD-INSURANCE VERIFICATIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3719INS CD-PET SCAN COVERAGESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3720ABBREVIATIONS IN PRESCRIPTIONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3773SCH CD-BOARD OF SCH DIRECTORSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3793COMMUNITY ACTION BOARD-MEMBERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10508/9/2024
SB3794POWERING UP ILLINOIS ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3795PLASTIC RECYCLE MODERNIZATIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR18PDTS-OPIOID ABUSESResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR29RICK DRAZNER DAYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SR93WHOLE CHILD MONTHSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR180RECOGNIZES-BEVERLY SUSSMANSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR181CONGRATS-RYAN RISINGERSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR232RECOGNIZES-JOHN PRICE, ED.D.SResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR293MEMORIAL-NIOLIS COLLAZOSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR458MEMORIAL-H. YVONNE MCKINNEYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR516MEMORIAL-KEVIN M. DOLANSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR536MEMORIAL-WYONIA COLEMANSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR726RARE DISEASE DAYSResolution Adopted3/6/2024
SR831MEMORIAL-BEATRICE IDLEBURGSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR957PARKS AND RECREATION MONTHSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR982MEMORIAL-MODENA STINNETTESResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR983CONGRATS-SYLVIA JOHNSON JONESSReferred to Assignments5/10/2024
SR992MEMORIAL-DAVID B. STOLMANSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1138MEMORIAL-FERNANDO R. SHIPLEYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1184MEMORIAL-SANDRA J. BOOKERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1193CONGRATS-JEFF FOUGEROUSSESResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1253SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY WEEKSReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
HB439HEALTH-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02737/28/2023
HB475LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02747/28/2023
HB878TRANSPORTATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB1020REAL ESTATE-STANDARDSSReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
HB1067SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00126/9/2023
HB1268PROBATE-EXECUTORHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02808/1/2023
HB1561SCHCD-EMPLOYEE TRAUMA TRAININGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01286/30/2023
HB2040HWY CD-RESIDENCY OF CLERKSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01386/30/2023
HB2054CD CORR-DEP JUVENILE JUSTICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02907/28/2023
HB2220INNKEEPER PROTECTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01476/30/2023
HB2278ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE PROJECTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00286/9/2023
HB2285DEFINE-HEALTH CARE EMPLOYERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03037/28/2023
HB2363CLEAN LIGHTING ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07998/9/2024
HB2820HEALTH-MATERNITY TRAININGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01696/30/2023
HB2831TASK FORCE ON HOMELESSNESSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02697/26/2023
HB3375POST-CONVICTION-BARRED CLAIMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB3524SCH CD-AIR QUAL TASK FORCEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/26/2023
HB3592SCH CD-TEACHER DISMISSALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03547/28/2023
HB3713SCH CD-VENTILATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB3856BUDGET RESULTS-CLEANUPHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03637/28/2023
HB3894CORPORATION-STATE CONTRACTORSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB4175SCH CD-NONPUBLIC DISCIPLINEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08068/9/2024
HB4441LOCAL&SCHOOL CONTRACTING GOALSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4442TWP CD-WEBSITE MEETING NOTICESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4446CRIM CD-DANGEROUS ANIMAL-DEFINSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB4491CHILD CARE FACILITY-STANDARDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08218/9/2024
HB4502CONSERVATION-OPEN SPACE FUNDSReferred to Assignments5/15/2024
HB4586SCH CD-MENTAL HEALTH-NOTIFYSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB4819CD CORR-DOC-LACTATION ROOMSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08348/9/2024
HB4895SCH CD-CLIMATE CHANGE EDUCHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08378/9/2024
HB4896SCH CD-SEXUAL MISCONDUCTSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
HB4903SCH CD-AIR QUALITY TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07368/2/2024
HB5232DCEO-DISPARITY STUDYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07428/2/2024
HB5407EDU-HOMELESS CHILD-REPORT/GRNTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07448/2/2024
HB5480SCH CD-STATE CHARTER TRANSPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB5491RETURN OF REGISTRATION FEESSReferred to Assignments4/30/2024
HJR49ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses1/17/2024
Totals   SB: 64   SR: 22   HB: 36   HJR: 1   

Jones, Emil III
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1792PLASTIC STRAW BANSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1793EQUITABLE RESTROOMS-ALL-GENDERSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2383CONSERVATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB3128USE/OCC TX-BABY SUPPLIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3147PARENTAGE-RIGHTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3341EPA-GHG-BLACK STARTSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SR261MEMORIAL-PAUL JOHNSONSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR981MEMORIAL-DETARIUS L. HAYNESSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1203MEMORIAL-LILLIAN J. RICKMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1207MEMORIAL-ANGEL ROSS PURCELLSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1250MEMORIAL-STEPHEN C. LEGUESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB2437CTA-YOUTH PROGRAM TRANSPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB4489BIKE/PEDESTRIAN PATH FUNDINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
Totals   SB: 6   SR: 5   HB: 2   

Joyce, Patrick J.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB71THORN CREEK BASIN-APPOINTMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB177TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB246STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB2739-1-1 AUTHORITIES-ROSEMONTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04768/4/2023
SB339PROCUREMENT-DISABILITIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB685LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00726/9/2023
SB772REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB808REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB853STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB1297LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1299PERSONNEL REVIEW BOARDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1300MEDICAL PATIENT RIGHTSSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1353IL POWER AG-HYDROELECTRICSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1354STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1421OSFM-YOUTH INTERVENTIONISTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1422INS-HOME EQUIPMENT/REIMBURSESReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1423VEH CD-CDL AND CLPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1424COUNTY JUDICIAL FACILITIES FEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1447FINANCE-GREEN ENERGYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1611FIREFIGHTER TRAINING LEAVESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02206/30/2023
SB1612STATE POLICE-QUALIFICATIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1613ATTY GENERAL-MEDICAID FRAUDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1725PROP TX-MIDDLE CLASS CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1726PESTICIDES-REGISTRATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1732RACING-COOK CNTY SUNSETSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1869USE/OCC TX-ETHANOLSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1870CRIM CD-RESIDENTIAL BURGLARYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1896VEH CD-OFF SITE VEHICLE SALESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03927/28/2023
SB2089XYLAZINE-SCHEDULE I-PENALTIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2090CONSUMER FRAUD-DRIVER ASSISTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2091HATE CRIME-FIREARM OR VICT<18SReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2177RETIRED OFFICER TRAININGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2226CONSERVATION OPPORTUNITY AREASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02556/30/2023
SB2723LINK CARD/SNAP-PHOTO IDSReferred to Assignments1/12/2024
SB2766KANKAKEE RIVER-TASK FORCESReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2767WILDLIFE CD-WILD TURKEY-BORESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06227/1/2024
SB2814PROP TX-OMITTED PROPERTYSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2815ELEC CD-HOME RULE REFERENDUMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2894MUNI CD-ADMIN ADJUDICATIONSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2931NURSING HOMES-DIRECTORYHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3091IDNR-LAND TRANSFER-WILL COSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07738/2/2024
SB3131INC TX-RENEWABLE DIESELSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3167DCEO-DATA CENTERSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3258MUNI CD-USE OF UTILITY POLESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3259CONSUMER FRAUD-SURCHARGE FEESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3283MOTOR VEHICLE SALES-LIABILITYSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3407WILDLIFE-DEER MEAT-DONATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09908/9/2024
SB3435AGGRAVATED ASSAULT-PUBLIC WORKSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3638INTERSCHOLAR ATH ORG-SHOOTINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3639LAW ENF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL WKSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3640XYLAZINE-SCHED III-PENALTIESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3742CD CORR-PAROLE AGENT-TERMINATESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3814$DOA-CROP INSURANCESReferred to Assignments2/20/2024
SR167CONGRATS-GARDEN OF PRAYER CTRSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR214MEMORIAL-DONALD SCOTTSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR708HOME FIRE SPRINKLER WEEKSResolution Adopted5/8/2024
SR785ACP-SUPPORTSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR809LAW ENF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL WKSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR821RECOGNIZES-EARTHRISE ENERGYSReferred to Assignments3/5/2024
SR1294MEMORIAL-LORI J. WILCOX-KNIGHTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR7FIREFIGHTERS TASK FORCESAdopted Both Houses5/18/2023
SJR13SGT VANGELISTI MEMORIAL ROADSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SJR14SPEC TREEST MEMORIAL ROADSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SJR45COLLABORATION-STATE AGENCIESSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
HB217CIVIL LAW-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00106/9/2023
HB1220THORN CREEK BASIN-APPOINTMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB1440PRETREATED SEED BAN-ETHANOLHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee12/8/2023
HB2188ATTY GENERAL-MEDICAID FRAUDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01456/30/2023
HB2266PERSONNEL REVIEW BOARDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01526/30/2023
HB2372OSFM-YOUTH INTERVENTIONISTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03077/28/2023
HB2461NUISANCE WILDLIFE CONTROLHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00376/9/2023
HB2475STATE POLICE-QUALIFICATIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03127/28/2023
HB36775 YR HUNTING & FISHING LICENSEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04568/4/2023
HB3809INS-HEALTH/IMPAIRED CHILDRENHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04588/4/2023
HB4321PEN CD-COVID PRESUMPTIONSReferred to Assignments4/30/2024
HB4727VITAL RECORDS-BIRTH RECORDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06827/19/2024
HB5027NURSING HOMES-DIRECTORYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5397PETROLEUM RESOURCE BOARD-TERMSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5522WILDLIFE-NUISANCE CONTROLHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06117/1/2024
HB5527JAIL RELEASE-OPIOID ANTAGONISTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HJR14HONORARY JACK SIKMA ROADSReferred to Assignments4/19/2023
HJR15SGT. RITTMANIC MEMORIAL HWYHAdopted Both Houses5/19/2023
HJR58HISTORY DAYHAdopted Both Houses5/25/2024
Totals   SB: 53   SR: 7   SJR: 4   HB: 16   HJR: 3   

Koehler, David
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB46IL WATERWAY PORTS COMMISSIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02146/30/2023
SB220PROP TX-VETERAN-COMMERCIALSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB285CONTROLLED SUB-ELECTRON RECORDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04778/4/2023
SB286STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB287REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB333ASSAULT SURVIVOR REPORTINGHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB380CIVIL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04788/4/2023
SB506EMPLOYMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB684LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04808/4/2023
SB693LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08838/9/2024
SB757REGULATION-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/19/2023
SB1466CIVIL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1467FERTILITY FRAUD ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1554LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1555PACKAGING & PAPER STEWARDSHIPSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03837/28/2023
SB1556EPA-CLEAN TRANSPORT STANDARDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB1623UNDERGROUND RAILROAD TSK FORCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00976/9/2023
SB1624CIVIL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1625LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1626TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1627ESTATE TAX-FARM PROPERTYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1711REVENUE-HYDROGEN FUEL CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1781SECURE CHOICE-ADMINISTRATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1782CHILD LABOR-ONLINE CONTENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05568/11/2023
SB1783TIF-CITY OF PEORIASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1785MED PRACTICE-COLLAB AGREEMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02286/30/2023
SB1786SCH CD-ADVISORY COMMITTEEHReferred to Rules Committee3/24/2023
SB1787SCH CD-RURAL ED ADVIS COUNCILSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04978/4/2023
SB1789POWER AG-PROJECT LABOR AGREESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1790COGFA-REPORTING CHANGESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02296/30/2023
SB1891RESPONSIBLE ANTIBIOTIC USESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1940CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1941REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1942REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1943REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1944REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1945REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1960VEH CD-ELECTRIC SCOOTERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08998/9/2024
SB2160LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT FACILITYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2161LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT-MEETINGSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2181PROC CD-CARBON CONCRETE PREFSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2323SCH CD-BLOOMINGTON SCH BUILDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05098/4/2023
SB2324COUNTY SCHOOL FACILITY REVENUESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB2325SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION-SIGNSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02626/30/2023
SB2368BUILDING AND RESIDENTIAL CODESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05108/4/2023
SB2432LOCAL FOOD INFRASTRUCTURE GRNTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2438MANUFACTURING CAPITAL-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2447BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL AIRPORTSReferred to Assignments2/16/2023
SB2552UTIL-TIME-OF-USE PRICINGSReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
SB2581ESTATE TAX-EXCLUSION AMOUNTSReferred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB2606HIGHER ED-MENTAL HEALTH DAYSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/10/2024
SB2609SCH CD-SAFE GUN STORAGE INFOSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2628TRANSPORTATION-FLOOD INSURANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09058/9/2024
SB2790DHFS-MCO-PBM-CONTRACTSSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2829SCH CD-LICENSE BD/RECOGNITIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2830MEDICAID-MCO PROMPT PAYMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2921ESTATE TAX-SPECIAL USESReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2936PROPERTY TX-ABATEMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09318/9/2024
SB3077FOOD INFRASTRUCTURE-GRANTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07728/2/2024
SB3108HEALTH CARE AVAILABILITYSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3165RECYCLING NEEDS ASSESSMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06367/1/2024
SB3166SCHOOL STUDENT RECORDS-MISCHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/10/2024
SB3174UNDERGROUND RAILROAD TASK FORCSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06377/1/2024
SB3436PUB AID-AABD CASH ASSISTANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3437CONT SUB-PMP-PHARMACY RECSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3686BATTERY STEWARDSHIP ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10338/9/2024
SB3687CREDIT UNIONS-EXAMINATION FEESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10348/9/2024
SB3727PATIENT ACCESS 340B PHARMACYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3974PROP TX-ENERGY STORAGESReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SR4MEMORIAL-ELDON ARNOLDSResolution Adopted1/12/2023
SR10CONGRATS-JOHN F. PENNSResolution Adopted1/25/2023
SR43MEMORIAL-KEISUKE NOZAKISResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR59CONGRATS-DAN MECKESSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SR61CONGRATS-DAN GALLAGHERSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SR78MEMORIAL-BRENT GWILLIMSResolution Adopted2/16/2023
SR95PRESCRIBED BURNING MONTHSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR133MEMORIAL-OWEN LINDSEYSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR162MEMORIAL-TIMOTHY NEWLINSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR279MEMORIAL-BRIAN M. MENTLEWICZSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR280MEMORIAL-DONNA HAERRSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR281MEMORIAL-RICHARD E. CARVERSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR348MEMORIAL-CALEB SCHWARTZSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR350MEMORIAL-LINDA M. CRAIGSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR351MEMORIAL-BYRON DEHAANSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR454MEMORIAL-RICHARD LUFTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR455MEMORIAL-JESSE SMARTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR461MEMORIAL-ERNESTINE JACKSONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR462MEMORIAL-GILBERT C. NOLDESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR500MEMORIAL-JEANNE ST. JULIANSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR501MEMORIAL-GEORGE E. HOPKINSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR506MEMORIAL-MAXINE A. KEITHSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR575MEMORIAL-CHRISTOPHER L. NEFFSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR63230 BY 30 IMPLEMENTATIONSResolution Adopted as Amended5/25/2024
SR683NAT. INFRASTRUCTURE BANK ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SR689MEMORIAL-DR. JOHN F. GILLIGANSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR690MEMORIAL-SUZANNE WOODSSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR711MEMORIAL-CHARLES L. DANCEYSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR732MEMORIAL-W. ROSCOE MCCALL, DDSSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR748MEMORIAL-JEROME F. BROWNSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR749MEMORIAL-CAROLYN S. AARONSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR777MEMORIAL-LT. COL. L. BERGSTENSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR861MEMORIAL-WILFRED D. CORUMSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR862MEMORIAL-JOHN R. PETERSSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR863MEMORIAL-PATRICK L. WARDSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR945MEMORIAL-PAUL S. COLGANSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR965CONGRATS-PEORIA RIVERMENSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR988MEMORIAL-JAMES R. SULLIVANSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1071MEMORIAL-LOUIS STEVEN MOORESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1072MEMORIAL-TERENCE CORRIGANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1094MEMORIAL-LARRY DAWSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1113MEMORIAL-PEARLY M. BONDSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1230MEMORIAL-DOROTHY BERTSCHYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1231MEMORIAL-TYRONE H. ALLENSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1237MEMORIAL-PHILIP L. THEOBALDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1255MEMORIAL-NORM PETERSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1271MEMORIAL-DONALD R. FUNKSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1301MEMORIAL-LORRAINE K. SHADIDSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1302MEMORIAL-MICHAEL T. SIERRASResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR47NAT. INFRASTRUCTURE BANK ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SJR67PROTECT HUMAN RIGHTSSReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
HB54AGRICULTURE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/26/2023
HB1131SW IL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05178/11/2023
HB2043FINANCE-CREDIT UNION/VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02897/28/2023
HB2204DHS-GAMBLING DISORDERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02687/25/2023
HB2443INS-HEARING AID COVERAGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05308/11/2023
HB2799INS-DHFS-PROTON BEAM THERAPYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03257/28/2023
HB2841VITAL RECORD-CERTIFY LETTERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01706/30/2023
HB3155SECURE CHOICE-ADMINISTRATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00436/9/2023
HB3224SCH CD-SPECIAL ED-TRANSITIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01816/30/2023
HB3337MUNI CD-INCORPORATED TOWNSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01866/30/2023
HB3498HIGHR ED-SCHOLARSHIP REPAYMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04488/4/2023
HB3957GENERIC DRUG PRICING FAIRNESSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03677/28/2023
HB4055PRIOR AUTHORIZATION-EMERGENCYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06597/19/2024
HB4207TRANSPORTATION-FLOOD INSURANCESReferred to Assignments4/16/2024
HB4652HIGHR ED-STUDENT TEACH STIPENDSReferred to Assignments5/15/2024
HB4897DCFS-SHELTER PROGRAMSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB5011GOV ACCOUNT AUDIT-TOWNSHIPSSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5190HWY CD-LAPSED FUNDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08538/9/2024
HB5276SCH CD-SPECIAL ED-TRANSITIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08548/9/2024
HJR19ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses2/23/2023
Totals   SB: 69   SR: 50   SJR: 2   HB: 19   HJR: 1   

Lewis, Seth
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1301CRIM CD-ID THEFT-PERSONSSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1302CONTROLLED SUB-FENTANYLSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1485PARK DIST-BD MEMBERS & TERMSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1733TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1734REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1761LABOR-PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1900LOCAL GOVERNMENT TERM LIMITSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2073CD CORR-PAROLE REVIEW-RETROACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2074PROP TX-DISTRICT REIMBURSEMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2075DCEO-TAX CREDIT REPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2647$DCEO-WHEATONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2742GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/12/2024
SB2993SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3269HWY CD-IMPACT FEE-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3270REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3327STATE'S ATTORNEY-INVESTIGATORSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3328CRIM CD-VIOL ORDERS OF PROTECTSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3514OFFICIAL STATE MUSHROOMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10528/12/2024
SR31HINDU HERITAGE MONTHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SR33COURT REPORTING/CAPTIONING WKSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SR69CONGRATS-LAKE PARK LANCETTESSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR73MEMORIAL-FRANK NUNEZSResolution Adopted2/16/2023
SR98LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL WEEKSRe-referred to Assignments3/30/2023
SR130DISTRACTED DRIVING AWARENESSSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SR168CONGRATS-EMIL GARIPPOSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR212NATIONAL SAFETY MONTH-SUPPORTSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR345CONGRATS-ST. FRANCIS HS VOCALSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR346CONGRATS-JIM REUTERSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR531CONGRATS-ST. FRANCIS HSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR660CONGRATS-ST. FRANCIS H.S.SResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR713LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL WEEKSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SR717HINDU AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SR911CONGRATS-RITA K. FLETCHERSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SJRCA5HOME RULE POPULATIONSReferred to Assignments2/28/2023
HB1831HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB2094CONSUMER-MORTGAGE MARKETINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02927/28/2023
HB2622DOWNSTATE FOREST PRESERVE-FUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01656/30/2023
HB3202INS-HEALTH/SALIVA CANCER TESTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04458/4/2023
HB3752ROBOTICS DAYSReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HB4662PEN CD-TRS-RETURN TO TEACHINGSReferred to Assignments4/17/2024
HB4966SPECIALTY PLATE FOR MOTORCYCLEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08438/9/2024
HB5574HWY CD-IMPACT FEE-REPEALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08688/9/2024
Totals   SB: 18   SR: 16   SJRCA: 1   HB: 8   HJR: 1   

Lightford, Kimberly A.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05946/25/2024
SB16EDUCATION-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee4/11/2023
SB289$ST BD ED/DHS-CHILDRENSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB376CHILDREN-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB378CHILDREN-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/10/2024
SB761REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05478/11/2023
SB776REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB800REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03717/28/2023
SB1266SCH CD-FINANCIAL EDUCATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1278GRANDPARENTS AS CAREGIVERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1351SCH CD-TEACHER EVAL-LAST YEARSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00856/9/2023
SB1352SCH CD-TEACHER RESIGNATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05498/11/2023
SB1400SCH CD-STUDENT DISCIPLINESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08968/9/2024
SB1401SCH CD-MAXIMUM CASELOADSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1500COLLATERAL RECOVERY-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1559ACCESS AFFORDABLE INSULIN ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057812/8/2023
SB1569SCH CD-TEACHER DISMISSALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1570MUNI CD-DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04918/4/2023
SB1722SCH CD-TREASURERHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB1723CANNABIS-CRAFT GROWERSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1872SCH CD-TEACHER TENURE/3 YEARSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05008/4/2023
SB1873CORONER&MEDICAL EXAMINER FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2031SCH CD-SCH REPORT CRD-HIGH SCHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05038/4/2023
SB2157MEDICAID-SAFETY-NET-PSYCH RATESReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2158OFFENDER REGISTRIES-RESIDENCYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2243SCH CD-STATE LITERACY PLANSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04027/28/2023
SB2244SCH CD-READ BLOCK GRANT PROGRMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2245SCHOOLS-READING AND LITERACYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2246DCFS-ABUSE RPTS-DOCTOR OPINIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2374SCH CD-COMPUTER SCI GRANTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02646/30/2023
SB2589SUPPLEMENTAL DISASTER RELIEFSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2613PAID LEAVE FOR ALL-PARK DISTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2625LIQUOR-DISPLAY OF PRODUCTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09048/9/2024
SB2714IL LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2719LIQUOR-COMMISSION-APPEALSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2745LIQUOR-RETAIL SIGNAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06197/1/2024
SB2968DEMOGRAPHIC DATA COLLECTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09358/9/2024
SB3359LIQUOR-THIRD-PARTY DELIVERYHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3553SCH CD-ACCELERATED PLACEMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3630CHILDREN-ABUSE REPORTINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB3688HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3689MEDICAID-HOSPITAL RATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3722HIGHER ED-DIRECT ADMISSIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3723NURSING FACILITY-RESIDENCYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3777DEPARTMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOODSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3785CANNABIS-SOCIAL EQUITYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3816$STATE’S ATTORNEY-VICTIMSSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3922CANNABIS-CURB/ID/CONVICTSReferred to Assignments4/9/2024
SB3926HEMP CONSUMER PRODUCTS ACTSReferred to Assignments4/10/2024
SB3940CANNABIS REGULATIONSReferred to Assignments5/1/2024
SB3965EQUITABLE UNIVERSITY FUNDINGSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SB3975EMT TASK FORCE-DEADLINE EXTENDSReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SR5BLACK WOMEN'S HISTORY DAYSReferred to Assignments1/12/2023
SR37BLACK WOMEN'S HISTORY DAYSResolution Adopted2/22/2023
SR52CONGRATS-AUDREY SOGLINSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR74BURN AWARENESS WEEKSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SR97MEMORIAL-EDWARD HOGANSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR237MEMORIAL-MICHAEL GERACESResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR245DELTA DAY 2023SPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SR303MEMORIAL-MELVIN LIGHTFORD IIISResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR306MEMORIAL-ANNIE BETTSSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR434MEMORIAL-PASTOR JOHN MCNAIRSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR439MEMORIAL-BISHOP E.L. HIGHTOWERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR798MEMORIAL-CHARLES DUKES JR.SResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR917MEMORIAL-GEORGIA G. SAFFOSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR918MEMORIAL-DR. DEENADAYAL GADDAMSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR919MEMORIAL-REV. THOMAS PHILLIPSSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR920MEMORIAL-KAREN A. YARBROUGHSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR1228MEMORIAL-JANICE CURRYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1251MEMORIAL-JANN A. M. BEAUCHAMPSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1254MEMORIAL-NICOLE D. WARDLAWSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1303IL MINORITY TEACHER SCHOLAR.SReferred to Assignments11/20/2024
SJR24SASS PROGRAM TASK FORCEHReferred to Rules Committee5/23/2023
SJR41ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHReferred to Rules Committee5/24/2023
SJR49SCHOOL CASELOAD REVIEWSAdopted Both Houses5/28/2024
SJR65ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses5/29/2024
HB342EDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04138/3/2023
HB1375SCH CD-FINANCIAL EDUCATIONHRule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/29/2024
HB1377PROP TX-NEW RESIDENTIALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07938/9/2024
HB2332CORONER&MEDICAL EXAMINER FEESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00296/9/2023
HB2392SCH CD-LAST TEACHER EVALUATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03087/28/2023
HB2396SCH CD-FULL DAY KINDERGARTENHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04108/2/2023
HB2872SCH CD-STATE LITERACY PLANSReferred to Assignments3/28/2023
HB2911AGING-OMBUDSMAN PROGRAMHRule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/29/2024
HB3147SCHOOLS-READING AND LITERACYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3241DISCRIMINATORY SENTENCINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06577/19/2024
HB3421SUPPLIER DIVERSITY REPORTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB3606BEP-GOOD FAITH EFFORTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4293MASSAGE THERAPY-MISCONDUCTHRule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/29/2024
HB4846BUSINESS ENTERPRISE ACTSReferred to Assignments5/20/2024
HB4902SCH CD-SCH IMPROVE PLAN-READNGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07358/2/2024
HB5151REPEAL PERTUSSIS VACCINE ACTHRule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/29/2024
HB5250SCH CD-ACCELERATED PLACEMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07438/2/2024
HJR2ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses1/12/2023
HJR51ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses2/8/2024
HJR76ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses11/21/2024
Totals   SB: 52   SR: 20   SJR: 4   HB: 17   HJR: 4   

Loughran Cappel, Meg
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB346PREVAILING WAGE-LOTTERYSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB347DOC LAND TRANSFER-CREST HILLSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB463EDUCATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06177/1/2024
SB1313INC TX-STUDENT LOAN REPAYMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1314EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1347REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1407RIVERS EDGE-JOLIET & KANKAKEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1435EARLY CHILDHOOD DATA CENTERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1519VEH-SUBMARINE SERVICE PLATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1520SCH CD-SUBSTITUTE TEACH LICENSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1553FURNITURE FIRE SAFETY-REPEALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1609PREVAILING WAGE-BIOSOLIDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1861JOLIET PARK DISTRICT-LAND SALESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04998/4/2023
SB1862PROP TX-VETERANS-WWIISRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1991DES PLAINES&IL RIVERS-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1992BANKING&PROBATE-FINANCE/NOTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1993SCH CD-LOCAL ASSESSMENT-NOTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03937/28/2023
SB1994SCH CD-CASH AND FUNDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03947/28/2023
SB2146CREMATORY REGULATION ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02536/30/2023
SB2147MUNI WATER&WASTEWATER FUNDINGSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2235STU DIABETES-GLUCAGON SUPPLYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2236SCH CD-SHORT-TERM SUB TEACHERHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/3/2024
SB2237SCH CD-EARLY CHILD TRANSPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2238SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS & NURSESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2326OPEN MEETINGS-SCHOOL EVENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2327SCH CD-SPECIAL ED-COSTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2577SCH SAFETY-CRISIS MAPPING DATASReferred to Assignments5/9/2023
SB2678PEN CD-POLICE&FIRE-RECIPROCITYSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2679SCH CD-TEACHER TENURE-LICENSESReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2721SCH CD-TEACHER PLAN TIMESReferred to Assignments1/12/2024
SB2847CRIM CD-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2987SCH CD-BOARD MEMBER TRAININGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07718/2/2024
SB3098E-CIGARETTES-REMOTE SALESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09378/9/2024
SB3241STATE MUSEUM-ADMIN CHANGESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB3382SCH CD-PERFORM EVAL COMMITTEESReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3584MEDICAID-DENTAL RATES-SEDATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3585STATE MUSEUM-DUTIES & POWERSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3606SCH CD-SPECIAL ED-SEPARATE SCHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06447/1/2024
SB3760YOUTH BUDGET COMMISSIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3761SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION BOND ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR85CTE MONTHSResolution Adopted2/23/2023
SR703DYSCALCULIA AWARENESS DAYSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR980MEMORIAL-THOMAS A. HERNANDEZSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
HB780STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04118/2/2023
HB1117HOSPICE PROGRAM LICENSINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01146/30/2023
HB1291SCH CD-TEACHER-ANNUAL INCENTIVHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01226/30/2023
HB1384INS-RECONSTRUCTIVE SERVICESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01236/30/2023
HB1565INS-VAGINAL ESTROGEN COVERAGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04208/4/2023
HB1581VEH-SUBMARINE SERVICE PLATESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01306/30/2023
HB1636BANKING&PROBATE-FINANCE/NOTICESReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB2097DOC LAND TRANSFER-CREST HILLHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01416/30/2023
HB2100CRIM CD-ELDER ABUSE-EXPLOITHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02937/28/2023
HB2258FURNITURE FIRE SAFETY-REPEALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01516/30/2023
HB2447OPEN MEETINGS-SCHOOL EVENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03117/28/2023
HB2500ANIMAL ADOPTION-FEE WAIVERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04348/4/2023
HB2527MUNI WATER&WASTEWATER FUNDINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03167/28/2023
HB2773SCH CD-PHONICS EDUCATIONSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB2845PREVAILING WAGE-BIOSOLIDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03277/28/2023
HB3442SCH CD-SUBSTITUTE TEACHERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01936/30/2023
HB3500SCH CD-JOLIET DEBT BOND ISSUEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04498/4/2023
HB3600SCH CD-IN SCHOOL SUSPENSIONHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/26/2023
HB4264MENSTRUAL PRODUCT-DONATIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06687/19/2024
HB4412CHILD CARE-BACKGROUND CHECKHRule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/29/2024
HB4590ANIMAL ADOPTION-FEE WAIVERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06787/19/2024
HB4838STATE MUSEUM-CLEANUPHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08358/9/2024
HB5057SCH CD-PRIMARY SCH TEACH TESTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08468/9/2024
HB5261PEN CD-SERS-ALT ANNUITYSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5601STATE AGENCIES-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06167/1/2024
Totals   SB: 40   SR: 3   HB: 25   

Martwick, Robert F.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB146FOIA-PRELIMINARY DRAFT-STUDYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB332PEN CD-CHI LABORERS-SUBPOENASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB688LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPassed Both Houses11/20/2024
SB809REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1235PENCD-SURS-SERVICE CALCULATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05488/11/2023
SB1576CHILD SEXUAL ABUSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1577COM COL-CHICAGO-ELECT BOARDSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1628SCH CD-MENTAL HEALTH ABSENCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1629PEN CD-CHI FIRE-TIER 2SPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-057912/8/2023
SB1630PEN CD-CHI FIRE-TIER 2 SALARYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1631PEN CD-CHI POL-ANNUAL INCREASESReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1632PEN CD-CHI POLICE-TIER 2SReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1642PROP TX-POLICE AND FIRESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1643PENCD-SURS-SERVICE CALCULATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1644PEN CD-DEFERRED COMPENSATIONSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1645PEN CD-DEFERRED COMPENSATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1646PEN CD-OUTSIDE SOLICITATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05528/11/2023
SB1647PENCD-TRS-DEFINED CONTRIBUTIONSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1648PEN CD-CHI LABORERS-ANNUITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05538/11/2023
SB1679PEN CD-PROHIBITED DISCLOSURESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1680TIF-DEVELOPER LOT INITIAL EAVSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1681TIF-INITIAL & TOTAL EAVSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1682PEN CD-SURS-BOARD MEMBERSHIPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1683INC TX-FIRE SPRINKLERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1689MWRD-COMPETITIVE BIDDINGSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1690PEN CD-COOK COUNTY-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1691PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1692PEN CD-POLICE-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1915MENTAL HLTH-COURT JURISDICTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1917HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1949PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1950CIGARETTE TX-LOOSE CIGARETTESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1951PEN CD-CHI FIRE-TIER 2SRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1952PEN CD-CHI FIRE-TIER 2 SALARYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1956PEN CD-CHI POLICE-SUBROGATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-058212/8/2023
SB2024PEN CD-TIER 2 BENEFITSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2099BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2100PENCD-DEFERRED COMP-ENROLLMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05068/4/2023
SB2101PENCD-FIRE PENSION INVEST FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2102PEN CD-EXAM AND INVESTIGATIONHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB2103PEN CD-CHI MUNI-REENTRYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2104SCH CD-CTPF-TEACHER TRUSTEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2105INCOME TAX RATES-CREDITSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2220DEBT JUDGMENT/HOMESTEAD EXEMPTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2255PENCD-TRS-EMPLOYR CONTRIBUTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2256STUDENT ONLINE PERSONAL PROTSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2279INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR PAYMENTSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2366PEN CD-CTPF-RE-EMPLOYMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2367PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2434PEN CD-COOK CO-ELECTION WORKERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2435PEN CD-COOK COUNTY-FUNDINGSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2607PEN CD-DEFERRED COMP-FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2610CHICAGO BOARD EDU-COMPENSATIONSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2739PEN CD-ADVANCE VOUCHERINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2765LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09208/9/2024
SB2906HOME RULE COUNTY USE TAX LAWHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2918MUNI CD-POLICE DISABILITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09298/9/2024
SB2919JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE PROCEDURESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09308/9/2024
SB2920PEN CD-CTPF-RETURN TO SERVICEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/3/2024
SB3343FINANCE-RUUPASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09778/9/2024
SB3344PENCD-CTPF-SERVICE CALCULATIONSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3345RETIRED GA SPECIALTY PLATESSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3346PEN CD-CHI TEACH-REEMPLOYMENTSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3347DHFS-CHILDREN'S COMM HLTH CNTRSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3348SCH CD-DEBT LIMIT EXCEPTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09788/9/2024
SB3452CIGARETTE TX-HEARINGSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10018/9/2024
SB3453PENCD-SURS&DNST POLICE-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3454PROP TX-TAXING DIST NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3455IDOR-PROP TX STUDYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10028/9/2024
SB3456ELECTRIC VEHICLE REBATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3609PEN CD-CHI POLICE-DISABILITYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3610JUVENILE JUSTICE SCHOOL DISTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3611PEN CD-CHI POLICE-ADMIN REVIEWSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3612PEN CD-CHICAGO-AUTO ENROLLMENTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3613FOIA-JUDICIAL BRANCHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3614PEN CD-CHI POLICE&FIRE-TIER 2SReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3615DEPT JUV JUSTICE-RESIDENT-FUNDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10268/9/2024
SB3616PEN CD-SERS-ALTERNATE ANNUITYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3633FINANCE-PUBLIC WORKS-LANDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3683PEN CD-PRE-TAX RETIREMENT PLANSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3749DHFS-KIDS COMM HLTH CNTER-RATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3788MUNI-PD MENTAL HEALTH OFFICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3789DEFERRED COMP-NONPLAN SERVICESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3954PEN CD-STATE SYSTEMS-FUNDINGSReferred to Assignments5/15/2024
SB3988PEN CD-TIER 2 BENEFITSSReferred to Assignments11/12/2024
SR76HIGHER ED-ADJUNCTS TREATMENTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SR1054MEMORIAL-MARGARET M. TIRITILLISResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SJRCA6CONAMEND-INCOME TAX RATESSReferred to Assignments3/2/2023
HB2057PEN CD-CHI LABORERS-SUBPOENAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04248/4/2023
HB2231TNC ACT-COMMON CARRIER,TAXICABHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05278/11/2023
HB2352PEN CD-CHI MUNI-REENTRYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05298/15/2023
HB4351CIV PRO-PROCESS SERVERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06717/19/2024
HB4508PENCD-SURS&DNST POLICE-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB4588INS-RISK RETENTION COMPANIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08238/9/2024
HB4809FINANCE-PUBLIC WORKS-LANDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4870PENCD-SERS-ALTERNATIVE ANNUITYSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB4921HOME EQUITY ASSURANCE-LOANSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07378/5/2024
HB5104PEN CD-CHI POLICE-COVID-19HPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06927/19/2024
HB5143FINANCE-RUUPASReferred to Assignments4/17/2024
HB5264PEN CD-CHI POLICE-ADMIN REVIEWSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB5266PEN CD-CHI POLICE-DISABILITYSReferred to Assignments5/2/2024
Totals   SB: 85   SR: 2   SJRCA: 1   HB: 13   

McClure, Steve
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB113PEN CD-CONTRACTUAL SERVICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB153LIMITS-CHILDHOOD SEX ABUSESReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB188MED RECORDS-CONSENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04748/4/2023
SB236HIGHER ED-U OF I-SCHOLARSHIPSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB272PEN CD-TRS-BOARD OF TRUSTEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB964CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB1102LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08958/9/2024
SB1296DENTAL-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1405DUI CAUSING 1 DEATH-4-20 YRSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1916UTIL-MORATORIUM CO2 PIPESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1968CRIM CD-DISORDERLY CONDUCTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1969FINANCE-CANNABIS PROCEEDSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1970JUV CT-DISQUALIFIED OFFENSESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1971SEX OFFENDER REG-HOME INVASIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2356PROP TX-WASTEWATERHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB2824SCH CD-NONRESIDENT PUPIL-WAIVESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06297/1/2024
SB2825SCH CD-TRANSPORTATION TO SCHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2832PROP TX-PROBATEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2854CONCEALED CARRY-NEW LICENS FEESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2859PROP TX-WASTEWATERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06317/1/2024
SB2860CARBON SEQUESTRATION-EASEMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3263CRIM CD-MISHANDLE HUMAN REMAINSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3264RELIGIOUS FREEDOM-BURDENSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3342PESTICIDES-APPLICATION NOTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09768/9/2024
SB33779-1-1 SYSTEMS-DIRECT DISPATCHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3406SOS-RULES OF THE ROAD HANDBOOKSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09898/9/2024
SB3441CO2 PIPELINE MORATORIUMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3507VEH CD-DISABILITY PLATE/DECALSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3621TOLL HWY ACT-CASH OPTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3622HISTORIC REGISTER-REMOVALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10288/9/2024
SB3815$THAYERSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SR40MEMORIAL-MARTHA RICHMONDSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR49MEMORIAL-LELAND FUCHSSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR51MEMORIAL-JERRY E. ELYSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR55MEMORIAL-TEDDY G. KOESTERSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR83MEMORIAL-GARY HEGGYSResolution Adopted2/23/2023
SR90MEMORIAL-ROBERT BOLLMANSResolution Adopted2/23/2023
SR91MEMORIAL-LARRY WEYHRICHSResolution Adopted2/23/2023
SR99MEMORIAL-ROBERT W. VOSESResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR120MEMORIAL-DANIEL D. BARBERSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR121MEMORIAL-MARILYN STANDLEYSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR137MEMORIAL-ALICE RODERICKSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR138MEMORIAL-BENJAMIN THEILENSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR139MEMORIAL-FRANK ALBANESESResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR140MEMORIAL-SUSAN CANESResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR144MEMORIAL-ANN MOORESResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR145MEMORIAL-ROBERT CAPPELLISResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR154MEMORIAL-ZACHARY DEFREITASSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR155MEMORIAL-BILLY C. BROOKSSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR156MEMORIAL-LAURA BERRYSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR170MEMORIAL-RONALD WAHLSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR171MEMORIAL-FARRELL GAYSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR182MEMORIAL-MOLLY HALL BUEHNERSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR183MEMORIAL-MELISSA MCDERMOTTSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR184MEMORIAL-JANET MILLERSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR185MEMORIAL-ROBERT L. SMARJESSESResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR186MEMORIAL-DAVID STOVERSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR187MEMORIAL-SAMUEL R. HACKLERSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR188MEMORIAL-DONALD E. BLAKEMANSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR189MEMORIAL-PHILIP W. WEBERSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR190MEMORIAL-RALPH E. JOHNSONSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR191MEMORIAL-CAROL BUMGARNERSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR204MEMORIAL-MARY PAT MADONIASResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR205MEMORIAL-REV. THOMAS CHRISTELLSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR222MEMORIAL-TOMMY THOMPSONSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR228MEMORIAL-FERN GRAVENSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR229MEMORIAL-RONNIE REIHERSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR230MEMORIAL-ROBERT POORMAN, PH.D.SResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR231MEMORIAL-JOHN PALMER SR.SResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR272MEMORIAL-MICHAEL K. YATESSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR273MEMORIAL-HOWARD J. HAMMERSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR274MEMORIAL-STACEY GOODENSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR275MEMORIAL-ROBERT ALVEYSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR308MEMORIAL-JOAN M. MCCRADYSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR324MEMORIAL-DIANN BENNETTSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR325MEMORIAL-HAZEL GOLDENSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR326MEMORIAL-WARREN EUGENE MILESSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR342MEMORIAL-EDWARD GOLDENSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR343MEMORIAL-DR. MARION PANEPINTOSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR344MEMORIAL-THOMAS MCSWIGGINSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR360MEMORIAL-SALVATORE DICARLOSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR361MEMORIAL-DEBRA HELTONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR362MEMORIAL-ADELE MCFADDENSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR363MEMORIAL-MICHAEL & AMY ZINCHUKSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR364MEMORIAL-RUTH RAUSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR365MEMORIAL-JOSEPH & DONNA BATESSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR366MEMORIAL-SHIRLEY HARPERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR367MEMORIAL-SHARON DYERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR368MEMORIAL-G.M. ALISON WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR369MEMORIAL-LESLIE FYANS, PH.D.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR391MEMORIAL-GEORGE R. ALLEN IIISResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR392MEMORIAL-EARL C. LEGRANDSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR393MEMORIAL-MICHAEL TERRYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR394MEMORIAL-ROBERT K. COWLESSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR395MEMORIAL-R. GAREY HODGESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR396MEMORIAL-MARY ANN LAMMSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR397MEMORIAL-STEPHEN A. BRADLEYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR398MEMORIAL-RAYMOND WATTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR399MEMORIAL-EMMA REARDONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR404MEMORIAL-DRINDA O'CONNORSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR405MEMORIAL-GENE P. MARLINSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR406MEMORIAL-SERVICE DOG GIBSONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR407MEMORIAL-JOHN WM. DAVIDSMEYERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR408MEMORIAL-GREGORY STRONGSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR409MEMORIAL-MATTHEW MAURERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR410MEMORIAL-N. HERNANDEZ-RENFROSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR427MEMORIAL-VINCENT SPERANZASResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR428MEMORIAL-SYDNEY PUTNAMSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR429MEMORIAL-DAVID LUCASSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR430MEMORIAL-JOHN PATRICK KELLYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR431MEMORIAL-JOHN RISSE SR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR432MEMORIAL-THOMAS SWOIK SR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR433MEMORIAL-HARPER FINNSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR437MEMORIAL-A.J. WISSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR438MEMORIAL-JUDGE RICHARD MILLSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR472MEMORIAL-JAMES R. WABELSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR473MEMORIAL-EDITH IRWINSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR474MEMORIAL-C.F. "FRANK" MEREDITHSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR475MEMORIAL-ROBERT "BOB" PLASKASSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR503MEMORIAL-JEFFREY L. BROWNSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR504MEMORIAL-TIMOTHY R. KRATOCHVILSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR505MEMORIAL-DAVID L. KINERTSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR547MEMORIAL-JOHN A. WOODRUFFSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR548MEMORIAL-BARRY HUSONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR549MEMORIAL-JAMES E. KETCHUMSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR550MEMORIAL-REV. MSGR. D.S. LANTZSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR605MEMORIAL-CLIFF BAXTERSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR606MEMORIAL-PAULA HUNN DENNYSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR607MEMORIAL-BRUCE SIMONSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR618MEMORIAL-ANN G. TURNERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR619MEMORIAL-MARK P. GLEASONSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR719MEMORIAL-THOMAS W. ORTCIGERSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR720MEMORIAL-ROBERT W. LOPEZSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR721MEMORIAL-MARY S. MCDERMOTTSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR722MEMORIAL-PAUL EUGENE DEGROOTSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR723MEMORIAL-MARGO JEAN HURLEYSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR724MEMORIAL-RICHARD P. ROBINSONSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR755MEMORIAL-LARRY H. WILCOXSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR756MEMORIAL-ROBERTA L. JOHNSONSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR757MEMORIAL-CARY D. FRANKSSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR758MEMORIAL-ROBERT LANPHIER IIISResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR759MEMORIAL-MICHAEL ASSALLEYSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR760MEMORIAL-MAUREEN T. BARNESSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR812MEMORIAL-ROBERT W. LOPEZSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR826MEMORIAL-MARY LOU NEWELLSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR827MEMORIAL-SHARON KIMMONSSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR828MEMORIAL-CAROLYN OXTOBYSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR829MEMORIAL-ABIGAIL E. EDWARDSSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR830MEMORIAL-ROBERT H. HOGANSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR833MEMORIAL-CHARLES R. MCMULLENSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR834MEMORIAL-HON. BENJAMIN MILLERSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR839MEMORIAL-JAMES H. MCGRATHSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR842MEMORIAL-RONALD J. STONESResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR843MEMORIAL-DOMINIC A. SACCOMANOSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR846MEMORIAL-BRUCE A. CAMPBELL IISResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR847MEMORIAL-NANCY J. BEATTYSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR848MEMORIAL-JOHN D. MCDERMOTTSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR849MEMORIAL-PHILIP S. MCCULLYSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR851MEMORIAL-KEITH E. MYERSSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR852MEMORIAL-SANDRA D. BAUERSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR853MEMORIAL-KEITH C. SCHROEDERSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR854MEMORIAL-ROBERT J. HOGANSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR855MEMORIAL-KEITH RECTORSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR856MEMORIAL-ALICE I. REISERSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR857MEMORIAL-MARCIA D. HARBOURSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR867MEMORIAL-ROY E. ROBINSONSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR869MEMORIAL-GARY BARTELSSResolution Adopted3/22/2024
SR887MEMORIAL-MARCIA L. MORRISONSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR888MEMORIAL-MICHAEL B. BASSSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR889MEMORIAL-DAVID W. SCOTTSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR890MEMORIAL-KAY E. PEETSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR949MEMORIAL-ROCHELLE E. BOYDSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR950MEMORIAL-GEORGE T. FAIRCHILDSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR951MEMORIAL-CATHERINE S. HOUGHTBYSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR952MEMORIAL-HAROLD "LEE" MILNERSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR953MEMORIAL-RICHARD M. HADFIELDSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR954MEMORIAL-HORMAZ M. VANIASResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR955MEMORIAL-LINDA R. DILLARDSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR1023MEMORIAL-REV. DR. DAN SMITHSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1024MEMORIAL-KENNETH D. BRYANSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1025MEMORIAL-WALKER L. BRYANSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1026MEMORIAL-ROSE T. BRYANSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1027MEMORIAL-VASILE CRICOVANSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1028MEMORIAL-ROBERT E. TRAINORSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1029MEMORIAL-GERALD PETERSSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1030MEMORIAL-DAVID DANIELSSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1031MEMORIAL-PATRICIA GRAVESSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1032MEMORIAL-STACKS THE CATSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1079MEMORIAL-DAVID E. ELDERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1080MEMORIAL-COL. C. RONALD LOVETTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1095MEMORIAL-PENELOPE A. MEYERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1096MEMORIAL-TERENCE CORRIGANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1097MEMORIAL-GENE W. PUSCHELSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1098MEMORIAL-MARY L. KELLYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1099MEMORIAL-KENNETH L. MANNINGSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1100MEMORIAL-PAUL E. MURPHYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1101MEMORIAL-HARRIET G. HIGGSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1102MEMORIAL-LOUIS L. BRINGLESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1103MEMORIAL-FRED H. GREENWALDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1104MEMORIAL-MICHAEL J. KACZMARZSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1112MEMORIAL-JOHN H. O'NEILL IIISResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1129MEMORIAL-EDIE J. WITTENBERGSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1130MEMORIAL-SIENNA R. BOSTEDOSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1131MEMORIAL-KARLY M. WETHERELLSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1164CONGRATS-DECATUR PARK DISTRCTSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR1165CONGRATS-ARISTON CAFESResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1166CONGRATS-DEL'S POPCORNSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR1167MEMORIAL-BOB NEWHARTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1168MEMORIAL-ROSE M. HAMMITTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1169MEMORIAL-WILLIAM G. HOLLANDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1185CONGRATS-CHRISTIAN CNTY FAIRSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1196MEMORIAL-M. LYNNE CLEVERDONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1197MEMORIAL-JOHN H. KUBESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1198MEMORIAL-SHIRLEY A. HARRISSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1199MEMORIAL-RICHARD E. POYNTERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1200MEMORIAL-JAMES L. DIEKROEGERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1201MEMORIAL-DAVID W. COMBSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1202MEMORIAL-DOUGLAS OLSONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1226MEMORIAL-LAUREN ENGELKE-SMITHSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1227MEMORIAL-ROBERT K. GRAYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1279MEMORIAL-BARBARA JEAN FLENERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1304MEMORIAL-SUE A. DOWSONSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1305MEMORIAL-LUKE P. BEANESResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR28TROOPER HANNEKEN HIGHWAYSAdopted Both Houses5/24/2023
SJR46LCPL THOMAS HOLLIS MEM. HWAYSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
HB2077DENTAL-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04258/4/2023
HB3305DOMAIN NAME GRACE PERIODSReferred to Assignments4/12/2023
HB4733HIGHER ED-U OF I-SCHOLARSHIPSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HJR4PFC KICK MEMORIAL BRIDGESReferred to Assignments4/19/2023
Totals   SB: 31   SR: 195   SJR: 3   HB: 3   HJR: 1   

McConchie, Dan
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB83DISASTER PROCUREMENT AUDITSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB196PTELL-AGGREGATE EXTENSIONSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB275EXTEND DRIVER'S LICENSE TERMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08728/9/2024
SB952CIVIL LAW-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB998EDUCATION-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB1055GAMING-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1066GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00776/9/2023
SB1099LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB1105LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1145REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1214TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1226COUNTY CD-DESIGN-BUILD GOALSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1308PROPERTY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1516PENCD-SERS-DC PLANSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1535REVENUE-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1776IEMA-DISASTER DECLARATIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1939LOCAL-DISABLED VET PERMIT FEESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2707INC TX-CLINICAL PRECEPTORSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2740CONDOS-ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09168/9/2024
SB2741CRIM CD-DEEPFAKE-MINOR-SEXUALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2751LOCAL-DISABLED VET PERMIT FEESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06217/1/2024
SB2752PROP TX-APPOINTED TWP ASSESSORSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2851TWP CD-APPOINT-VACANT OFFICESReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2852IDOT-LAND TRANSFER-IL RT 83SRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3073PENCD-SERS-DC PLANSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3177VEH CD-DISMISSAL OF VIOLATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3323ACCESSIBLE EV CHARGING STATIONHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/10/2024
SB3376DISABILITY ACCESS COMMISSIONSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3657N MORAINE WATER REC-BOARDSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3920WIND/SOLAR FACILITY REGULATIONSReferred to Assignments4/9/2024
SB3946DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMSSReferred to Assignments5/7/2024
SR13BULGARIAN AMER. HERITAGE MONTHSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SR89BULGARIAN AMER. HERITAGE MONTHSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SJRCA10CON AMEND-REDISTRICTINGSReferred to Assignments3/30/2023
SJRCA11CON AMEND-CITIZEN INITIATIVESReferred to Assignments3/30/2023
SJRCA12CON AMEND-REF ON LEGISLATIONSReferred to Assignments3/30/2023
SJRCA13CONAMEND-RECALL OFFICIALSSReferred to Assignments3/30/2023
HB5467LIMITATIONS-VICTIM UNDER 18SReferred to Assignments4/18/2024
Totals   SB: 31   SR: 2   SJRCA: 4   HB: 1   

Morrison, Julie A.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB200MEDICAID-ORTHODONTIC SERVICESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB282ELECTIONS-REMOTE ACCESS VOTESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB283CIV PRO-ADMIN REVIEW-DEFENDANTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00676/9/2023
SB303PHARM-ED AND TRAINING PROGRAMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00686/9/2023
SB594GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB692LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08828/9/2024
SB754REGULATION-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB759PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN-VACCINATESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00746/9/2023
SB806REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB837SAFETY-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB897TRANSPORTATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1563EPA-MICROPLASTICSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00936/9/2023
SB1564DHS-CHILD CARE CENTER-LICENSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1565DAY CARE CENTER-PARK EXEMPTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1566GA CONFLICT OF INTERESTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1567STATE CRIME LAB-FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1568INS-HEALTH PARITY/DISABILITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00946/9/2023
SB1617HEALTH CARE CREDENTIALINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00966/9/2023
SB1619OPEN MTG DURING EMERGENCYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1771ECONOMIC INTEREST DISCLOSURESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1772PESTICIDES-APPLICATION-SCHOOLSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04968/4/2023
SB1773INS-GLUCOSE MONITOR COVERAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1828REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1983FREEDOM FROM DRONE SURVEILSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1984CARPET STEWARDSHIP ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1985LAND TRANSFER-LAKE COUNTYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1986ETHICS-EQUITABLE CASEWORKSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1987CONTROLLED SUB-SCHEDULESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02456/30/2023
SB2123COUNSELING COMPACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04678/4/2023
SB2291ETHICS-SESSION FUNDRAISINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2292STATE POLICE-ORGANIZATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2293DCFS-YOUTH IN CARE FUNDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02596/30/2023
SB2294REPEAL HEALTH INFO EXCHANG ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05088/4/2023
SB2295INS-NONPARTICIPATING PROVIDERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2296ASSISTED LIVING-FACILITY PLANSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2297DCFS-STABILIZATION HOME MODELSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2298ELECTION CD-OBJECTION NOTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2299ELECTIONS-SERVICE OF NOTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2300GENERAL ELECTION DAYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2301ELECT CODE-ELECTION JUDGESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2302ELECTIONS-VOTE BY MAIL NOTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2303ELECTION-INCAPACITATED ELECTORSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2304ELECTION CD-VOTE CENTERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2305ELECTIONS-JUDGE COMPENSATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2306ELECTIONS-PETITION/FILING DATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2563MEDICAID-CARE COORDINATIONSReferred to Assignments4/19/2023
SB2631CENTURY NETWORK-DIST ACCESSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2638MUNI CD-HOTEL USE TAXSReferred to Assignments11/7/2023
SB2644SOS-ADVANCE DIRECTIVE REGISTRYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09088/9/2024
SB2658NEWBORN SCREENING-DUCHENNE MDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09098/9/2024
SB2662YOUTH VAPING-ADVERTISINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09108/9/2024
SB2694UNSOLICITED CONVENIENCE CHECKSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2695PROPERTY TAX-ASSESSMENT CAPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2696VEH CD-SCHOOL BUS-SEAT BELTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2697INS CD-CANCER-GENETIC TESTINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09148/9/2024
SB2698WILDLIFE AND DRONE SAFETYSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2699GA CONFLICT OF INTERESTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2700PROP-TX-DISABLED VETERANSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2720VEH CD-NO RENEWAL DLSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2727WASH MACHINE-MICROFIBER FILTERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2822DENTAL SEDATION PERMITSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06287/1/2024
SB2828DOM VIOLENCE-ORDER DURATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2849UNMANNED AIRCRAFT REGULATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09258/9/2024
SB2861SCH CD-SPIRIT RULES BOOKSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06327/1/2024
SB2883INC TX-GREEN PARKINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2942WILDLIFE-FORESTRY DEVELOPMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3115NURSING HOME-CHANGE OF OWNERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07768/2/2024
SB3116EMS/OFFICERS-CELL MEDICAL INFOSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09398/9/2024
SB3220ELECTIONS-REMOTE ACCESS VOTESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3301$IDPH-LOCAL HEALTH PROT GRANTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3336PRACTICE OF PHARMACY-INFLUENZASReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3409VEH CD-DUI-THC-TESTINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3411YOUTH VAPING PREVENTIONSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3414INS-CONTINUOUS GLUCOSE MONITORSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06397/1/2024
SB3439LAW ENFORCEMENT-BODY CAMERASSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3693FOSTER CARE-RELATIVESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3741PRIOR AUTH-SUBSTANCE USESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10408/9/2024
SB3921$DPH-PARKINSON'S GRANTSReferred to Assignments4/9/2024
SB3984SCH BUS-SEAT SAFETY BELTSSReferred to Assignments11/12/2024
SB3985SCHOOL BUS-SEAT SAFETY BELTSSReferred to Assignments11/12/2024
SB3986RABIES INOCULATION EXEMPTIONSReferred to Assignments11/12/2024
SR92MEMORIAL-HARRY FEIGERSResolution Adopted2/23/2023
SR96MEMORIAL-DANIDA TOOMEYSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR118MEMORIAL-ARMINA KAZARIANSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR131MEMORIAL-EDMOND ZISOOKSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR153MEMORIAL-BRUCE BALONICKSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR176MEMORIAL-JOHN SCIARRETTA SR.SResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR177MEMORIAL-DAVID MARKSSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR276MEMORIAL-MARY FRANCES MADDENSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR384MEMORIAL-DOUGLAS M. KINNEYSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR507MEMORIAL-MARLA KIM BENZIGERSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR532HIGH SCHOOLS-YOUTH VOTINGSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR667MEMORIAL-MARLENE BECKERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR702RIVER CLEAN UP MONTHSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR836MEMORIAL-MARJORIE N. ETTLINGERSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR892MEMORIAL-JOHN P. MADDENSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR971PRINT DISABILITY VOTERSSReferred to Assignments5/3/2024
SR1280CAPTAIN JAMES A. LOVELL DAYSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1283ILLINOIS ABLE DAYSReferred to Assignments11/12/2024
SR1285ILLINOIS ABLE DAYSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR21MOURNS-HIGHLAND PARK VICTIMSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SJR40GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION WEEKHReferred to Rules Committee5/26/2023
SJR51ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses3/7/2024
HB612REVENUE-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05967/1/2024
HB1540ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02727/28/2023
HB1635LAND TRANSFER-LAKE COUNTYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01336/30/2023
HB2277DAY CARE CENTER-PARK EXEMPTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01536/30/2023
HB2317FIRST-TIME FISHING LICENSEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05288/15/2023
HB2390POLICE OFFICERS-RETURN TO DUTYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00336/9/2023
HB2412STATE POLICE-ORGANIZATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00346/9/2023
HB2828PESTICID-MOSQUITO ABATE NOTIFYSReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
HB2954CIVIL LIABILITY FOR DOXING ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04398/4/2023
HB3030INS-NONPARTICIPATING PROVIDERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04408/4/2023
HB3295DFPR-MILITARY FEE WAIVERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04087/31/2023
HB3405MEDAL OF HONOR COMMITTEEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01896/30/2023
HB3406VEH CD-EMERGENCY-POLICE VEHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01906/30/2023
HB3559SCH SAFETY-RAPID ENTRYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01946/30/2023
HB3788COMMUNITY BENEFITS-REPORTSSReferred to Assignments11/19/2024
HB3890HOSPITAL LICENSE-NOTIFY RIGHTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02116/30/2023
HB4488CROHNS AND COLITIS AWARENESSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06007/1/2024
HB4715UNMANNED AIRCRAFT REGULATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5269DCFS-YOUTH IN CARE-MENTAL HLTHSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 12, 202411/6/2024
HB5405DIVERSITY IN CLINICAL TRIALSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08608/9/2024
HB5559INS-AUTO INSURANCE-REPAIRSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06157/1/2024
Totals   SB: 81   SR: 20   SJR: 3   HB: 21   

Murphy, Laura M.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB72CHARITY ORG-SOLICIT REPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB85BEVERAGE CONTAINER REFUNDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB90EDUCATION-HARASSMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04728/4/2023
SB94ASTHMA INHALERS-CARE PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB95GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS-LOBBYINGSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB97SCH CD-CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB178IMDMA-CHILD SUPPORT-NOTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB179HOSPITALS-METAL DETECTORSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB180INC TX-LGDF TRANSFERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB181FINANCE-PROMPT PAYMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB182IEMA-LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB183SCH CD-TRANSFER ALT SCHOOLSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04738/4/2023
SB184PEACE OFFICER-TARGETINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB185PROP TAX-SENIOR FREEZE-INCOMESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB201FORECLOSURE-SEAL FILE-COVID19SPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00616/9/2023
SB202VACANCY FRAUD ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB210INCOME TAX-TUITION CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB211FIN-BANKING/RELEASE OF LIENSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB219MHDDAA-DEV DISABILITY-SUPPORTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB310HIGHER ED-IL PROMISE GRANTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB311INS CODE-RIDING THERAPYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB312TOLL HWY-PERSONAL INFORMATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB313VEH CD-REPEAL REDLIGHT CAMERASSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB314FAITHFUL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB315ELEC CD-RANKED CHOICE VOTINGSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB316PROP TX-RAILROADSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB317PROP TX-TAXING DISTRICTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08738/9/2024
SB318INC TX-SOUNDPROOFINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB319PROP TX-QUALIFIED FOREST ABATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB426CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08758/9/2024
SB698LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB1303GAMBLING-OWNERS LICENSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1304MUNI CD-TIF SURPLUS FUNDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1305WORKERS COMP-REPETITIVE INJURYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1408MEDICAID-EXCEPTION TO RX LIMITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB1409HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES-SCHOOLSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1410HIGHER ED-COLLEGE PROMISESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1411DHS-PUNS DATABASESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1412DHFS-GENERIC DRUG LABELSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1455FREEDOM FROM DRONE SURVEILSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1456PRIMARY RANKED CHOICE VOTE ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1457INSURANCE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1458EPA-ELECTRIC TRUCK VOUCHERSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1459ALPR SYSTEM DATA ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1557INSURANCE-COVERAGE CHANGESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1558HIGHER ED-DIRECT SUPPORT PROFSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00926/9/2023
SB1560TIMBER BUYER ACT-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02186/30/2023
SB1684OPEN MEETINGS-PUBLIC OFFICIALSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1685SCH CD-COMPLETION RATESHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1686INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLET-SPEC EDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1800EPA-FLEET ELECTRIFICATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB1801STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1802PATIENT BILLING-COLLECTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1803LYME DISEASE INNOVATION PROGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05578/11/2023
SB1804EPA-REFRIGERANTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02306/30/2023
SB2026DHFS-DHS-DIRECT SUPPORT WAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2027REVENUE-VACANCY FRAUDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2028VEH CD-LAW SYNOPSISSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02496/30/2023
SB2029BANK-CHECK FRAUD INVESTIGATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2030PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2211PLASTIC BAG REDUCTIONSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2328MEDICAID-PRESCRIPTION MEDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2329EXPRESSWAY HIGHWAY CAMERA ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2346GRANT TRANSPARENCY-REPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2419LICENSE TO READ ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02676/30/2023
SB2655MEDICAID EXPANSION TASK FORCEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2661VETERAN REGISTRATION FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2671INS CODE-RIDING THERAPYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2672INS CD-GENERIC DRUG SHORTAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07588/2/2024
SB2673PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2684MEDICAID-ULTRASOUND/FETAL TESTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2685GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS-LOBBYINGSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2706EPA-FLEET ELECTRIFICATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2730MEDICAID-MUSIC THERAPYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2749IMDMA-NO MARRIAGE UNDER AGE 18SPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2789INS CD-COVERAGE CHANGESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2791SMALL BUSINESS INCENTIVESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2834MOBILE HOME-EVICTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06307/1/2024
SB2835MOBILE HOME PARK-OMBUDSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2882CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2961IMDMA-CHILD SUPPORT-NOTICESReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB3078HFS-CHILD SUPPORT-MODIFYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3079ELEC CD-ELECTRONIC VOTER LISTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3097ELK GROVE FIRE PROTECTION DISTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3228GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3229IEMA-SCHOOL SAFETYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3230MOBILE HOME PARK FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3231GAMING-LYME AWARENESS GAMESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3318INSURANCE-ALZHEIMER TREATMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09758/9/2024
SB3319BIPA-ENTITY DEFINITIONSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3320VEH CD-LICENSE PLATE READERSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3431LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3432DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09988/9/2024
SB3661HEALTH CARE-BACKGROUND CHECKSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10328/9/2024
SB3662ELEC CD-TRAFFIC SYSTEM VENDORSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SR14MEMORIAL-JAMES WHITCOMBSResolution Adopted1/25/2023
SR44MEMORIAL-JANICE BOESS GEISTSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR45MEMORIAL-REV. ROBERT SETMEYERSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR70MEMORIAL-NANCY CZARNIKSResolution Adopted2/16/2023
SR87MEMORIAL-RICHARD DUSOLDSResolution Adopted2/23/2023
SR88MEMORIAL-PATRICIA SAYADSResolution Adopted2/23/2023
SR141MEMORIAL-BETTY W. HENNEMANSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR236MEMORIAL-DONALD MESETHSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR413MEMORIAL-LINKA JONESSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR414MEMORIAL-JAMES STEELESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR425MEMORIAL-HARRY SAKAISResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR426MEMORIAL-JOHN "JACK" SEITZSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR456MEMORIAL-BARBARA ANN O'TOOLESResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR554MEMORIAL-DON D. SMITHSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR555MEMORIAL-VICTORIA MAHERSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR568MEMORIAL-JOANNE E. ROMANOSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR613RECOGNIZE-U.S.-R.O.K. ALLIANCESReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SR628MEMORIAL-LINKA M. JONESSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR633MEMORIAL-KAREN E. RIECKSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR668MEMORIAL-FRANCIS MARTINEZSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR669MEMORIAL-WOLGANG W. GUSTAVESONSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR670CONGRATS-NCSLSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR676RECOGNIZES-DAVID JOHNSONSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR700MEMORIAL-GLENDA M. RAUPPSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR701MEMORIAL-MICHAEL M. LESSERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR709MEMORIAL-JOHN B. KLAUS JR.SResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR734MEMORIAL-ERNEST E. MICHAELSSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR742MEMORIAL-RICHARD C. PULSSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR743MEMORIAL-MARY C. THINGSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR778MEMORIAL-ANDREW SAMBORSKISResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR779MEMORIAL-MARY L. BOBRYTZKESResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR793MEMORIAL-KRISTIN E. ABBOTTSResolution Adopted2/22/2024
SR822MEMORIAL-REV. DANIEL SMILANICSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR835MEMORIAL-RICHARD DIPIETROSResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR873MEMORIAL-ALAN L. LARSONSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR874MEMORIAL-LAUREL M. ZIRKLESResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR879MEMORIAL-GEORGE A. TERZIANSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR908MEMORIAL-ROBERT J. RYANSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR1105MEMORIAL-MAXINE MAY HUBBARDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1106MEMORIAL-NANCI L. VANDERWEELSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1125MEMORIAL-LORETTA M. TVRDYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1126MEMORIAL-FRANK J. BARTOLONESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1127MEMORIAL-RONALD S. GOCZKOWSKISResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1128MEMORIAL-CAPT. KEVIN M. HARGISSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1137MEMORIAL-JOHN M. BURKESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1158RECOGNIZES-INDIA INDEPENDENCESReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR1243MEMORIAL-JAMES R. SCHESKIESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1244MEMORIAL-GEORGE P. LONGMEYERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR44HAZARDOUS MATERIAL NEAR SCHOOLSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
HB1197CHARITY ORG-SOLICIT REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01216/30/2023
HB2189ACCESS TO AFFORD INSULIN ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04298/4/2023
HB2246EXPRESSWAY HIGHWAY CAMERA ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB2519HOSPITAL LICENSING-MILKHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01606/30/2023
HB2789LIBRARY SYSTEMS-BOOK BANNINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01006/12/2023
HB2949STATE COMPTROLLER-STATE FAIRHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04388/4/2023
HB3349EMPLOYEE FINANCIAL LITERACYSReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HB3418REENTRY INTO THE WORKFORCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3903MANDATES-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03647/28/2023
HB4447INFO PROTECTION-REGISTRATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08178/9/2024
HB4567CRIM CD-THREATS-LIBRARYSReferred to Assignments5/22/2024
HB4939STATE LIBRARY-UNIVERSITIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07388/2/2024
HB5166ELK GROVE FIRE PROTECTION DISTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06067/1/2024
HB5304HIGHWAY WORK ZONE SAFETY ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HJR31D. STEPHENS MEMORIAL BRIDGEHAdopted Both Houses5/24/2023
AM1020178APPOINT-MARY RISELINGSAppt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments; on January 12, 20232/7/2023
AM1020184APPOINT-HENRY BROWNBACKSHeld in Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1020185APPOINT-TIFFANY MATHISSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020186APPOINT-SAUL MORSESAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020187APPOINT-LILIANA DAGOSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020188APPOINT-MONA NORIEGASAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 06/15/2021 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020189APPOINT-KAREN PHELANSHeld in Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1020190APPOINT-KATHRYN EISENHARTSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020193APPOINT-WILLIAM KENTSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020194APPOINT-SCOTT SCHULTZSHeld in Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1020195APPOINT-SCOTT SCHULTZSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020196APPOINT-SHARON RUDYSHeld in Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1020197APPOINT-SHARON RUDYSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020198APPOINT-SHARON RUDYSHeld in Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1020199APPOINT-SHARON RUDYSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020200APPOINT-SHARON RUDYSHeld in Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1020201APPOINT-SHARON RUDYSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020202APPOINT-RICHARD FIGUEROASAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020203APPOINT-SCOTT HENDRIESAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020205APPOINT-ANTARA NATH RIVERASAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020206APPOINT-ANA DIAZ VAZQUEZSAppointment Confirmed3/8/2023
AM1020208APPOINT-JAMES CONWAYSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020209APPOINT-BRIAN BAROVSHeld in Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1020211APPOINT-ANGELIQUE DAVIDSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020212APPOINT-WILLIAM HOBERTSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020213APPOINT-ARLENE JURACEKSHeld in Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1020214APPOINT-ROBERT W. PORTERSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020216APPOINT-VICKY MCELROYSHeld in Executive Appointments; on 11/30/20222/7/2023
AM1020217APPOINT-RAVEN DEVAUGHNSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 08/26/2021 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020218APPOINT-VICKY MCELROYSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020219APPOINT-BARBARA FLYNN CURRIESAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020220APPOINT-CYNTHIA SANTOSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/8/2023
AM1020221APPOINT-SARAH ALTERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020222APPOINT-NIKE VIEILLESAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020223APPOINT-JOSEPH AMARILIOSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020224APPOINT-PAUL CELLINISAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020225APPOINT-STEPHEN FRIEDMANSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020226APPOINT-GERALD GRANADASAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020227APPOINT-JESSICA HEGARTYSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020228APPOINT-ADAM HINRICHSSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020229APPOINT-JEFFREY HUEBSCHSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020230APPOINT-MAUREEN PULIASAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020231APPOINT-DEBRA SAVAGESAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020232APPOINT-AN-ME CHUNGSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020233APPOINT-CRYSTAL CAISONSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020234APPOINT-NINA MARIANOSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020235APPOINT-LEANN MILLERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020237APPOINT-CORY THAMESSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020238APPOINT-NATE PIETRINISAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020239APPOINT-CRAIG BRADLEYSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020240APPOINT-JAMES FUENTESSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020241APPOINT-TOMMY LEE ARBUCKLE IIISAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020242APPOINT-KEVIN BLACKBURNSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020243APPOINT-DEBORAH HAGANSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/13/2021 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020244APPOINT-KIM KINGSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020245APPOINT-CHANNYAN PARKERSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020246APPOINT-MICHAEL TARNOFFSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020247APPOINT-KARIMA DOUGLASSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020248APPOINT-ANTHONY BEACHSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/13/2021 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020249APPOINT-DOUGLAS PRYORSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020250APPOINT-STACEY YOUNGSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020252APPOINT-CAROLYN DOHERTYSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020253APPOINT-JENNIFER WATSONSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020254APPOINT-CYNTHIA HALIEMUNSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020255APPOINT-MICHELLE MCCLENDONSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/19/2021 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020257APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER PATTERSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 10/19/2021 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020259APPOINT-BRADLEY ZELLERSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020260APPOINT-NIKETA BRARSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1020262APPOINT-GABRIEL FOLEYSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020263APPOINT-JOHN HERRMANNSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020265APPOINT-HIPOLITO ROLDANSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020266APPOINT-PAUL THOMPSONSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020267APPOINT-MARK CHATHAMSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020268APPOINT-PAUL FLYNNSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020269APPOINT-RYAN MILLERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020271APPOINT-DAMON ARNOLDSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020273APPOINT-MICHELLE GIBSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 12/15/2021 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020274APPOINT-ROSA ORTIZSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020275APPOINT-KENNETH BURNETTSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020276APPOINT-DAVID FOXSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020277APPOINT-JOHN P. BROWNSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020279APPOINT-RICK LAWSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020280APPOINT-JERRY JUSTICESAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020281APPOINT-RENE BASSETT BUTLERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020282APPOINT-MARY ANN BROWNSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020283APPOINT-JOHN LEEZERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020284APPOINT-GEORGE WELLERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020285APPOINT-COLLEEN WENGLERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020286APPOINT-GISELA ATTLANSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020287APPOINT-JAMESON RAMIREZSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020288APPOINT-PAYTON ADESAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020289APPOINT-DIANA LAWSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020290APPOINT-CHAD LONGSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020291APPOINT-CHAD LONGSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020292APPOINT-CHAD LONGSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020293APPOINT-ANDREW RUSSELLSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020294APPOINT-ANDREW RUSSELLSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020295APPOINT-EDDIE CARPENTERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020296APPOINT-EDDIE CARPENTERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020297APPOINT-EDDIE CARPENTERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020298APPOINT-EDDIE CARPENTERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020299APPOINT-KELLY FINETSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020300APPOINT-KELLY FINETSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020301APPOINT-KELLY FINETSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020302APPOINT-KELLYE KEYESSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/24/2023
AM1020303APPOINT-JOHN HANLONSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020304APPOINT-PHILIP KINSEYSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020305APPOINT-THOMAS HOOD IIISAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020306APPOINT-ROBERT PORTERSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020307APPOINT-MARK DONOVANSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/05/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020308APPOINT-DANA CONSIDINESAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020309APPOINT-DANA CONSIDINESAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020310APPOINT-CARRIE WARDSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020311APPOINT-MARK DONOVANSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 01/05/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020312APPOINT-STEVEN BLOCKSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020313APPOINT-WILLIAM H.T. LEESAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020314APPOINT-ANN MCCABESAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020315APPOINT-PETER BIRNBAUMSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020316APPOINT-JEFFREY BUFORDSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020317APPOINT-DAVID SIDNEYSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020318APPOINT-CLAIRE DRAGOVICHSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020319APPOINT-CARYN TUCKERSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020320APPOINT-GREGORY BARRYSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020321APPOINT-MARY GAZIANOSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020322APPOINT-MARY GAZIANOSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020323APPOINT-RANDALL HARRISSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020324APPOINT-JILLIAN BAKERSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020325APPOINT-SARA RICESAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020327APPOINT-KHAMA SHARPSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 02/09/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020328APPOINT-INGER BURNETT-ZEIGLERSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020329APPOINT-LIONEL CRAFTSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020330APPOINT-NANCY DEPODESTASAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020331APPOINT-JOSEPH DUFFYSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020332APPOINT-JON JOHNSONSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020333APPOINT-DONALD WILKERSONSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020334APPOINT-JEANNE RICHEALSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020335APPOINT-DANIEL WRIGHTSAppointment Confirmed3/29/2023
AM1020336APPOINT-RAY KOENIG IIISAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 02/17/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020337APPOINT-RAY KOENIG IIISAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020338APPOINT-JOHN DONATOSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020339APPOINT-DOROTHY ABREUSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/17/2023
AM1020340APPOINT-ELIZABETH NOHRENSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020341APPOINT-ELIZABETH NOHRENSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020342APPOINT-ELIZABETH NOHRENSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020343APPOINT-ELIZABETH NOHRENSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020344APPOINT-DAWN JEFFRIESSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020345APPOINT-BRIAN BAROVSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020346APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER SCHOLZSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020347APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER SCHOLZSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020348APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER SCHOLZSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020349APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER SCHOLZSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020350APPOINT-GLYN RAMAGESAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020351APPOINT-PILAR GUERREROSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020352APPOINT-SARAH DOHERTYSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020353APPOINT-ROGER TAYLORSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/17/2023
AM1020354APPOINT-MELVERTA WILKINSSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020355APPOINT-JANE FLANAGANSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 03/02/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020356APPOINT-MARVET SWEISSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020357APPOINT-JOSEPH GHIBAUDYSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020358APPOINT-JOSEPH GHIBAUDYSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020359APPOINT-JOSEPH GHIBAUDYSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020360APPOINT-BRUCE MONTGOMERYSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 03/07/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020361APPOINT-ALLISON POWERSSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020362APPOINT-ROGER D. MONROESAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020363APPOINT-LISA YUN LEESAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020364APPOINT-BENNETT KAPLANSAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020367APPOINT-LAWRENCE WOODENSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020368APPOINT-STACI MAYALLSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020369APPOINT-KEVIN MCDERMOTTSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020370APPOINT-KEVIN MCDERMOTTSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020372APPOINT-JOAN DIXONSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 03/23/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020373APPOINT-JOAN DIXONSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020374APPOINT-THOMAS GIBBONSSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020375APPOINT-WILLIAM LOWRYSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020376APPOINT-PAUL NOBLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/28/2023
AM1020377APPOINT-DAVID JONESSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 03/23/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020378APPOINT-RAYMOND GARCIASAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020379APPOINT-JASON QUIARASAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 03/28/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020380APPOINT-CHERYL WATKINSSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 03/28/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020381APPOINT-MITCHELL DAVISSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020382APPOINT-THOMAS EVERSSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1020383APPOINT-HEATHER STONESAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020390APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020391APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020392APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020393APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020394APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020395APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020396APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020397APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020398APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020399APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020400APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020401APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020402APPOINT-BETH SHADURSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020403APPOINT-DAWN WEEKLYSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020404APPOINT-DAWN WEEKLYSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020405APPOINT-JEFFREY MEARSSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1020406APPOINT-DONNA SACKSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020407APPOINT-LOUIS APOSTOLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020408APPOINT-CAROLEE MAXINE HOERNERSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020409APPOINT-SAMEER DOSHISAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020410APPOINT-ERICA SALEMSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020411APPOINT-BRIAN SULLIVANSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020412APPOINT-RODERICK BASHIRSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020413APPOINT-TAMIRA BLODGETTSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020414APPOINT-RODNEY CAFFEYSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020415APPOINT-PATRICK DEVANEYSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020416APPOINT-CRIS HUGHESSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020417APPOINT-ANDREA CARLSONSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020418APPOINT-LEVERNE E. BACKSTROMSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020419APPOINT-DANIEL FENSKESAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020420APPOINT-AMAAL TOKARSSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020421APPOINT-JOHANES MALIZASAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020422APPOINT-PATRICIA SANCHEZSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020423APPOINT-ANGELA MORRISONSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020424APPOINT-REBECCA O'NEILLSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020425APPOINT-SYLVIA JENKINSSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020426APPOINT-ANTHONY PASCENTESAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020427APPOINT-MICHAEL MARTINSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020428APPOINT-ERICA MARQUEZ AVITIASAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020429APPOINT-LOTIKA PAISAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020430APPOINT-SARA SALGERSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1020431APPOINT-SUSANA VASQUEZSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020432APPOINT-CARMEN TERRONESSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020433APPOINT-JOSEPH D. GUTMANSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020434APPOINT-MATTHEW COATESSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020435APPOINT-JULIE GLOBOKARSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020436APPOINT-MEGHA LAKHCHAURASAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020437APPOINT-ANN MCINTYRESAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020438APPOINT-DONALD DEWSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020439APPOINT-VICKII P. COFFEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020440APPOINT-A. WILLIAMS-SCHAFERSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020441APPOINT-BRANDON RAGLESAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020442APPOINT-SAMEER VOHRASAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020443APPOINT-AMEYA PAWARSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020444APPOINT-CHRIS PAPPANSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020445APPOINT-TIMOTHY TOUHYSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020446APPOINT-ERICA ZUNKELSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020447APPOINT-NEEMA JHASHeld in Executive Appointments11/7/2023
AM1020449APPOINT-DAVID OLSONSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020450APPOINT-MICHELLE ISHMAELSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1020451APPOINT-MATTHEW J. HUNTSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020452APPOINT-MARIA JAZO-HARRISSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020453APPOINT-MAUREEN MENASAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020455APPOINT-SYLVIA PUENTESAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020456APPOINT-KURT A. CARLSONSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020457APPOINT-AVA GEORGE STEWARTSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020458APPOINT-BETH DORIASAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020459APPOINT-FREDERICK V. CHINSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020460APPOINT-THOMAS M. BENNETTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/3/2023
AM1020461APPOINT-ROMA DALALSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020462APPOINT-WILLIAM R. GALLAGHERSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020463APPOINT-MICHAEL GLAUBSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020464APPOINT-EDWARD LEESAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020465APPOINT-ELAINE LLERENASAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020466APPOINT-DENNIS S. O'BRIENSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020467APPOINT-FRANK J. SOTOSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020468APPOINT-ARLENE JURACEKSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020469APPOINT-TIMOTHY J. RYANSAppointment Confirmed2/16/2023
AM1020470APPOINT-KATHY SALTMARSHSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)9/8/2023
AM1020471APPOINT-JACQUELINE HARALELLISAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020472APPOINT-LESLIE H. BREUER JR.SAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020473APPOINT-WILLIAM J. MCLAUGHLINSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020474APPOINT-MICHELLE GIBSONSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020475APPOINT-DEMOYA GORDONSAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 103033910/18/2023
AM1020476APPOINT-DALE SIMPSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020477APPOINT-CLERIC RICHARD COSTESSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020478APPOINT-RENYSHA BROWNSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/2/2023
AM1020479APPOINT-NATASHA L. ROBINSONSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020480APPOINT-MICHELLE MCCLENDONSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020481APPOINT-DIONNE HAYDENSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/7/2023
AM1020482APPOINT-CHARLES SCHMADEKESAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020483APPOINT-CANDICE ADAMSSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020484APPOINT-ENNEDY D. RIVERASAppointment Confirmed4/19/2023
AM1020485APPOINT-DREW BERESSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020486APPOINT-ARTHUR HILL JR.SAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020487APPOINT-STEVEN ISOYESAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020488APPOINT-DONALD DIEMERSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020489APPOINT-CAROLINE MOELLERINGSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020490APPOINT-MOHAMMED JAMEELSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020491APPOINT-RATNA KANUMURYSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020492APPOINT-DOUGLAS G. MATZNERSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020493APPOINT-ANGELA HEARTS-GLASSSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020494APPOINT-BRIAN P. GRANAHANSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020495APPOINT-RAYMOND HOODSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020496APPOINT-HENRY BROWNBACKSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020497APPOINT-NANCY J. SAGESAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020498APPOINT-OMER M. OSMANSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020499APPOINT-RALPH A. RENNO IIISAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020500APPOINT-RALPH A. RENNO IIISAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020501APPOINT-ROMAYNE C. BROWNSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020502APPOINT-THOMAS KOTARACSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020503APPOINT-LYDIA GRAYSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020504APPOINT-MEGAN NORLINSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020505APPOINT-ALICIA RAUHSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020506APPOINT-ERIN ALEXANDERSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020507APPOINT-RAMON MOORESAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020508APPOINT-Y. MORAGNE-PATTERSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/14/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020509APPOINT-Y. MORAGNE-PATTERSONSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020510APPOINT-NINA HARRISSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020511APPOINT-PATRICIA A. SACCONESAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020512APPOINT-DANA RAYSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020513APPOINT-THOMAS A. BOYLESAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020514APPOINT-MARIA LAPORTASAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020515APPOINT-BARTLOMIEJ NIERZWICKISAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020516APPOINT-SREENIVAS G. REDDYSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020517APPOINT-JEFFREY M. GRUBBSSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1020518APPOINT-GARY KAATZSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020519APPOINT-LEONARD CANNATASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)10/6/2023
AM1020520APPOINT-NICHOLAS RYAN MARTINSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020521APPOINT-REBECCA A. COOPERSAppointment Confirmed10/26/2023
AM1020522APPOINT-ERIN A. JOHNSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments; on 11/29/2022 - and on 01/10/2023, Due to Sine Die of the 102nd General Assembly2/7/2023
AM1020523APPOINT-ERIN A. JOHNSONSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020524APPOINT-RASHMI K. CHUGHSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020525APPOINT-KAREN D. PHELANSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020526APPOINT-SUSAN M. SWIDERSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020527APPOINT-JACQUELYNE D. GRIMSHAWSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020528APPOINT-ELIZABETH D. JONESSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020529APPOINT-DANIEL K. HAYESSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020530APPOINT-BRICE A. HUTCHCRAFTSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020531APPOINT-PEDRO RODRIGUEZSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020532APPOINT-MAUREEN MOSLEY BANKSSHeld in Executive Appointments11/7/2023
AM1020533APPOINT-MAUREEN MOSLEY BANKSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020534APPOINT-MICHELLE DAWN CARRERASAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1020535APPOINT-BRAD COLESAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1030001APPOINT-KRISTIN RICHARDSSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1030002APPOINT-ANNA GRASSELLINOSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030003APPOINT-MARIO FARFANSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030004APPOINT-AARTI KOTAKSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030005APPOINT-JOSE A. RICOSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)1/26/2024
AM1030006APPOINT-RAVEN ASHLEY DEVAUGNSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030007APPOINT-FRANK L. DEPODESTASAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030008APPOINT-CRAIG FINDLEYSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030009APPOINT-RICHARD C. SCHOENSTEDTSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030010APPOINT-JAMES D. ANDERSONSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030011APPOINT-DUANA A. LOVESAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030012APPOINT-MARC R. POULOSSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030013APPOINT-JOANNA BELLE GUNDERSONSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030014APPOINT-CYNTHIA BARBERA-BRELLESAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1030015APPOINT-DEBORAH HAGANSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030016APPOINT-JOHN J. KIMSAppointment Confirmed3/13/2024
AM1030017APPOINT-HEIDI MUELLERSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1030018APPOINT-CHASE REHWINKELSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/30/2023
AM1030019APPOINT-MARC D. SMITHSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)1/31/2024
AM1030020APPOINT-MARK DENZLERSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030021APPOINT-ROBERT KARRSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030022APPOINT-ANGELA D. BROOKSSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030023APPOINT-ALAN ZAISSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030024APPOINT-ANTHONY DANIEL ALFANOSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030025APPOINT-SCOTT CRUZSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030026APPOINT-ALEXANDER WYMOND LAIRDSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030027APPOINT-PAMELA S. MONETTISAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030028APPOINT-MICHAEL NEWMANSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030029APPOINT-MARISA L. RICHARDSSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030030APPOINT-ANTHONY JEROME WOMICKSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030031APPOINT-JAMES BILOTTASAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030032APPOINT-THERESA EAGLESONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/31/2023
AM1030033APPOINT-JANE FLANAGANSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1030034APPOINT-PETER NEUMERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/16/2023
AM1030035APPOINT-DULCE M. QUINTEROSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)10/8/2023
AM1030036APPOINT-MARA BOTMANSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2023
AM1030037APPOINT-MARA BOTMANSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030038APPOINT-LAURA CALDERONSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030039APPOINT-JULIENNE EVERETTSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030040APPOINT-J. TODD PHILLIPSSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030041APPOINT-PAULA WOLFFSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030042APPOINT-JORDAN CAMPANELLASAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030043APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER PATTERSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/31/2023
AM1030044APPOINT-D. POPISH SEVERINGHAUSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/15/2024
AM1030045APPOINT-AHMADOU DRAMESAssigned to Executive Appointments2/8/2023
AM1030046APPOINT-JOEL FREEHLINGSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030047APPOINT-JAMES MACKENZIESAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030048APPOINT-BRIAN RICHARDSONSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030049APPOINT-CHANDRA ROUSESAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030050APPOINT-SOPHIA ZAMANSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030051APPOINT-MARLON MCCLINTONSAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030052APPOINT-E. PATTON-WHITESIDESAssigned to Executive Appointments2/8/2023
AM1030053APPOINT-E. PATTON-WHITESIDESAppointment Confirmed3/7/2024
AM1030054APPOINT-CECILIA ABUNDISSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)9/23/2023
AM1030055APPOINT-JENNY M. AGUIRRESAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030056APPOINT-PAULA A. BASTASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/31/2023
AM1030057APPOINT-JAMES L. BENNETTSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030058APPOINT-JERRY F. COSTELLO IISAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1030059APPOINT-DAVID HARRISSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1030060APPOINT-GRACE B. HOU-OVNIKSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)10/8/2023
AM1030061APPOINT-BRENDAN F. KELLYSAppointment Confirmed3/9/2023
AM1030062APPOINT-FRANCISCO MENCHACASAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030063APPOINT-LAURIE MURPHYSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030064APPOINT-NATALIE PHELPS FINNIESAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030065APPOINT-PATRICIA MARIE NUGENTSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030066APPOINT-TERRY PRINCESAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030067APPOINT-JOHN D. ROGNERSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)12/31/2023
AM1030068APPOINT-KHAMA A. SHARPSAppointment Confirmed2/23/2023
AM1030069APPOINT-ALICIA TATE-NADEAUSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/22/2024
AM1030070APPOINT-AMAAL VE TOKARSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/30/2023
AM1030071APPOINT-MARIO TRETO JR.SWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/22/2024
AM1030072APPOINT-ANTHONY J. VAUGHNSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030073APPOINT-SAMEER VOHRASAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030074APPOINT-ANTHONY BEACHSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030075APPOINT-HAROLD MAYSSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030076APPOINT-EFI POZIOPOULOS JAMESSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030077APPOINT-SCOTT JENKINSSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030078APPOINT-LIA MERMINGASAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030079APPOINT-DAR'TAVOUS DORSEYSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030080APPOINT-VERONICA GONZALEZSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/16/2023
AM1030081APPOINT-KEITH GRANTSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030082APPOINT-WILLIAM E. HOOKSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030083APPOINT-MICHELLE HOY-WATKINSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/11/2024
AM1030084APPOINT-FRANCES ANN HURLEYSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030085APPOINT-ALYSSA ANNA MURPHYSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030086APPOINT-MONA NORIEGASAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 103034610/18/2023
AM1030087APPOINT-ANGELA OBERREITERSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030088APPOINT-ARNALDO RIVERASAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030089APPOINT-JAMES A. RIVERASAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030090APPOINT-STEVEN AVALOSSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030091APPOINT-WILLIAM LADD-CAWTHORNESAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030092APPOINT-LILIANA SCALESSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030093APPOINT-DIANE L. SALTOUNSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030094APPOINT-DION M. REDFIELDSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/28/2023
AM1030095APPOINT-DAVID T. JONESSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030096APPOINT-CHERITA ELLENSSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030097APPOINT-MARY HUFFMANSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030098APPOINT-DONNA S. LEAKSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030099APPOINT-JASON LESNIEWICZSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030100APPOINT-DEREK L. WISESAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030101APPOINT-BRANDON RAGLESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/1/2023
AM1030102APPOINT-B. BARRENO-PASCHALLSAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 103034710/18/2023
AM1030103APPOINT-STACEY PARADISSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030104APPOINT-CONRAD REDDICKSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030105APPOINT-J. HOGENDORN-KELLERSAppointment Confirmed5/4/2023
AM1030106APPOINT-OMER M. OSMANSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/21/2023
AM1030107APPOINT-JAMES PATRICK KOLARSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030108APPOINT-DONALD SHELTONSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030109APPOINT-KENNETH TUPYSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030110APPOINT-RAYMOND HOODSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030111APPOINT-N. MICHAEL HUFFSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030112APPOINT-WILLIAM D. STIEHLSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/21/2023
AM1030113APPOINT-WILLIAM D. STIEHLSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030114APPOINT-FRANCIS MARTIN BRADYSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030115APPOINT-MICHAEL JOSEPH BRENNANSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030116APPOINT-KATHRYN A. DOERRIESSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030117APPOINT-MARC PARKERSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030118APPOINT-MARIA ELENA PORTELASAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030119APPOINT-JESSICA C. HARRISSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030120APPOINT-ERIC F. RINEHARTSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030121APPOINT-STEVEN ISOYESAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030122APPOINT-DEBBIE A. HARPERSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030123APPOINT-DEBBIE A. HARPERSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030124APPOINT-BRIAN P. GRANAHANSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030125APPOINT-KAREN M. SCHIELERSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/23/2023
AM1030126APPOINT-SUSAN HALINGSAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 10301483/29/2023
AM1030127APPOINT-BRUCE E. MONTGOMERYSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030128APPOINT-MARK MAHONEYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/10/2023
AM1030129APPOINT-LAMARCUS D. WILLIAMSSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030130APPOINT-A. WILLIAMS-SCHAFERSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030131APPOINT-RAYMOND P. MARCHIORISAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030132APPOINT-KIRSTIN CHERNAWSKYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/30/2024
AM1030133APPOINT-DANA KELLYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)1/1/2024
AM1030134APPOINT-ROBERT N. EGGERMANSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030135APPOINT-BERNARD LEROY HARSYSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030136APPOINT-MICHAEL MARTINSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030137APPOINT-STEPHEN WILLISSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030138APPOINT-KEVIN P. CLARKSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030139APPOINT-REX PAUL BUDDESAssigned to Executive Appointments3/23/2023
AM1030140APPOINT-REX PAUL BUDDESAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030141APPOINT-AUDREY L. TANKSLEYSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030142APPOINT-LYNN SUTTONSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030143APPOINT-BETTY FLEURIMONDSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030144APPOINT-MICHELLE MORALESSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030145APPOINT-KELLYE KEYESSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/14/2023
AM1030146APPOINT-Y.K. MORAGNE-PATTERSONSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030147APPOINT-RICK TERVENSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030148APPOINT-SUSAN HALINGSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030149APPOINT-RITA R. ATHASSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030150APPOINT-WILBUR C. MILHOUSE IIISAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030151APPOINT-HEATHER STONESAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030152APPOINT-CLODOALDO CARRILLOSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/26/2024
AM1030153APPOINT-LAURA KENT DONAHUESAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030154APPOINT-TONYA GENOVESESAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030155APPOINT-JOYCE MADIGANSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030156APPOINT-JAMES KVEDARASSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030157APPOINT-KATHRYN SUE BOHNSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030158APPOINT-DENNIS LEE BARSEMASAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030159APPOINT-ERIC WASOWICZSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030160APPOINT-JOHN SIMMONSSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030161APPOINT-ROGER TEDRICKSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030162APPOINT-KIRK DILLARDSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030163APPOINT-CARIN STUTZSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030164APPOINT-CHERYL WATKINSSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030165APPOINT-JAMES ARGIONISSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030166APPOINT-PATRICK DEVANEYSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030167APPOINT-MICHAEL GLEN BOYDSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030168APPOINT-SHANNON FULTONSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030169APPOINT-KAILI EMMRICHSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030170APPOINT-DANIEL SEROTASAssigned to Executive Appointments4/12/2023
AM1030171APPOINT-DANIEL SEROTA (2)SAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030172APPOINT-TIMOTHY DREASAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030173APPOINT-BRIAN SHANAHANSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030174APPOINT-JACQUELINE COLLINSSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030175APPOINT-LISA GARDNERSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030176APPOINT-M. SPITZER JOHNSTONSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030177APPOINT-JASON QUIARASAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030178APPOINT-CHYNNA S. HAMPTONSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030179APPOINT-CAMILLE S. DORRISSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030180APPOINT-SHERMAN L. WRIGHTSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030181APPOINT-DAVIDA F. FANNIELSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)3/13/2024
AM1030182APPOINT-GIRIDHAR BURRASAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030183APPOINT-KAREN M. SCHIELERSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030184APPOINT-CHRISTELLE KHALAFSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030185APPOINT-JOANNA WEBB-GAUVINSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030186APPOINT-WILLIAM RYANSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030187APPOINT-VERNIS BARRIER-LIKESSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030188APPOINT-ANIBAL L. TABOASSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030189APPOINT-JOSEPH M. GAGLIARDOSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030190APPOINT-HERIBERTO ARROYOSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030191APPOINT-STACEY J. BROWNSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030192APPOINT-MEMUNA M. LEESAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030193APPOINT-ROBERT KARRSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030194APPOINT-BENJAMIN A. SALENTINESAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030195APPOINT-AMYLEE HOGAN SIMONVICHSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030196APPOINT-BARBARA BAURERSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030197APPOINT-MARK DENZLERSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030198APPOINT-MITCH HORWITZSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030199APPOINT-CRISTINA CRAYSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030200APPOINT-JOHN M. BRUDNAKSHeld in Executive Appointments4/18/2024
AM1030201APPOINT-AARON W. GURNSEYSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030202APPOINT-TIMOTHY E. DREASAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030203APPOINT-JILL KASTNERSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030204APPOINT-MICHAEL CLARKSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030205APPOINT-DAVID TAEWOONG CHUNGSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030206APPOINT-SHEILA A. BEDISAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030207APPOINT-VANESSA DEL VALLESAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030208APPOINT-TERESA C. SMITHSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030209APPOINT-DAVID LUECHTEFELDSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030210APPOINT-JUDITH L. MCANARNEYSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030211APPOINT-JAMES P. CONNOLLYSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030212APPOINT-JACQUELINE GOMEZSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030213APPOINT-JAMES M. SWEENEYSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030214APPOINT-DARRYLDEAN M. GOFFSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030215APPOINT-KRYSTAL TISONSAppointment Confirmed5/19/2023
AM1030216APPOINT-ABEL KHOSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030217APPOINT-KISHA M.J. LANGSAppointment Confirmed5/1/2024
AM1030218APPOINT-J. NOWINKSI KONCHAKSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030219APPOINT-Y. J. JOHNSON-WALKERSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030220APPOINT-DELMAR L. GILLUS JR.SAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030221APPOINT-JOHN GEDNEYSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030222APPOINT-KAREN CALDWELLSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030223APPOINT-SUSANA L. VASQUEZSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/22/2023
AM1030224APPOINT-KARA DEMIRJIAN HUSSSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/15/2023
AM1030225APPOINT-KARA DEMIRJIAN HUSSSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030226APPOINT-STEPHEN J. LEFAVERSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/15/2023
AM1030227APPOINT-STEPHEN J. LEFAVERSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030228APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER W. TOPPINSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/15/2023
AM1030229APPOINT-CHRISTOPHER W. TOPPINSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030230APPOINT-KAREN HARRISSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030231APPOINT-HUGO MANZOSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030232APPOINT-MARK D. PRINCESAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030233APPOINT-SEAN T. STOTTSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030234APPOINT-BRADLEY A. ROOSSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030235APPOINT-VICKII P. COFFEYSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030236APPOINT-MBOKA MWILAMBWESAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030237APPOINT-AARON W. ANDERSONSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030238APPOINT-LESLEY MCCAINSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030239APPOINT-NIKHIL TRIVEDISAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030240APPOINT-JORGE M. LEONSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030241APPOINT-MOHAMAD NASIRSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030242APPOINT-KAREN K. HARRISSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030243APPOINT-DAVID B. MENCHETTISAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030244APPOINT-JENNIFER BALLARD CROFTSAppointment Confirmed5/25/2023
AM1030245APPOINT-JACK VRETTSAppointment Confirmed5/25/2023
AM1030246APPOINT-LATOYA HUGHESSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments May 7, 20245/2/2024
AM1030247APPOINT-JOSEPH KAGANNSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030248APPOINT-SHERYL CURTIS MORRISSAssigned to Executive Appointments8/16/2023
AM1030249APPOINT-SHERYL CURTIS MORRISSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030250APPOINT-JAYNE VELLINGASAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030251APPOINT-AMY E. BILTONSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030252APPOINT-SANJAY GUPTASAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030253APPOINT-SCOTT ONQUESAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030254APPOINT-ALEXANDER PURCELLSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030255APPOINT-CARLOS M. BOILEVESAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030256APPOINT-LINNET BURDENSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030257APPOINT-DOUGLAS P. SCOTTSAssigned to Executive Appointments8/16/2023
AM1030258APPOINT-DR. JANICE PHILLIPSSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030259APPOINT-JENNIFER A. VAN WIESAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030260APPOINT-MONICA LEGRANDSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030261APPOINT-KEVIN IRVINESAssigned to Executive Appointments8/16/2023
AM1030262APPOINT-KEVIN IRVINESAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030263APPOINT-CHARLES D. KNELLSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030264APPOINT-JONATHAN CARSONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030265APPOINT-MONICA S. HENDRICKSONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030266APPOINT-DAVID S. KATZSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030267APPOINT-DARREN TILLISSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030268APPOINT-SHERLY CHAVARRIASPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030269APPOINT-AIMEE VEITHSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030270APPOINT-AUNDRA WILLIAMSSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030271APPOINT-PRESTON M. WOLIN, M.D.SPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030272APPOINT-NINA GRONDINSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030273APPOINT-BRANDON RAGLESAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030274APPOINT-MICHELLE COADY CARTERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030275APPOINT-MICHELLE COADY CARTERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030276APPOINT-MICHELLE COADY CARTERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030277APPOINT-DONNA DORSEYSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030278APPOINT-MICHAEL MACELLAIOSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030279APPOINT-JULEE M. NISTSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030280APPOINT-MELISSA NEDDERMEYERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030281APPOINT-MARK S. WRIGHTSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030282APPOINT-ELIZABETH M. SANDERSSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030283APPOINT-GREGORY A. WALKINGTONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030284APPOINT-BEN VEALSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030285APPOINT-LAURA L. GONZALEZSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030286APPOINT-MICHAEL D. MANKOWSKISPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030287APPOINT-JEANNE L. AUBUCHONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030288APPOINT-JENNIFER BAESPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030289APPOINT-JAMES M. BYRNESSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030290APPOINT-LINDA JEAN CANTRELLSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030291APPOINT-BRADLEY D. GILLESPIESPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030292APPOINT-GERALD W. NAPLETONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030293APPOINT-PAUL SEALSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030294APPOINT-RACHAEL JAY SINNENSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030295APPOINT-CHARLES M. WATTSSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030296APPOINT-RAYCHEL A. WESLEYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/12/2024
AM1030297APPOINT-DOUGLAS R. PRYORSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030298APPOINT-RADHIKA V. LOHIASPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030299APPOINT-JOHN A. BARKERSAssigned to Executive Appointments8/16/2023
AM1030300APPOINT-JOHN A. BARKERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030301APPOINT-CHRISTINE LOUISE CAVESSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030302APPOINT-ANDREW WARRINGTONSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030303APPOINT-TESSICA DOOLEYSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030304APPOINT-JANET ELIZABETH BLUESPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030305APPOINT-JESSICA GIUDICISAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030306APPOINT-MATTHEW BREWERSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030307APPOINT-DAVID ALLEN WELTERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030308APPOINT-CHARLES WRIGHTSAssigned to Executive Appointments8/16/2023
AM1030309APPOINT-AHMADOU DRAMESPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030310APPOINT-MARLON MCCLINTONSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030311APPOINT-LISA BURNS WOJICKSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030312APPOINT-LOUISE CUC MEDINASPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030313APPOINT-ANNA MERESIDISSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030314APPOINT-JANE R. FLANAGANSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030315APPOINT-ANDREW R. WEATHERFORDSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030316APPOINT-ANDREW R. WEATHERFORDSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030317APPOINT-SHAD E. ETCHASONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030318APPOINT-MICHAEL SCHMIDTSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030319APPOINT-JEFFREY L. LEWISSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030320APPOINT-CYNTHIA IRENE ERVINSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030321APPOINT-PATRICIA YADGIRSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030322APPOINT-VICTOR BERNARD DICKSONSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030323APPOINT-ALAINA JEAN HARKNESSSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030324APPOINT-ANTHONY P. GARCIASWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)6/24/2024
AM1030325APPOINT-DIANA LEZA SHEEHANSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030326APPOINT-WILLIAM DELGADOSAppointment Confirmed11/7/2023
AM1030327APPOINT-SUSAN L. ABRAMSSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030328APPOINT-STEVEN M. LANDEKSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030329APPOINT-JAMES RANDAL WEXLERSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030330APPOINT-ANDREASON BROWNSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030331APPOINT-KAREN WEIGERTSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030332APPOINT-DULCE M. QUINTEROSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/18/2023
AM1030333APPOINT-JOHN FREITAGSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030334APPOINT-GARTH WALKERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030335APPOINT-STACI LYNN MAYALLSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030336APPOINT-KENNETH BURNETTSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030337APPOINT-WILLIAM LOSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030338APPOINT-QUIWANA BELLSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/18/2023
AM1030339APPOINT-DEMOYA GORDONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)11/7/2023
AM1030340APPOINT-GEORGE M. EVANSSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030341APPOINT-KENDAL PARKERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030342APPOINT-SUSANA M. SORIANOSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/18/2023
AM1030343APPOINT-TERRANCE B. MCGANNSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030344APPOINT-BERNIE C. RANCHEROSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030345APPOINT-SHARON BUSHSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030346APPOINT-MONA NORIEGASAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 103037611/21/2023
AM1030347APPOINT-B. BARRENO-PASCHALLSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)2/29/2024
AM1030348APPOINT-KARINA GARCIASAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030349APPOINT-ELIZABETH E. STUCKSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030350APPOINT-CAMILE LINDSAYSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/18/2023
AM1030351APPOINT-CAMERON JOOST STEVENSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/18/2023
AM1030352APPOINT-ELIZABETH M. WHITEHORNSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/18/2023
AM1030353APPOINT-DAVID H. FRIEDMANSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030354APPOINT-LELAND ANDERS STROMSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030355APPOINT-OVELIA SMITH-BARTONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030356APPOINT-MARC LAINOSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030357APPOINT-STACY CROOKSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030358APPOINT-DAWN BROWNSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030359APPOINT-RONALD BUDZINSKISPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030360APPOINT-JUNGNIM C. BLACKWELLSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030361APPOINT-JESSE H. RUIZSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030362APPOINT-SHENONDA TISDALESWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)9/23/2024
AM1030363APPOINT-ERIKA POETHIGSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030364APPOINT-BRIDGET MCHATTONSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030365APPOINT-RENYSHA BROWNSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030366APPOINT-DEMOYA GORDONSAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 103037111/13/2023
AM1030367APPOINT-DIONNE HAYDENSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030368APPOINT-SUSAN GEORGELOSSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030369APPOINT-JO JOHNSONSAppointment Message Tabled Pursuant Rule 10-2e - Superseded by AM 103037511/14/2023
AM1030370APPOINT-REBECCA SHUSTERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030371APPOINT-DEMOYA GORDONSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030372APPOINT-NEEMA JHASAssigned to Executive Appointments1/10/2024
AM1030373APPOINT-TAMAKIA EDWARDSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)5/14/2024
AM1030374APPOINT-ROXANNE NAVASPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030375APPOINT-JO JOHNSONSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/29/2024
AM1030376APPOINT-MONA NORIEGASAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030377APPOINT-TIMI NGOBOHSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030378APPOINT-ROBERT J. SPRAGUESPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030379APPOINT-MONIQUE R. GREENSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030380APPOINT-DANIEL ROBLESSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030381APPOINT-KAREN NUNNSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030382APPOINT-ROGER E. POOLESPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030383APPOINT-SONIA R. BERGSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030384APPOINT-KING HARRISSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030385APPOINT-RODERICK K. HAWKINSSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030386APPOINT-MONA NASERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030387APPOINT-LUIS GALINDOSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030388APPOINT-GRACE PAISPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030389APPOINT-HEIDI MUELLERSAppointment Confirmed3/22/2024
AM1030390APPOINT-DION M. REDFIELDSAppointment Confirmed4/11/2024
AM1030391APPOINT-STEVEN M. POWELLSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030392APPOINT-BRIAN SULLIVANSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030393APPOINT-PATRICK BESLERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030394APPOINT-LANCE J. KOVACSSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030395APPOINT-LAURA BETH MINZERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030396APPOINT-JONAH RICESPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030397APPOINT-ANDREW R. WEATHERFORDSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030398APPOINT-MICHELLE COADY-CARTERSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments November 21, 202411/20/2024
AM1030399APPOINT-JENNIFER L. AKHTERSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030400APPOINT-LIONEL R. CRAFTSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030401APPOINT-JOSEPH JOHN DUFFYSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030402APPOINT-JON H. JOHNSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030403APPOINT-DOUGLAS P. SCOTTSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030404APPOINT-FRANCES A. HURLEYSAppointment Confirmed5/24/2024
AM1030405APPOINT-JULIETA LAMALFASAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030406APPOINT-PONNI ARUNKUMARSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030407APPOINT-JODI M. HOOSSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030408APPOINT-PAULA CAMPBELLSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030409APPOINT-KENNETH R. OLSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030410APPOINT-JULIE SAMPSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030411APPOINT-SALVATORE TORNATORESAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030412APPOINT-JAMES BROOKSSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030413APPOINT-CHRIS PAPPANSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030414APPOINT-BETH SHADURSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)8/20/2024
AM1030415APPOINT-ASHISH SHARMASAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030416APPOINT-DARRYL ARRINGTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/24/2024
AM1030417APPOINT-MELODY SPANN COOPERSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/31/2024
AM1030418APPOINT-TERESA RAMIREZSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/31/2024
AM1030419APPOINT-WENDY NETTER EPSTEINSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/31/2024
AM1030420APPOINT-TODD STROLESAssigned to Executive Appointments1/31/2024
AM1030421APPOINT-WANZA L. DAVISSAssigned to Executive Appointments1/31/2024
AM1030422APPOINT-BRITTANY BENE'T KIMBLESAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2024
AM1030423APPOINT-RYAN THOMASSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2024
AM1030424APPOINT-EILEEN CHINSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2024
AM1030425APPOINT-ANTONIO BAXTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2024
AM1030426APPOINT-MICHAEL P. MURPHYSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/6/2024
AM1030427APPOINT-SETH LIMMERSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030428APPOINT-SAUL J. MORSESAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030429APPOINT-MARY KILLOUGHSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030430APPOINT-ESTHER E. SCIAMMARELLASAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030431APPOINT-RAYCHEL A. WESLEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030432APPOINT-BEVERLY A. POTTSSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030433APPOINT-SHANEAL R. CLAYBORNESAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030434APPOINT-ERIC P. ECHEVARRIASAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030435APPOINT-STEPHANI BECKERSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030436APPOINT-LILA VALINOTISAssigned to Executive Appointments2/14/2024
AM1030437APPOINT-EILEEN RHODESSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/20/2024
AM1030438APPOINT-JERRY DAVIS-ELSAssigned to Executive Appointments2/28/2024
AM1030439APPOINT-GARY T. JOHNSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/5/2024
AM1030440APPOINT-LORENZO D. SAVAGE SR.SAssigned to Executive Appointments3/5/2024
AM1030441APPOINT-LESLIE M. DARLINGSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/5/2024
AM1030442APPOINT-CHRISTIAN MITCHELLSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/5/2024
AM1030443APPOINT-KATHRYN M. HARRISSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/5/2024
AM1030444APPOINT-MORGAN WINTERSSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/12/2024
AM1030445APPOINT-DANA A. SEVERINGHAUSSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)4/8/2024
AM1030446APPOINT-ERIKA RAE ALLENSAssigned to Executive Appointments3/20/2024
AM1030447APPOINT-MARIO TRETO JR.SAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030448APPOINT-ALICIA TATE-NADEAUSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030449APPOINT-LEVERNE E. BACKSTROMSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030450APPOINT-TAMIRA BRENNANSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030451APPOINT-ANA COLLAZOSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030452APPOINT-ROBERT D. VICKERYSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030453APPOINT-KAREN TAMLEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030454APPOINT-TRINAS NEELYSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030455APPOINT-JENNIFER L. HANSENSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030456APPOINT-MARGARET M. BERGLINDSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030457APPOINT-MARVET M. SWEISSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030458APPOINT-SARA A. PHALENSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030459APPOINT-ERIKA R. LOWE MULLINSSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/9/2024
AM1030460APPOINT-ANN R. GILLESPIESAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2024
AM1030461APPOINT-JOHN E. PADYSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2024
AM1030462APPOINT-DANNY SILVERTHORNSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2024
AM1030463APPOINT-DANNY SILVERTHORNSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/10/2024
AM1030464APPOINT-JAMES MARTIN CONWAYSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/16/2024
AM1030465APPOINT-CINDY G. BUYSSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/16/2024
AM1030466APPOINT-JAMES G. MONTGOMERY JRSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/16/2024
AM1030467APPOINT-ELIZABETH V. LOPEZSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/16/2024
AM1030468APPOINT-NARGIS KHOKHARSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/16/2024
AM1030469APPOINT-NARGIS KHOKHARSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/16/2024
AM1030470APPOINT-OMER M. OSMANSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/24/2024
AM1030471APPOINT-ANITA WEINBERGSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/24/2024
AM1030472APPOINT-MARLON MCCLINTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/24/2024
AM1030473APPOINT-TRENTON TABERSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/24/2024
AM1030474APPOINT-BRIAN RICHARDSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/24/2024
AM1030475APPOINT-TAMEKA WALTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/24/2024
AM1030476APPOINT-CLODOALDO CARRILLOSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)7/19/2024
AM1030477APPOINT-KIRSTIN CHERNAWSKYSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)9/17/2024
AM1030478APPOINT-WILLIAM E. HOOKSAssigned to Executive Appointments4/30/2024
AM1030479APPOINT-MELINEH KANOSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/7/2024
AM1030480APPOINT-AMY RUEFFSAssigned to Executive Appointments5/26/2024
AM1030481APPOINT-KELLY ROSENBERGSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030482APPOINT-ANITA BANERJISAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030483APPOINT-NOAH FINLEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030484APPOINT-AMALIA NIETOGOMEZSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030485APPOINT-WILLIAM LADD-CAWTHORNESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030486APPOINT-KENNETH T. MORRISSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030487APPOINT-MARIO TRETO JR.SAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030488APPOINT-RODNEY STEVEN ALFORDSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030489APPOINT-RODNEY STEVEN ALFORDSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030490APPOINT-LAKESHIA L. BELLSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030491APPOINT-VERONICA HERREROSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030492APPOINT-CLAIRE LEOPOLDSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030493APPOINT-FRANCIENE SABENSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030494APPOINT-DAVID B. MENCHETTISAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030495APPOINT-AMA O. ADDAISAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030496APPOINT-MARCIA BALONICKSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030497APPOINT-ALAINA JEAN HARKNESSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030498APPOINT-MICHAEL ALAN STROMSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030499APPOINT-VANESSA DEL VALLESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030500APPOINT-VAN PHILIP AUSTINSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030501APPOINT-CATINA LYNETT RUPERTSWithdrawn Pursuant Rule 10-2 (f)10/11/2024
AM1030502APPOINT-SCOTT BASKINSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030503APPOINT-BOB MORGANSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030504APPOINT-DAVID E. MILLERSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030505APPOINT-MICHELLE COADY CARTERSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030506APPOINT-MICHELLE COADY CARTERSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030507APPOINT-JANET BLUESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030508APPOINT-DOUGLAS E. HOUSESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030509APPOINT-DAVID AGUIRRESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030510APPOINT-PATRICIA ANN SACCONESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030511APPOINT-MICHAEL SUTTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030512APPOINT-JENAN Z. MOHAJIRSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030513APPOINT-PAULA A. BASTASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030514APPOINT-PAULA A. BASTASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030515APPOINT-WALTER P. TURNERSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030516APPOINT-ANGELA MORRISONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030517APPOINT-SELMA D'SOUZASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030518APPOINT-BENJAMIN REYESSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030519APPOINT-SARAH ALTERSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030520APPOINT-ALEJANDRA GARZASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030521APPOINT-DARNELL TINGLESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030522APPOINT-GARVIN G. AMBROSESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030523APPOINT-DON V. VILLARSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030524APPOINT-PAUL J. SCHMITTSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030525APPOINT-MICHAEL GOETZSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030526APPOINT-BRIAN SHANAHANSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030527APPOINT-MONA NORIEGASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030528APPOINT-SHARON K. LEGENZASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030529APPOINT-BRENDAN F. KELLYSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030530APPOINT-WYNONA REDMONDSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030531APPOINT-GABRIEL FOLEYSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030532APPOINT-IVORY SNOWSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030533APPOINT-MARIEL HAMERSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030534APPOINT-KATHRYN E. EISENHARTSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030535APPOINT-DAVID S. FOX JR.SAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030536APPOINT-JAMES DAVID CROSSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030537APPOINT-KEVIN DUFFY BLACKBURNSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030538APPOINT-IRMA MARTINEZ SNOPEKSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030539APPOINT-WILLIAM HOBERTSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030540APPOINT-JAMES FUENTESSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030541APPOINT-JOSEPH D. AMARILIOSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030542APPOINT-CRYSTAL L. CAISONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030543APPOINT-PAUL V. CELLINISAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030544APPOINT-GERALD A. GRANADASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030545APPOINT-JESSICA A. HEGARTYSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030546APPOINT-ADAM HINRICHSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030547APPOINT-JEFFREY B. HUEBSCHSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030548APPOINT-NINA MARIANOSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030549APPOINT-LUANA O. MONTOYASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030550APPOINT-MAUREEN PULIASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030551APPOINT-DANIEL KENNETH SWANSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030552APPOINT-ANA VAZQUEZSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030553APPOINT-BARBARA FLYNN CURRIESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030554APPOINT-SEAN BRANNONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030555APPOINT-JAMES PATRICK KOLARSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030556APPOINT-MAGDA DERISMA-OYEWOLESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030557APPOINT-LYNN E. SUTTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030558APPOINT-CALEB MILES HERODSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030559APPOINT-MOHAMAD NASIRSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030560APPOINT-JOHN K. LYONSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030561APPOINT-SHEILA SIMONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030562APPOINT-JAMES JENNINGSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030563APPOINT-MICHELLE HOY-WATKINSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030564APPOINT-DEBRA SAVAGESAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030565APPOINT-KATHERINE DRUMMONDSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030566APPOINT-ALLISON POWERSSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030567APPOINT-JENNIFER MARTINSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030568APPOINT-HENRY ADEKOLASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030569APPOINT-JOHANES MALIZASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030570APPOINT-MARLON MCCLINTONSAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030571APPOINT-JAYNE VELLINGASAssigned to Executive Appointments10/11/2024
AM1030572APPOINT-DENISE MOORESAssigned to Executive Appointments11/6/2024
AM1030573APPOINT-BEATRICE J. THOMPSONSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/6/2024
AM1030574APPOINT-BRADLEY A. ZELLERSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/6/2024
AM1030575APPOINT-CARLOS M. GARCIASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/6/2024
AM1030576APPOINT-ALEXANDER PURCELLSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/6/2024
AM1030577APPOINT-MELVERTA WILKINSSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/6/2024
AM1030578APPOINT-ARACELI G. GARZASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/6/2024
AM1030579APPOINT-MBOKA MWILAMBWESAssigned to Executive Appointments11/6/2024
AM1030580APPOINT-AMEYA PAWARSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/12/2024
AM1030581APPOINT-SELMA D'SOUZASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/12/2024
AM1030582APPOINT-AMALIA S. RIOJASAssigned to Executive Appointments11/13/2024
AM1030583APPOINT-MARY P. KENNELLYSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/19/2024
AM1030584APPOINT-LISA M. DZIEKANSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/19/2024
AM1030585APPOINT-ALANA THOMPSON-BYRDSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/19/2024
AM1030586APPOINT-JHA'SHARIA L. FARMERSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/19/2024
AM1030587APPOINT-HOWARD A. ROSENBLUMSAssigned to Executive Appointments11/19/2024
AM1030588APPOINT-CHARLES WRIGHTSPlaced on Calendar Order of Executive Appointments11/20/2024
Totals   SB: 95   SR: 50   SJR: 1   AM: 914   HB: 14   HJR: 1   

Peters, Robert
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB74PROP TX-INSTALLMENT PAYMENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03697/28/2023
SB75DPT RETURNING RESIDENT AFFAIRSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB116EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB117EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB118SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB190EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB191SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB192FINANCE-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB193RUST BELT TO GREEN BELT PILOTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB194COMPASSIONATE USE-CANNABISSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB281DAY&TEMPORARY LABOR SERVICESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1273$CRIM JUSTICE INFO-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1274SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1275PRIVATE COLLEGE CAMPUS POLICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1276TIRC-DEFINITIONS-REPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1343SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1461REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1462GAMING-OCCUP LICENSE STANDARDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05508/11/2023
SB1463MINORS-NO FEES OR FINESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03797/28/2023
SB1664CLINICAL PSYCH-CONTINUING EDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1666THERMAL ENERGY NETWORKSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1667DEPT OF LABOR-RECOVERED WAGESSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1668$GRANTS-DCFS-CASA COOK COUNTYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1669JUV CT-JURISDICTION&VENUESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1884JUV CT-CT APP SPECIAL ADVOCATESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1885CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1886CD CORR-PROBATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03917/28/2023
SB1887DIGITAL PROPERTY PROTECT ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1888DHFS-FQHC-PPS RATE INCREASESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1946$TREATMENT ALTER SAFE COMMSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1947TAX INCENTIVE NONDISCLOSURESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1948CD CORR-MISDEMEANOR DIVERSIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2077CD CORR-PAROLE&MSR VIOLATIONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2078FIRST AND SECOND DEGREE MURDERSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2079CD CORR&CIVIL PRO-RECIDIVISMSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2080PATIENT BILLING-DISCOUNTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2081$ABRAHAM LINCOLN PRESIDENTIALSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2082PROP TX-NOTICE/BONA FIDE LEASESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2257ISOLATED CONFINEMENT RESTRICTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2258CD CORR-SENTENCING REVIEWSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2259CD CORR-SENTENCE CREDITSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2260ABUSE, GENDER-BASED VIOLENCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04037/31/2023
SB2261$FUTURE THROUGH EMPLOYMENTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB2262LONG-TERM CARE TRANSITIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2263$PROYECTO ODISEASPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB2264PENCD-COOK CO-MILITARY SERVICEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB2321RIGHT TO PRIVACY-DRUG TESTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2371LABOR-CRIM JUSTICE ATTYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2372ATTRNY LABOR RELATION ACT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2388DCEO-YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2448$ICJIASReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2534$GRANT-DHS-CHICAGO SURVIVORSSReferred to Assignments3/2/2023
SB2596FAN FUNDED STADIUM ACTSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2626CRIM ID ACT-EXPUNGEMENT FILINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07558/2/2024
SB2689SCH CD-MONTESSORI EDUC LICENSEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/3/2024
SB2944$ICJIA-GRANT-LAUREUS SPORTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2971DCFS-POLICE/SECURITY-REPEALSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB3233BUILD ILLINOIS HOMES ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3234NO REP W/O POP-LOCAL REDISTRICSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3285DOM VIOLENCE-JUDICIAL RELIEFSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09688/9/2024
SB3286SCH CD-TRANSPORT-TRANSIT FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3287COMPASSIONATE USE-CANNABISSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3288MENTAL HEALTH-RESEARCHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09698/9/2024
SB3321CTY CD&JUV CT-MINOR INTERROGATSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3322ID CARDS-CORRECTIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3357$DHS-HOUSING SERVICESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3385PUBLIC BENEFITS-MENTAL HEALTHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3463JUV CT-AUTOMATIC EXPUNGEMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07878/9/2024
SB3464WORK WITHOUT FEAR ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3554SCH CD-CPS TEACHER EVALUATIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3646CHILD LABOR LAW OF 2024SPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07217/30/2024
SB3648COMMUNITY EM SERVICES&SUPPORTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06457/1/2024
SB3649EMPLOYEE FREEDOM OF SPEECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07227/31/2024
SB3650DAY & TEMPORARY LABOR AGENCIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10308/9/2024
SB3652DOMESTIC VIOLENCE-REMEDIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10318/9/2024
SB3713CRIME VICTIMS COMP ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10378/9/2024
SB3738INC TX-RETURNING CITIZENSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3739NETWORK ADEQUACY-STANDARDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SR72MEMORIAL-THEOPHILUS MOORE JR.SResolution Adopted2/16/2023
SR334CONGRATS-KENWOOD HIGH SCHOOLSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR383SUPPORT UPS TEAMSTERSSReferred to Assignments8/16/2023
SR584PORTILLO'S FOOD DIST. WORKERSSReferred to Assignments11/6/2023
SR891SUPPORT-PROMONTORY POINT PLANSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1055DISC GOLF MONTH/DAYSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
HB1258CHILD LABOR-VARIOUSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB1496CD CORR-DEMOGRAPHIC DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00186/9/2023
HB1612DFPR-DATA ON DENIED APPSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05228/11/2023
HB2132RUST BELT TO GREEN BELT PILOTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB2223JUV CT-JURISDICTION&VENUEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00276/9/2023
HB2248CIVIL RIGHTS REMEDIES RESTOREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01506/30/2023
HB2347JUV CT-COMMITMENT-AGESReferred to Assignments5/15/2023
HB2493VICTIM ECON SECURITY&SAFETYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03147/28/2023
HB2719FAIR PATIENT BILLING-SCREENINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03237/28/2023
HB2826DFPR-BACKGROUND CHECKSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05348/11/2023
HB2862TELEHEALTH-RULES-ACUPUNCTUREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04378/4/2023
HB3026CD CORR-SENTENCE CREDIT-JAILHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03307/28/2023
HB3227DEPT OF LABOR-RECOVERED WAGESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01826/30/2023
HB3563DOIT-AI TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04518/4/2023
HB3740HIGHER ED-INCARCERATED STUDENTSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB4127CD CORR-REENTRY PRGM-REIMBURSESReferred to Assignments5/20/2024
HB4409CRIME REDUCTION-ADULT REDEPLOYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07288/2/2024
HB4828ISOLATED CONFINEMENT RESTRICTSReferred to Assignments5/24/2024
HB5083PUBLIC BENEFITS-MENTAL HEALTHSReferred to Assignments4/17/2024
HB5395NETWORK ADEQUACY-STANDARDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06507/10/2024
Totals   SB: 78   SR: 6   HB: 20   

Plummer, Jason
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB935$DEPT REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1073GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1595VITAL RECORDS-CERTIFICATESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00956/9/2023
SB1596REINSTATE DEATH SENTENCESReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1597HUMAN TRAFFICKINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB1598CRIM CD-DRUG-INDUCED HOMICIDESReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1634LOCAL-COMPENSATION POSTINGSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1759ELEC-POLITICAL COMMITTEE FUNDSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1972CD CORR-DRUG SCREENINGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2254SALARIED BOARD CONFIRMATIONSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2444NO PRIVATE PAY FOR PUBLIC WORKSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2603ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE-EASEMENTSSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2617COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09038/9/2024
SB2887SALARIED BOARD CONFIRMATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3487ELEC-POLITICAL COMMITTEE FUNDSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3494FOREIGN ADVERSARY DIVESTMENTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3495PACIFIC CONFLICT STRESS TESTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3508END ORGAN HARVESTING ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3540REINSTATE DEATH SENTENCESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3541PROCUREMENT PROTECTION ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3542FOREIGN AGENTS REGISTRATIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3543CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3544COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3545CD CORR-DRUG SCREENINGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3546RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY-EMERGENCIESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3623VEH CD-LEGIS/EXEC PLATESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3624LIDAR TECHNOLOGY SECURITYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3656LOCAL-COMPENSATION POSTINGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3728GOV OPERATIONS PROTECTION ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3729UNMANNED AERIAL DRONE SECURITYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3747SECURE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR150MEMORIAL-JC KOWASResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR598CONDEMNS ATTACK ON ISRAELSReferred to Assignments11/9/2023
SR744MEMORIAL-MARK SCHOMAKERSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR771CONDEMNS ATTACK ON ISRAELSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR1282MEMORIAL-MERVIN L. KLEINIKSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR66SGT. LEVI RIDGLEY MEM ROADSReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SJRCA7CON AMEND-BILL PASSAGESReferred to Assignments3/7/2023
HB1076COUNTIES CD-LEASE OF FARMLANDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04158/4/2023
HB1740LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01346/30/2023
HB2996HOSPITAL DIST BD-REIMBURSEMENTSReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HB5138IDOT-STUDIES-LOCAL GOVERNMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06947/19/2024
HJR34LT. WILLIAMS MEM HIGHWWAYHAdopted Both Houses5/24/2023
Totals   SB: 31   SR: 5   SJR: 1   SJRCA: 1   HB: 4   HJR: 3   

Porfirio, Mike
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1415MWRD-VACANCY APPOINTMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1513VEH CD-RAIL NOISE AND DELAYSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1705USE/OCC TX-MILITARYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03847/28/2023
SB1829CHILD CARE-LOCAL GOVT GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2422HIGHER ED-VETERAN GRANT ELIGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2585CRIM CD-PEACE OFFICER-TRAVELSReferred to Assignments5/19/2023
SB2601LANDLORD/TENANT-FLOOD DISCLOSESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07548/2/2024
SB2602LANDLORD/TENANT-FLOOD INSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2665OMA-SERVICE MEMBER ATTENDANCEHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2666MILITARY FUNERAL HONORS LEAVESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2690HIGHER ED-REFUGEE-TRANSCRIPTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09138/9/2024
SB3222STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3223CYBER AUXILIARY FORCESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3240IEMA-OHSSPostponed - Executive11/20/2024
SB3479CONSUMER FRAUD-VETERANSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07838/6/2024
SB3631ILLINOIS COORDINATE SYSTEM ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10298/9/2024
SR797CONGRATS-YOUTH CROSSROADS, INCSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR1161CONGRATS-KENNEDY BLADESSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1284CONGRATS-LADDIE HUTARSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR59US MARINE CORPS HIGHWAYHReferred to Rules Committee5/28/2024
SJR62ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses5/9/2024
HB478LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07918/9/2024
HB925MILITARY SERVICE-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04057/31/2023
HB2288PROC CD-VETERANSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3103ORDER OF PROTECTION-MILITARYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04077/31/2023
HB3722RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02006/30/2023
HB3876VEH CD-TEMP REGISTRATION PLATEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02096/30/2023
HB4426CERT SHORTHAND REPORTERS ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08168/9/2024
HB4757VETS-BENEFITS NOTICE POSTERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08288/9/2024
HB4783MWRD-COMPETITIVE BIDDING LIMITSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4934HUMAN REMAINS-VETERANSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08418/9/2024
HB5543TOWNSHIP CD-POLICE PROTECTIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5627BURIAL TRANSPORT AGREEMENTSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5655HIGHER ED-NATL GUARD/RESERVISTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08718/9/2024
Totals   SB: 16   SR: 3   SJR: 2   HB: 13   

Preston, Willie
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB96PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZESReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB1227INS-ZIP CODE PROHIBITIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1228EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1229EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1293PROP TX-VETERANSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1332CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1333EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1334EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1335HOUSING-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1336REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1337REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1338EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1339BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1340GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1341GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1362EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1707FIRE DEPARTMENT PROMOTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03857/28/2023
SB1822SCH CD-FINANCIAL LITERACY REQSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2218SCH CD-TEACHER DISMISSAL LISTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03987/28/2023
SB2219REVENUE-COMMUNITY DEVELOPSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2408PREVAILING WAGE-CONTRACTORSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2431CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2436CRIM CD-LEWD SEXUAL DISPLAYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2562BUSINESS LOAN PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2567HOLIDAY-1ST DAY OF RAMADANSReferred to Assignments4/25/2023
SB2583$DECO-CHI PARK DIST-OGDEN PARKSReferred to Assignments5/18/2023
SB2584ANNUAL HOSPITAL REPORTSReferred to Assignments5/18/2023
SB2608LAW ENFORCEMENT HIRING-CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/10/2024
SB2612ILLINOIS CURE ACTSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2637PROHIBITED FOOD ADDITIVESHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/10/2024
SB2659INS-COLONOSCOPY COVERAGESReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2724VALUE-ADDED RESELLERSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2729GOVERNMENT CONTRACT RETAINAGESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2842ST AGENCY WEBSITE COOKIESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3440PARENTAL CONSENT SOCIAL MEDIASReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3442HOUSE ILLINOIS FAMILIES ACTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3445CIGAR LOUNGE LIQUOR LICENSESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3642SCH CD-BLACK ENGLISH LANGUAGESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3643VIDEO GAMING-LOCAL SHARESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3744FACILITATING PROSTITUTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3928$DCEO-FOREST PRESERVESReferred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB3972INS CD-STUTTERING COVERAGESReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SB3992BEST CONSUMER PRICE ACTSReferred to Assignments11/19/2024
SR82CONGRATS-ROBERT SMITHSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR128CONGRATS-HOWARD BROOKINS JR.SResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR179CONDEMNS-TN HOUSE ACTIONSSReferred to Assignments4/18/2023
SR233CONGRATS-SIMEON ACADEMYSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR283MEMORIAL-AREANAH PRESTONSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR323CARJACKINGS-LAW ENFORCEMENTSReferred to Assignments5/19/2023
SR491MEMORIAL-CHARLES E. HOBSON SR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR528MEMORIAL-BRENT R.R. HAMLETSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR579CONGRATS-TOM SKILLINGSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR630MEMORIAL-CHONG CHA BARNESSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR715MEMORIAL-ANDREW L. HICKMONSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR1111MEMORIAL-DANNY BARLOWSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1118CONGRATS-ETHELLA WALLSSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1195MEMORIAL-EMIEL HAMBERLIN JR.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1208CONGRATS-DERRICK ROSESReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR1236MEMORIAL-LEILA MAE CLAYSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB42VEH CD-AUTISM AWARENESS DECALSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01126/30/2023
HB297EDUCATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB1032COMMUNITY LIVING-COMPLIANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB1399CRIM CD-LEWD SEXUAL DISPLAYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02837/28/2023
HB2219MWRD-RESOURCE RECOVERYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02997/28/2023
HB2385INS-COLONOSCOPY COVERAGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08008/9/2024
HB3345PRISONER ID RELEASEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03457/28/2023
HB3491PREVAILING WAGE-CONTRACTORSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00486/9/2023
HB3570SCH CD-TEACH EVALUATION DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04528/4/2023
HB3594LEGISLATIVE SALARIES-MONTHLYSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB3702CLEAN JOBS TRAINING PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01986/30/2023
HB3762FIRST DEGREE MURDER-SENTENCINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00516/9/2023
HB4722PRIV PARTY-VEHICLE RELOCATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HJR48JESSE WHITE STATE OF IL BLDG.HAdopted Both Houses5/24/2024
Totals   SB: 43   SR: 16   HB: 13   HJR: 1   

Rezin, Sue
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB77SCH CD-TRUANCY-COVID-19SReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB197HOME HEATING RELIEF ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB276VEH CD-VOLUN FIREFIGHTER PLATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB284MAP GRANT-TEACHER EXTENSIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB288INSURANCE-MEDICAID WAIVER-ACASReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB330INC TX-STANDARD EXEMPTSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB961CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1069GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1071GOVERNMENT-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/19/2023
SB1072GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04097/31/2023
SB1086HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1089HEALTH-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08948/9/2024
SB1096LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1126REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1131REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB1146TIF-CHANNAHONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1152REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1153REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1154REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1239DCEO-DATA CENTER-CRYPTO MININGSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1312CRIM CD-CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTRESReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1398LITHIUM-ION BATTERY DISPOSALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1399EPA-WATER REVOLVING FUNDSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1413PHARMACEUTICALS-SOCIAL MEDIASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB1454DEPT VET AFF-OUTBREAK VISITSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1460COMM INTEREST-ROAD MAINTENANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04868/4/2023
SB1549WIND TURBINE TAKEBACK PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1550PROPERTY-CARBON SEQUESTRATIONSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1788FREEDOM FROM DRONE SURVEILSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2045DNR-MIGRATORY BIRDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2116REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2126REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2289ELECTIONS-VACANCY APPOINTMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2317PROP TX-VETERANSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2318PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2591UTILITY-MODULAR NUCLEAR REACTSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2595COUNTY WIND/SOLAR REGULATIONSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2708INC TX-STANDARD EXEMPTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2709PROP TX-VETERANSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2710PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2711PROP TX-TIF INFO ON BILLSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2712TIF-CITY OF OTTAWASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2717INC TX-EDUCATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2718INC TX-EARLY CHILDHOODSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2837REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2886CONSUMER FRAUD-AUTO LOANSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2901EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2902BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2903BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2908ADULT CHANGING STATION & TABLESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2964CORONER-FENTANYL POISONINGSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2985INSURANCE-MEDICAID WAIVER-ACASReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB3086CRIM CD-CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTRESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3087CRIM CD-GROOMING-HUMAN TRAFFICSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3205REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3206ELECTRONICS-LITHIUM BATTERIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3244PARK DISTRICT CODE-PLAYGROUNDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3334AGE-APPROPRIATE DESIGN CODESReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3337COMM DATES-SOCIAL MEDIA BREAKSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3355CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICESReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3375EPA-WATER REVOLVING FUNDSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3394FOREIGN COUNTRIES CONCERN ACTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3516PERSONAL INFO-BROKER REGISTRYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3517PRIVACY RIGHTS ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3748ENTERPRISE ZONE-SOLAR & WINDSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3933EPA-NOISE-CRYPTO-MININGSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
SB3980DATA CENTERS-FOREIGN OWNERSHIPSReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SR54MEMORIAL-MICHAEL SUTFINSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR249PROTECT MINORS-SOCIAL MEDIASResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR270CONGRATS-DR. JERRY CORCORANSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR517MEMORIAL-SEN. GARY G. DAHLSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR882SOCIAL MEDIA BREAK DAYSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR956RETAIN NAME-STARVED ROCKSReferred to Assignments4/30/2024
SR1157MEMORIAL-ROGER G. BELTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR2SGT. FEEZELL MEMORIAL BRIDGESReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SJR3CPL. LEOPOLD MEMORIAL BRIDGESReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SJR8ENOCH T. HOPKINS MEMORIAL ROADSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
HB1629DNR-MIGRATORY BIRDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00236/9/2023
HB2473VET MED/SURGERY ACT-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-056912/8/2023
HB2995DCFS-FOSTER PAYMENT SCHEDULESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/5/2023
HB4059CHILD CARE-LICENSING PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08058/14/2024
HB4350CHILD ABUSE NOTICE ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08138/9/2024
HJR11SPC TREEST MEMORIAL HWYHAdopted Both Houses5/25/2023
HJR12RALPH E. SNELL MEMORIAL BRIDGESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
Totals   SB: 68   SR: 8   SJR: 3   HB: 5   HJR: 3   

Rose, Chapin
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1030ETHICS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1065CONVEYANCE-MILITARY AFFAIRSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2023
SB1115PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00806/9/2023
SB1125REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1156REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1210TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1211TRANSPORTATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1212TRANSPORTATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00826/9/2023
SB1240PEN CD-SURS-ADVISORY COMMITTEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1242STATE POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENTSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1243PEN CD-SURS-POLICE DISABILITYSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1244USE/OCC TX-FIREWORKSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1309HIGHER ED-ACADEMIC ADVISORSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1310HIGHER ED-STUDENT FREE SPEECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1311EDUC-GROW ILLINOIS GRANT PRGMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1371ROADSIDE MEMORIAL ACTSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1602ROAD DESIGNATION PROGRAM ACTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1603CD CORR-CONTRABAND PENAL INSTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1604BAIL REFORM OPT OUTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1605SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1606ICJIA-FIREARM CRIMESSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1607JUVENILE-VEHICULAR HIJACKINGSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1608CRIM CD-FIREARMS-FELONSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1858FUND THE POLICE ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1859$FUND THE POLICESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1860MUNI-PART-TIME POLICE OFFICERSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1867LET'S START WITH YOU ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1871RELEASE-FIREARM OFFENSESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1889PHARM-DISPENSE PRESCRIPTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02406/30/2023
SB1901REVENUE-BULK SALES NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1902PROP TX-ABATEMENT-RESIDENTIALSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1903INC TAX-MANUFACTURINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1904JOB CREATION PILOT PROGRAM ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1905MUNI-TIF-BLIGHTED HOMESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1906INC TX-ILLINOIS SOURCESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2060CD CORR-AGG BATT PEACE OFFICERSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2061FIREARM CRIME CHARGE&SENTENCESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2063CRIM PRO-CATEGORY A OFFENSESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2064CORRECTIONS-CONTRABAND-BATTERYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2065CRIM CD-FIREARMS PENALTIESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2115REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2151REINSTATE DEATH PENALTYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2182PROPERTY-VOID CONDITIONSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2183LOCAL OFFICERS-MULTIPLE BOARDSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2184CRIM CD&CTY JAIL-CT SECURITYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2248INS-GROUP HEALTH PLAN/VOUCHERSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2330REVENUE-NET LOSSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2331CRIM PRO-RESTORE TO PRIOR LAWSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2618CONSTRUCTION SAFE DETOUR ACTSReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SB32216TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT JUDGESHIPSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3401MEDICAID-PERSONAL NEEDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3402COUNTIES CD/FPD ACT-AMBULANCESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09878/9/2024
SB3403COUNTIES-WIND FACILITY LIGHTSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3404ENERGY-WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3405COUNTIES-PROBLEM-SOLVING COURTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09888/9/2024
SB3430DHFS-MEDICAID-LOOK-BACK PERIODSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09978/9/2024
SB3489INC TX-STATE AND LOCAL DEDUCTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3512TIMBER BUYERS-HARVEST FEESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3513NOTARY PUBLIC-TRAINING EXEMPTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10098/9/2024
SB3580HIGHER ED-ACADEMIC ADVISORSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3581HIGHER ED-REPORT ENROLL DATASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10208/9/2024
SB3582HIGHER ED-RURAL STUDENT-ADMITSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3963CARBON SEQUESTRATION-PROHIBITSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR30MEMORIAL-JOHN FISHEL JR.SResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR41MEMORIAL-KENNETH M. KESLERSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR81MEMORIAL-CHARLOTTE WAXSResolution Adopted2/16/2023
SR175CONGRATS-CHIEF CHAD REEDSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR327MEMORIAL-GLENNA HARRISSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR375MEMORIAL-LADDIE J. STORCKMANSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR457MEMORIAL-DANA RICHARD HALESSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR502CONGRATS-MIKE BASSSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SR529MEMORIAL-JAMES B. JURGENSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR578CONGRATS-MIKE BASSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR631MEMORIAL-LYNDA K. FISHELSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR648MEMORIAL-RUTH K. GORDONSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR649MEMORIAL-PAUL H. RUFFSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR682MEMORIAL-HENRY E. KRAMERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR704MEMORIAL-MARY ALICE KRAMERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR740MEMORIAL-DONNA L. TAMMENSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR741MEMORIAL-MATTHEW HUTTISResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR845MEMORIAL-CLEVELAND PEETE JR.SResolution Adopted3/14/2024
SR1018OHSA-FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDSSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR1086MEMORIAL-BRUCE VOGESSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR16COLLEGE INSURANCE TASK FORCESReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SJR39CONGRESSMAN TIM JOHNSON HWYHReferred to Rules Committee5/23/2023
SJRCA4CON AMEND-TERM LIMITSSReferred to Assignments2/28/2023
HB1920CIVIL LAW-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01366/30/2023
HB2601MEAT INSPECT-CUSTOM BASISHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07268/5/2024
HB2607CRIM PRO-CHILD TESTIMONYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01646/30/2023
HB4972CMS POSTING REQUIREMENTSSReferred to Assignments4/30/2024
HJR25PFC CLOUGH MEMORIAL HGWYSReferred to Assignments5/24/2023
HJR39LT. SOUTHWORTH MEMORIAL HGHYHAdopted Both Houses5/25/2024
HJR41COACH RON FELLING HIGHWAYSReferred to Assignments5/7/2024
HJR50SPC. LAMB MEMORIAL HGHWYHAdopted Both Houses5/25/2024
Totals   SB: 63   SR: 20   SJR: 3   SJRCA: 1   HB: 4   HJR: 4   

Simmons, Mike
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB207LPU-NEWSLETTERS-PRINT MATERIALSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB209$DPH-HIV/AIDSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB648HEALTH-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB727HEALTH-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB863STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee5/24/2024
SB899TRANSPORTATION-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee5/24/2024
SB1282INS-HEALTH BENEFITS COVERAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00846/9/2023
SB1283GENDER-AFFIRMING HEALTH CARESReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1284PROP TX-FLOODINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1444INC TX-DEPENDENT TAX CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1481ELEC CD-PRE-REGISTRATIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1482MEDICAID-INCOME ELIGIBILITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1483ELECTIONS-POST CONVICTION VOTESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1484COOPERATIVE HOUSING FUNDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00896/9/2023
SB1486SNAP BENEFITS-GROSS INCOMESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1708INS-EMPLOYMENT/HEALTH BENEFITSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1709MENTAL HEALTH-STUDENT ACCESSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02226/30/2023
SB1710VEH CD-BICYCLE TRAIL SIGNAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03868/2/2023
SB1811DHS-STATE PLAN-SNAP FRAUDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1812LOCAL BOOK BANNING PROHIBITEDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1864RTA-ZERO-EMISSION BUS CONTRACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1865DCEO-REGIONAL MANUFACTURINGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1892RTA-CONTINUATION OF BENEFITSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02416/30/2023
SB1893LOCAL-EXPENSE DISCLOSURESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2013IHDA-HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02486/30/2023
SB2014IDOT-SAFETY IMPROVEMENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05028/4/2023
SB2015ELECTRIC VEHICLE REBATE-BIKESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2175CRIM PRO-COST ASSESSMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02546/30/2023
SB2176INS-HEALTH BENEFITS/SCREENINGSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2278VEH CD-TRUCK MAX HEIGHT WEIGHTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02586/30/2023
SB2442FAIR PATIENT BILLING-INCOMESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09018/9/2024
SB2839VEH CD-EMISSION TEST STANDARDSSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2840ELEC CD-ACCESS TASK FORCESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2843RTA RAIL SAFETY ANNUAL REPORTSReferred to Assignments1/19/2024
SB2844RTA ACT-REDUCED FARESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2863VEH CD-BIKE TRAIL SIGNSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2990HUMAN RIGHTS-LANDLORD-TENANTSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB3271HUMAN RIGHTS-SOURCE OF INCOMESReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3297HOUSING IS RECOVERY-18SPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09708/9/2024
SB3298MEDICAL DEBT REPORTING-FRAUDSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3299ARTS COUNCIL-ARTS INITIATIVESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3300SENIOR CORPS PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3309VEH CD-BIKE TRAIL SIGNAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3310HUMAN RIGHTS-REMEDIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09738/9/2024
SB3381CENSOR IN CORRECTIONAL FAC ACTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3450SAFE PUBLIC DRINKING WATER ACTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3451RAIL SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06407/1/2024
SB3511SCHOOL-INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3750EVICTION-RIGHT TO COUNSELSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3751EQUITABLE HEALTH OUTCOMES ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10418/9/2024
SB3784SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10498/9/2024
SB3791HUMANE EUTHANASIA AGENCYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3792ALL-GENDER RESTROOMSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3804AGING-FINANCIAL EXPLOITATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3809$DPH-HIV/AIDSSReferred to Assignments2/20/2024
SR48MEMORIAL-RAYMOND NIHLEANSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR294LIVER DISEASE AWARENESS MONTHSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR322THANKS-HARRY OSTERMANSResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR733IL COURTS-LGBTQ+ & HIV EDSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR801RECOGNIZE-IL 7TH SEN. DISTRICTSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SR825LAKE SHORE DRIVE REDESIGNSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR1033RECOGNIZE-IL 7TH SEN. DISTRICTSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SJR64JOHN LEWIS DAYSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
HB814STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPassed Both Houses11/20/2024
HB1293DCFS-EXTENDED FOSTER CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB1591MARRIAGE-PROHIBITIONS-REPEALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00216/9/2023
HB1596CHILDREN-PRONOUNS-REFERENCESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00226/9/2023
HB2131VEH CD-25MPH LIMIT NEAR BIKESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02957/28/2023
HB2297GENDER-INCLUSIVE DATA REPORTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03047/28/2023
HB2464VEH CD-PEDESTRIAN BEACONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01586/30/2023
HB2562PROPERTY-TEMP CONTROL-SENIORSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01616/30/2023
HB2776EPA-NOTICE LEAD PIPE REPLACEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01676/30/2023
HB3158NATURAL ORG REDUCE REG-ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB3414JUV CT&CD CORR-MINOR-PROSECUTEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01916/30/2023
HB3631INS-PBM/INFORMATION DISCLOSUREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04538/4/2023
HB5097HAIR CARE FOR YOUTH IN CAREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08508/9/2024
HB5238MOBILE HOME-WEATHER RADIOHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06977/19/2024
HB5290HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES COUNCILHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06477/2/2024
HB5541SEX OFFENDERS-PROCEDURESSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
Totals   SB: 55   SR: 7   SJR: 1   HB: 16   

Sims, Elgie R.Jr.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB250$FY24 APPROPRIATIONSSItem/Reduction Veto Stands 103-000611/8/2023
SB251$DORSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05896/5/2024
SB1830CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE-PENALTIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1831MEDICAID-COMM MENTAL HEALTHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1832INC TX-R AND D CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1833SCH CD-DIVERSITY IN LITERATURESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1834JUV CT-UNATTENDED MINORSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02336/30/2023
SB1835AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02346/30/2023
SB1836INC TX-RENTAL PAYMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1837PROPERTY DISCLOSURE-SELLER-DEFSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1838$APPROP-AUDITOR GENERAL-FY24SReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1839AUDIT EXPENSE FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1840PARK DIST CD-PUBLIC SAFETYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02356/30/2023
SB1841USE/OCC TX-MANUFACTURED HOMESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1842ENERGY ASSISTANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB1843COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1844CERT OF INNOCENCE-JUVENILESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1845DOIT-ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1846MEDICAID-MC/DD RATE INCREASESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1847KRATOM CONSUMER PROTECTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1848ISP-ISP VEH FUND-SURCHARGESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1849$EMPLOYER TRAINING INVESTMENTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1850CIGARETTE TAX-DISTRIBUTIONHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1851STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1852STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1853REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1854CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1855CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1856STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2121BUSINESS-CREDIT ACCOUNT REPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB2122DOIT-INTERNAL CONTROLSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2196REVENUE-TAXATION OF CANNABISSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2449$FY23 CAPITALSReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2450$FY23 MEMBER INITIATIVESSReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2451$STATE’S ATT APPELLATE PROSECSReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2452$APPROP-STATE TREASURERSReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2453$SUPREME COURTSReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2454$NORMAL BILLSReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2455$STATE APPELLATE DEFENDERSReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2456$SUCSS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2457$SURS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2458$ISAC OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2459$ICCB OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2460$U OF I OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2461$SIU OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2462$NIU OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2463$ISU OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2464$WIU OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2465$NEIU OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2466$GSU OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2467$EIU OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2468$CSU OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2469$BHE OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2470$STATE FIRE MARSHAL OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2471$STATE POLICE MERIT BD OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2472$LABOR RELATIONS BD OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2473$SERS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2474$IEMA OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2475$ISBE OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2476$PTAB OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2477$RACING BD OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2478$PRIS REVIEW BD OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2479$MET PIER & EXP AUTH OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2480$LETSB OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2481$LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2482$GAMING BD OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2483$INDEP TAX TRIBUNAL OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2484$WORKERS COMP COMM OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2485$PROCUREMENT POLICY OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2486$COUNCIL ON DEV DIS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2487$SPORTS FAC AUTH OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2488$ED LABOR OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2489$CJIA OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2490$HUMAN RIGHTS COMM OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2491$GUARDIANSHIP & ADVOCACY OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2492$DPH OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2493$HFS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2494$DMA OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2495$LOTTERY OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2496$DOL LABOR OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2497$DOIT OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2498$DOI OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2499$DHS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2500$EPA OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2501$DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2502$COMMERCE COMMISSION OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2503$CORNER TRAINING BOARD OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2504$CIVIL SERVICE OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2505$CDB OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2506$EXEC ETHICS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2507$EXEC INSP GENERAL OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2508$GOMB OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2509$ALPLM OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2510$IAC OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2511$DVA OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2512$IDOT OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2513$DSP OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2514$DOR OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2515$DES OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2516$DOC OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2517$DJJ OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2518$DNR OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2519$DFPR OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2520$COURTS COMMISSION-OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2521$DHR OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2522$FY23 SUPPLEMENTALSReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2523$DCEO OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2524$DCFS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2525$CMS OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2526$AGRICULTURE OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2527$AGING OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2528$LT GOV OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2529$GOV OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2530$CEI OCESReferred to Assignments2/21/2023
SB2531$LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT AGENCIESSReferred to Assignments2/23/2023
SB2532$FY23 IL POWER OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2023
SB2535YOUTH NON-VIOLENT RESOURCESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2536PARENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB2537CIVIL ACTION-STRAW PURCHASERSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2538$COURT OF CLAIMSSReferred to Assignments3/7/2023
SB2541$APPROP-STATE COMPTROLLERSReferred to Assignments3/7/2023
SB2542$ATTORNEY GENERALSReferred to Assignments3/9/2023
SB2547$OCE-IMSASReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SB2551$ATTORNEY GENERALSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SB2554$SPHCSReferred to Assignments3/24/2023
SB2556$SECRETARY OF STATESReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
SB2557$OCE-SBESReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
SB2565$ICJIA-HEALING BEYOND HARMSReferred to Assignments4/20/2023
SB2566$ICJIA-CREATING HEALINGSReferred to Assignments4/20/2023
SB3469STATE DEPT CUSTOMER FEEDBACKSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3470PRETRIAL SUCCESS-GRANTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3471VEH CD-LOST OR STOLEN PLATESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10058/9/2024
SB3472VEH CD-REDUCING PROFILINGSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3473SCH CD-DIABETES INFORMATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06417/1/2024
SB3474INC TX-TECHNOLOGY CREDITSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3475HOTEL TX-DEPOSITSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06427/1/2024
SB3476USE/OCC TX-MEALSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06437/1/2024
SB3477$AUDITOR GENERAL-FY25SPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3478FINANCE-FUND TRANSFERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB3549BUSINESS-CREDIT ACCOUNT REPORTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3692CONSUMER LOAN-DATABASE FEESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3752REVENUE-MOTOR FUELSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3817$FY25 DCEO-CAPITALSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3818$CAPITAL-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3819$OCE-SBESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3820$SERS-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3821$COURTS COMMISSION-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3822$ATTORNEY GENERALSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3823$SUPREME COURTSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3824$COURT OF CLAIMSSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3825$ILLINOIS POWER AGENCY-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3826$SOS-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3827$OSAD-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3828$TREASURER FY25SReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3829$GOV-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3830$LTGOV-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3831$AGING-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3832$AG-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3833$CMS-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3834$DCFS-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3835$DCEO-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3836$DNR-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3837$DJJ-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3838$DOC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3839$DES-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3840$DFPR-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3841$DHR-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3842$DHS-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3843$DOI-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3844$DOIT-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3845$DOL-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3846$LOTTERY-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3847$DMA OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3848$HFS OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3849$DPH-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3850$DOR-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3851$DSP-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3852$IDOT-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3853$DVA-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3854$IAC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3855$ALPLM-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3856$GOMB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3857$EIG-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3858$EEC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3859$CDB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3860$CSC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3861$CTB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3862$ICC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3863$DHHC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3864$EPA-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3865$CEI-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3866$GAC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3867$HRC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3868$CJIA-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3869$ELRB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3870$SFA-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3871$CDD-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3872$PPB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3873$WCC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3874$ITT-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3875$IGB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3876$LCC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3877$LETSB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3878$MPEA-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3879$PRBOCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3880$IRB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3881$PTAB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3882$ISBE-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3883$IEMA-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3884$SERS-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3885$LRB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3886$SPMB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3887$SFM-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3888$BHE-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3889$CSU-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3890$EIU-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3891$GSU-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3892$NEIU-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3893$WIU-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3894$ISU-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3895$NIU-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3896$SIU-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3897$UOFI-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3898$ICCB-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3899$ISAC-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3900$SURS-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3901$SUCSS-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3902$DECE-OCESReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3903$FY24 SUPPLEMENTALSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3904$STATE’S ATT APPELLATE PROSECSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3908$U OF I-OPERATIONAL EXPENSESSReferred to Assignments2/28/2024
SB3909$JUDICIAL INQUIRY BD-EXPENSESSReferred to Assignments3/5/2024
SB3911$LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT AGENCIESSReferred to Assignments3/7/2024
SB3915$SUPREME CT HISTORIC PRES COMMSReferred to Assignments3/12/2024
SB3918$APPROP-STATE COMPTROLLERSReferred to Assignments3/20/2024
SB3924$DOC-CHOICE PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments4/10/2024
SB3925$DOC-HEALING BEYOND HARMSReferred to Assignments4/10/2024
SR174ALPHA PHI ALPHA DAYSResolution Adopted4/19/2023
SR317MEMORIAL-AREANAH M. PRESTONSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR876MEMORIAL-ANN ETTER JONESSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR877MEMORIAL-RUTH M. CALLAHANSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR878MEMORIAL-JOHN ERNEST MOORESResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR931ALPHA PHI ALPHA DAYSResolution Adopted5/1/2024
SR1223MEMORIAL-DR. CHARLES E. MORRISSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB779STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05853/22/2024
HB1015CRT CLAIMS-UNJUST IMPRISONMENTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
HB1016PRETRIAL DETENTION-INNOCENCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB1519CONSUMER INCOME SHARE ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/5/2023
HB1566AUDIT EXPENSE FUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01296/30/2023
HB2098PROPERTY DISCLOSURE-SELLER-DEFHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04278/4/2023
HB2722ISP-ISP VEH FUND-SURCHARGESReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HB3055PRISONER RELIGIOUS RIGHTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03318/1/2023
HB3140YOUTH CONFINEMENT-RESTRICTIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01786/30/2023
HB3322GANG DATABASES-USE-EVIDENCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01856/30/2023
HB3817FY24 BUDGET IMPLEMENTATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00086/7/2023
HB4621PRETRIAL SERVICESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06027/1/2024
HB4660MECHANICS LIEN-NOTICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08278/9/2024
HB4813DOIT-ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07298/2/2024
HB4959CREATIVE ECONOMY TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05886/5/2024
HB5070JUV CT-SPEEDY TRIAL-DETENTIONSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
Totals   SB: 237   SR: 9   HB: 16   HJR: 1   

Stadelman, Steve
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB119INC TX-HISTORIC PRESERVATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1738STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1739ONLINE DATA PRIVACY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1740RANSOMWARE ATTACK ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1741SEC DEPOSIT-DAMAGE STATEMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02246/30/2023
SB1742ELECT CODE-DEEP FAKE VIDEOSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1743REVENUE-DOWNTOWNS CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2043EPA-ELECTRIC TRUCK VOUCHERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2150CD CORR-PARDON PETITIONSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2266VEH CD-AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENTSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2267VEH CD-TRAFFIC CAMERASSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2440DHFS-MEDICALLY TAILORED MEALSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2634VEH CD-ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUSESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2683STALKING NO CONTACT-TRACKINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07608/2/2024
SB2762ELEC CD-AI ADVERT DISCLOSURESReferred to Assignments1/16/2024
SB2775PEN CD-IMRF-RETURN TO SERVICESReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2932ELEC CD-ELEC WORKER HARASSMENTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2933MEDICAL DEBT REPORTING-FRAUDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06487/2/2024
SB2934CRIM CD-HAZING-CONSENT NO DEFNSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07658/2/2024
SB2935MOBILE HOME-RIGHT REFUSALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07668/2/2024
SB2937PROCUREMENT-JOINT PURCHASESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3105EMPLOYEES-SUBCUTANEOUS IMPLANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3133EDUCATION SAVINGS PROGRAMSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07788/2/2024
SB3148VOLUNTARY DO NOT SELL FIREARMSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3149FIREARM HOLD AGREEMENT ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3150PROP TX-FLOOD HAZARDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3151SCH CD-DRIVER ED-WORKER SAFETYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09448/9/2024
SB3154AFFORDABLE DRUG MANUFACTURINGSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3242PERSONNEL-NO BACH DEGREE REQSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3326PROP TX-INDEMNITY FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3485CONSUMER FRAUD-FEE DISCLOSURESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3590$PUBLIC RADIO TVSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3591JOURNALISM PRESERVATION ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3592STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY MEDIASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10218/9/2024
SB3632TICKET SALE-FEE TRANSPARENCYSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3677HIGH SPEED RAIL STOCK FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3678TICKET SALES-DISCLOSURESHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3766COUNTIES CODE-NOISE POLLUTIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3796HIB-NEW BATTERY ENERGY STORAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3953LOCAL JOURNALISM ACTSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
SR227CONGRATS-TERRY MCGOLDRICKSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR262MEMORIAL-LINDA MCNEELYSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR271MEMORIAL-THEOPHELO QUINONEZSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR332CONGRATS-STANLEY CAMPBELLSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR645CONGRATS-ROCKFORD DANCE CO.SResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR646MEMORIAL-LINDA MCNEELYSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR786CONGRATS-BECKY COOK KENDALLSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR787CONGRATS-SHELTON KAYSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR818CONGRATS-VICTORY BELLSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
HB1236COUNTIES-COMPETITIVE BIDDINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00146/9/2023
HB3445IL POWER AG-PUBLIC SCHOOLHBill Dead - No Positive Action Taken - Amendatory Veto11/8/2023
HB3792PREVAILING WAGE-LIGHT POLESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03597/28/2023
HB4118UTIL-TERMINATION GRACE PERIODHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06617/19/2024
HB4169VEH CD-NAVY CLUB LICENSE PLATEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06647/19/2024
HB4170VEH CD-IBEW SPECIAL PLATESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06657/19/2024
HB4271BLOOD TYPING-17 YEARS OF AGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06697/19/2024
HB4498MHDD CD-NOTICE DISCHARGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06747/19/2024
HB4634REPEAL TELEPHONE ASSIST PROGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08268/9/2024
HB4751UTIL-CARBON-FREE SCHOOL REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06847/19/2024
HB5005EDUCATION SAVINGS PROGRAMSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05956/26/2024
HB5349HIGH SPEED RAIL STOCK FUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07077/19/2024
HB5412REV AND MICRO-REPORTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07127/19/2024
HJR13LEP-HEALTH CARE TASK FORCEHAdopted Both Houses5/19/2023
HJR29ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses4/20/2023
Totals   SB: 40   SR: 9   HB: 13   HJR: 2   

Stoller, Win
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB84GAMING-DELINQUENT STATE CLAIMSSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB131PEN CD-GARS-LIMIT MEMBERSHIPSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB138PUBLIC HOSPITAL-INVESTMENTSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB189INC TAX-NET INCOMESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB322FIREFIGHTER/EMS-NO VEH REG FEESReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1067GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00786/9/2023
SB1116PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1127REGULATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00816/9/2023
SB1147REVENUE-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB1149REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1237PROPERTY TX-ABATEMENTSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1406FRANCHISE TAX-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1427PEN CD-SERS-LAID OFF EMPLOYEESSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1584USE/OCC TX-MULTISTATESReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1898ENTERPRISE ZONE-SOLAR & WINDSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2047INC TX-PASS THROUGHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03967/28/2023
SB2713TIF-CITY OF PROPHETSTOWNSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2802PEN CD-SERS-LAID OFF EMPLOYEESSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2941PUBLIC HOSPITAL-INVESTMENTSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2973PROPERTY TX-ABATEMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3109PEN CD-GARS-LIMIT MEMBERSHIPSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3126GAMING-DELINQUENT STATE CLAIMSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3127USE/OCC TX-MULTISTATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3152INC TX-SMALL BUSINESS ACCTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3488FRANCHISE TAX-REPEALSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR24OWEN LOVEJOY HOMESTEAD-IDOTSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SR50URGES-SUPPORT RAILS-TO-TRAILSSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR67CONGRATS-RICHARD WHITESResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR68CONGRATS-SGT. SHAWN CURRYSResolution Adopted3/10/2023
SR134REMAN DAY 2023SReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SR415RECOGNIZE-MIDWEST FOOD BANKSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR1003TREASURER-INVESTMENT DECISIONSSReferred to Assignments5/20/2024
SR1300CONGRATS-IPOPIFSReferred to Assignments11/19/2024
SJR18URGES-SUPPORT RAILS-TO-TRAILSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
HB2274SPEECH/LANG ASSIST-FIELD WORKHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03027/28/2023
HB2963DIXON PARK DIST-SOLAR PANELSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01736/30/2023
HB4139PEN CD-IMRF-DISABILITY BENEFITSReferred to Assignments4/18/2024
Totals   SB: 25   SR: 8   SJR: 1   HB: 3   

Syverson, Dave
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB48MEDICAID-TELEHEALTH SERVICESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB143PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB951CIVIL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08928/9/2024
SB1959PUBLIC OFFICIAL-CONTINUING EDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2907JOB TRAINING TRANSPARENCYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09288/9/2024
SB2951PUBLIC OFFICIAL-CONTINUING EDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2962REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2963REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB3072MENTAL HEALTH TRANSPARENCYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3248PROTECTS VOICE & IMAGESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3278INS CD-DENTAL PREAUTHORIZATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3302LIQUOR-SELL IN GOVT BUILDINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09718/9/2024
SB3658REAL ESTATE ILLEGAL POSSESSIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3659LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3721DENTAL CARE-ELECTRONIC BILLINGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3951REAL ESTATE ILLEGAL POSSESSIONSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
SR166MEMORIAL-THERESE ANLAUFSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR238CONGRATS-DAVE MARSHSReferred to Assignments5/2/2023
SR464METASTATIC BREAST CANCER DAYSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SR725RECOGNIZE-DAVE RYDELLSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR795CONGRATS-LIONS OF ILLINOISSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR870CONGRATS-A. HENDERSHOTT LOVESResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR934CONGRATS-JANET B. ANDERSONSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1189METASTATIC BREAST CANCER DAYSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
HB1742LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06547/19/2024
HB2156SCH CD-SAFE2HELP HELPLINEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01436/30/2023
HB4789INS CD-DENTAL PREAUTHORIZATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08328/9/2024
HB5000ASSISTED LIVING CATHETER CAREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08448/9/2024
HB5317DENTAL CARE-ELECTRONIC BILLINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07057/19/2024
Totals   SB: 16   SR: 8   HB: 5   

Toro, Natalie
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB1796DHS-CHILD CARE-INCOME LEVELSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2040HIGHER ED-MINORITY TEACHERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2604PROTECTIVE ORDERS-NOTICESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2605PROTECTIVE ORDERS-NOTICESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2616UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION-FAMILYSReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SB2619$STATE POLICE ENFORCEMENTSReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SB2623INS CD-FERTILITY PRESERVATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2624INC TX-RENTAL PAYMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2776HIGHER ED-MINORITY TEACHERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2777PROPERTY-GENDER NEUTRALSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2845PROP TX-LONG-TIME OCCUPANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2926LAW ENFORCEMENT-MENTAL HEALTHSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2927IHDA-HOMEOWNERSHIP PROGRAMSSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2928SECOND CHANCE STATE EDUCATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2929CRIM-INTIMIDATION-IMMIGRATIONSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB3201POLICE TRAINING-AUTISMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09498/9/2024
SB3202BIKEWAY ACT-TRANSPORT PLANSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09508/9/2024
SB3296FUND IMMIGRANT-WORK PERMITSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3484RENT CONTROL PREEMPTION ACTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3528$ENDOCRINOLOGISTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SR650MEMORIAL-ANDREW B. PRICESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
HB2161UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION-FAMILYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07978/9/2024
Totals   SB: 20   SR: 1   HB: 1   

Tracy, Jil
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB50INC TX-FIRE-EMS WORKERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB80PREJUDGMENT INTEREST-REDUCTIONSReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB81CRIM CD-BED BUGS-NUISANCESReferred to Assignments1/20/2023
SB91UNIV OF IL-VETERAN SCHOLARSHIPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB93HIGHER ED-MONETARY AWARD PROGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB128ETHICS-EXECUTIVE OFFICIALSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB140ESTATE TAX-REPEALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB141INC TX-RECYCLING PROGRAMSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB142PROP TX-ATTACHED PROPERTYSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB162TIF-JACKSONVILLESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB168INC TX-CHILD CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB208CIV PRO-INSTRUCTION-LIABILITYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB230CIV PRO-TESTIMONY RELIABILITYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB231CIV PRO-VENUE CORPORATIONSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB232CIV PRO-CLASS ACTIONSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB233CIV PRO-PRODUCT LIABILITYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB234FULL&FAIR NONECONOMIC DAMAGESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB235TRANSPARENCY LAWSUITS PROTECTSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB237ETHICS-PARTISAN APPOINTEESSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB239PUNITIVE DAMAGES-LEGAL MALPRACSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB245VEH CD-LICENSE EXAM AGESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB329TAX COMPLIANCE FUND-TRANSFERSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB995EDUCATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB1070GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1087HEALTH-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08938/9/2024
SB1151REVENUE-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB1173STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1245INVEST IN KIDS-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB1271EVICT-EXEC ORDER-DISASTER AREASReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1272ELEC CD-VOTE BY MAIL TRACKERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1285PEN CD-TRS-SUBSTITUTE TEACHERSSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1286EDUC-MENSTRUAL HYGIENE PRODUCTSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1358EPA-COMPOSTING FACILITYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1377VETS-MENTAL HLTH CASE MANAGERSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1378IHDA-TAX CREDITS-VET HOUSINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB1416CRIM CD-AGG ASSAULT&BATTERYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB1417THEFT&EXPLOIT-ELDERLY&DISABLEDSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1418CRIM CD-WEAPONS IN VEHICLESSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1419JUV CT-VEH&AGG VEH HIJACKINGSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1465ELEC CD-VOTE BY MAIL NOTICESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1528PEN CD-TRS-RE-EMPLOYMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1529SCH-EDUC LICENSE & EVALUATIONSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1546EPA-GREENHOUSE GASESSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1547ENERGY-GENERATION TASK FORCESReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1548DCEO-BUSINESS ASSIST REFORMSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1620AGING-MANDATED REPORTERSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1621HEALTH CARE VIOLENCE-ASSAULTSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1622CRIM CD-AGG ASSAULT&BATTERYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1655COUNSELING COMPACT ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB1745WILDLIFE CD-NUISANCE ANIMALSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02256/30/2023
SB1798SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION GRANTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2036TOBACCO PRODUCTS-RATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2149INVEST IN KIDS-SUNSETSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2265SCH CD-RECRUITMENT & RETENTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2322ESSENTIAL SUPPORT PERSON ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02616/30/2023
SB2389SCHOOL-EMPLOYEES-FIREARMSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2630ESTATE TAX-EXCLUSION AMOUNTSReferred to Assignments10/26/2023
SB2648USE TAX-MILITARY-VEHICLESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB2669AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT REPAIRSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2771SCH CD-NONPUBLIC STUDENT-SPORTSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2805PROTECTIVE ORD-PETITIONER NAMESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2806POLICE TRAINING-CANDIDATESSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2807JUV CT-VEH&AGG VEH HIJACKINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2808CRIM CD-RECKLESS HOMICIDESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2809CD CORR-1ST DEG MUR-SHAKEN BABSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2817LOBBYIST-OFFERS/PROMISESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2874SCH-MENSTRUAL HYGIENE PRODUCTSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2888CIV PRO-CLASS ACTIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2889CIV PRO-PRODUCT LIABILITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2890FULL & FAIR NONECONOMIC DAMAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2891TRANSPARENCY LAWSUITS PROTECTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2946PUNITIVE DAMAGES-LEGAL MALPRACSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2947CIV PRO-INSTRUCTION-LIABILITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2948CIV PRO-TESTIMONY RELIABILITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2949PREJUDGMENT INTEREST-REDUCTIONSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2950VETS-MENTAL HLTH CASE MANAGERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2969EPA-GREENHOUSE GASESSReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2970ENERGY-GENERATION TASK FORCESReferred to Assignments1/31/2024
SB2974PROP TX-ATTACHED PROPERTYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2994TOBACCO PRODUCTS-RATESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2998INC TX-RECYCLING PROGRAMSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3085THEFT&EXPLOIT-ELDERLY&DISABLEDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3104INC TX-CHILD CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3106ETHICS-PARTISAN APPOINTEESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3107CRIM CD-AGG ASSAULT-BATTERYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3124CRIM CD-AGG ASSAULT&BATTERYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3207CHILD CARE-DAY CARE CENTERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09528/9/2024
SB3267EPA-COMPOSTING FACILITYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3595CIV PRO-VENUE CORPORATIONSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3676RIVER EDGE REDEVELOP-QUINCYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3724TIF-JACKSONVILLESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3977AUDIT-IPA RENEWABLESReferred to Assignments11/6/2024
SR12MEMORIAL-ENOCH "NICK" SCULLSResolution Adopted1/25/2023
SR17MEMORIAL-MICHAEL SMITHSResolution Adopted1/25/2023
SR42MEMORIAL-LARRY EHMENSResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR86MEMORIAL-ROGER FOILESSResolution Adopted2/23/2023
SR210MEMORIAL-LESLEY VAN NESSSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR267RECOGNIZE-MOTHER'S DAYSReferred to Assignments5/8/2023
SR268TITLE IX ACCOMPLISHMENTSSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR335CONGRATS-KNAPHEIDE MFG.SResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR349MEMORIAL-LARRY LEWISSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR376MEMORIAL-ROY ROBERTSSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR387MEMORIAL-LARRY WERRIESSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR574CONGRATS-SPRINGFIELD DIOCESESReferred to Assignments11/3/2023
SR640CONGRATS-CAMP POINT CENTRAL HSSResolution Adopted3/7/2024
SR671MEMORIAL-HENRY BERNARD GEISESResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR672MEMORIAL-JEFFREY GEORGE SPEARSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR707MEMORIAL-DEBBIE DUNCAN REEDSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR716FDA-APPROVE CAT FIP TREATMENTSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR780CONGRATS-BROWN CTY M.S. BBALLSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR886CONGRATS-W CENTRAL CO-OP BBALLSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR935MEMORIAL-ETHAN H. MAHONEYSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR1037CONGRATS-JMS BOYS TRACK TEAMSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1120MEMORIAL-PATRICK W. BRANNANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1121MEMORIAL-DENNIS GORMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1124MEMORIAL-ROBERT E. CHIPMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1213MEMORIAL-DANIEL J. NUESSENSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1249MEMORIAL-JOHN W. SHEPPARDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1264CONGRATS-T. BERGSCHNEIDERSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1297MEMORIAL-C. TOM MARXSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SR1306MEMORIAL-THOMAS L. TRACYSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR1QUINCY-VETERANS CITYSReferred to Assignments1/12/2023
SJR6529 COLLEGE SAVINGS DAYHResolution Adopted5/3/2024
SJR15PFC POWERS MEMORIAL HIGHWAYSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SJR19LANDON EQUESTRIAN CAMPSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
HB1156LONG TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN INFOHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01196/30/2023
HB2858ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03297/28/2023
HB2972RESCUE SQUAD DISTRICTS-FEESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01746/30/2023
HB3409PROBATE-CONTEST OF WILLSSReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
Totals   SB: 92   SR: 29   SJR: 4   HB: 4   

Turner, Doris
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB106PROCUREMENT-MINER LANDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB115PUBLIC DEFENDER SALARY PARITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB212SFM-FIRE-RESISTANT MATERIALSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB227CMS-FACILITY LEASESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB331HIGHER ED-PAY DURING CLOSURESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07498/2/2024
SB349AGRITOURISM LIABILITY ACTSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB763REGULATION-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB856STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08888/9/2024
SB896TRANSPORTATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03747/28/2023
SB914WILDLIFE-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB1248TRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1249USE/OCC TAX-POWER GENERATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1250SFM-FIRE-RESISTANT MATERIALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03777/28/2023
SB1306EMS SYSTEMS-BODY & DASH CAMERASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1374AGING-CCP-HOME SERVICESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1552CHILD CARE-CHILD DEFINITIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1582PEN CD-TRANSFER-ART 3 TO IMRFSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1756INS-INSULIN COPAY/MAXIMUM COSTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1779MEDICATION AIDE PROGRAMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08988/9/2024
SB1818ILLINOIS FLAG COMMISSIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05138/7/2023
SB2009MEDICATION AIDE PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2010CRIM CD-AGG BAT-DCFS WORKERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2011AGRICULTUR/NAT RESOURCE LEGACYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2012IL POWER AG-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2092REVENUE-REIMBURSEMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2093DISEASED ANIMALS-PROHIBITIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2094HORSE RACE-STANDARDBREDSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2095STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2096AGRICULTURE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2097AGRICULTURE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2131COUNTY CLERK/RECORDER SALARIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2132SCH CD-FFH/4H ABSENCESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2162PENCD-SERS-ALTERNATIVE FORMULASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2242STATE COMPTROLLER-STATE FAIRSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2338GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2339CAIRO DEVELOPMENT AUTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2340VEH CD-SCHOOL BUS EXTENDED ARMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04047/28/2023
SB2406COMPTROLLER ADMINISTRATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02666/30/2023
SB2545$AGING-FAMILY CAREGIVER ACTSReferred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2569FIRE DIST/HAZMAT RESPONSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2578DHFS-LIVE-IN CAREGIVER WAIVERHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2598$GRAIN INSURANCE RESERVE FUNDSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2599$DCEO-SPRINGFIELD-PICKLEBALLSReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SB2622MUNI CD-EMPLOYEE RESIDENCYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2632DNR-COMMERCIAL SOLAR ENERGYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2643INTEGRITY IN DEATH CARE ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09078/9/2024
SB2657MENTAL HLTH/DISABIL-RECORDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2725STATE COMPTROLLER-STATE FAIRSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2764AUTO CONTRACT RENEWAL-NOTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09198/9/2024
SB2779CNTY-BD-CERTIFIED PATHOLOGISTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09228/9/2024
SB2846PROCUREMENT-REQUEST FOR INFOSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2871UNDERGROUND CO2 STORAGE-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2945NURSING HOME-DISCHARGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2975DECATUR WELCOME HOME REENTRYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2976HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07688/2/2024
SB3134EMS-STATEWIDE SUSPENSIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07798/2/2024
SB3215HIGHR ED-STUDENT TEACH STIPENDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3216LIQUOR-STATE TREASURERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09568/9/2024
SB3218PENCD-TRS-NONPUBLIC SPECIAL EDSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3219GROCERY INITIATIVE-GRANTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09578/9/2024
SB3256NURSING HOME-DISCHARGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3257CRISIS NURSERY GRANT PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3276$BD HIGHER ED-STUDENT TEACHERSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3356CEJA-EQUITY ELIGIBLE COMMUNITYSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3427INC TX-AGRITOURISMSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3428$RTE 66 CENTENNIAL COMMISSIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3524CERTIFIED MEDICATION AIDESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3525CERT MEDICATION AIDE PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3526HIGHER ED-SUCSS-BARGAININGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3627PEN CD-TIER 2-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3628PEN CD-TIER 2-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3690SCH CD-RECRUITMENT & RETENTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3691AGING-FAMILY CAREGIVERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10358/9/2024
SB3813DCFS-CASEWORKER PROTECTIONSSReferred to Assignments2/20/2024
SB3919$AGING-CAREGIVER SERVICESSReferred to Assignments4/9/2024
SB3952AGING-CARE COORDINATION UNITSSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
SR1SENATE-ELECT OFFICERSSResolution Adopted; 058-000-0001/11/2023
SR16MEMORIAL-POLETHA WEBSTERSResolution Adopted1/25/2023
SR149MEMORIAL-DOROTHY JOHNSONSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR157MEMORIAL-MACARTHUR FRAGIERSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR158MEMORIAL-GEORGE WARFIELD JR.SResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR159MEMORIAL-TERRENCE HURSTSResolution Adopted3/31/2023
SR192CONGRATS-DR. WILLIAM D. ROSSERSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR195MEMORIAL-ELIZABETH MCDANIELSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR206MEMORIAL-LYNN A. LEACHSResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR220BLACK FARMERS WEEKSReferred to Assignments4/26/2023
SR242MEMORIAL-MARCUS L. LUCASSResolution Adopted5/5/2023
SR266BLACK FARMERS-ILLINOISSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR284MEMORIAL-BARBARA METZ-SCHWASSSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR309CONGRATS-ANDRE IGUODALASResolution Adopted5/26/2023
SR553CONGRATS-SIU CARBONDALESResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR567MEMORIAL-CORINNE M. STOCKSSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR576MEMORIAL-RALPH S. HURWITZSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR588MEMORIAL-GREGORY WAYNE SMALLSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR597MEMORIAL-LISA M. STANLEYSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR647MEMORIAL-GABRIEL C. CHIAROSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR714MEMORIAL-JOHN P. CROKE SR.SResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR745MEMORIAL-IDA M. RUMMANSSResolution Adopted2/8/2024
SR850CONGRATS-GREATER SPFD C.O.C.SResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR860CONGRATS-JOHN C. ELLIS LDG #17SResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR871MEMORIAL-NORMAN GRANT JR.SResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR894MEMORIAL-DIANE BONDSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR897SUPPORT-JOBS JUSTICE-INVOLVEDSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR906CONGRATS-SPFD CERAMICS & CRAFTSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR915CONGRATS-AGENCIES ON AGINGSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR916MEMORIAL-MICHAEL G. NICKOLSSResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR979MEMORIAL-DAVID N. ANDERSONSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR990MEMORIAL-KEYON M. DAYSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SR1013CONGRATS-WMS RELAY TEAMSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1051MEMORIAL-PASTOR WENDELL DAYSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1085MEMORIAL-HOWARD R. VEAL SR.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1119MEMORIAL-BETTY A. MAGUIRESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1235MEMORIAL-WANDA BERNOTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1277MEMORIAL-LINDA S. WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1278MEMORIAL-VIRGINIA L. HAMILTONSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB2516HIGHER ED-FACULTY MEMBERSSReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
HB2518USE/OCC TX-AIRCRAFTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03157/28/2023
HB2582VEH CD-TEST EXEMPTION UNDER 18HPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01626/30/2023
HB3087DISEASED ANIMALS-PROHIBITIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01767/4/2023
HB3627SOIL HEALTH WEEKSReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HB3744CMS-STATE WORKFORCE REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04578/4/2023
HB3814SCH CD-FFA/4H ABSENCESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05608/14/2023
HB3892IHDA-DCEO-URBAN GARDENSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04598/4/2023
HB4209DNR-COMMERCIAL SOLAR ENERGYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4439ST AGENCY WEBSITE COOKIESHRule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee6/29/2024
HB4566BUSINESS DIVERSITY TASK FORCESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4955SCH CD-STATE ASSESSMENTSSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5079HIGHER ED-SUCSS-BARGAININGSReferred to Assignments4/17/2024
HB5095NURSING HOME-DISCHARGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06917/22/2024
HJR6HEIRS' PROPERTY TASK FORCEHAdopted Both Houses5/19/2023
HJR22JAMES L. EASTERLY BUILDINGHAdopted Both Houses5/19/2023
Totals   SB: 76   SR: 40   HB: 14   HJR: 2   

Turner, Sally J.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB73CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES-FENTANYLSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB144ELEC CD-FAILURE TO DISCLOSESReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB145RAFFLES-POLITICAL COMMITTEESSReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB277VEH CD–INTERSECTION SAFETYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB278VEH CD-VEHICLE LIGHT-NO GLARESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB279VEH CD–SCHOOL SPEED LIMITSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB1010ELECTIONS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB1128REGULATION-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1270ELECTION CODE-VARIOUSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1376HOUSING-HOMELESS VETS & FAMILYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00866/9/2023
SB1397LOCAL GOV BONDS-ORDINANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1436FOID-MILITARY OUT OF STATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1471AUTONOMOUS VEH REQUIREMENTSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1487SCH CD-EDUCATOR LICENSE-ENDORSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1777DEPT OF MANUFACTURING ACT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1778GA-LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAININGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1809EDGE-TRANSFER CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2044TICKBORNE DISEASE PREVENTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2205OPIOID LITIGATION PROCEEDSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2249ELEC AUTHORITY-PRIVATE FUNDINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2597VETS-TINY HOMES-EV EXEMPTIONHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2667VEH CD-YOUTH TENNIS DECALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09118/9/2024
SB2668PROHIBITED PROP OWNERSHIPSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2728ELEC CD-NONGOVERNMENTAL FUNDSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2838HIGHER ED-DUAL CREDIT COURSESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2892COUNTIES-WIND & SOLAR ENERGYSReferred to Assignments1/24/2024
SB2999GA-LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAININGSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3119FOID-MILITARY OUT OF STATESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3120CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES-FENTANYLSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3634SCH CD-SUB TEACHING LICENSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3958PEN CD-FIRE INVESTIGATORSReferred to Assignments5/24/2024
SB3989HIGHER ED-MEDICAL EDUC GRANTSReferred to Assignments11/12/2024
SR25MEMORIAL-LARRY PEASLEYSResolution Adopted1/25/2023
SR132MEMORIAL-OFFICER R. RAWLINSSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR282MEMORIAL-JOHN W. COMERIOSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR416MEMORIAL-LYNN LAUGHLINSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR449MEMORIAL-LCPL. EVAN BROWNSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR661MEMORIAL-HELEN J. KAISERSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR1056MEMORIAL-JOSEPH S. SCHALERSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR11PFC KICK MEMORIAL BRIDGESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SJR56AGENT BENSYL MEMORIAL HIGHWAYSReferred to Assignments4/17/2024
HB1213HIGHER ED-DUAL CREDIT COURSESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3109MED-MENTAL HEALTH QUESTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04428/4/2023
HB3203PREVENT FENTANYL EXPOSUREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03367/28/2023
HB4993VITAL RECORDS-DEATH NOTICEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07418/2/2024
Totals   SB: 32   SR: 7   SJR: 2   HB: 4   

Ventura, Rachel
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB125VEH CD-CANNABIS IN VEHICLESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB151EPA-GASIFICATION FACILITYSReferred to Assignments1/25/2023
SB371BUSINESS-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB381CIVIL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08748/9/2024
SB422CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00716/9/2023
SB497ELECTIONS-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee5/24/2024
SB664HUMAN RIGHTS-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
SB851STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04838/4/2023
SB1279ACCOMMODATIONS-PRIVATE CLUBSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1280SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/3/2023
SB1281CONSUMER FRAUD-MAIL DISCLOSURESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1342LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1437DCEO-OFFICE OF BROADBANDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB1438ILLINOIS DIG ONCE ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03787/28/2023
SB1440CONSUMER FRAUD-MAIL DISCLOSURESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00876/9/2023
SB1441CIVIL RIGHTS-REAL ESTATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB1472NONCITIZENS RIGHTS ACTSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1473SCH CD-STATE ADMINISTRATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1474POWER AG-LOW-INCOME HYDRO PROGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03807/28/2023
SB1649ID CARD REQUIREMENTSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1650VEH CD-DRIVERS LICENSE REQSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1651TWP CD-DISCONTINUANCE MEETINGSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1652ELECTIONS-NOMINATIONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1653HWY CD-UNDERPASS HAZARD BARSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00996/9/2023
SB1767CARGO TRANSPORTATION TAXSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB1768MUNI CD-ELECTED POLICE CHIEFSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1769GOVT ZERO EMISSION VEHICLESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-058112/8/2023
SB1770REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1920ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY BAN ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1921ACCESS TO PUBLIC SERVICESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1922TOWNSHIP INSPECTOR GENERALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2127IL CLEAN ELECTIONS ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2128CD CORR-DIGITAL RECORDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2348SCH CD-YOGA/RELAX INSTRUCTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2349SCH CD-GRANTS-CULT/ADVSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2350SCH CD-TEACHER PAYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2351FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAXSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2352PROCUREMENT-PROHIBITED SOURCESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2353CONTROLLED SUB-PSILOCYBINSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2354SCIENCE IN ELE SCH TASK FORCESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB2355TRUTH & TOLERANCE COMMISSIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2357FORESTS-WETLANDS-PRAIRIESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB2358SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2359PRIVACY FROM GOVT INTRUSIONSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2360JUDICIAL CAMPAIGN REFORMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2361JUVENILE DETENTION CENTERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2362INS-VISION/HEARING/DENTALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2363ELEC CD-PRIMARY/RANKED CHOICESReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2409CHIEF AND DEPUTY EEO OFFICERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2571$DNR-HEALTHY FORESTS-PRAIRIESSReferred to Assignments5/2/2023
SB2600MEDICAL PATIENTS RIGHTS-FEESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2620CONSUMER FRAUD-MAIL DISCLOSURESReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SB2627SCH CD-MINIMUM TEACHER SALARYSReferred to Assignments10/25/2023
SB2651COUNTIES-PRESERVE LANDMARKSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2670COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH BOARDSReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2750LEGISLATIVE PRINTING-COLORSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2780PROP TX-COUNTY EXECUTIVESReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2781FORESTS-WETLANDS-PRAIRIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09238/9/2024
SB2782$DNR-HEALTHY FORESTS-PRAIRIESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2783CD CORR-AGG FACTORS-SENTENCESReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2784CARGO TRANSPORT FEE ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2813COUNTIES CD-BOARD COMPENSATIONSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2818HUMAN RIGHTS-CONVICTIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2872SCH CD-RELAXATION ACTIVITIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07648/2/2024
SB2911PROP TX-TIF INCENTIVESHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB2912INC TX-HOUSING DEVELOPMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3090CNTY&JUV DETENTION CENTERSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3217HOSPITAL LICENSING-FINESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3293HEALTH CARE CRIMINAL WAIVERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB3483EPA-LOCAL GOV EV GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB3597COUNTIES CD-BORROWING MONEYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10238/9/2024
SB3695ILLINOIS CURE ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SR20MEMORIAL-ROBERT A. KADARSResolution Adopted1/25/2023
SR21MEMORIAL-MARY STACELSResolution Adopted1/25/2023
SR39MEMORIAL-THERESA JERITSKISResolution Adopted2/8/2023
SR143MEMORIAL-JUDITH "JUDY" MARTINSResolution Adopted3/24/2023
SR208MEMORIAL-PAUL SCHNEIDER SR.SResolution Adopted4/20/2023
SR292MEMORIAL-LAWRENCE LOTTINOSResolution Adopted5/11/2023
SR352MEMORIAL-JOHN KONOPEK SR.SResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR412MEMORIAL-RUBY LOFTONSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR476MEMORIAL-DEBORAH JERISHASResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR490DAY OF PEACESReferred to Assignments10/18/2023
SR537MEMORIAL-PAUL LEROY BRUMBAUGHSResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR577MEMORIAL-JAMES "JIM" PICEKSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR629MEMORIAL-GEORGE J. MUSHRO JR.SResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR642MEMORIAL-MARYANN WHITNEYSResolution Adopted1/17/2024
SR770RACE AMITY DAYSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR884MEMORIAL-DAVID R. MARCOSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR885MEMORIAL-MARY BABICHSResolution Adopted4/12/2024
SR895WORKERS' MEMORIAL DAY 2024SResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR896PROVIDER APPRECIATION DAYSResolution Adopted5/9/2024
SR929MEMORIAL-JAMES J. LOUCH SR.SResolution Adopted4/18/2024
SR1062MEMORIAL-JAMES H. REIBELSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1117MEMORIAL-SANDRA ROGERS, PH.D.SResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1136MEMORIAL-ANGEL D. ARIASSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1139MEMORIAL-MARILYN A. MCGUIRESResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1192MEMORIAL-REP. BRENT A. HASSERTSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1206MEMORIAL-STEPHANIE G. WOODSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1299MEMORIAL-JOHN F. ANDERSONSResolution Adopted11/21/2024
HB2542PREVETERINARY EMERGENCY CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/5/2023
HB2569SOLID WASTE-COMPOST PRODUCTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/5/2023
HB2875THERMAL ENERGY NETWORKSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/26/2023
HB3253CRIM PRO-DECEPTIVE TACTICSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03417/28/2023
HB3708FINANCIALLY DISTRESSED CITIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3779CD CORR-NOTICE WORK RELEASEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03587/28/2023
HB3849FOOD LABEL-STANDARDIZATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02086/30/2023
HB4206LANDLORD/TENANT-ADDITIONAL FEEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08098/9/2024
HB4581SCH CD-SPEC ED-RESIDENT DISTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06767/19/2024
HB5396CD CORR-MED RELEASE-HEARINGSSReferred to Assignments4/18/2024
Totals   SB: 72   SR: 27   HB: 10   

Villa, Karina
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB98SCH CD-SCH BD-LGBTQ+ TRAININGSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB120HOME MODIFICATION PROGRAM ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB121$DHS-HOME MODIFICATIONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB186ACCESS TO PUBLIC HEALTH DATASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB187PESTICIDES-NEONICOTINOIDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB203PESTICIDES-PENALTIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00626/9/2023
SB242EVICT-IMPOUND FILE-DISMISSALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB243GENDER VIOLENCE-EMPLOYER DUTYSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB244HOMESTEAD EXEMPTIONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1294DHS-DIAPER ALLOWANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1346PROBLEM-SOLVING COURT TRANSFERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1497NURSING HOMES-RESIDENT CONSENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04898/4/2023
SB1498DHFS-NONCITIZEN W/DISABILITIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1499COMPANION ANIMAL-FORFEITURESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04908/4/2023
SB1824PEN CD-IMRF-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04648/4/2023
SB1825PEN CD-IMRF-ANNUITY SUSPENSIONSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB1826AGING-SUSPICIOUS DEATHSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2023
SB1827WORKPLACE SAFETY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2032AGING EQUITY ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2033PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2034CHILD EXTENDED BEREAVEMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04668/4/2023
SB2197CD CORR-DJJ OMBUDSMAN-CTY JUVSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03977/28/2023
SB2319JOB OPPORTUNITIES-STATUSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2375NURSING HOME CARE-VIOLATIONSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2376ADMIN HEARING-LANGUAGESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2405YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCILSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2546$DIAPER ALLOWANCESSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SB2560$DPH-OCESReferred to Assignments3/30/2023
SB2568SCH CD-RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2582CRIMINAL-PROSTITUTIONSReferred to Assignments5/18/2023
SB2758PROBATE-MARRIAGE OF WARDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB2876SOLID WASTE-EVENT FACILITIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09278/9/2024
SB2877ADMIN PROC-LANGUAGE ASSISTANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2893PRESCRIPTION DRUG IMPORT ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2896INS CD-BEHAVIORAL HEALTHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2913PEN CD-IMRF-ANNUITY SUSPENSIONSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2914PEN CD-IMRF-ELECTED OFFICIALSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2915PEN CD-IMRF-DEATH BENEFITSReferred to Assignments1/26/2024
SB2984$PUBLIC HEALTH-CLINICSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3100LANDLORD RETALIATION ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3208WAGE PAYMENT-PAY STUBSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09538/9/2024
SB3209PROP TX-CHARITABLE EXEMPTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09548/9/2024
SB3210OPIOID ANTAGONIST FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3279IEMA-GROUNDWATER-LOCALSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09658/9/2024
SB3519PRETREATED SEED BAN-ETHANOLSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3520MEDICAL-LASER HAIR REMOVALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3521DHS-DHFS-BEHAVIORAL HEALTHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3522MEDICAID-COMM MENTAL HLTH CNTRSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3523PROSTITUTION-NAME CHANGESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3560HIGHR ED-MANUFACTURING SCHOLARSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3629CRIM PRO-VACATE SENT-IMMIGRANTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3680LOCAL CRIME-FREE HOUSING ORDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3762LANGUAGE EQUITY AND ACCESS ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07238/2/2024
SB3763REPEAL REYES SYN REPORTING ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10438/9/2024
SB3764DHS-DIRECT SUPPORT-RATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3779SOCIAL WORK-OPIOID ANTAGONISTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10488/9/2024
SB3780MEDICAID-NONOPIOID MEDSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3781NONOPIOID ALTERNATIVES ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3812$ISAC-SCH SOCIAL WORKERSReferred to Assignments2/20/2024
SB3987PRENATAL SYPHILISSReferred to Assignments11/12/2024
SR22SOCIAL WORK MONTHSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR108LIMB LOSS AWARENESS MONTHSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR135TNBC AWARENESS MONTHSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SR221PALETEROS DAYSResolution Adopted5/3/2023
SR530MEMORIAL-JANET SIKMASResolution Adopted10/26/2023
SR865LATINAS IN GOVERNMENTSReferred to Assignments3/21/2024
SR976SISTER CITY PARTNERSHIP DAYSReferred to Assignments5/6/2024
SR977DAY OF THE REBOZOSResolution Adopted5/8/2024
SR1281CONGRATS-SYLVIA PUENTESResolution Adopted11/21/2024
SJR38SOCIAL WORK LICENSE TASK FORCESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SJR63SISTER CITY PARTNERSHIP DAYSReferred to Assignments5/13/2024
HB255CONSERVATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07888/14/2024
HB1166PROCUREMENT-EQUAL PAYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB1363GENDER VIOLENCE-EMPLOYER DUTYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02827/28/2023
HB1370SOLID WASTE-EVENT FACILITIESSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB1557LIQUOR-OPIOID ANTAGONIST/MUSICHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00206/9/2023
HB1615NURSE WORKFORCE CENTER-SURVEYSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02857/28/2023
HB2039ACCESS TO PUBLIC HEALTH DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04238/4/2023
HB2365SOCIAL WORK-EXAM ALTERNATEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04338/4/2023
HB2469SCH CD-DRESS CODE POLICYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB2526OPIATE ANTAGONIST FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB2539LOCAL GOV-COMPENSATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03187/28/2023
HB2767CD CORR-DJJ OMBUDSMAN-CTY JUVSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB2860AGING-SUSPICIOUS DEATHSSReferred to Assignments3/23/2023
HB3050ADMIN HEARING-LANGUAGESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3060LIFE CARE FACILITIES-HOME CAREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03327/28/2023
HB3116SCH CD-STAFF TRAINING-HOMELESSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00416/9/2023
HB3222LANGUAGE EQUITY & ACCESS ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/26/2023
HB3233FIN-DONATIONS TO IL DREAM FUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03387/28/2023
HB3249PUBLIC SAFETY-HEALTH INSURANCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03407/28/2023
HB3521INS-SURPLUS LINE/FARM MUTUALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08038/9/2024
HB3613SCH CD-OXYGEN TANKHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01966/30/2023
HB4357MEDICAL-LASER HAIR REMOVALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08148/9/2024
HB4410CRIMINAL-PROSTITUTIONSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB4475INS CD-BEHAVIORIAL HEALTHSReferred to Assignments4/24/2024
HB4720HIGHER ED SAVINGS-MEDICAIDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06047/1/2024
HB4768LANDLORD RETALIATION ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08318/9/2024
HB5172ADMIN HEARINGS-INTERPRETERSHPassed Both Houses11/20/2024
HB5218CNA EXAM IN SPANISHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06957/19/2024
HB5296DNR-MONARCH ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07047/19/2024
HB5355NONOPIOID ALTERNATIVES ACTSReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB5457REGULATION-ESL EXAMSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07157/19/2024
HB5488LEGACY TREES TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08638/9/2024
HJR53SFC O. THOMPSON MEMORIAL HGWYSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
HJR54PFC W. HILL MEMORIAL HGWYSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
HJR55SSG R. HERREID MEMORIAL HGWYSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
HJR56SFC T KATSOOLIAS MEMORIAL HGWYSReferred to Assignments5/14/2024
HJR69WORK PERMITS-IMMIGRANTSHAdopted Both Houses5/26/2024
Totals   SB: 60   SR: 9   SJR: 2   HB: 32   HJR: 5   

Villanueva, Celina
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB126EQUITABLE RESTROOMS-ALL-GENDERSReferred to Assignments1/24/2023
SB195PROBATE-GUARDIAN APPOINTMENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04758/4/2023
SB291SECURE JOBS ACTSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB292CHARTER SCH-UNION NEUTRALITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB334EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB335HUMAN RIGHTS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB336REVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB337EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB338EDUCATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB462EDUCATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08778/9/2024
SB805REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB859STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08898/9/2024
SB1317FAILURE TO APPEAR-NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1318EPA-CIVIL PENALTIESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1319BUSINESS-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1320PROP TX-COPIES OF LEASESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1321PROP TX-DESCRIPTIONSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1322PROP TX-INCOME PROPERTYSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1323EPA-ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICESReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1324IMMIGRATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1344COVERAGE-ABORT/HORMONE/HIVSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04628/4/2023
SB1345SCH CD-NONCITIZEN-BD ELECTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1490REGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2023
SB1561SMOKE FREE ILLINOIS-E-CIGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05518/11/2023
SB1600DHFS-DHS-DIRECT SUPPORT WAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1601HEALTH DATA PRIVACY-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1675PROP TX-RELIGIOUS PROPERTYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05558/11/2023
SB1823EPA-ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1907EDUC-EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04658/4/2023
SB1908WAREHOUSE WORKER PROTECT ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB1909DECEPTIVE PRACTICE-PREG CENTERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02707/27/2023
SB1963USE/OCC TX-CROSS REFERENCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00096/7/2023
SB2062HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2066HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2067CRIM CD-ACCOUNTABILITY OFFENSESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2068MWRD-ELECTRONIC REPORTINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2069LIQUOR-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2070LIQUOR-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2088MEDICAID-MCO-CLAIMS PAYMENTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2129CD CORR-EARNED REENTRYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2307COMMERCIAL DATA COLLECTOR TAXSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB2308HIGHER ED-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2309HEALTH-TECHSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2310HEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2311CD CORR-RELEASESReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2312INS-IL EASY ENROLLMENT PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2313EDUC-FAILURE TO FUNDSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2314SAFE PATIENT LIMITS ACTSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2315INC TX-STANDARD EXEMPTIONSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments12/10/2023
SB2378PROPERTY TAX CODE-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2379COUNSEL-IMMIGRATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01096/27/2023
SB2423DHFS-KIDNEY CARE-NONCITIZENSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2550CANNABIS REG-CRAFT GROWERSSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
SB2629OPEN SPACE-DISTRESSED LOC PROJSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2633FIREARMS-DOMESTIC VIOLENCESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2756LIQUOR-DISTILLERS-VARIOUSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3080HEALTH DATA PRIVACY ACTSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3081HIGHER ED-TRANSFER-FEE WAIVERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09368/9/2024
SB3272WAREHOUSE WORKER PROTECT ACTSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3273INC TX-SCHOLARSHIPSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3396PROP TAX-EQUITYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3397HIGHER ED-FOR PROFIT-MAP GRANTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3398STILLBIRTH CERTIFICATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3399DHFS-DHS-DIRECT SUPPORT WAGESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3400CRIM CD&CD CORR-ACCOUNTABILITYSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3434IEMA-OHS-GRANT PROGRAMSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09998/9/2024
SB3625UNRELIABLE STATEMENTS-INTERROGSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3626CHILD CARE COLLABORATION PROGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3700TRAFFIC OFFENSE-NOTICE-DEFAULTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3805OFF OF ECON EQUITY AND EMPOWERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/12/2024
SB3806FILM TAX-WORKFORCE FUNDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3807BUILD ILLINOIS ACT-LOAN LIMITSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10518/9/2024
SB3935UTIL-2050 HEAT DECARBONIZATIONSReferred to Assignments4/29/2024
SR213EQUAL PAY DAYSReferred to Assignments4/25/2023
SR538CONGRATS-MUJERES LATINASSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR539CONGRATS-WILLIAM MCNARYSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR774EQUAL PAY DAYSResolution Adopted3/12/2024
SR947MEMORIAL-REV. WALTER COLEMANSResolution Adopted5/2/2024
SR948RECOGNIZE-WORKING BIKESSResolution Adopted5/17/2024
SJR68ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHResolution Adopted11/13/2024
HB277COURTS-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07898/9/2024
HB581REGULATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07848/7/2024
HB1120CHARTER SCH-UNION NEUTRALITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04168/4/2023
HB1168SEXUAL ASSAULT EVIDENCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07928/14/2024
HB1286EQUITABLE RESTROOMS-ALL-GENDERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05188/11/2023
HB1397CRIM CD-COERCIVE CONTROLSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
HB2041HIGHER ED-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02887/28/2023
HB2442SCH CD-SUBSEQUENT ENDORSEMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01576/30/2023
HB2507ROTA-PAYMENT AGREEMENTHBill Dead - No Positive Action Taken - Amendatory Veto11/8/2023
HB2547WAREHOUSE WORKER PROTECT ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB2756MASSAGE LICENSE-DV CONTINUE EDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00396/9/2023
HB2898HIGHER ED-MONETARY AWARD PROGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05368/11/2023
HB3133MWRD-ELECTRONIC REPORTINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03347/28/2023
HB3299BEP-NOT-FOR-PROFIT-WORKFORCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3595EPA-ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/26/2023
HB4636PROP TX-SETTLEMENT/VALUATIONHPassed Both Houses11/20/2024
HB4677CAREGIVER ASSISTANCE RESOURCESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB4951NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERT TAXHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05926/7/2024
HB5239REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH-INTERSTATEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07868/7/2024
HB5285PROBATION-CONVICTION-JUDGMENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07027/19/2024
HB5370VEH CD-EMERGENCY/CONSTRUCTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07117/19/2024
Totals   SB: 73   SR: 6   SJR: 1   HB: 21   

Villivalam, Ram
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB157PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION BONDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB164INCOME TAX-EMPLOYMENT CREDITSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB165NOTARY PUB-NOMINATING PAPERSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB166LIQUOR-SELF CHECKOUT STANDSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB167KOSHER & HALAL FOODSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/11/2023
SB169IEMA-EMERGENCY SECURITY GRANTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB170TRANSIT RIDING PRIVILEGES/FARESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB171USE/OCC TX-DIAPERS AND FORMULASRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB204TOBACCO LICENSING NEAR SCHOOLSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB214DISABILITY ILLNESSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00636/9/2023
SB215PROGRESSIVE DESIGN-BUILDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB306AUTONOMOUS VEH REQUIREMENTSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB307CANNABIS TRANSPORTING LICENSESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB308BEP-DISADVANTAGED PERSONSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB309STUDENT LOANS-TEACHER FORGIVESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB340CONSUMER FRAUD-RECEIPTSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2023
SB424CRIMINAL LAW-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03707/28/2023
SB457EDUCATION-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB461EDUCATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08768/9/2024
SB496ELECTIONS-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee5/24/2024
SB849STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04618/4/2023
SB861STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB898TRANSPORTATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08918/9/2024
SB1234FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1366MUNI CD-LEAD INSPECTIONSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1375CORPORATE GIVEAWAYS COMPACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1404MEDICAID-TELEHEALTH-ID/DDSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1428$DHS-SEXUAL HEALTH EDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1429$CMAP-VARIOUS FUNDINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1430PUB AID-GENERAL ASSISTANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1431DHFS-NURSING ASSISTANT PRGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/10/2024
SB1432$DHS-CHILD CARE PROGRAMSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1700DCEO-E-BIKES REBATESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1701SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04948/4/2023
SB1703VEH CD-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB1704MECHANICS LIEN-WRITTEN NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1797WORD CHANGE: CHILD CARESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1981AERONAUTICS-DRONE REGULATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2019UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE-APPEALSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2020PROP TX-SALE IN ERRORSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2021ELECTIONS-NOMINATION FILINGSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2022SCHOOLS-FOOD-SCOVILLE SCALESReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2023ELEC CD-VOTER REG APPLICATIONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2049MECHANICAL INSULATION AUDITSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2050VEH CD–CALI EMISSION STANDARDSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2051VEH FRANCHISE-RIGHT OF REFUSALSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2052SCH CD-MINIMUM EMPLOYEE SALARYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2053EARLY CHILDHOOD WORKFORCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2054CAR-SHARING PROGRAM-OWNERSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2055MICROSTAMPING FUNDING PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2083CO-RESPONDER UNIT-SKOKIE PDSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2188USE/OCC TX-MEDICAL EXEMPTIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2189IDOT-CONSULTATION PAYMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2190IDOT-BONUS FOR STUDENT LOANSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2191INS-HEALTH BENEFITS/FAMILYSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2192PROCUREMENT-BID NOTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05588/11/2023
SB2193LIQUOR-BREWERY SHIPPERSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2280LABOR-WORK-RELATED NOTICESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2281CANNABIS TRANSPORTATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2282INC TX-ENGINEERING STUDENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2283PRO STEEL ERECTION LICENSE ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2284TELEHEALTH-RULES-ACUPUNCTURESReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2285CRIM CD-AIRBAG FRAUDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09008/9/2024
SB2394VEH CD-TOWINGSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2395PROP TX-INTEREST RATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2396SCHCD-MANDATE REVIEW COMMITTEESReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2397STANDARD ID-DOCUMENTATIONSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2398PEN CD-MEABF-METRO PIER & EXPOSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2399VEH-CD-SALVAGE CERTIFICATESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2400LABOR DISPUTE-VIOLATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2401LABOR DISPUTE-DAMAGESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2402CHILD CARE PROGRAM-$1 CO-PAYSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2403DOM VIOLENCE-TRANSPORTATIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2404HIGH ED-IN STATE TUITIONSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2424LAND ACQUISITIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05118/4/2023
SB2425CONCEALED CARRY-FOREST PRESERVSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2426HIGHER ED-EXONERATED GRANTSHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee4/28/2023
SB2427DFPR-HEALTH CARE CULTURAL COMPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2428PERSONNEL CD-BILINGUAL PAY SUPSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB2429SUSTAINABILITY DISCLOSURESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2430LABOR RELATIONS-REFUSE BARGAINSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/31/2023
SB2540$DHS-TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCESReferred to Assignments3/7/2023
SB2559$IEPA-LEAD SERVICE LINESSReferred to Assignments3/29/2023
SB2653OPERATING ROOM SAFETY ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/19/2024
SB2675SCH CONSTRUCT-EARLY CHLD GRANTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07598/2/2024
SB2676$NEIU-OCESReferred to Assignments1/10/2024
SB2702FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTORSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07618/2/2024
SB2800DHFS-RENAL DIALYSIS PAYMENTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB2801AIRPORT AUTH-BD COMPENSATIONSReferred to Assignments1/17/2024
SB2925ELEC CD-ELECTRONIC REGISTERSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2943$ST BD ED-COMMUNITY LEARN CTRSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3092SCH CD-EMPLOYE TRAUMA TRAININGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3093ROTA-LIQUOR RETAILERSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3358LIQUOR-DISTILLERY SHIPPERSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3383ELEC CD-SCHOOL POLLING PLACESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3384$DHS-SEXUAL HEALTH EDSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3386ABOVE-GROUND POOL STANDARDSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3387DHS-CHILD CARE ASSISTANCESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3388$CMAP-VARIOUS FUNDINGSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3389REGIONAL PLANNING ACT-CMAPSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09868/9/2024
SB3462ILLINOIS GUARANTEED INCOME LAWSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3465SUPPORTIVE LIVING STAFF RATIOSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3466MEDICAID-PAYMENTS-CNA HOURSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/3/2024
SB3467SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATH ASSISTANTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10048/9/2024
SB3468WHISTLEBLOWER ACT-VARIOUSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3556SMALL BUSINESS SECURITY GRANTSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3557$SMALL BUSINESS SECURITYSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3558TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT PROGRAMHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3619SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT NOTESReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3620UNSOLICITED PROPOSALSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3647LABOR RELATIONS-REFUSE BARGAINSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3651REVENUE-ELECTRIC VEHICLESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3712PROCUREMENT COMMUNICATIONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3715CONDO-BOARD POWERS AND DUTIESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3734ATHERECTOMY INFORMED CONSENTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SB3735PERSONNEL RECORDS REVIEWSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3736ELEC CD-VOTER REG APPLICATIONSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3737REPORTING LOST&STOLEN FIREARMSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3771HIGHER ED-EXONERATED GRANTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10468/9/2024
SB3772PROGRESSIVE DESIGN-BUILD ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3774OMA-MINUTES OF CLOSED MEETINGSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3775VEH CD-VARIOUSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-10478/9/2024
SB3798PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNER-NOTICESSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB3923$EARLY CHILDHOOD ACCESS EQUITYSReferred to Assignments4/10/2024
SB3936CLEAN&EQUITABLE TRANSPORTATIONSReferred to Assignments5/1/2024
SB3937METROPOLITAN MOBILITY AUTH ACTSReferred to Assignments5/1/2024
SB3938$METRO MOBILITY AUTHORITYSReferred to Assignments5/1/2024
SB3942$IEMA NOT-FOR-PROFIT GRANTSReferred to Assignments5/1/2024
SB3950IEMA-GRANT ADV-NOT-FOR-PROFITSReferred to Assignments5/10/2024
SB3973REPORTING LOST&STOLEN FIREARMSSReferred to Assignments10/11/2024
SR77MEMORIAL-HARRY KINOWSKI JR.SResolution Adopted2/16/2023
SR193GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAYSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR225SIKH HERITAGE MONTHSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
SR278AAPI HERITAGE MONTHSResolution Adopted5/19/2023
SR541REVISE RETENTION POLICYSReferred to Assignments10/24/2023
SR570MEMORIAL-ARNOLD REYMERSResolution Adopted11/9/2023
SR775RECOGNIZES-LUNAR NEW YEARSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR868SUPPORT-M/WBE & DBE PROGRAMSSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR883GANDHI YOUTH MISSION DAYSResolution Adopted5/25/2024
SR993CONGRATS-IFRPSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
SR1188MEMORIAL-M. M. ALI MOHAMEDSResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SR1286HINDU HERITAGE MONTHSReferred to Assignments11/13/2024
SR1287DIWALI DAYSReferred to Assignments11/13/2024
SR1288MEMORIAL-EVIN AGASSISResolution Adopted11/13/2024
SJR20RECOGNIZES-ASSYRIAN GENOCIDESReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SJR52ADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses3/14/2024
HB340EDUCATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06527/22/2024
HB1187IEMA-EMERGENCY SECURITY GRANTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04188/4/2023
HB1342TRANSIT RIDING PRIVILEGES/FAREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02817/28/2023
HB1371SCH CD-JUNIOR COLOR GUARDSReferred to Assignments3/21/2023
HB1626FIRE DIST-COMPETITIVE BIDDINGSReferred to Assignments3/24/2023
HB1628LANDLORDS-ELECTRONIC PAYMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01326/30/2023
HB2068TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02917/28/2023
HB2091SOS-AGE FOR DRIVING TESTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01406/30/2023
HB2104SCH CD-WATER SAFETY EDUCATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-056712/8/2023
HB2147PEN CD-TRS & RECIPROCAL ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05258/11/2023
HB2235SCH CD-TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04308/4/2023
HB2450SURG ASSIST/TECH TITLE-MISCHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05318/11/2023
HB2550TELEHEALTH-TREAT UNI STUDENTSReferred to Assignments3/27/2023
HB2624COURT DOCUMENT ACCESSIBILITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01666/30/2023
HB2717MORTGAGE ESCROW-COMPLIANCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03227/28/2023
HB2782SUSTAINABILITY DISCLOSURESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03247/28/2023
HB2829HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03267/28/2023
HB2907LABOR DISPUTE-DAMAGESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00406/9/2023
HB3017DCEO-BUSINESS ASSIST REFORMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05388/11/2023
HB3046EPA-EFFLUENT REUSE RULESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08018/9/2024
HB3126VEH-CD-SALVAGE CERTIFICATEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00426/9/2023
HB3149VEH CD-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01796/30/2023
HB3396LABOR DISPUTE-VIOLATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00456/9/2023
HB3424GENERAL ASSISTANCE-TOWNSHIPHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01926/30/2023
HB3516EMPLOYEE ORGAN DONATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04508/4/2023
HB3522EDUC-GLOBAL SCHOLAR CERTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03527/28/2023
HB3643SCH CD-IEP-VOTER REGISTRATIONHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken11/8/2023
HB3690SCH CD-EMPLOYEE TRAININGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05428/11/2023
HB3707ICC-TOW CONSUMER COMPLAINTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-01996/30/2023
HB3715MENA DISPARITY STUDYSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments4/28/2023
HB3733LABOR-WORK-RELATED NOTICESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02016/30/2023
HB3763PERSONNEL RECORD REVIEWHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07278/2/2024
HB3768UNIFORM RACIAL CLASSIFICATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-04148/4/2023
HB3882STANDARD ID-DOCUMENTATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02106/30/2023
HB4075VEH CD-RELOCATOR PERMIT FEESReferred to Assignments4/30/2024
HB4141ENERGY ASSISTANCE PAYMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06637/19/2024
HB4196VEH CD-ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUSESSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB4365VEH CD-DEFENSE SERVICE PLATESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06737/22/2024
HB4622SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT NOTESReferred to Assignments4/19/2024
HB4653SCH CD-EMPLOYE TRAUMA TRAININGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06037/1/2024
HB4742ORGAN DONATION-PART TIMESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB4804UNPLANNED WATER SUPPLY DISRUPTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08338/9/2024
HB5023EVICTION-IMPOUNDING COURT FILESPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5085EMS ACT TRAINING & CURRICULUMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06897/19/2024
HB5164NAME CHANGE-PUB CHANGES-FEESSPlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading November 21, 202411/20/2024
HB5189VEH CD-REPORTS-RAIL FATALITIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08528/9/2024
HB5258INS-DEPENDENT PARENT COVERAGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07007/19/2024
HB5277TRANSIT-TO-TRAILS PROGRAMSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
HB5288VEH CD-100 CLUB SPECIAL PLATESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-08558/9/2024
HB5325VEH CD-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07067/19/2024
HB5369CAREER AND WORKFORCE-MASONRYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07107/19/2024
HB5459UTIL-WATER USAGE DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07167/19/2024
HB5479PROGRESSIVE DESIGN-BUILD ACTSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
HB5502REAL ESTATE-FLIPPINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07197/19/2024
HB5507GENDER IDENTITY-CORRECT INFOHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06107/1/2024
HB5530PHARMACY PRACTICE-INJECTIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-06127/1/2024
HJR57MINIMUM ESP SALARY STUDYHAdopted Both Houses5/26/2024
HJR70AAPI HERITAGE MONTHSResolution Adopted5/26/2024
Totals   SB: 130   SR: 14   SJR: 2   HB: 56   HJR: 3   

Walker, Mark L.
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB458EDUCATION-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB867STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee5/31/2024
SB3704DNR LAND TRANSFER-DEKALB COSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
Totals   SB: 3   

Wilcox, Craig
Bill #ABR - Short DescriptionChamberLast ActionLast Action Date
SB132DFPR-WAIVE ACTIVE MILITARY FEESRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments5/17/2024
SB198TWP CODE-SOLAR/WIND FACILITIESSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB238BUSINESS ENTERPRISE-VETERANSSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB271USE/OCC TAX-MOTOR FUELSReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB274VEH CD-REG FEES-VETERANS-WAIVESReferred to Assignments1/31/2023
SB1155REVENUE-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2023
SB1161SAFETY-TECHSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB1359DOM VIOLENCE-ORDER-EXPUNGESReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1369OFFICE OF OUTDOOR RECREATIONSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1370FUEL GAS DETECTOR ACTSReferred to Assignments2/6/2023
SB1372DOG TRAINING LICENSE ACTSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/10/2023
SB1573EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1574EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1575EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1633TWP MEETING-ADVISORY QUESTIONSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2023
SB1821PROCUREMENT-SMALL BUS-VETERANSPursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments6/26/2024
SB2005HOUSING-VET PREFERENCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02476/30/2023
SB2016HIGHER EDUCATION-FEE INCREASESSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2046FOIA OFFICERSSReferred to Assignments2/9/2023
SB2203REVENUE-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB2332FOIA-PUBLIC BODY OFFICIALSSReferred to Assignments2/10/2023
SB3074VEH CD-REG FEES-VETERANS-WAIVESReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3103TWP CODE-SOLAR/WIND FACILITIESSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3118FOIA-PUBLIC BODY OFFICIALSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3123DOM VIOLENCE-ORDER-EXPUNGESReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3129FOIA OFFICERSSReferred to Assignments2/2/2024
SB3266OFFICE OF OUTDOOR RECREATIONSReferred to Assignments2/6/2024
SB3290EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3291EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3292EMPLOYMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3303TWP MEETING-ADVISORY QUESTIONSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3363PROP TX-VETERANSSRule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments3/15/2024
SB3364USE/OCC TAX-MOTOR FUELSReferred to Assignments2/7/2024
SB3438REVENUE-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3461SCH CD-STUDY OF RECENT HISTORYSReferred to Assignments2/8/2024
SB3663FUEL GAS DETECTOR ACTSReferred to Assignments2/9/2024
SR219MEMORIAL-EDWARD J. BUSSSResolution Adopted4/27/2023
Totals   SB: 36   SR: 1